《Soul For Gaia》04. Dungeon For Stranger
Hello! Nice to meet you! Emeline here! Are you all in ggod condition? If the answer is Yes, then mine is a little different with you today. Well, it’s was not good and it could not be said to be bad either. Even so, I am now trying to walk out of this unstable condition. Hmmphh!
I'm currently located in the Dungeon along with Mr. Alien. Alien ... That a bizarre name and I could guess if that name was not the true name himself. However, I don't have a strong reason to ask his real name for now. He might have his own reasons to not say it, and I don't want to add more issue over which I already gave to him.
As I said just now, we are in a dungeon. I'm not really knowing the very details. But in general, Dungeon is a place where you could meet Demons. And from the book I read, this place was built upon the wisdom of the Gods. I am not so sure if this place need to be built. So I've asked this to my Father ...
“Father? Why the Gods created the Dungeon if only to swarm by Demons? Isn't it kind of a wastage?"
And my father reply,
"If there is no Dungeon dear, the Demons will appear anywhere and attack people everywhere"
Yes, the Demon is the real enemy for all people! They attacked without discrimination whether it is eldery or children, they are evil! And I would definitely get into details about this Dungeon as adults later.
Then why I was in these dangerous places with Mr. Aliens? ... This is all my fault. All starts from the arrival of the twelve Knights of the Norn Continent, they are looking for some people and ask for assistance from the Kingdom. Even the Mayor of our Town looks very nervous received a letter directly send by the Queen, this is very special case because usually the Minister’s or the Prime Minister is the one who do the job.
This Band of Knight’s is still very young, and they were led by two person Lady Eustella and Mr. Gabriel. Mr Gabriel is a man who doesn't talk much so it looks like Lady Eustella more dominant in giving orders, she is very cool and elegant with a smile that never comes off of her face so was easily favored by many people.
Lady Eustella stay at our Inn, of course Uncle Arban who advised it. She is very friendly and easy to talk to, we're become familiar in no time. And when I asked her for around town, she seems attracted to a certain sword. The sword was very expensive, reasonable if she doesn't have enough money to buy it. But Lady Eustella didn't give up, she decided to hunt in the Dungeon at once. And you know, she conquered a dungeon within one day of... wahhh!
However, the money she collected is still not enough to purchase the Sword, so she decided to go back to entering a different Dungeon the next day. This time she said that unlike yesterday which only prioritize in conquering the last guard on the floor, this time she wanted to sweep clean the entire Dungeon for maximum results. And you know what? This time Lady Eustella invite me participate and my dad allowed her, Dad said if 'Holy Child' has a strong destiny so it will be okay. I don't understand what the intent is, it doesn't matter because I am so happy at that moment.
Lady Eustella really very strong and cool, she defeated 5 Vile Demon alone and also kill an Arch Demon although receive quite serious injure at the end. But it was amazing! Her courage is amazing! I wanted to be a Knight like her if in the future. The Knights who accompanied her also not less remarkably, each of them strong enough to withstand a Vile Demon alone. It seems like each of them has different capabilities in key areas such as defense, attacker, and healing. Mr Gabriel is much better, on the last floor he requested no assistance in fight against three ... THREE Arch Demon! Although he also received serious injuries, but he managed to subvert 2 before the others joined in the battle. Mr. Gabriel also said if only the latter wasn’t top class Arch Demon, he definitely beat all three .
These Knight from Norn continent brings a unique tool, using some kind of special fragrances to collect the Demon in one place. It facilitate them in doing the hunting, because usually the hunter prefers to face the demon one by one. They also do not require the Lumost Altar for the Convention the Demon into a Crystal Soul, they simply collect the corpse in one place and then using a spell card. They use a spell card called ' soul convert spell card ', Lady Eustella said every country in the middle continent has its own products which are strictly supervised. But only a handful of products from several countries are being sold freely between countries let alone brought in to a particular country, and Ishtora is one of the few among them who are exceptional because ownership can be traced. This is because the owner must report the use of spell cards on a regular basis to the Government, whether used or not. I don't quite understand about what is described by Lady Eustella, but it looks like it is part of a very tight regulations for dangerous goods ... Gee ... She's very cool when describing it to me.
Then the next day the Lady Eustella eventually buy sword of her desired, but bad things happen immediately. Due to massive poaching is done by Lady Eustella and her team yesterday, price of Crystal soul is being down. Many hunter feel unhappy for this, let alone with the quantity of Crystal soul brought by Lady Eustella it very much. From what I have heard, this will affect the price of the Soul Crystal for quite time. Some Hunter also complained about the existence of goods which they called ' illegal ' brought by a group of Lady Eustella, they also said, ' this is too one-sided, why you guys are too kind to foreingers? We also want to stuff it, at least one of what they've got! ' Arban's uncle looks to be more jaded in the face of complaints that doesn't seem to be finished in the near future.
Worry if a worse problem would arise, Lady Eustella and his group of Knights decided to get going early. Wahh... whereas I want spend longer time with them, but the Lady Eustella promised if she would come back to see me again someday. So, I will practice hard to be the cool Knight as well for that day comes.
A few days later a young man named Kain arrives at our Inn, from the stories I heard he got lost in the forest of Rosston for several days. Until then he was informed direction by a Trolls that live in that forest, he looked pretty tired when arriving at the Inn along with Uncle Arban. After resting overnight, finally we can have a chat in the morning. He's a good guy, I know that.
He is also said to want to hunt monsters in order to exercise his body, but it's quite difficult at the moment. Because guards routinely perform cleanup around the city, so the monsters did not dare to approach the city. Therefore, I advise if he want to hunt the monsters then he should further into the forest. But he turned it down because it will take quite a long time if done so, while he quite in rush. I told him about the dungeon which conquered Lady Eustella the other day, I said would take him there on the condition that if he brings me participate.
He certainly looks interested, but he objected to take me. He also said things that made me angry, he told me I should wait until I am an adult, at least 18 years old just like him! I am really mad that time. Not only his age is half of mine, but he also treated me like a child. With an irritated mind, I gave him the wrong dungeon maps ...
Hehehe~ He definitely got panicked when up in there and come back with a upset face, Yahh I will apologize later. This is enough, let this be a lesson for underestimate me. But ... He did not return until evening! In the morning my father also wondered where he went with luggage still in his room. Dad put up the face of worry. But, he’s also quite trusting with the Uncle Arban choose. Because Uncle Arban quite excellent pick strong people for being brought here, so the father waited until night because maybe he got lost again either where. But I am afraid! What if in the dungeon there are still quite a lot of the remaining Demon? Like where if the Demon was Arch Demon? and he he could not get out because the map I gave wrong? Too many bad presumptions appeared in my head, I was so freaked out and scared. I want to tell my dad and uncle Arban, but I am afraid if this will affect the later on to my future. I go trying to find aunt Ilajen and Miranda but they are not in the place, maybe they both were out looking for medicinal plants in the forests for the purposes of stores. Waaah what should I do?
I tried to stay calm and not panic, and I tried to persuade some of the Hunter that I know of to enter the dungeon. Of course I can't tell em the intent of my request, but everyone I ask as if in agreement give the same answer. And the worst thing is, my Dad heard about what I was working on. He instantly dragged and scold me that night at home, all I can do is only cry. And shortly thereafter Uncle Arban came with Mr. Alien.
Mr. Alien look like a nice person, he speaks politely to both of my parents. But is he strong? Arban's uncle who brought him so most likely so, but isn't Kain also came from the direction of Rosston? Hmmm I am so little doubt. For the moment I think follow him from behind is enought and waaah he defeated Jolt Wolf, not much of Hunters who can done that in the last few years. So I made up my determination and trying to talk to him, but he looks angry when out of the store and he also refused my request roughly. But despite his rough, what he says is a truth. I am lost ... I gave up and started to cry.
Somehow I found myself sitting in a Chair that is located in the Park in the City Center while eating ice cream, not far from me Mr. Alien also sit and enjoy ice cream. After talking for a bit, it looks like he agreed to help me. Although I feel he is not so happy with this, but I understand if this is the last chance for me so I will not ask for more. Anyway Mr. Alien is a good guy right? Although his attitude differently to my parents with my own, it does not change anything right? My mother once said if a man couldn't stand seeing a woman cry thats mean he was a good man. Hmm Mr Alien bought me ice cream after seeing me cry, he also undertakes the demand for me to go into this Dungeon. So he's a good guy right? ... but ...
“You fucking monkeys!!! Come here!!! I will neuter you guys one by one, until none of you all can not make a babies!!! You pest! "
He really foul-mouthed!
"Bwahahahaha! Die! Fools!!!"
He was massacring a bunch of Gremlin with a pretty brutal way, creatures like a mix between monkey and lizard that usually attack in groups. But only 4 of em, so be easily defeated. I mean, the Gremlin is the weakest Demon in this Dungeon. Lesser class Deamon who can be defeated by the magic of the first tier, I can also beat them ... My Pixie can. But it seems Mr. Alien got a little revenge with a lot of them, he's stab em many times with sword. There’s no need to overdo like this, right? He makes me scared... He's a good guy right?
“Oi lass! My arm is slightly injured here, quickly give me a cure!”
There is a small scratch wounds on his left hand ... but I guess it's not so bad that need healing magic.
"What else ye waiting for? Isn't it the duty of yours is healing!!? "
"Ye ... yess! "
“Uhh I started to feel afraid of him”
Currently we are in the fifth floor, we didn’t encounter any Demon on the floor 1 till 4. Seemingly I was right about this Dungeon and because we also did not find Kain in the fourth floor safe area, therefore we decided to go down to the next floor. Gremlin is the enemy that we've come across so far, and I also feel we will not experience a dangerous situation. But for now, this man is far more dangerous to me. I need something to melt the cold atmosphere here ... This tense feeling uhhh makes me uncomfortable.
"Umm ... Your sword ... "
"Hmm??? This sword made of Adamantite, why thy ask? Never seen it lass?"
"Of course I know"
Although our Dungeon around the Jansen Area was mostly just produced the Mythril, occasionally some Demon carrying diffrent magic ore. It's just that I am a bit curious of where that sword come. Because, from the Town till here. I do not seen Mr. Alien carries any weapon, he mosly dressed like tourists from Norn. Still, I do has a guess about this. I mean, Uncle Arban and his wife's also Lady Eustela and Lord Gabriel has the same case.
"Do you have the Carrier Ring? Is from there that sword came? "
"I see, you know about it? Yes ... This is called such, item that are very useful because it can carry up to 300kg with ease "
He said showed the ring that is in his left thumb.
"Potions are also included?"
I ask this because when I saw Lady Eustela and Lord Gabriel fight in the dungeon, they grip a Potion to drink and it gone quickly.
"Whatever that may be as long not living beings ... yahh ... of course there are always exceptions huhuhu HU"
He said it with a smirk on his face that he brought closer towards me ... He ... not a bad guy right?
"La. .. Lady Eustella also have it! She's really strong! "
Yes, Lady Eustella are looking for the bad guys you know, she will denounce you if you dare to make messes.
"Hmm? So this Eustella also have them? Hmm no no certainly not. Although this is rare stuff, anyone can buy it on the black market. Yeah, there’s many counterfeit goods... Which be scrap if used for few months, even weeks "
I don't know why he suddenly speak by himself while touching his chin, but I understand he was bad mouthing Lady Eustella.
"What you are talking about! Lady Eustella may not wear pseudo stuff! She was Honorable Knight who was sent by the Central Alliance in particular, she even able to buy a sword that no one else can buy it for decades! "
Just All of a sudden Mr. Alien shows a shocking face while staring at me for a moment, then he looks a bit hesitant but continue to ask.
"Are this Eustella you talking about is a woman look’s around my age with a height of about 170 cm tall and long curly brown hair also has slender body with big breasts?"
"...Yes ..."
"She has a mole under left eye and has pair of clear blue eyes, with a face that is rarely seen without smiles ...?"
Yes ... Lady Eustella Antiope! "
He paused for a moment and then asked with a serious face.
"Oi lass, does that bitch was still there in Town?"
"Umm no, she departed last week"
"Haaaah, okay"
"Are you a friend of Lady Eustella?"
"Hell NO ... I just know her because we went to the same Academy"
"You’re from Ishtora?"
If that so, then all is fine. Istora is a nation that part of the CALL(Central Alliance), a country that said ruled by Albion. Not only that, is a general knowledge if pure Albion hate slavery and struggle so that slavery was eliminated from the world. Many Nation trust Ishtora as a neutral State cause itsn’t a subject to one of the Gods, and also probably due to Ishtora has an advanced civilization in science that is higher than any country. In terms of military strength, Ishtora themselves are included in the big three on military power in the Alliance following Iscandar and Flaga Kingdom.
It’s also known as the the Country of Chosen, those who can and has the right to use the sacred Regalia. That's because many of the Chosen originating from this Country, or perhaps lots of Holy child was born here. And you know what, I hear Lady Eustella is one of the candidates who will wield the sacred Regalia, no wonder if Mr. Alien scared her. She is really cool, but wait...
"Umm... Mr. Alien. Are you a bad person?"
"Sure, I guess so"
"How come?"
"Because we’re cool badass"
He answered without staring at me and seemed more interested in the dungeon map in his hand.
"Me and my friends, I mean"
"Why cool badass?"
"Because if not cool while doing evil, its means nothing being evil"
"You mean?"
"Yahh, it like urinating in the middle of the outdoor public pool full of visitors at the middle of the summer break... of course without being discovered by anyone hahahaha"
For the last sentence he finally looked at me with a sly smile. ...
"... ??? You really done it? "
"Yahh it has expired at this time, they are use a specifically chemical stuff on water pool which will change the color of water if somewhat urine is mixed. So it was not possible to do nowadays, unless you're really brave or got deathwish"
"Umm ..."
"And What was popular at now days is to write a love letter to someone using the name of another person, with the same sex of course hahahahahaha"
"Sounds cheap ... hmph as I suspect, lady Eustella proved to be more cool!"
"Non sense, although many people refer her as the smiling maiden. But the truth is she was a snake, she’s much worse than the other. Poisons of hers made me suffer for many times! "
"Hey ... what with that look on yer eye’s? ahggggg never mind ... Let's go! "
Hehehehehe that’s have confirmed it. Mr. Alien is not a bad person after all, he's just a boy with a rant. My mother once said that ‘sometimes, it was woman duty to lead the man to the right path’ Hhmmm that's my work if so.
On the sixth floor we found a box ... more like a treasure chest. Of course I know if it was a demon. It is a demon box, if you open it then the demon inside will jump out to attack you. Usually, Hunter always throw something like bombs, Arrows, knives or magic to let the demons out and then killed it. But if that Lady Eustella, she will cut the box along with the demon inside. Afterward with a smile and one hand on her cheek, Lady Eustella would say.
“Ara ara ara seems like there's a demon on the inside, I'm sorry ~ Mr. Demon I can't see You"
She’s very cool!
And here Mr. Alien just walk casually toward the box.
“Mr. Alien it a Demon box ... "
"I know!"
Once close enough, he's kicking the box. The box open and suddenly a big cobra striking, but before the cobra bite his shoulder, somehow he move quickly as it disappeared. And then, he appears next to cobra and cut his neck.
"Yup, I still have good reflexes!"
I know it! It's called instan foot work’s or Accel, a way to get more advantages in battle. Of course, most of the Demons or should I say vile Demons above have fearsome strength, defense, and agility. Fast powerful attack movement or fast powerful magic chant is a normal requirement to fight them alone, otherwise it can be overwhelm by numbers. That's why most people hunt in groups.
"Mr. Alien are you a master class?"
"No, mine mana capacity still below 10,000. If you put in the classification of raw Mana, I'm on Advent experts! "
It looks like mastering it will not make you a Master class, but I heard most of the master Class can use it like uncle Arban and his wife's. While here I'm still on the bottom of primary, but Lady Eustella was a master herself. She was a geniune master class, she's so cool!
We went to the 7th floor right now, it doesn't look like a labyrinth on the upper floor- is more like a natural underground cave. There is lots of stone pillar supporting the roof and also a small river which flows in the middle. Not far from the river there is a stretch of bluegrass grows, the grass that did not exist when I was around last time.
Woah look, ‘Blue rose’ also grow at its Center, with it we can easily make 10 Fine Potion. I also see a lot of ' Blood mushroom ' in the corner of the maze on the way to this place, but Mr. Aliens not interested in picking and let it casually. Does that mean it's free? Although a little hesitant but I ventured to pick it up. Still, before I go treading on bluegrass,with his hand Mr. Aliens stop me.
“Wait lass, there are horses graze there"
Because my eyes were too fixated on the roses, I overlook the demon that also standing in the middle of it. It looks like a horse that walks with two legs, but has human-like hands and body. Sharp claws on both hands with height approximately 2m. From the catalog description that I read its was Keshi, a Vile Demon.
"Ho, a worthy opponent"
As if it doesn't have the same fear as I did, Mr. Alien advanced few steps forward with ease.
"Are you sure Mr. Aliens! You say Vile demon is troublesome! "
"Hmm? Yes ... Still, I don't mind fighting with two or three "
"Water Wall"
Keshi has suddenly come attacking us, his every move on the ground make the blue grass strewn in the air. With both hands as if wishing to squeezed us until pulverized, he was like a beast that was already sure can kill his prey. I'm in a reflex move back behind Mr. Alien, the fear that enlarged instantly got me shaking and grabbing onto his shirt. But with one sentence Mr. Aliens creating a wall of water as high as 3 m to 6 m width is not far from us, perhaps as a temporary barrier. But Keshi easily skip it with a single jump, and is now crashing over the top and down towards us.
"Not so fast horse face! ... wind wall"
With one hand Mr. Alien throwing Keshi with wind and pushed to the wall of water that he made previously, and suddenly the water wall freezes along with Demon inside.
"Wha ... uh?"
"Mix spell. Cast of wind and water to make ice, it’s common knowledge! "
"I know that! But why would you ... Mr. Aliens!!! "
The wall of ice broke, and Keshi jumps out towards Mr. alien with a daunting speed. Cause he looked at me while talking, make him full of opening. And as not wasted any opportunity, Keshi swung his sharp claws vertically to Mr. Alien chest. Mr. Alien seeming aware with just now, suddenly creating a fireball with his left hand and hit it on the eyes of Keshi.
Keshi jump back while close his face with both hands and without pause, Mr. Alien let out his sword and with agile move, he’s cut both his feet makes him flounder on the ground.
"Hola, that nearly. Sicher"
"Ya... luckily I have this shadow armour, techniques to create a solid black skin like orichalum"
I saw a black thing that covered his skin behind his torn clothes.
"But at the moment I can only cover the belly, chest and one arm. If that scum hit my neck, I'm definitely die hahahahaha! "
"This is not funny!"
He taking his own life easily, are he's stupid? Now he raised his sword with both arms and. ..
"Die furry dick!"
He kills the Demon with single stab with evil smile on his face, he look’s so evil at the moment.
“Mr. Alien... I think you should stop cussing... I mean... you know"
"Sorry lass, cool habits die hard"
He did not listen and stabs the demon several times again, maybe to make sure its really dead. Somehow with the situation present, I’m start give up to do anything. This Dungeon is really dangerous after all, maybe those people were right not to bring me hither. Mr. Alien seeming to ignore me and tryin to burn the demon corpse with... ... ... now... seeing what he doing. Suddenly there is a big question mark pop above my head.
"Mr. Alien, you can do magic without chanting spells?"
"What do you mean?"
He showed me three other rings on his right hand.
"Each ring has different elements of wind, water and Earth. I only call on the name of the installed spell on it and tadaa, miracle happen "
"Woah it's definitely really rare items"
"No, it's a really expensive items"
"You can buy it??? Along with ' the Carrier Ring '? "
"No lass, the carrier rings is not something anyone can buy. This is a gift "
Mr. Alien Show satisfied expression on his face, it was some gift from the quest?
"How can I get it?"
"HEH! Too bad lass! It's hard as hell! you need to become one of the top 10 in the national exam in Ishtora. And because many students come across the world to study in Ishtora, so it's technically the competitor of yours are the best students in the world! "
"Ehh why put like that??? It's nice stuff! "
"Yeah you're right! But more its useful that can also turn be more dangerous, people can steal more easily with this you know, carrying illegal and dangerous goods are very much possible. That is why our Government puts strict Regulation in the distribution of these items. And restrict only to those who are worthy, and that worthy person... is m! "
"Do you mean lady Eustella is a great person right!!? I know she's cool! "
"Then what do you do before that? You create a fireball without saying anything"
"You, I.. ahhh you damn lass! "
She showed a pain expression, what happened? Is he hurt?
"Do you need some healing Mr. Alien?"
"... No. ... about what you asked just now, is just like what you said before. This is a chatless magic"
He opened his left palm and suddenly the fire gathered there to make a spiral movement and creating fireballs, three times larger than before.
"If you know the form, quality, quantity and the mechanism of the spells then you can easily create it. Chantless magic also sign if someone mastering the spells and can manipulate it to become a more powerful over its tier, things you can't do with chanting spells or this spells ring"
He dumped the fireball into Keshi’s head and that fireballs explode ... the head was now gone.
"How can I know about this mechanism?"
"Practice makes perfect lass, if you keep chant for one magic spells you will easily feel the flow of mana. With the flow of mana you're going to be able to feel the magic pattern, if the pattern is already obtained only a mechanism of magic that run it for left to learn. Normally anyone could do it after 1 year, but for the practice of magic with a higher level of course need more time. All of that is for one spell. But if you're a genius ... that’s another question. That's why most people use the spells ring"
Of course, why would you wait for one year if you can buy today. It's quite logic.
"So? How much for a ring?"
"About 1000 Gald"
"That’s way too expensive!!!"
"Life can be expensive lass, especially for purchasing Greater class item! But I don't think you need this, you already have a Fairy on your side after all. How you get it? "
"Umm... when we reach the age of 30, we young Elf are invited to the village of Edda to get the blessing of the forest and made a pact with the spirit of nature"
"Edda? Isn't that the name of Town of yours? "
"Yes, made like that to confuse people ... Sorry I can only say this much, the rest is secret”
I shook my head few times. If outsiders know about the place, it could be dangerous for the Kingdom. The power of the spirit of nature can be horrible if it falls in the wrong hands, my mother told me that with a serious face.
"I see, huhuhuhu"
"What? What's so funny?"
"Nope, nothing "
Mr. Alien walked away with an evil smirk, I knew he was thinking something bad.
END of Emeline POV.
This lass really getting on my nerve, this Eustella that Eustella haaah seems like that bitch has washed her brain for good. Do you know what the bitch has done to me? Ahhhh my back suddenly ached, my body still in trauma. Besides my rank is way... ... why the hell I should be praised by a stupid lass. Piss on water pool eh... well I do that yes, but if you knows what the worse thing that I did. Bet you be piss on your pants, nahh that not someting I should be proud of.
But this is not all bad, I get important information here. Blessing of the forest eh? From what I hear from Arban and this lass, It looks like it's set in the forest of Lemerch. Indeed there were no monsters, but of which I experienced myself that place was really dangerous in many sense. Next time I will bring along Rozen with me, she's good at dealing with barrier magic and illusions. If the Forest God actually sleep there, then our answer is clear. I hope they are willing to negotiate like the folks at Darras.
Hmmp? What was she waiting for? Why did she not follow me? She was ...
"If you want to take that Blue Roses then hurry up, or I'll leave you here!"
"Really? Can I? "
I ignored her and went move, then she quickly pluck that flower with a happy expression ' hehehe ' . Blue rose is indeed quite rare find.
There no longer Demon can be seen around here, that Eustella really wipe them clean. Soon after we went to the eighth floor, the landscape changed back into the maze. According to the map, the others secure area are on the left. Somehow I want to know what kind of idiots who're fooled by this kid. He must realize that the map is false on the first floor and now we are here on the eighth floor. He's not dead yet because we don't meet any zombie on the way here.
I looked at my watch, it was already noon and I began to feel hungry. I took some appel of mine CR and give one to her. She says thank you, she also didn’t bring any food. Still needs more to learn lass, so watch me.
And then we found a magic barrier with a seal of Forest God blocks our way. Emeline use Crystal magic on near pedestal and the magic circle disappears, and the circles reappear a few seconds after we passed it. I let her do the work that made her feel useful, It's good for her growth.
After opening the large door in the back of the circle we safely arrived at the safe area. Actually I'd rather there be merchants operates here, but that might just be happening in Ishtora. Doing business even in the dungeon, we rocks!
This safe area is a room with a fountain at the middle of it ... that’s normal. A toilet ... it's necessary ... And a person who slept soundly on the ground ... that our Mr. Victim.
Yes our Mr. Victim here, sleeping with a snot balloon out of his nose. He is a blonde teenage with a decent light armour, I don't see his weapon. Does He lost it? It's the reason why he could not go out? He always be able to flee from the demon right? But still, sleeping with a smiling face sign he had a good dream. I don’t know why... I want to kick his ass.
"Kain! Kain! Wake up! "
Emeline shake him hard, and he then opened his eyes.
"Ahhh Emeline-chan... Good morning! "
‘It's already afternoon moron!’
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Dreams.I never thought much about them.Mostly for the point that I could never remember any of mine.And the bits and pieces that remain would never make sense.This is what dreams are like after all.Just some random mix, thrown together by an unstable mind to get over the stuff which bothered one during the day.At least that's what I thought.Until they turned against me.Twisted everything I knew and turned my whole existence into a nightmare.But the thing is... It's mine.
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8 68 - In Serial60 Chapters
A Path to Crown
A young man, who lived a horrible life, died, killed by the man he once admired. But life didn't forsake him and granted him a second chance on life.Plagued by his past, living with low self-esteem, can he succeed like this? Will he change to fight his inner demons, or will he fall at their hands?--------------------------------------------------Every Journey will begin with a single step into the unknown. We walk our path to reveal the darkness covering our Journey.At the end of our path, we will see a crown, the crown we created with our own hands. We shall crown ourself as Kings. Now is the time to decide if it will be a shabby crown full of regrets, or a glorious one! Choose, how will your's be?We can be proud we have walked our path in a way we desired.There shall be no fear of death, only the fear of the regrets we have at the end of our path.
8 260 - In Serial34 Chapters
Interstellar Warlock
Glyphnax had finally reached his ultimate goal, they had emancipated themselves from their infernal patron after centuries of servitude. The world was theirs for the taking and power akin to a god was within their grasp. And then a bunch of uppity adventurers ruined everything. One botched teleport spell later and suddenly Glyphnax, High Warlock of the 7th circle and master diabolist was floating in an endless cold void. It took them all their might to ensure that they did not die in that cold and airless space before they were knocked unconscious from the strain. Waking up from that was no blessing either as They suddenly where in a world of science and space travel. Magic has long since been disproven as a force in that universe and Glyphnax near god-level powers have been reduced to a mere shade of what they were before. Strange blue boxes with arbitrary numbers and statistics fill up his vision and his stranded on a strange ship manned by Humans and other weirder creatures. They now have to deal with the dangers of space, megalomaniacal courier corporations, ancient cyborg hordes and an overly concerned AI with abandonment issues. Content Warning: Swearing, Gory Violence Edit here is the Patreon for those of you who are willing to support my work. Hopefully, in time I can pay for a professional editor to fix what I write: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4699370
8 226 - In Serial135 Chapters
Cubits Can't Save You Now (In Progress)
A crossover between Pibby, Mixels, and many more. What had planned to be a relaxing camping trip for the Infernite Cousins had been completely flipped on its side and turned into a frantic attempt to survive a new foe, and it's nothing like any mixel has battled before. HØW WĮŁĻ ĪŤ ÊŅĐ??¿ WARNING: This contains spoilers to various episodes from various shows and some possibly intense scenes. This is not for young viewers.
8 131