《Gazei (A Monster Evolution LitRPG) How to Survive In Another World!》8.5. Page Information



There is a multitude of different races on the Earthly Plane, they were generally categorized into three main races, namely the "Human" race, "Demi-Human" race, and "Heteromorphic" race.

Humanoid Races

Consisting of sapient species, Humanoids are capable of interbreeding due to similar biologies. However, Humans being humans treat most others in this category as "demi-human" due to seeming similar but having obvious differences like horns, ears, height, or eyes. Humanoids also take all of their level-ups in Job Classes as they cannot have Racial Levels.

The most spread-out race and most splintered of the Earthly species, consisting of multiple factions and nations that not only fight the other races but each other as well.

Dwarf Human Amazon Elves Giants Dragoons (Humans that the mixed blood of all humanoid races (of course they do... we humans are freaky!) and have drunk the blood of dragons. (which is not easy.) Demi-Human Races

The race of cool monsters that are too human-like. With varied skin colours or physical attributes like Goblins, Ogres or Trolls (oh my). But some have partly upright postures with animal-like features like Tigermen, Minotaurs or Lizardmen, sometimes referred to as "Bestials." Demi-Humans have a balance of job to race class stats but also have a limitation to mana pool compared to Humanoids but have stronger physical stats.

Tigermen Bafolk Goblins → Trolls → Orc → Orge → Minotaur Centaur Lizardman Kobold Merfolk Heteromorphic Races

Also known as Inhuman or Monster Races, most of these races have features that appear only monstrous and can only appear human from abilities and skills.

Angels Demons Dragons

Vocations are the classes of the world. There are nine vocations that can be learned and are separated into three groups: Basic vocations of Fighter, Strider and Mage; the Advanced vocations of Warmaster, Shadow Lord and Archmage; and the Hybrid vocations of Mystic Paladin, Raven and Magick Gunner.


Known Ranks

A list of all known monsterRanks (Top left-Bottom right: Weakest-Strongest):

F- E- D- C- B- A- I- (Infamous Low) F E D C B A I (Infamous) F+ E+ D+ C+ B+ A+ I+ (Infamous High)

【〖Rank I (Infamous)〗】【A rank far higher than that of Rank A.】【Most monsters and objects with this rank are scarce and extremely rare.】【A monster can only reach this rank if Gods themselves are interested and grant their blessings.】

[Reputations Page]

Reputation is how others view you; it can be good, bad or even neutral. This page tells you about your reputation with individuals, groups, kingdoms and countries that know of you, but you can only see those that you know. Reputation changes based on actions, words, decisions and a multitude of different things, so this page will be very helpful in keeping track. There are different types of Reputations, and they each provide an advantage or disadvantage; the types will be explained below:

Exalted – The highest level of respect and love a person holds for another individual. Upon reaching this stage: Teamwork receives a +40% bonus, Discounts and Sales are at 10%, and if the Relationship meter is filled, then another +10%.

Honoured – A high level of respect and admiration a person holds for another. Upon reaching this stage: Teamwork receives a +25% bonus, Discounts and Sales are at 5%.

Friendly – A level where most people are with their friends, as the name suggests. Upon Reaching this stage: Teamwork receives a +10% bonus.

Neutral – They don't care about you; they might not even know you. This is the base level that everybody generally starts off at. No Advantages or Disadvantages.

Unfriendly – A level where you are disliked, but not so much that they will try to kill you. Upon reaching this stage: Teamwork suffers from a -15% loss.


Hated – A level where the person hates your guts. Upon reaching this stage: Teamwork suffers from a -25% loss, Increased Prices by 10% and a possibility of Denied Services.

At War – This person will try to kill you if you let even the slightest hint of weakness. Upon reaching this stage: Denied Services, all actions against these individuals gain a +30%, and if the Relationship meter is filled, then another +10%.


Dungeons are a way for individuals to fight and defeat monsters and beasts while gaining XP and loot from them. In this world, there are several dungeon types; the most commonly known and used are those that are created by the influence of the Gods. Normal individuals can enter these dungeons, fight and defeat monsters and obtain XP and loot from them. There also exists a boss chamber, where the boss of the dungeon spawns, and if certain conditions are fulfilled, then very high-ranked items could be obtained.


You can find this in the [Journal] window, and it will update the entry of each beast as you continue to discover more information.

Because you read a lot of vital information +3 MAG.

Because you actually learned from a lot of vital information +3 MAG.

Because you didn't bitch from readin' a lot of obvious vital information +3 MAG.

That's a lot of information, and look, this jackass makin' smoke at me... But who cares about that guy? My MAG stats is gettin' higher and higher.

[Congrats, you have reached 150 in MAG! YOu unlocked a new skill]

【Dragon's Aura (Passive/Active) LV: 1 (0%)】

The manifestation of your soul and your dragon core. Aura can be used for a wide range of abilities. Gives a passive, active effect; it creates a thin force field to protect you from harm.

-Passively increases all stats by 20%

- Grants a sixth sense of the world around them, allowing them to sense the presence, strength, and emotions of other people. It also grants limited precognitive abilities, allowing the user to sense their opponent's intentions and predict their actions and attacks before they happen. (Only works if they are weaker than you and won't work on enemies that are five levels above you).

- Grants the ability to unleash their own willpower to overpower the will of others. This results in victims being mentally overwhelmed by the user, with particularly weak-willed foes instantly losing consciousness. (Only works if they are way weaker than you and won't work on enemies that are five levels above you) Works well with ATT and MAG stats along with elemental pressure skill.

"Um boss?"

I turn away from readin' the very awesome skill to see Lianna next with a worried look on her face.


"Should we still keep going...?" She asked while looking onwards towards the pack of fire monsters that were running away from us.

"Yees... We need to kill them before the timer runs out again... I'm not doin' this shit again." I mentally closed the window and flew after the cowards.

"Now move it!"

"Yes, boyfriend boss!"

"You basic bitch... I already told ya that you shouldn'a never call me that!"

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