《Gazei (A Monster Evolution LitRPG) How to Survive In Another World!》3. Crystal


[You have slept on uncomfortable ground. And your MP AND HP will regen while sleeping]

Let it be known that never before in my life have I slept on rocks. Furthermore, I don't think that I will do it again. Also, this guy is an ass.

Anyway, I don't know how long I have slept as the Ashen Ironbark Forest doesn't have things like day and night. The Sky is cloudy all the time since I've been here. It makes me wonder how that even works. It's like a perpetual twilight with no sun to speak of.

Now that I am awake in my new Dino-bird body—I am still unsure how I feel about that—I should probably decide what to do next and what to do to survive.

Now, what do raptors and birds of prey like to eat again? Oh right, meat. So, let's go find some food.

The mass of land was far more expansive than I; I looked curiously at the world around me, seeing distant purple crystals and the heat of the clouded sky and jutting peaks that piqued my interest. What is that?

I had an inkling of an idea of what they could be: I could comprehend the rough concepts of these shapes, but their true nature evaded me. Nevertheless, I was captivated by it. I was drawn towards this strange, new world I had found myself in.

How am I supposed to find prey? Or more, what do I do when or if I ever come across humans?

Maybe I could just ignore everything and find some peaceful place to live the rest of my life in... But, haha, yeah, there is no way that I am doing that.

The next problem on the list is someone jackass in charge. Sooner or later, someone will try to kill me or control me. So, getting strong is a must for me.

I'm a dragon now... maybe I just became the strongest of them. What if I beat all of the ancient Dragons and create a legend of my own? When I always read stories about them, I always wanted to see if two beats like dragons king would fight each other.

Yes, that could be fun. Become the strongest, the best. Maybe even take control of the dragons and have them serve me!

[New Quest Obtained. Mission in Life. These missions have no time limit and are created when making goals that will change your life]

Become the strongest creature in the Dragon and Earth realms and become a Legend.



-Defeat all of the Ancient Monsters

-Become A Dragon King Candidate

-Defeat a Dragon King

-Start a horde.

-Have a Bounty

-Get the Humanization skill (unless you're into kind of thing kind... anyway you need babies so either get a harem or hire thots you can pipe down)

-Over 3,000,000,000,000 in treasure

-Prepare for the eventual arrival of the Demon Lords and their generals.

Rewards: A new Title, 10000000 EXP, Skill Book, 10 EP

Huh, I was kind of expecting it after my decision, but damn, woulda you look at those requirements? So now I must fight demons?


But before I do anything, there are still a few things that I need to do before I go hunting.

I stretched my body as I exited the small crack in the rocks. There are still two skills that I want to create before I leave, and they should work without using much mana.

First, I found an isolated place and tried to crouch with my current legs as best as possible. If I remember right, I should also roll around in the dirt as well to hide my scent. Then I waited in hopes that it would work. Finally, after some time, I heard a ping. I quickly opened the new notification and read.

[Even if it is not how you create that skill, I will give it to you. And no, you don't get a skill shop because you WILL break the system. An update has been applied to skills.]

Man, that's cap.

【Stealth (Active): Lv 1 (0%) 】

A skill that allows the user to hide their presence and form completely. Any creature would have trouble finding the user even if the user was standing in front of them, especially if their power is lower than that of the skill user or if they lack any skills to countermeasure the user.

2% smaller chances of getting detected when active. A person can nullify it with a higher level of stealth. Cost: 50% reduced movement speed when active]

【Obscure Presence (Active): Lv 1 (0%) 】

Allows the user to use mana to hide their presence more effectively. Cost 50 per minute.

Was I using mana? I know my mana pool is big but for me not to notice how much I was using was insane. Also, that rate is horrible. Might say 50, but to me could be 500 with my poor mana control.

【Hiding: Lv 1 (0%) 】

The basic level of hiding makes it harder for creatures to notice your presence and form.


So, an hour of me doing what my dad taught me when I was a human created three skills for me to use. Stealth was a practical skill, and I already knew that you could level up skills. Hopefully, I could possibly even evolve or advance them at a certain point.

So, my mans, can I evolve my skills later?

[Yes, most skills can be upgraded, advanced, and modified when reaching a certain milestone in said skill. Skills at some point might also be able to turn into other skills]

I see. So, if I levelled the hiding skill to a sufficiently high enough level or advanced it enough, I might even be able to turn it into the stealth skill, but the system wouldn't have givin' me Stealth and Hiding, and I know they are two different things.

Anyway, these three skills will be useful when I will need to get close to human settlements if I want to jack their shit from them. Still not sure if any humans exist in this world. I will probably try to level it up later by keeping it active. I wonder how well it will work when I am in the air—another thing to test later.

Now to create my second offensive ability. Hopefully, it would be better than dragon's breath.

Stupid damn skill. All that came out was me just yelling or bird yelling into the air with my bad breath blowin'.

No cap.

Enough of me bitchin', I took off into the sky and observed my surroundings for an acceptable target. Ultimately, I decided upon a weird-looking crystal that, in my opinion, should get destroyed quite easily.

Sure, it was glowing brighter and had symbols on it. But...

Imma risk it.

Even then, I was a bit scared that I would take too much damage with my next action, so I reduced the distance between me and the crystal before I rushed at it head-on.

I hit the crystal at my full speed, and thankfully it shattered to pieces. Unfortunately, I also lost almost half of my HP, but it was fine as I heard another ping.

[You created a new skill.]

【Rhino Rampage (Active): Lv 1 (0%) 】

Charge at the single enemy that's away from you. The bigger the distance, the higher the damage. With levelling this skill, you deal more damage at a more negligible cost—the basic skill of a Wu Hatchling.

Cost: The amount of MP or HP used depends on the distance. Minimal cost: 10 MP/HP

- Damage can be increased with ATT, DEF, and MAG]

The moment I hit the weird crystal, my entire body froze. I didn't even have the time to read my new skill. But I did notice the cost.

I was locked in place by some unknown force as the crystal shards sank into my skin, releasing a dark-red glow that only became stronger with each fragment seemed to fuse with my feathers; until suddenly, the ground where I tackled the crystal shook and with a thundering boom of dark energy which sent me sprawling back, thrown through the air and landed on the floor.

This whole me crashing into hard dirt really needs to stop.

Stunned from both the crystal effects and the abrupt end of my unwilling momentary falling flight, I barely noticed the many notifications flaring up in my mind. Getting used to fall damage, my groggy attention still met the bare minimum attention needed to call forth all the screens awaiting my perusal.

Great the fall damage is making me sound like a damn nerd.

[You have been exposed to high concentrations of a Higher Energy - Demonic: taking measures...

You have been exposed to the Higher Source of (Wu) Hellfire - 【Demonology: Lv 1 (0%】, taking measures...]

[You Gain 2 EP and +10 MAG and ATT

[New Quest Obtained]

Travel to Hellfire Isle to control your new found power. But, be careful; even if it is a small island, you can still be killed. Also, how lucky are you to touch a Demonic Arch crystal, break it, and NOT die!


-1500 EXP

-1 Skill Book

-1 EP

-5 stat points

I sighed and closed the window and just rested my body. Next time I won't break any more glowing shizz as I was thinking that, my heavy eyelids. I swear I'm hearing something next to me.

Then there I saw a hideous face that was looking at me. I think? This is the conclusive evidence that made me think I should really start thinking before I act.

Oh… sorry, I suddenly feel sleepy, but it doesn't end here; tomorrow, I'll continue… It wasn't the darkness of death; rather, my consciousness fell into a deep slumber due to fatigue.

[Unlocked the Wyrm Path]

I forgot to mention. He gains 20 MP for every point in MAG and 20 HP into DEF.

Str-More muscles.

DEF-Bigger Size

Magic- Looking better

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