《Supreme Empire》Immortality??



"Young Master William the master and misses have called you for lunch at the main dining table"

"Alright, I'll be right there!" 'Sigh guess I'll just focus on getting stronger for now.'

William got off his bed and cleaned himself up and headed towards the main dining hall


"May I enter dad?"

"Yes of course come in William"

William then entered a Grand looking dining room with a somewhat long table of which at the end of it sat his dad and beside him sat his mom on the side bit, William went over and sat in front of his mom

"What's wrong William why are you looking so sad," William's mom said

"It's nothing I just have a bit of a problem in my cultivation and I'm stuck at a point"

"Well you know we are always here to help you right, just ask us anything," William's dad said

William sat there considering whether he should ask his parents about this matter seeing as that no one has done this before 'Sigh what is there to lose even if I asked them'

"I was wondering how to get your mana to strengthen your brain "

"..." Albert

"..." Grace

"Well although we may not be able to help you I'm this situation do you mind telling us why you need to do something like that it can be quite dangerous you know," William's mom said this time

"... I was just curious about what will happen if you let mana travel to a place like your brain" William quickly said to end this awkward conversation

After that, they just ate food in silence and later when they were done William's dad looked at him and said

"If you feel like you are stuck on something look around, look at the things that are a result of nature maybe that might help"


After he said that William's dad left

"William don't try to push yourself the answer will come to you naturally over time so don't stress about it"

'Fair enough what's the point in stressing about something I can't achieve with my current power level, there is no need to stress on it but looking at nature....well I guess I try that as it can be relaxing in a way too'

William nodded and exited the room after his mom but this time he didn't head towards his room like normal but went outside to the massive garden

William just went into it and laid down on the massive field of colourful flowers some tall and some short

Besides his face, a grey colour flower that's as tall as his head can be seen

Williams turns around to look at it and realizes how different this world actually is cause normally if people aren't doing anything special it just looks like we are in a middle-age society from earth, but back on earth a flower of this colour had never existed

'Moving on from that, flowers are quite a magical creature in itself Their roots take up water and minerals from the ground and their leaves absorb a gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air. They convert these ingredients into food by using energy from sunlight. This process called photosynthesis is just so magical even in a non-magical world they make food out of most things we can't even touch by ourselves and they make food to strengthen their bodies'


'What if I just strengthen the nutrients going towards my brain to make it stronger won't That means that my brain would also become stronger depending on the quality of nutrients going in my brain!!!'



William stood up and shouted after some time of excitement

[Are you sure your brain will be able to support higher quality nutrients]

'Well don't you know the saying 'You are what you eat'


'Also the fact that if my medical knowledge does not betray me then The hippocampus and the hypothalamus are the brain areas most affected by the nutrients being put into the body. The hippocampus regulates neurogenesis and memory. The hypothalamus, among other functions, is responsible for the control of the body.'

'So if that's the case with just nutrients of higher values back on earth what if I strengthen the nutrients in these foods itself, wait won't That provide better nutrients to my whole body, why limit it am I right!'

[That's really such a great idea but how do plan on strengthening the nutrients in food when you can't even see it, and before you say anything if you strengthen the food itself you won't be able to Bite it hell you might just hurt yourself]

'You may have a point but what if I put the food into my mouth normally and then chew it and then strengthen the crushed food in my mouth'


"Okay, Emma relax but what if I can cover my inner body with mana.....


'Heh guess I'm not a genius without a reason am I RIght if I were to strengthen my inside body wouldn't that make me be able to control my organs movement I can even strengthen it so it does not get damaged easily and also if I strengthen it while circulating with the warrior path that will permanently strengthen my organs so I can technically avoid it from ageing and slowly degrading until one of my organs fail to work...


[....you know because of the Adaptable body this is all very possible for you because people's organs are weak so if they put mana in it it will have issues it's just that these organs aren't as weak as the brain so nothing too bad happens to them, but that doesn't mean anything good will come out of it, however for you, your body can simply adapt to the change and make it normal, however, you should know that your body adaption is not like some op mc power that lets you adapt to a person's attack in a battle, the one you have let's you affect it overtime so to do what you are thinking, it may take a few years to decades]

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