《Draconic Transcendence (Progression Fantasy)》5. Aspect of Deception, Kallad Raven (Part 1)
Clop! Clop! Clop!
The sound of the wagon being rolled along by the two horses on the dirt road, a bird chirping here or there, some grasshoppers in the fields they were traveling through. These were the only sounds Rai could hear. The suns beamed down onto Rai and Jin as they sat in comfortable silence on their way to Acies. The suns’ light shined off Rai’s long black hair that was tied back into a ponytail, and Jin’s head was covered with a straw hat. It was peaceful.
Rai broke the silence with a question that he’d pondered asking for the last hour. “Why do we have to stay in Acies for the next three days? Normally we just deliver our crops, stay the night at Bort’s, then go back home the next day. Also, didn’t you and mum go just a few days ago?”
Jin didn’t take his eyes off the road, even though it was completely empty. “That was for unofficial business, this is for official business.”
“That... doesn’t help.” Rai scratched his head, and thought hard about how to get Jin to explain what exactly they were going to do for the extra day. He wanted to get back home and experiment more with magic and swordsmanship.
As if he could sense Rai’s frustration at his non-answer, Jin spoke again, “We went a few days ago to sort something out. You’re too young to have to worry about that sort of thing, so there’s no point trying to explain it. This time, we have to sell the harvest, like we usually do. The extra day is because I’m going to meet an old friend who’s passing through the town.”
Sometimes he spoke in riddles, and sometimes he gives more information than Rai even asked for. Just one of the many things Rai could never understand about Jin. However, he was satisfied with the answer, even if it meant he couldn’t go home when he wanted.
Making the most of the journey, Rai practiced what he learned earlier in the week with Elira. Simply conjuring the elements using mana was too simple though, so he tried to conjure two elements at once, one in either hand.
It took the majority of the journey, but he managed to flicker a flame to life in his right hand, and create a ball of water in his left hand. Compared to the first manifestations of the elements he’d conjured; these were far less crude. Happy with his progress, Rai decided to rest for the remainder of the journey.
Not long after, Rai and Jin laid their eyes upon the stout and stocky gatekeeper, Narthir.
“Lookin’ like a big ol’haul this month, ‘ey old man.”
“How am I the old man? You’re older than me, oaf of a keeper.”
Narthir let out a phlegmy chuckle, followed by him spitting on the ground next to him. “Aye, ye’ll do well tae respect yer elder’en.”
Setting his spear aside, Narthir signalled for the gate to open.
After passing through the gate there was still a little bit of open ground to travel before they were officially in the town. Rai asked, “Why’s he always so...”
“That’s just how he is Rai, the more people you meet the more you’ll realise everyone has their own little quirks and mannerisms. It takes all sorts to make the world an interesting place.”
The familiar sight of the town of Acies graced Rai’s view. This was the only place in the world he was familiar with, other than his home and farm. The wooden houses on the outskirts they just passed through, housing families of the Life clan as they lived their everyday lives. He made friendships with the townsfolk through his visits with Jin and his mum to deliver their crops. Acies was like a second home to him.
Soon they entered the commercial district of the town, where the restaurants, inns, taverns, and Hunters’ guild were. Acies was the border town of Mount Udra, so many hunters would travel and rest here before they left the border to go on their hunts or adventures in the lands between the Clan regions. Rai always enjoyed talking to the adventurers and hunters, listening to their tales, asking them about their lives. He’d built up a fantasy of what being an adventurer would be like, and it was one of the things he wanted to try when he was older.
They came to Townsend Inn soon after entering the town. The day’s travel left the twin suns on the horizon. The two of them parked the wagon and the two horses who dragged it along just outside Townsend. Jin called an assistant from inside to start offloading the wagon. They went inside.
Met with the loud sounds of the bustling Inn at its peak hour, Rai stood, overwhelmed. No matter how many times he’d been to Townsend, this sensation always seemed to hit him. Jin dragged the boy out of his stupor, and took him along to meet Bort, who was in his office towards the back of the Inn.
There was a knock on his office door, “Come in.” Bort forced his gaze away from the documents on his desk to look at the pair who just walked in, “Already?”
Jin shrugged, “We had a lucky break with the weather and soil conditions. The harvest came quicker this time.”
Bort leaned back in his chair, “Well that’s great, but we ain’t finished with the last harvest yet, there’s still about 20% of it left in storage.”
Jin offered a solution, “You can sell what you can’t use to the other restaurants or inns down the road. The deal you made with Reiki doesn’t stop you from doing that,” he winked.
Rubbing his temples, Bort thought for a moment. “Fine, I’ll do that. No word of it to Reiki though.”
Rai was completely zoned out and could only think about his lightning experiment, so the fact that Jin and Bort were dealing behind his mother’s back simply flew over his head.
After a moment of silence, Jin asked, “Is it true? Is he really going to pass through?”
It took a second, but Bort soon realised what Jin was asking. “Aye, he’ll be staying here tomorrow night. But... Jin. After last time, I can’t have ye-”
“I know. We won’t fight this time. Last time was his fault anyway, I don’t understand why these Aspects always want to fight me when they see me, but I promise I won’t fight back this time.” Jin thought back to Rai’s father having the same reaction to seeing him for the first time.
“WHAT?!” Rai was brought back to reality after hearing Jin mention an Aspect. “An Aspect?! Here? Is it the Warden? But then Aunt Elly would be here, wait, which Aspect is coming? YOU KNOW AN ASPECT?!” The onslaught of questions rolled off Rai’s tongue as Jin’s backstory somehow made even less sense to him now.
Bort only just noticed Rai’s presence, “Relax boy, yer grandpa here simply has an air about him, I doubt he’s really involved with any Aspects. They just seem to be fascinated with him.”
Knowing that wouldn’t be enough to sate Rai’s curiosity, Jin interjected, “I’ll explain it to you later Rai, for now you’ll just have to wait and see how things develop.” He hoped to save the questions for later now that he knew for sure. It’d been years since he met the Deceiver, the Aspect that governs the Underworld. If he’s coming here, that explains why Elira was on edge. Something’s going down in Aurum.
Rai was blown away, and had many questions he wanted to ask. But Jin made it clear that now was not the time.
Bort went back to business, “As for yer payment, will the usual suffice?”
Jin nodded, “Yeah, it’ll do. The harvest isn’t larger, just earlier than usual. We’ll need a room for an extra night though.”
Bort waved the non-issue away, “Aye I’ll cover it, ye know ye’ll always have a place to stay here.”
Jin started to leave the room, “Then we’ll head to the room now, it’s getting late. The horses will be fine in the stables?”
“Yes yes, have some faith in this old man will ye. I’ll send yer supper up in a while, get some rest lads.”
“Thanks Bort, I’ll see you in the morning.” Jin dragged Rai by the arm, as he was still flabbergasted by this revelation that posed more questions than answers. “C’mon, we should get some sleep.”
The eight year old simply allowed himself to be dragged as questions kept popping up in his head. Jin knew an Aspect? Multiple Aspects? He’s just a farmer though. He fought one? And lived?! Aunt Elly told me that Aspects are some of the most powerful people in the world. What on Zenith is going on? These thoughts continued as Rai drifted off to sleep.
Awake and showered, Rai left their lodging in the upstairs of Townsend. Rai paused as he went downstairs, noticing the completely different vibe the inn exuded at different times of day. At night, when they arrived, the inn was full of energy with hunters and adventurers regaling their escapades amongst one another. The smell of booze and meat was concentrated in the air at night, but the smells of the inn in the morning was full of teas and herbs, things that people would consume to boost their energy for the day. It was a juxtaposition of sorts. There were far less people in the inn now than there were last night. Rai noted the difference in species that most people seemed to disregard when they interacted with one another. He liked that the town was so friendly to everyone, which Aunt Elly said wasn’t true for every Clan.
Jin walked past Rai as he went down the stairs, “Are you just gonna stand there forever? Come, let’s eat. I have some things to do in town before they arrive so you should get your fill.”
With a nod, Rai followed Jin down the stairs into the quiet and peaceful inn. He still had some lingering curiosity about the information that felt like a bombshell to him from the night prior, but shelved those thoughts for the time being.
Bort broke the quiet peace by shouting from across the room, “Mornin’ lads. Let’s get ye filled up shall we.” He took a very deep breath, enlarging his stomach further than Rai thought was physically possible. After a moment, he yelled, “OI DOROTHY!”
Dorothy replied in kind from behind the kitchen doors. “THE FOCK DAE YE WANT YE OLD COOT!”
Her tone changed. Lizard tail soup? We normally save that for the VIPs. She popped her head through the door to see who these ‘important’ people were.
She spoke in a motherly voice that didn’t quite suit her, “Oooohhh if it ain’t little ol’Rai. An’ big ol’Jin. Pleasure to see ya.” The bearded female dwarf smiled as she saw the little boy after what felt like ages, even though it was only a few months. Time moves fast when you work as a chef. She went back to get the lizard tail soup ready.
“She’s a beaut, but that temper of hers will prolly be the death o’me.”
Jin shrugged as he went to sit down. Rai followed suit.
After a short while, Dorothy brought out the lizard tail soup along with some herbal tea to help reset the palate after they finished up with their soup. “Hope ye enjoy now.”
“Thank you Dorothy” Jin calmly said as he and Rai started on their soup.
After the meal, the two felt refreshed and ready to get to work on what Jin had planned. “What exactly do you have in mind old man? I don’t get why you need to prepare for meeting an old friend.”
“Once you have old friends of your own, you’ll understand. I just felt like getting a few things for him.”
The questions that were brewing within were weighing on him now, Rai desperately wanted to ask about Jin’s past. But he held back. This wasn’t the right time.
As they were leaving the inn to go into the commercial district, Jin stopped. His wolf-like amber eyes were wide open. “Never mind.” He softly whispered.
Rai had never felt such a sensation before, it felt like there was a force pulling his body down into the ground. The air was thick and murky, even breathing felt difficult. It was all he could do to hold his footing. What the hell is this?! How is Jin fine right now?! At this point he was more angry and less surprised that Jin was seemingly fine, though Rai could see his eyes were wide open in concentration.
In an instant, Jin’s left hand raised in defence, blocking a punch that came from a black coated person with red glowing eyes who... Flew straight towards Jin?
The shockwave that followed blew Rai multiple yards to the side. He managed to roll and get back to his feet, turning his attention to the fight. It was too fast. Even while imbuing mana into his eyes, he could only see a flurry of blows, all of them being blocked. Each block resulted in a shockwave that shook the ground.
“DAD!” The fighting stopped. The person with glowing red eyes halted mid-punch. “Can you PLEASE stop picking on random people who look strong?” A girl around Rai’s age with red eyes and red hair, wearing a regal looking black and red outfit, walked over to the black coated fighter and scolded him. She’s scolding him? That guy who made that huge commotion? Who even are these people?! Rai decided to stop thinking about the questions and start asking them.
He walked towards Jin and the coated figure, who seemed to have been told off by the girl. It looked like the unknown individual simply ignored his daughter’s scolding. He then heard the coated figure speak with a sombre tone, “Unscathed, just like last time.”
Jin rolled his eyes, saying with a sarcastic tone, “All you Aspects are the same, fight fight fight.”
The coated figure – whose red hair, red eyes, and pale skin were now in sight – frowned, “You’re telling me I’m not the first Aspect who picked a fight with you? And I thought I was special.” He held out a hand, which was met by Jin’s. “I’m glad the Sword Dancer is still as monstrously strong as he used to be.”
Both Rai and the girl raised their eyebrows in confusion.
Jin patted Rai on the shoulder, “Rai, this is Kallad. The Aspect of Deception, the Deceiver.”
Kallad pointed at Jin, “Sin, this is Jin. The Sword Dancer, the greatest fighter in all of Zenith.”
Rai and Sin looked at each other, then at their respective guardians. “WHAT?!” they shouted in unison.
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Flash Step
A boy had been convicted to 20 years in prison for castrating a man. No one truly knows why he did that, all they know that he hasn't harmed anyone else in his life and has always been a role model for others, kind of. After serving 2 years in the ""juvenile correction institute"", he is allowed to go to a public high school for his exemplary behaviour. Although, he has two guards with him all the time, alongside a GPS. His usual day takes a turn for the worse, when someone decides to hold the school he was just admitted to as hostage...PS. This fic will contain cursing, a lot at times, so read at your own risk.PSS. When leaving a rating, let me what you like or didn't like. Read this aswell: http://royalroadl.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=51354PSSS. Im Awesome.I go at my own pace, I'll write when I do. Some days there may be multiple chapters but at some days, there may be none. Deal with it *puts sunglasses on*A big Thank You to Fabulous Stranger for the Cover Art. Check out his other works here: http://irregularowl.deviantart.com/
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American deku ig idk
Deku in america very lazy why am i here
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