《The Zombie Apocalypse: The Ville》(Season 1) Episode 5: The Great Debate
Deshon: So, how was the supply run? Eli: I'll say it was good in terms of our first supply run. Abigail: What do you mean it was good for our first supply run? Eli: It was suitable for the limited time we got out there. We only went to two places; the clinic by the school and the Dollar General. Open up and see what I got for us with limited time resources. Deshon: Seven packs of eight water bottles, tons of toothbrushes and toothpaste, and two boxes of Twinkies. Also, he got us seven damn medkits from the clinic. These supplies should last us for right now until we go for another supply run. Abigail: Is this all you got, seriously?! Why didn't you get canned goods or more medicine instead? Eli: I couldn't because I encountered another person in the clinic and almost died; plus, I couldn't get into the medicine storage room because it was overrun by zombies; I'm going to need some muscle for that kind of job. Abigail: What about Dollar General? Eli: I only had one bag available, so I couldn't gather too much stuff; that wasn't necessary. And I was only supposed to be in there for three minutes, but that turned into seven minutes to leave the store because runner zombies were trying to make a feast for me! Jae: Take your hoodie off; I think you got shot by that guy you encountered! Eli: Fine but, I think I would know if I got shot, Jae. And plus, I think I'm the only one here with actual medical knowledge to a certain extent. Abigail: Well, I got some medical experience; I volunteered at Piedmont Atlanta Hospitals for three summers in a row. Let me see how severe the injury is.
Eli: I'm telling you, it's not a big deal, really. I took off my hoodie and shirt; the only thing left on is my black tank top. Deshon: What the hell, bruh!? I thought you said you didn't get shot?! Abigail: You're lucky that the bullet barely grazed your shoulder. If it went four inches further, it would've hit an artery. Luckily it's a minor wound; it doesn't need any stitches. Abigail grabbed a water bottler and drenched some of the water on my wound; she demanded some napkins from the cafeteria kitchen. Deshon grabbed several napkins, and she started to wipe the water off my skin. Then she opened up the first aid kit, grabbed the gauze, and covered my upper left shoulder with it. Abigail: It should heal up within seven days. You can go on supply runs like normal. But you should have an extra person to help you out. If you get knocked down by something and land on that shoulder, you will feel plenty of pain. Eli: This little cut can't even bother me! I can function like it wasn't even there! Marv: Alright, man, I don't want to hear no complaining; not a single peep about it; there should be no excuses from the lack of performance when you're out there gathering supplies. Don: So how bad is it? How bad is the outside?
Like in terms of the places, have they been looted yet? Eli: Well, I can't speak for every other store in the area, but the two places I went to were intact. Tim: So, what are the odds of them remaining like that for tomorrow? Justin: Shit, if we're lucky, I'll say about forty percent they stay intact. Deshon: Nigga, I would say we got a fifty-fifty shot. Marv: If I was realistic here, I would say about five percent. Because the air will be safe to breathe again at eight o'clock at night through two o'clock in the afternoon. If we're trying to hoard up supplies, then we should go at three in the morning, the air will be less toxic, and we can look up on our phones how to make a makeshift gas mask. The school should have all the supplies we need for it. Michael: Man this school, doesn't even have a gym or football field! Man, we're lucky that the lights are still on, man! Marv, you talkin about going on a fucking supply run three in the morning; that shit is way too risky!!!
Marv: But the air should be better than what it is right now. It's a higher chance for us to gather up tons of supplies while the places don't get ransacked. Also, we don't have to encounter other people, so there is no conflict with others because people will be going to Walmart, Target, Publix, Aldi. Jae: That is true; they're more likely to hit up one of those stores you mentioned than smaller stores. The same thing can be said about the clinic; people will try to go to the hospitals instead of something little like an independent clinic. Brianna: We should go before eight o'clock; I know that the air is terrible, but you guys should go and gather every single supply, so we don't have to go back out there. Marv: There's a problem with your logic. Deshon: You want us to risk of lives while a fucking horde is out there!!! You out of your damn mind! Why should we risk our lives on this suicide mission!? Tim: If you want the damn supplies so bad, how about you go and risk your damn life! My nigga, I'm trying to live! Brianna: Are you guys men or little bitches?! Seriously, you can't even handle a little bit of danger!
Don: You want us niggas to risk our damn lives?! How about you risk your damn life? Audrey: Don, what is all that muscle for?! Don: The risk is too damn high! Justin: Shit! Eli: What is it? Is it the horde? Justin: Yep, I see them on the camera on the gate. Bri, even if we went with your suicidal plan, we couldn't because this horde was blocking our path, they all over this gate, we couldn't even leave out the other gate either; we're screwed all the way. Niko: What about the highway? Deshon: Oh, you're talking about the back of the school through all those damn bushes.
Niko: We could sneak through there if we're going. Eli: I have a problem if we go to the highway. If every guy went, there would be a problem. They can't walk that far off the road, and if there are runner zombies, they become food because they're out of shape; some of us ain't making it back because those zombies are stupid fast! Y'all be some damn zombie dinner! Deshon: Every guy can make it back, all we have to do is find a car at one of the places, and we can drive around and drive back to the highway and grab the supplies out to the school. Eli: Oh, I was trying to be polite, but you leave me no choice, let me tell you how it's going down, you fat fuck! You will be Pumba out there! So stay your ass here, like a good little housewife you are! Deshon: Nigga, we going to have guns with us! I can defend my damn self! Eli: That's the fucking problem! We only use guns as a last resort; gunshots will bring them on top of us. We have to do it quietly, so no guns, just silent weapons. You don't have any silent weapons. So you better off here, you sorry ass motherfucker!
Deshon: Justin, can you give me that katana he got? He can use his silencer he got instead of a melee weapon. Justin: First of all, why would I let use my katana? You're an untrained fucker that most likely will break my damn sword or lose it inside of a zombie! Deshon: No, I won't; I can use it! Justin: And plus, I'm using my katana, so the answer is no, is fucking bum! Deshon: You have a silencer for your gun; you don't need a melee weapon! Justin: It's not like the movies, you fuckin moron! If I use a suppressor, it's still loud as shit; it just isn't as loud without it.Let me put his lesson in your head, let's use a pistol. For example, if I start shooting it, then that's one hundred sixty decibels. A suppressor will bring it below one hundred forty decibels, which is comparable to thunder. Do you understand what I'm saying, you damn bum!? Deshon: I got the message! Elijah, let me use one of your bats. Eli: You're not worthy, and plus, I need every spare bat I got for backups. Deshon: Justin, I know there's something you can give me. Justin: I can have this crowbar I found in storage, take it or leave it. Deshon: Fine, I'll take it. It's better than nothing.
Eli: Justin, do you think that damn horde can break through the fence? Justin: Impossible for them to get through the fence; not even the strongest of hurricanes can take down that steel fence; as long as they don't go to chain fence back of the parking lot, then we're good. All we gotta do is don't cause attention around the chain fence. Don: I'm not taking chances, so I think we should fortify the school, just in case they come backside. Eli: JT, is the chained fence closed because it's usually always open. Justin: Fuck, you're right! But the air is so bad right now, I don't think the face coverings and holding my breath can work. Plus, they will be following me soon as I open the door and know about the fence. Tim: How about you go around back, go to the back of the middle school, and you should be able to stay out of sight. Marv: I don't know, man; if one of those siren zombies are back there, we can be in a lot of trouble. They can come from the highway and from the chained fence, we're going to be hit from two sides, and plus we got stragglers on school grounds, so we won't have a getaway escape. Imani: Everyone on IG is posting zombies. And this person saw a stalker zombie, he was saying that they won't attack you without any help. The guy said he was lucky he got back inside before the stalker zombie attacked him. Eli: But if they group up, then you're fucked. That guy is lucky, but his luck will run out someday. Abigail: Guys, Bryce Hoyer is back on the news, the zombie scientist guy!
Katie: Welcome back, Bryce Hoyer. Matt: Hopefully, you have better news because everyone's spirits are low. Bryce: Well, hopefully, I can say some good news. Umm, let's get into it. Let me address the toxic air; we still don't know exactly what's wrong with the air, but we have multiple theories. A highly plausible theory is that several plagues are causing all of this. And the second most likely theory is quite scary; the toxic air might be man-made because of the air's toxicity comparable to nuclear fallout. Matt: Is there radiation in the air?! Bryce: No, there's no radiation in the air, but it's quite comparable to it when you are talking about the lethal side of things. If you know the Chernobyl incident, then you would know about the Elephant's Foot. At its most dangerous time, it would kill you under two minutes if you were by it. Katie: What are you trying to say? What's the point of bringing that tragedy up? Bryce: Once it's six-thirty in the evening on eastern standard time, the air will kill you faster than the Elephant's Foot if you were standing right next to it. Even if you went outside, you will turn zombie in a couple of seconds with no protection. I'm trying to convey here that if you had a homemade gas mask, it wouldn't work against the air; it's basically the same as having no gas mask.
You need a military-grade mask to counter the air; if you have one, then you're set. And remember to change your air filters after eight hours. Luckily the unopened air filters can last up to five years. So if you were prepared for this, you can go outside and travel to the other states, but beware of the hordes coming from Georgia's north side and west side. Matt: What do you do if you encounter a horde? What do you do? Bryce: Find a very secure place that you can hide, preferably a house with an upstairs or basement or attic. But if you're in a car, I recommend that you drive far enough that the horde loses eyesight of you, then turn off the car and cover the windows. Katie: What happens if you don't have a shelter or a car? Bryce: Do you want me to be honest, or do you want me to lie?
Katie: Be honest; the people deserve to know. Bryce: Use your gun and shoot your damn self. Or kill every single zombie until they kill you; also recommend that if your bit, then kill yourself. Do society a favor; there will be no cure in like ten years or less. At minimum five years if we worked ourselves to complete exhaustion. Matt: Do you have any more useful information for us? Bryce: Travel to the north of Canada or Alaska, so you won't encounter any zombies. People who used face coverings and homemade gas masks today are very fortunate because today was very tamed. All of them are exposed to the virus but don't worry, they won't turn into zombies because they were only exposed a little to it. Matt: What do you mean today was tamed? A lot of people are dead! Bryce: The air is only getting worse and worse each day. Only God knows how long this toxic air is going to last. I'm predicting that there will be days that you can't outside, period. The air will be so terrible that you can't step out for weeks or months. The time I gave out will be good for six days; on the seventh day, we will see a change in the time schedule, good or bad. I also recommend that you don't use your guns unless it's indispensable. I have seen in the drone's footage that there are multiple humongous hordes scattered in Georgia. And Georgia has the sixth most immense horde in the country so keep that in mind. I will provide that data when I come on here next time. That's all I got this time, and I like to thank you for having me on; good luck to everyone, may God have mercy on your souls. Matt: Thank you for sharing the expertise you have on this chaotic outbreak. Katie: Those who were just joining and missed all of the information, don't worry, we will have a rerun, starting in a couple of moments.
Damn, the situation is even getting a lot worse than what it is! Not even my immunity is going to help the group. How long can we even last? On the seventh day, the time schedule for the safe time will change every week. We have to stock up supplies that can last us for at least a month or two. If we don't, then we're taking a chance on our lives. But we can't even do anything with that damn horde blocking both exits. We could go to the expressway behind the school, but we won't have any cars to travel with. That will be banking our survival on luck. Luck is something we can't base the groups' survival on because luck will always run out. We would have five days worth of food in the school. If we rationed it by job assignments, then there will be more food available. And if we skip a day without eating, we can even stretch it out to about fourteen days.
Michael: Damn it! This shit just keeps getting worse and worse!!! Deshon: We can survive this if we stay calm; this kind of panicking will get us nowhere. Marv: But you gotta admit that the situation we're in is fudged. Deshon: Oh yeah, for sure. Niko: There's a bright side to this. We don't have to consider Bri's suicidal plan anymore. Eli: Good point. So what's the plan for right now. Don: I guess we can lay low until eight o'clock hits, then we can think of something; we can discuss it later. Abigail: We should discuss it now, so we won't waste any time. If we can't go on supply runs, then we should focus on what's inside. Imani: Great idea. If we don't go out, then we can put our time in effort into something else. Eli: I don't; nobody would object to that. So let's talk about it. Everybody will get a chance to speak. Those of you who've been quiet this whole time needs to speak and put in some input. Everyone needs to speak, it god dang sixteen of us! Those who want us to go on the supply run should talk first, then those who want us to stay and focus on the inside will speak second. First group, one of yall start it up. Michael: Shit, I guess I'll go first then. We should go on supply because not only we're getting supplies, we're also getting experience from this. We can't be scared of other people, and here's the thing, we're going to encounter people whether we like it or not. I know we shouldn't be looking for trouble, but trouble found us.
We have a goddamn horde outside! We won't be able to use the cars, and who knows how long they will be there! While we just sit here and use up our time, energy, and supplies. We have to go out there and take a chance on getting lots of valuable resources while still out there for the easy taking. We're not even safe for real. All the horde gotta do is come through the opened chain fence in the back of the parking lot, and we're good as dead. If I'm honest, this run is very risky, but it does have a high reward. If everything goes well, we can last for many months. Also, there's still gas in the gas stations; if we hit that up, we can travel a lot more and farther out. And we can find a car, all we have to do is go to the rental car place by the airport, yes it's going to take over an hour to get there and finding the keys is another task itself. But think about it, if this plan works then, we won't have to go on supply runs for a while. We can even focus on the school and us as a group. The reward is too great to pass up; we won't get another shot like this. I made my case! I know that I'm right! Deshon: I'm surprised that you could use logic in your argument for once in your life. Everybody give him the two-finger clap! Michael: Fuck off, dude; I won my side of the debate just with my argument alone! Eli: Enough, we don't have time for this! It's already six-forty. First argument side, it's still your turn. Marv: I don't know what side to pick, because Mike made some good points. Justin: I'm cool with either outcome; I haven't made my mind up yet.
Brianna: Why is this even a debate! Come on, people, we need supplies so we can live for another day! All those damn things outside the gate are blocking the simple supply runs!!! We need to go to the rental car shop and drive to different locations to eat every day. I already made my point earlier, so who next!? Aaliyah: We need to go out, if we don't, we will starve, and everyone will get angry because we use our food shortage. If we take everything from every store by the school, then we will be sitting pretty. Just think of the possibility of having it all! Dariel: Do I have to say something? Eli: May you please your point so we can move as one group? Dariel: Why didn't we do a simple vote, a simple vote a lot quicker?! Eli: Simple really, it's to hear both sides, so you can make the best pick. Dariel: I'm going with the supply run because we need clothes and food and stuff. Alright, someone else! Imani: We need supplies to survive, right? We have to take a risk to survive this nightmare. I want all of us to live so we can make this school a comfortable home. That's all I got; Mike took everything I wanted to say. Deshon: I gotta go get those supplies; we won't have another opportunity like this. We can get a head start on everything, like food, clothes, gas, water, and other stuff that can maintain this place. We'd be at risk of starvation without them in a couple of days.
If everywhere is ransacked, then we're kinda fucked. But I don't want us to be reckless, but we also can't guarantee others' safety in this, so one or more of us is not making it back here alive. If we're realistic, in this scenario, it all depends on who's going, really. Who next? Mariah: We should go; I don't really want to speak any more than this. Eli: I think that's everyone for the pro supply run side. Those who are against it, step up. Niko: Umm, I'll say we shouldn't because it's too risky for any one of us to go because of all that danger outside. We already lost the majority of our friends and family to this apocalypse, and it just started today. I don't think it settled in on how much we lost today. This is all we got from our school.We spent four years with each other, and we shouldn't throw away our lives for this one chance when there is another way to solve our problem if we look hard enough for another option. I'm against this supply run; we shouldn't risk our friends' lives. Audrey: Niko, did you get that off Quora?! Be honest with us. I may not know you all that well, but you're the type of person who looks up the answers and does it last minute. Niko: What?! That came straight from the heart! Eli: Niko, come clean did you look that shit up?! Niko: Well, I didn't look it up; I just combined some zombie games and tv shows, also High School Of The Dead. Justin: Well, he still made a point; we can't throw away that argument regardless. Niko, were you done talking? Niko: Yeah, pretty much.
Abigail: I'm against this supply run; to put it simply, I can't bear the weight of one of us dead because of our unwise decision. I want to sleep at night knowing that we did the right thing by not going on this dangerous run. There are sixteen of us; we shouldn't waste lives like it's nothing just because we have a sizable group. I have spoken; we should focus on what we got for right now. Don: Damn, this is hard; on the one hand, we can be thriving instead of struggling to survive, we can get a head start on this, we can limit our supply runs, so we can live longer. But we can't guarantee our safety because of the uncertainties. If we go out there and bring five or six people, we can potentially lose the entire supply run team. So my decision will be revealed after the last person speaks. I guess I'm a swing vote in this situation. But I'm leaning towards the pro supply run side, but you still change my mind. Justin: Fuck! I'm for it to go on the supply run, but I also don't want to risk it and get nothing for our sacrifices. I'll make my decision when everyone is done. Jae: Guys, I have this feeling that we shouldn't go on this supply run. It's just a gut feeling; I know we need the supplies to survive long term, because we have enough food and water to last us a couple of days, and I'm sure that we can find supplies if we go back to homes to combine supplies.
Also, we can go to other people's houses because they are more likely dead anyway. Before you argue that many people will break into the homes so we won't find supplies, but it will be impossible that we won't find anything around. Let's not take this risk; let's fight another day.Audrey: I have to agree with the mindless sheep on this one. I was going to hold my decision until I heard her reason behind her choice. We should refocus our efforts in the school to prepare a solid strategy with contingency plans into it. Also, we have the news to keep us informed on the other zombie types we don't know about. If the supply run team runs into unknown zombie types, then we're kinda screwed, don't you think? So, we double our efforts for an impeccable plan, so the supply run team actually knows what they're doing instead of going with the fucking flow like some goddamn morons! Guys, let's use the immune person sitting in the room and let him do supply runs in the day time, so the risk will be lower instead of this fucking self-destructive mission! What clown is up next!?
Tim: I'm going to pretend like I didn't hear that last part. To put it simply, I don't want to risk my damn life over supplies we may not get! So I'm fucking against it! You damn fools can risk y'all damn life but not me; I'm black, so I will die first! Eli: There's a problem with your logic, Tim; everyone in this room is black except Audrey! You just want me to beat the living shit out of you, don't you!? Tim: Get your strong ass on somewhere! I'm trying to live my life to the fullest! Niko, get your mans! Niko: That's all, you bro! Tim: Marv, if you don't go nigga! Marv: Sorry, I got lost in thought. Man, why is this so hard!? This choice is so hard to make; I'm sitting here going back and forth with this. I'm thinking of all the scenarios that can happen to us if we go through this. If we were thinking of a realistic situation, only three or fewer would return with supplies. Just think about it, how many supplies are worth a human life? If one person ends up dying then, we have to get like six or more months' worth of supplies. We can live with that trade because it benefits us for a very long time, and we can focus on a lot of other stuff. Just imagine we gained rations that can last us over two years. I don't really see many other options since we will have to leave eventually. It's best to get a head start instead of facing the likely starvation of the entire group. Unless the plan is to wait out the first couple of days' initial frenzy, it'll be easier to get the materials. Most people might have cleared out many zombies by then, and maybe in a frenzy, they left some stuff over. But that's a bet, not a guarantee, so I guess it's up to which risk we're willing to take.On the one hand, you go out, and someone will most definitely die, and others might as well, but if successful, you're pretty much set for months or maybe over a year. On the other hand, you could wait things out, potentially face a lot less hardship with zombies and people, making it easier to scour for resources, but the group will face potential starvation. Elijah, what's your opinion on the matter?
Eli: I haven't given that much thought to it, really. The choices are simple, do we want to die quick or die slowly. Are we willing to sacrifice a person, so we benefit from it; I look at it like this, do we throw away our morales so we can survive this thing, or do we hold on to them until it is the death of us. Blood will be on our hands if we go out there knowing all the dangers and get someone killed. Marv: I was afraid that you would come to that response, so it's all about what we're willing to sacrifice, our friends, our humanity, or letting fear consume us and starve to death. Eli: JT, what's your mindset about this?Justin: It's time to nut up or shut up; we can't be demure about it; this will be our defining moment from now on. Our decision will set the tone for our survival, are we the hunted or the hunter?! I don't want to survive in fear for the rest of my life; I want to live! We have to be willing to pay the ultimate price for one another, so the whole group can live. I would gladly have one of us die, so the others can live.
Marv: You're right; we can't shy about it. My vote is to go out. Don: I agree with that, but we can't be reckless either; we need to go on this supply run. Eli: We should go, but on one condition, people will have to volunteer, and also we have to talk about who's the best to send out there. So if a person is deemed unfit to go, we can save their life from themselves. Audrey: It makes sense, so who wants to go on this dumb ass run?! Michael: I'm going, and I don't care if I have to go by myself! Marv: I guess I'll go; we need all the help we can get. Deshon: I'm in; I'm definitely going, you need me. Justin: Keep telling yourself that bum. Deshon: Shut your twig ass up! Don: You're going to need some muscle, why not me. Tim: I got sixteen zombie kills under my belt; let's go for fifty. Eli: I want to go; I want to see these stalker zombies. Audrey: Niko, you're not going?! Niko: Hell no! I want to enjoy life, and plus, I don't think I can outrun zombies! Audrey: Imani, you're not going?! You're the strongest girl here! You would be more useful out there than inside of the school! Imani: It's too damn dangerous! How about you go out there!? You're smart and quick on your feet. Audrey: It would be great to stretch my legs out there. I would be great at the clinic because I can tell you what meds to get and how useful it would be to us; also, I have another place in mind on the supply run. Someone as great as me should be out there because I am perfect!
Eli: Anywho, so Jae, you want in on this? Jae: Sorry, no car means no me! I was safe inside the vehicle, and you want me to be out there like a sitting duck waiting to be eaten?! No thanks; you crazy people can have all the fun! Tim: Is it time to figure out the best team? Eli: So, Abigail, Donovan, Marv, Audrey, and Justin. Is there anyone unfit for this supply run? Justin: I got one in mind. Take the bum off the team; he's too slow and will be a danger to himself if he used a gun. Deshon: I'm going nigga, I ain't staying here while you niggas get all the damn glory! Don: Yeah, I have to agree with Justin here, you may have some muscle, but it's kinda useless when you also have feeble stamina and speed, work on your cardio, nigga! Abigail: Yeah, you should stay here, so you don't worry about your girlfriend. Don't let your pride be the death of you. Deshon, you got a bunch of weight on you. I remember that you were in shape back in tenth grade; you were also on the ninth grade track team. Marv: You would be a burden on us; we don't need to worry about that while risking our lives. Take one for the team and sit back on this one. We can handle it, just stay here and relax with Mariah.
Eli: Throw your damn pride away! We're telling you this for your own good. Be grateful; you don't have to worry about dying because you're safe in the school. Out there, my nigga, you're a damn damsel in distress! Jae would be better than you in this supply run; she's in shape, so Imani and Audrey. Deshon: Fuck it, I don't wanna even go anymore; I just stay here then! Abigail: We got our best shooter out there and our best runners and got some muscle and intelligence. So, Mike, Audrey, Marv, Tim, Donovan, Justin, Elijah. Michael: That sums it up. Justin: Michael is fast and can run long distances for a little while. Then there's Tim; I guess he can use a gun on an adequate level, and he can run away from people. Don is very athletic and can use a gun at a sufficient level. I hate to say it, but Audrey is pretty brilliant. That medical knowledge can be advantageous at the clinic. Then you got me, who is the best survivalist and best shooter on the team, I've been prepared for the zombie apocalypse for many years, and twenty-twenty had to be an anime, so I was ready for it. Then we got Eli here; I'll say he's the most balanced person here. But that means he's not the best at anything, but he can use a firearm and good with his bat. Also, he's immune to the damn virus, so he can afford to be more aggressive when it comes to zombies. I think this is our best supply run team. It's not the greatest, but it can get the job done. It's currently seven-twenty, we got less than forty minutes before eight. So, do what you gotta do before eight. We need to leave, quickly as possible. The quicker we go, the faster we're done. Abigail: Considering we're done talking about the supply run, for now, we should focus on the state of the group and the school. Like what are the roles for each of us. Everyone needs a role in the group so we can be efficient and safe. Audrey: Great idea, but I was already ahead of that. I'm giving out the roles. Object to them if you disagree with it.
Elijah, you're our leading supply runner because of your immunity to it; also, you will be part of medical personnel with Abigail and me. You'll be super advantageous on the road because you're going to be out so much. While Abi and I spend most of our days in school. Also, I'm assigning you to the weight room, so you can be in peak shape. Eli: I have no problem with the jobs I got. Justin, you will be our weapons expert; you will be holding all the guns and training people to use firearms and other weapons. Justin: No problem here. Don and Imani, since you two are always in the weight room like Elijah, you guys will be personal trainers, and Elijah, you'll be a trainer. Don, also we will be the mechanic of the group, Justin and Tim, you guys will be working with Don when it comes to vehicles. Michael, you'll be our secondary supply runner, and you'll be on Shift-A NightWatch. Marv, look up stuff about generators and other electrical things on YouTube, so we don't have to worry about it. You're also on Shift-A NightWatch. Before I forget, Donovan, you're also on NightWatch duty, but instead of Shift-A, you'll be on Shift-B NightWatch. Timothy, you will be Shift-B NightWatch. Niko, I forgot to give you a job. Do you have anything in mind? And please hurry up with a decision! Niko: I don't know, really. Eli: Don't worry, I got a job for him; make sure we don't kill one another, so basically a moderator. Audrey: Jae, your job is part-time supply runner, your other job is geographer, look up other locations just in case we have to leave this place. We should have at least thirty places we could choose from. Jae: I down with it. Now for Aaliyah, Bri, Mariah, Dariel, Deshon. You guys will help out with basic tasks, basically do stuff when told to do something. It's more important than what it sounds like, trust me.
Brianna: That job sucks! Who made you boss!? Audrey: Bitch, please; why would I want to be the leader when I'm the most hated one here!? And plus, what kind of role did you want?! Brianna: Like a therapist or personal trainer, or something actually useful! Audrey: Fuck!!! Who's going to be the chef!? I'm only a decent chef, so I didn't give myself the task. Deshon: Elijah can cook. He cooks all of the time; he would be great at it. Audrey: I know you have many jobs to take care of, but can you take another one? Eli: I want to be part-time on NightWatch for both shifts. That is my condition for taking on the chef role. Audrey: Thank you! I think everyone is okay with their jobs. Brianna: Who should be the leader of the group? Audrey: Well, I do have a few nominees. Donovan, Justin, Abi, Marv, Elijah. I don't know about y'all, but they're the only ones I would listen to. Eli: Yeah, pretty much. But then again, we don't need a leader, really. We can decide things as a group, we don't need one person to make all the decisions. Mike: True, but we can't always put it to a vote. And plus, our voting takes too damn long. Eli: How about a counsel?
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