《The Zombie Apocalypse: The Ville》(Season 1) Episode 4: Return To Base
I picked up the pink book bag with all the supplies in it; I rushed out of the clinic; I saw Zombies around the building and on the street outside of the clinic's parking lot. My car was on and running; Jae sees me and gesturing to hurry up. I rushed inside the car door. I tossed the book bag to the bookbag in a hurry soon as I got seated.
Eli: Step on it! Let's get out of here, now!!! Jae: Alright! You didn't have to yell! Eli: Sorry, I saw all those damn zombies; I didn't want us to get surrounded. Jae: I heard gunshots, so what happened?! It took you a little minute to get out of there. I thought it was a grab and go. Eli: It was like that at first, then this middle-age-old dude tried to rob me of the supplies I scavenged. He had a gun on me, but luckily, his greed got the better of him. He wanted my bat, so I tossed to him and shot him three times. Jae: You killed someone already!? Eli: Well, it wasn't all bad, the old guy gave me a lot of advice. It turns out the zombie virus outbreak happened earlier than reported to us. Jae: So how early on? Eli: Two days ago, his friend saw zombies, but they didn't think anything of them.
Jae: We need to check in with the others; we didn't report back in ten-minute intervals like he said. I grabbed the two-way radio out of Jae's hand. Eli: Yo, JT! Are you there?! Justin: Finally, you reached back to us; we thought something happened. Did you hear about the news? Eli: Nah, I was scavenging the clinic. Justin: You know how the air is terrible, right? Eli: Yeah, what's the point? Justin: The air will get even worse at six o'clock. They explained the air quality on the news—Green, yellow, orange, red, purple, maroon. Green is the best air quality while yellow, orange is okay, while red is bad but not that bad. But Purple is straight-up terrible, and Maroon is god awful! The air quality, when six comes around, will be purple or Maroon. So you have to get back here quickly because of the time. Eli: It's five-thirty-five. We have a little bit of time for a quick supply run.
Justin: If you're going to do that, go to the dollar store and grab the essential supplies. And hurry back here. Jae: Alright, we're heading there right now. It should take us ten minutes to get there and ten minutes back to y'all. Eli: Did anything happen when we left? Justin: Well, a lot of zombies came by. I mean, like over sixty zombies. Took them out and closed the gates. And all of us guys pushed the cars around by the fence by the field. But now there's a horde about. I can hear them, so hurry up so we can lockup for tonight. Be safe out there, my friends, over and out.
Eli: One last stop, so this should be easier than the clinic. Jae: So, what happened back there? Oh shit, you're bleeding!!! Did you get shot!? Eli: I don't think so. I feel fine; I don't feel any pain. We should just go to the dollar store and don't worry about it until later. Jae: Well, I'm seeing all types of zombies now! We're getting that wound treated soon as we get back to the school; since you don't want to attend to your injury. Eli: I wonder will we run into those stalker zombies? Jae: Why?! You got a death wish or something!? Eli: I'm just interested to see what they look like.
Jae: Well, they look like dead people walking around! Eli: I know that! I was just wondering about their behavior. Jae: I swear you're going to get me killed. Eli: You're going to be safe in the car like last time. Jae: So, were you scared to lose your life back in the clinic? Eli: I wasn't scared or worried, really. The only thing on my mind was how can I get those supplies back so you guys don't have to worry about meds. I'm not afraid to die; I already came to terms when I die. So I don't care when I die. Because dying is apart of life that everyone has to come to terms with. Death is death, it doesn't matter how you die really because death is all the same. Everything about you is gone, you just become a object like a rock.
Jae: It's more to it then that, your goal should be dying in a peaceful manner, you may not fear death but use caution when you're living so you don'y give up your life so easily. And question, what is really your goal in this apocalypse, the person you talked about can't be your whole life mission?! Like what happens if you do find her, then what's next? Eli: If I see her again, I would probably go to Georgia's countryside and live out there with her and make sure I keep in contact with you guys. If things go south, I guess we would stay nearby with the group. Jae: I can tell you two love each other to death if you're willing to risk your life. Eli: Well, that's the thing. I don't know if she loves me in the same way. Jae: What do you mean? Eli: I don't romantically know her feelings about me. I think I saw signs of her actually feeling the same way. Jae: What happens if she doesn't feel the same way? Will you come back to us? Eli: I will kill myself if I get my heart broken by her. Jae: Your life does not revolve around her.
Jae: What happens if you don't find her or worse? Eli: Probably ended if I see her as a damn zombie, and I will kill her and me and die by her side. Jae: What about living for your friends? What happened to that promise you made?! You're not going to keep your word?! Eli: But friends can only go so far; my love for her kept me going for all these years. I'm afraid of losing that; I have so much to tell her. Honestly, I live for her; I simply live for her. Jae: The odds of her being alive is just ten percent; those zombies are very dangerous. We're getting so lucky of not having every type of zombie by us. Do you even know what her general location is? Eli: If I had to guess, then I'll say around the heart of Atlanta. Jae: The odds of her being alive in a city are about four percent. Since your friends won't be enough for you to live on. How about you live for me? I will be her replacement, and this is not an option!
Eli: So you want me to live for you? That means I have to love you. Jae: Then learn to love me and also until you love me, you will listen and do everything I say, you got that! Eli: So you're the boss of me until I learn to love you. Jae: Yes, and this is not a choice. Eli: I guess I have no preference on the matter. So does this mean we're a thing? Jae: Duh, are you brain dead?! We're here, so get out of the car before the air gets bad! Eli: Do you have a second bag or something? Jae: Behind my seat, there's a bag that Justin gave me. Get it and hurry up; you're in and out in three minutes.
I got out of the car and observed the scenery; three zombies came from the dollar store's side. They appear to be the classic kind of zombie. I grabbed the bat out of the back seat and carried the duffel bag on my back. It's only a little over five-thirty in the afternoon, and it's already getting so dark because of the dark clouds covering the sky. I sprinted up to the automatic sliding doors of the Dollar General. The lights are on; I can't tell if there are zombies in there or not. I walked up closer, the doors open; I treaded carefully inside of the store. The store appears to be intact, surprisingly. No one in sight, I started looking around to make sure it's safe. A loud crash happened at the household items sectioned at the back right side of the store. Then I started to hear groaning a few seconds later after the loud noise—Constant heavy footsteps at the store's right side.
Okay, I have three minutes before I need to leave. What do I need? We do have water at the school, but we don't know if it's contaminated. I don't want to waste space on a giant pack of water. It's better to get seven packs of eight packed water bottles. The left side of Dollar General looks clear; it's the right side I have to stay away from. And the beverages aisle on the left. So water will be easy to obtain. I think Michael said everyone needs toothbrushes. The personal care aisle is luckily at the back left of the store, I jogged back there. A lot of stuff is being dropped off the shelves on the other side of the store while I gathered the toothpaste and toothbrushes. We're stable on food back at the school; I saw candy back at the store's front; I will get that when I leave. The last thing would probably be to get a lot of Twinkies. The snack aisle is in the middle of the store. If I learned anything from Zombieland movies, you're going to need Twinkies.
I walked quickly to the snack aisle, soon as I turned to the snack aisle, a six-foot-five black zombie with a blue bubble coat staring dead at me. He let out a screech then started to rapidly come at me like I stole something. I dropped my bags and got out my baseball bat, and took a big swing for his knees. He drops dead to the ground and grabs my left ankle while I was trying to get away. Then tons of heavy footsteps started coming from the right side to the middle of the aisle due to this giant ass zombie's noises.
I started to whack the zombie on the head with my bat, but he won't let go of me, so I reached for my gun and shot the zombie in the head. I got free from his grip and grabbed the duffel bag; I hurried to look for the Twinkies on the snack aisle. I found only two boxes, and I swiftly put them in the duffel bag and zipped it up—two zombies looking at me at the snack aisle entrance. They started to run at me; I shot one of the zombie's kneecaps, the zombie fell and tripped up the other zombies. I hurried past them, and multiple zombies started to lock-on me when I rushed past them.
I got my eyes set on the exit until a zombie blindsided me on my left side at the store's front. Dropped my bat on impact, the zombie tried to gnaw on my neck, and I pressed my left arm on his neck and shot him inside of his mouth. Blood-splattered on the other incoming zombies, the other zombies quickly go on up top of me, so I couldn't escape. I shot through seven zombies while in succession in the head, and each of them is piled on top of me. I used my legs to push off all of the zombies; so I could get out of the dogpile. I grabbed my bat and hurried outside to the car. I opened the back door of the car and threw myself into the car. Jae drove out of dodge quickly as more zombies started coming from almost every direction.
Jae: What the hell happened back there!? I heard like a million gunshots. Did you reencounter another person again?! Eli: I didn't see another person, but instead of that, I encountered a swarm of zombies; when I first got in there, it was smooth sailing; the zombies were on the other side of Dollar General. I was fine until I ran into this god dang six-foot-five zombie; he wasn't no basic bitch kind of zombie; he was a runner. And not just him and all of the others in the store as well!!! Had to start shooting before it got ugly! When I was running away, I got blindsided while trying to leave. If I shoot one dead, then another would come jump on top of me. I just had to go on a killing streak.
Jae: Did you get bit? Eli: Nope, just grabbed a lot and tackled. Jae: Were you scared this time? Eli: I wasn't scared; it was more like I was in survival mode. I was just reacting; I didn't really think about what I was doing. And plus, I don't want to die so early on in the apocalypse. Oh yeah, by the way, how long was I gone? Jae: Seven minutes! I don't know if we're going to make it on time! Let's check in with Justin; it's almost ten minutes. Jae passed me the two-way radio.
Eli: Yo, JT, are you there?! Jae: Maybe they're in trouble?! Eli: Justin, please come in! We're on our way back right now. Pick up the damn radio, Justin! Justin: I'm here. Sorry, these damn zombies just keep on coming. Eli: We're on our way back; we got supplies from Dollar General. When I mean "we," I mean me. Justin: What you got? Eli: I scavenged fifty-six water bottles, then I got a bunch of toothbrushes and toothpaste; also Twinkies. Justin: Really, Zombieland?! How many Twinkies have you got? Eli: Sadly, only two boxes. Justin: That can't be all of the supplies you manage to get on day one of the zombie outbreak.
Eli: Well, I would've gotten more, but there were some problems. Justin: Like what? Eli: Well, time wasn't on our side, and a bunch of runner zombies was attacking me. Honestly, I would've gotten more supplies, but the zombies had locked down the right side of the store. If we want more supplies, we're going to need some manpower, like a team of six for that kind of supply run. Justin: Did you use your gun? Eli: Had to use it; I was getting swarmed. But if I'm honest here, I probably could've gotten more if I weighed the risk and reward better. Also, we need more bags, because both the bags you gave us are full. Before I forget, we need almost every guy to get every medical supply from the clinic. That's probably going to be our biggest supply run.
Justin: That means tons of zombies; if we're going to do a job like that, we need more ammo. I have plenty of them back at my home. What's the ETA? Jae: We're exactly two minutes away. Justin: We have a horde about to be on top of any minute now; the gunshots attracted them. Donovan and Tim are keeping them at bay at the gate. I'll open the gates when you guys arrive. Jae, before you arrive at the gate, there might be a couple stragglers. So, Elijah, I'm going to need you to shoot a couple of them so they won't come in. Jae: I see the school, Justin! Are you at the damn gate?! Justin: I just got there; the gate is opening!
We got inside the gate, a horde of zombies approaching the school gate from the left side. While we're on the right side. Tim and Donovan scrambled back inside of the gate after attempting to contain the zombies. Tim and Donovan have on soaked scarfs, while Justin is still covering his face with a bandana. I got out of the car, took out all of the bags, brought them inside the school's cafeteria, and placed them on the table. Everyone is gathered around Abigail for the latest news reports on her tablet.
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