《The Zombie Apocalypse: The Ville》(Season 1) Episode 1: The End
Fuck this year! 2020 is a fucking shit storm already. It's only been a couple months; this year can't possibly get any worst. Ever since Kobe died, things went to shit! Now this fucking Virus from China just hit Georgia! How can this year possibly get any worse!
Six hours later...
A loud door creek awoke me from my deep slumber, then the bright lights in the classroom were turned on. I squinted at the asshole who woke me up, and it's Tim. Elijah: Turn the lights off, man! I'm trying to sleep!
The asshole that woke me is Timothy. My friend since ninth grade. Tim has a dark skin complexion with curly hair. He's eighteen, and five foot seven and one hundred forty pounds. He's a chill person that is like a brother to me. Tim's specialty is that he writes music. In our friend group, he is known as the stupid ape. Just wow, I can't believe we're seniors in high school already. It feels like we just started high school, and it's already about to be over. March is about to reach its halfway point. Our high school journey will be over in May.
Tim: Elijah?! How long have you been sleeping, bruh?! Elijah: I don't know, shit maybe before K.O class. I'm saving all my energy on my baseball practice today. Tim: Wait, you didn't hear all of that shit outside, or your phone wasn't blowing up with the emergency alert text!? Elijah: My phone is on, do not disturb, and it's on silent; also, the volume is on zero; because of the baseball group chat, these underclassmen keep blowing up my damn phone! But, what's going on? What happened? Tim: I show you better than I can tell you. We're going to the exit that leads to the basketball court.
I can't wait until my next game, on Monday. I get to leave class early. Damn, I can't believe it's our last year.
Elijah: Are we going outside? Tim: Fuck, no! Whatever you do, do not go out for no damn reason!!! Elijah: I'll do whatever I want to! I quickly pushed Tim to the wall. Tim: Eli, don't go outside, my nigga!!! I rushed out the door without any hesitation; I'd taken in my surroundings, at least fifty dead bodies scattered across the court, the smell of it almost made me puke. It smells like hot garbage and rotten eggs mix with shit. I see a person to my far left. Just walking towards me while dragging his foot. It looks like he has blood covered all over him. I can't really tell you because I don't have my glasses.
Elijah: What the hell happened?! What the fuck actually happened? The person kept coming and started to growl. He came in a couple of steps closer. I realized he wasn't right; there's a massive hole in his chest. The man's jacket was torn to shreds; his eyes had no signs of life. I quickly raced back to the double doors; Tim had a dismayed look on his face like he saw a ghost. He'd promptly opened the door, I went inside.
Tim: How are you, still you?! The others went outside, and they started to cough out their lungs and spit out blood, then they turned to zombies in seconds. Elijah: Is there something with the air? Tim: The news said the atmosphere is not safe to breathe as of right now. We just lost De'Niro to that shit, bro, because he thought the air was safe to breathe again. This happened like nine minutes ago. I was looking for supplies or anything useful and making sure the building was secure, then I found you in Gresham's room sleeping.
Elijah: Fuck!!! Is he one of those abominations?! Please tell me you ended his suffering!? De'Niro wouldn't hurt a soul! Tim: Justin shot him in the head before he turned completely. He screamed for one of us to kill him while he was still human. Elijah: Why did it have to be one of my teammates!? How many of us are still here? Tim: So it's me and you and Donovan, Michael, Justin, Deshon, Niko, Marvelous, Aaliyah, Abby, Mariah, Brianna, Imani. And there are other people that we know of, Audrey Jabami, Tanisha Mabami, also Jae, the one in our grade, not the tenth grader.
At least my friends are alive, not all of them, but it's better than nothing. My family is probably dead from this. Oh well, I really don't give a fuck about them being dead. They are still my family, even in death. I care about someone else; I would die if I found out that she's dead! I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
I wonder, is she okay? If she's dead, then I've no reason to live anymore. 2020 is officially the worst year ever. Shit just hit the fan. This year is fucked; 2020 can't be redeemed. I need to find her, no matter the cost; she is the only reason I'm still breathing. Saying or thinking her name is too much for my heart. And just imagining her...dead is something I can't imagine.
Tim: I can't believe that you're still alive after going outside; you gotta be immune to this shit! Elijah: I wonder if I'm immune to their bites? Tim: Hopefully, you never find out. Let's get back to the others. They're in the cafeteria. Come on, let's go.
Both of us got up from the floor and proceeded through the first set of double doors to leave the box. Elijah: Wait a minute?! Justin brought guns to school?! Tim: Hell yeah, he got a bunch of them, actually. Three duffel bags filled with guns, ammo, and Justin even brought his sword! Was he ready for today, or was he about to, you know...? Elijah: He knew this day would come, so he was prepared since last week. All he kept saying was 2020 is an anime. So that's what we all have as weapons? Tim: Pretty Much. He only gave four people guns, including me. Elijah: Let me grab my stuff, and I'll meet you at the cafeteria. Tim: Alright.
I went back to the Gresham room. I'm so glad that I brought all my baseball gear and spare clothes. I took the bag with baseball bats and batting gloves. I'd sprinted to cafeteria doors. I stood there for a moment. Then went through the doors.
Elijah: Yo! Everyone was sitting down and laughing and then looked at me. Justin: Sup.
Since ninth grade, Justin has been my friend, just like Tim; he's a brother to me. Justin is commonly known as the school shooter or the snack guy if you buy snacks from him. Justin is five foot eleven and weighs about one hundred thirty-four pounds with a light brown skin complexion with a buzzcut.
Deshon: My nigga! We legit thought you were dead with the rest of them.
And the next of my friends since the ninth grade is Deshon. He's five foot six and weighs about two hundred five pounds with light brown skin. So Deshon here peaked in tenth grade and then went downhill from there. My boy got the dad gut if you have seen him without a shirt. In our friend group, he is called the bum of the group because he's a flaker. His best attribute is that he's morally and politically correct, and also, he's a nice guy.
Marvelous: Tim said you're immune to this virus. You stepped outside for like a minute. And you didn't cough out any blood. And turn into one of those freaks.
Marv is the brilliant one in the group. His nickname for the group is the future businessman because of how brilliant he is. I've been friends with him since tenth grade. Our common interest in anime united us during the hellish class in tenth grade.
Justin: My friend, I didn't think you were alive. I'm glad that I was wrong. Abigail: Everyone, please shut the heck up! The news is back on! Abigail was looking on her tablet; I grabbed a chair and had a seat.
I'm Katie Walker. And I'm Matt Wallenberg. Katie: We have an update on this zombie outbreak. We have Bryce Hoyer, he is a representative from the CDC, on the call. Bryce: Well, hello there. Umm, let me get to the point. We have discovered three types of zombies. There is a basic zombie-like from tv shows and movies. Matt: So no super zombies from popular tv shows? Bryce: Well, I wouldn't rule that out, but there are potentially up to six to seven types of zombies.
We dubbed the siren zombie for the second type of zombie; what we know about this zombie is that it calls out other zombies from a five-mile radius. Females that are infected with the zombie virus are more likely to turn into this zombie. And the final zombie, for now, is the runner zombie. The runner can sprint up to sixteen miles per hour. Katie: What is the best way to deal with this zombie? Bryce: To be quite frank, you have to shoot it in the head like the others. Or find a way to destroy the brain.
Matt: When will it be safe to go outside and leave? Bryce: The best time will be from eight o'clock at night until two o'clock in the afternoon. The air will be safe to breathe again. But this will be a recurring issue; we don't know what's causing this. We only have theories. Katie: So the air can be breathed again around that time? Bryce: Yes, you can go outside. But here's another zombie that we discovered, but we don't know that much about it.
I call these types of zombies; I call them stalkers because they stalk their victims in groups. But luckily, they only hunt at night, and there's a twenty-seven percent chance of seeing them, at least for this area. What we were able to experiment with. Matt: What happens if you see them in daylight? Do they die? Bryce: Well, no, they're just blind. Also, I think their hearing is sensitive so, if you're blasting music, I would strongly recommend that you have it at low volume.
Katie: Anything you like to say before we let you go? Bryce: Yes, if you're in the piedmont region of Georgia. Please leave as soon as you can. And this zombie outbreak is nationwide. So going to another state, like Alabama, won't be a good option. And people, if you are looking for help, don't bother. The police and military are trying their best to gain control back. This Zombie outbreak won't end any time soon. Make sure you stay away from cities like Atlanta and Savannah.
The states I recommend going to Kansas, South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, maybe even Vermont, and Alaska if you can make the trip. If I didn't say any other state, it's not safe there—especially California, Texas, New York, Florida. And stay away from the south of the country if you can. Those safe states I'd mentioned, the military has contained the zombie outbreak over there. Good luck out there, and stay safe.
Matt: Just to recap, for those who are just joining us, stay inside if you can. Don't breathe the air, from eight o'clock PM to two o'clock PM. And travel to Wyoming, Montana, Kansas, North, and South Dakota. Stay away from the southern states. And remember, if you're scratched, bitten, please quarantine yourself. And we have confirmed that at least 8.9 million dead, or they've been turned into zombies.
Welp, this is the end of the fucking world. Now, where are you, love? Please stay safe. I have something to tell you face to face.
Donovan: Timothy, are the doors locked up. Tim: Yeah, I've also found four teacher car keys. Deshon: Bet! Donovan: Which teachers? Tim: Ms.Black, and dark skin Ms. Johnson, and K.O's new car, and Ms. James' black Jaguar. Elijah: You're talking about that new black Lexus?! Tim: Yep. Michael: And you have your Car, Elijah. Deshon: That man got that Kia Soul EV! Elijah: I can leave anytime I want. I just got a full tank of gas, and I charged it up last night. Donovan: I see you with your gear; you look like you're ready to leave.
Elijah: I kinda am. Abigail: What do you mean?! Elijah: Let's just say I have to find this person. Deshon: It better not be who I think it is?! Elijah: It is. Abigail: What are the chances of you finding this person?! Elijah: Probably slim to none. But I have to try. Deshon: Nigga, if you don't stay here, and help out! Marv: How about this, what if you stayed and helped your friends out, that you know that is alive and well and when we go out, you can search for her for a few hours and come back. Is that fair to you? Elijah: Alright, I will stay with y'all. And Don, you sold your car, right? Don: Yeah. Elijah: Damn, that's tough. Well, how are we looking at supplies? Michael: Well, we have five days of food. Donovan: Once the power goes out, the backup generator will last us about six days.
Justin: The guns I brought with me. Let's just say that we're good on weapons, bro. I've given you, Don, Mike, Tim, Niko, you're free to choose what you want. Justin opens three of his duffel bags. Elijah: Do you have a Beretta M9? Justin: Yes, sir, I do. I have lots of ammo for that gun. He slides me the gun and six rounds across the table. Elijah: Thanks, mate. Deshon: Why does he get a gun? Justin: He's not a bum, like you. Elijah: Since I'm immune. I will be the one going on supply runs every day. Jae: Aren't you worried about the danger of going on supply runs?! Elijah: Not really. I'm not scared or worried about it. And plus, I really want to go on the road. How about this, you'll be the driver. All I have to worry about is the supplies and running away from zombies.
Deshon: I can go with you on the supply runs to help you out. Elijah: Well, you're not in shape for that. Those runners will be on our asses. Give me somebody like Mike, Marv or Donovan or even Justin. You will just slow me down, and I don't want your death to be in my hands. Elijah: What do you say? Do you want to be my driver? Jae: I do. Deshon: Where're your glasses at nigga!?
Elijah: Well, see, what happened was that I left them at home. But I don't need them really. Deshon: You need your glasses by law when you drive. Elijah: I'm near-sighted; I can see what's close by. I drove from home to school, just fine. You worry too much. And I got Jae driving for me. What supplies do we need when I go on the supply run? Marv: Food & water, so we can stay here longer.
Medicine, if someone gets sick, if you can get gas, it will be great for us when we have to leave. More weapons wouldn't hurt. You can get some toothbrushes & toothpaste, and stuff like that. Elijah: I got it memorized. Michael: It wouldn't hurt if you can stop by our houses and also get our things. Justin: I have a bunch of weapons there; if you can get them, then that would be great. Elijah: Just send me the addresses, and I can gather the stuff. But I'm only taking necessary things. Aaliyah: That's fair enough. Okay, that's all. I'm heading out. Abigail: It's still not safe to breathe the air; you should wait until eight o'clock.
Elijah: As long as you don't breathe in the air, you won't turn. Justin: I have a gas mask for Jae if she's going with you. Jae: I'll take it. Tim: Yo, we have some business to discuss. Almost all of the guys left the cafeteria, except for Niko and Justin, Donovan. Elijah: What's going on? Deshon: Do you still want to go out with Jae or no? And for the love of God, please say yes! The one that shall not be named, you need to get over her! The way you feel about her is not right. I know you love her, but most likely, she's not a part of the living.
You said you were trying to move on from her. The other girls you've been thirsting for are a damn shame. You need to have some damn standards. Please try to get with her. Elijah: It wouldn't be right if I get into a relationship with her while I'm in love with someone else. Deshon: Nigga, you've cheated so many damn times with other females! I'm not trying to hear it. Mike: Dude, she's probably a zombie or dead. Marv: If we tried to think of the best realistic scenario, she would be in a different state.
Do you really think you find her in this apocalypse? Tim: You won't have to be lonely tonight. Elijah: What do you mean? What did you guys do? Mike: Well, almost everyone has roommates. Elijah: Wow, it's going to be a sausage party. Mike: Nigga, no! Don and Imani have Coach Pope's classroom. Justin & Brianna have Ms. Andrea's room. Marv & Abigail in Ms. Johnson's room. Tim: Mike & Audrey chillin 'in Robison's room. Niko is in the middle hallway; he's in Basil's little room. Regrettably, I'm with Tanisha and Aaliyah in Cornelius' room. Deshon: Mariah and I are in Gresham's room.
Elijah: Go ahead, do your thing, man. Deshon: We've done you a favor, you and Jae in K.O's room. Please go out with her. I promise you will find a new purpose. Elijah: I got you; I will try it out. If I don't like it, I'm going on my suicide mission; you got that chief!? Deshon: Fine, you better do your damn best! Justin opened up the cafeteria door. Justin: Jae is ready to go. The gas mask is fully operational. Take this two-way radio, Jae. Update us every ten minutes when you guys are out there, and it's fully charged, so no worries. Jae: Alright. Is your car parked in the front or back parking lot, Elijah?
The front. We can meet up at the office door. Elijah: Justin, What time is it? Justin: It is four fifty-five. I walked to the front office door and met up with Jae, with her gas mask on. Justin: Make sure you use your gun as the last option. The sound attracts them. Elijah: I got you, my boy. I got my baseball bat. Jae: Your car keys, I need them.
Elijah: Oh, yeah, my bad. I tossed my car keys to Jae. Okay, on the go, that's when we start sprinting to the car. Everybody get away from the doors! You don't want to breathe the air. Jae: Ready when you are. Elijah: Three, two, one. Go! I headed out first and got my aluminum baseball bat ready, fourteen zombies in the parking lot. Jae followed right behind me. My car is located on the first row, the first spot by the school gate. Jae unlocked my car.
All of them look like basic zombies; nobody is running after us. That's a great sign.
Elijah: Jae, get in the car. I got you covered. Jae: Alright! Two zombies started going towards me. I rushed to the zombie, wearing a tracksuit first. I took a swing at the head, the zombie stumbled back and started to growl. Elijah: What the hell? It's not like the movies! The tracksuit zombie reached for me. I took a swing at the temple of the head. I heard a loud cracking sound when my bat connected. The second zombie grabbed my arm, but it shot in the head. Justin has multiple bandannas covering his mouth and nose. He's standing outside shooting with a hunting rifle, shooting numerous zombies. I hurried on in the car. And we got out of the school parking lot and got out of school grounds.
Jae: Are you alright?! I saw you get grabbed! Elijah: I'm okay; it's just hitting zombies with bats. It's so damn difficult! Jae: How, it looks so easy?! All you have to do is swing at the zombie's head, and it's dead! Well, even more dead. Elijah: Since this bat is aluminum, when you hit something, it vibrates.
The harder you hit something, the worse it gets. Imagine trying to kill a zombie, the shit stings like fuck! Jae: I thought you were on the baseball team. Aren't you used to hitting stuff?! Elijah: I'm used to hitting baseballs, not zombies. And plus, hitting a ball stings a lot less. Also, I wear my batting gloves when I hit the ball, so I don't really feel it. Jae: Where's your batting gloves then?!
Elijah: In my bag, I wasn't thinking, really. I just wanted to go outside. Jae: Put them on. I'm going to need you to take multiple swings without stopping. Where should we go? Elijah: To the clinic, medicine should be our highest priority, then going to the gas station, then maybe a grocery store, if it's not packed with zombies. We can also check that neighborhood across the street from the school; we can find hella stuff. Jae: Do you know where a clinic is? Elijah: Well, no, but I can use my phone GPS to find it.
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