《The Rise of the Rune Master》Chapter 26: Welcome Home


Chapter 26: Welcome Home

In the far north away from the Phantom Tribe, there was a much bigger tribe. This tribe has a very different sense of style and atmosphere, the decoration that hung on every tent was not an animal bone but instead a human skull.

The people living in this tribe looked like savages that would kill anyone that laid their eyes on. Because of their nature, a brawl can happen at any moment in just a small disagreement. However, this was not the only reason why the tribe had a savage atmosphere.

Although the tribe was huge, a deafening voice resounded that can be heard in every part of the tribe. This voice was coming from the biggest tent that can be seen inside the tribe, everyone who saw this tent would think that whoever lived in it was a very important person.

Coming from this tent was a thick smell of blood, if someone walked inside, they would see multiple bodies laying on the ground covered with their own blood. While the dead bodies were scattered around inside the tent, a middle-aged man was sitting on a chair made from human bones and skulls.

In front of this middle-aged man were the only remaining 5 people who escaped from the confrontation with Vir’s group. These 5 people were on their knees begging the middle-aged man to spare their pitiful lives.


“Please! Chieftain spare us! Give us one last chance! We know what their faces look like, if we can see them one more time, we can definitely recognize them! please chieftain just one last chance!”

“hmp… I give you one last chance to redeem yourself by finding the tribe of those people, but I do not need 5 of you”

The middle-aged man threw a stone knife on the ground.

“Kill each other whoever survived will be spared”

After the middle-aged man said that, the 5 people acted without hesitation to try to take the knife for themselves. In just this action anyone would understand how this tribe works, survival of the fittest, the strong survived while the weak will be eaten, literally.


A few days had passed. Vir’s group together with Dara’s group finally returned to the Phantom Tribe without any more incidents. The Arrows were welcomed by the tribesmen with smiles and cheers when they saw them bringing back 2 beasts. However, this warm welcome instantly disappeared when the tribesmen noticed the strangers tagging along with Vir.


They are confused about why would Vir bring strangers into their tribe. A lot of tribesmen can be heard whispering with each other clearly warry to these unknown people. The Arrows stopped in the biggest open area of the tribe, they also put down the 2 Beasts to let the tribesmen deal with them.

Alfred was on the top of the Land Dragon while the Arrows were carrying it, he jumped down the beast when the Arrows put it down. The moment he landed on the ground something or someone instantly jumped on him excited about his return. It was Leo.

“Did you miss me this much?”


“I miss you too buddy, I also do not want to leave your side again.”

While the 2 were hugging and having their moments, Aponi walked closer to them along with Amra.

“Thank the Guardian Tree You returned safely, Leo was very sad during the time you are gone.”

“Oh! Hi Aponi, yes I am back, thank you again for taking care of Leo”

“You do not have to thank me, Amra and I enjoyed our time with Leo.”

While the 2 were having a conversation, Gunnar walked closer to interject.

“I am back too.”

“Oh, thank the Guardian tree, you also back.”

Aponi ran to Gunnar when she saw the wounds on his body.

“Why do you have so much wound? Did you push yourself too hard again? Did I not tell you not to do that? When are you going to listen to me?”

“Do not worry Aponi this is just minor wounds”

Gunnar was so happy his smile can almost reach his ears. Alfred was annoyed when he saw Aponi being intimate with Gunnar. When Gunnar noticed that Alfred was annoyed, he mocked him by showing his smug face to him.

Alfred became even more irritated when he saw Gunnar’s face. Therefore, he shifted his attention to Amra. Alfred tried to pet Amra to greet her, Aponi hastily tried to stop Alfred from touching Amra, because Amra doesn’t like it when someone beside Aponi touched her.

To Aponi’s surprise, Amra let Alfred pet her, she even rubbed her body into his hand.

“Wow! I think Amra really likes you, usually, she does not like other people touching her except for me. Maybe she remembered that you are the one who suggested keeping them in the tribe.”

“Really! Well, I like you too Amra.” Alfred said to Amra while petting her.

Leo seemed to notice the intimacy between Alfred and Amra. So, he showed his pity looked at Alfred, and whimpered.


“What? Are you jealous? Haha! Yeah yeah I like you too very much”

Aponi smiled at this interaction. Gunnar seemed to notice Aponi was smiling because of this. Therefore, he walked closer to Amra, he stretched his hand to pet her, but what happened was far from his expectation. Amra snarled at Gunnar and dodge his hand, Gunnar became dejected by Amra’s reaction towards him.

“You do not have to be sad Gunnar, Amra does not like those people she does not have familiarity with touching her. I am sure if she gets to know you, soon, she will let you pet her.” Aponi reassured Gunnar.

Alfred snorted while holding back his laughter, Gunnar glared at Alfred when he heard him. However, Alfred did not back down instead he showed him his smug face. The 2 were about to start arguing with each other but stopped as a tribesman arrived bearing the Elders’ words.

“Head Arrow Vir and Alfred, the Elders summoned both of you, they also order to guide the leader of our guest to meet them.”

The 3 people walked toward Chief Viren’s tent. Dara observed the condition of the tribe, this was her first time visiting another tribe. Dara found it interesting that this tribe has a lot in common with her late tribe, the tent, the guardian tree, and the abundant dirt.

The biggest difference she noticed was the people, a lot of the tribesmen she saw are skin and bone. Anyone who has eyes will understand that this tribe has difficulty providing food for their people. Dara was a lot more confident when she saw the dire situation of the tribe, she was confident that she can convince the Elders to let her people join the tribe.

After a while, the 3 finally reached the tent.

“Chieftain I am here with Alfred and our guest.” Vir shouted in front of the tent.

“Come in”

The 3 walked inside the tent after the permission, Dara saw 3 Elders sitting on the ground. The ground was covered with monster fur, so, the elders can sit more comfortably. Dara bowed her head to show respect to the Elders.

“Greeting to the Elders, I am grateful that you give me an opportunity to meet you.”

The Elders nodded their head to Dara accepting her greetings. Elder Ahote smiled widely when he saw Alfred safe and sound, Alfred also smile back at him. This interaction showed the two had a close relationship.

Chief Viren moved his right hand inviting the 3 to sit down with them. Dara can’t help but notice the white lion in the embrace of Shaman Catori and Alfred. She was very curious why these monsters were not attacking the people around them.

She wanted to ask them about this, but she knew that asking about a secret of a tribe was not appropriate. Yet, her eyes betrayed her. The curiosity was too much for her to handle, she can’t help herself but stare at the white lion. Alfred noticed Dara’s intense curiosity towards Leo, Alfred just smiled at her when their eyes met.

While Dara was focused on the white lion, Vir took out the 2 Life Stone. The Elders’ eyes brightened when they saw the 2 Life Stone. Chief Viren was not able to stop himself from asking how the Arrows collected 2 Life Stones.

Vir explained exactly what happened to the hunt except for the rune, he doesn’t want to expose the rune to Dara as long the latter was not part of the tribe. The 3 Elders became impressed, they all smiled at Alfred expressing their approval of his plan.

Dara was also impressed by the story of Vir. However, there was something she can’t understand, how can a trap kill a beast so easily. Dara doesn’t know if Vir was just boasting or if there was something he didn’t say in the report, but knowing Vir in the past days that they are traveling together.

She was more reclined to believe the latter than the former. After the Elders heard the explanation of how the hunt go, Chief Viren looked at Dara.

“May I know your name?”

“I am Dara from Plant Tribe.”

“Dara, May I know the reason why you are here?”

“I am here to request the Elders to let us join your tribe”

“For what reason? Why do you want to join our tribe?”

“Because we do not have a place to call home anymore, our tribe has been destroyed.”

“I understand your situation, but I must decline your request, as you can see our tribe was having a very dire food problem right now. So, I am afraid we cannot afford to add another people to feed.”

“That is why I am here; my people might solve the food problem of your tribe.”

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