《Astral: Into the New World》Attempt


"Aahhh! Slow down, don't kill me!" he stopped but geez I felt like my veins were being sucked as well.

I immediately put pressure on the punctures with my palms. And slowly, a voltage of sting pulsated on both my shoulder and neck. I look up and watched quietly as he stood up and turn his back on me. I could hear him breathing heavily and so do I. I opened my mouth to gasp for air and a faint smoke escaped. I let go of my hand covering the puncture wound on my shoulder, I breathe on the back of my palm… It’s cold.

“What did you do?”, I said as I start to shiver. Coldness is building inside, my head is spinning, and eventually, my brain froze. I screamed from the inexplicable torment before I lost my voice from the strangeling repercussion. I fell on my back. I choked myself trying to stop the moving pain spawned from the bitten spots. Everything was starting to blur and I saw him with no remorse before he lifts me and again, his fangs sunk under the already punctured wound on my neck. But he's not drinking my blood anymore, still, it hurts.

We walk meters apart as I follow him from behind. The unpaved path is wet sprinkled by the rainshower moments ago, cold fresh air whipped through as we walked, the sun is high on the bright blue sky, and towering trees, and bushes on the side but not as dense as Mountain Ard.

“Where are we going?”


I sneered from his unapproachable silence. It's been hours since the encounter… since he

“Never tell anyone what you saw”, he said as he continues to walk.

“Oh. That you are a vampire?”

“Do not speak of that word human”, He said in his monotone voice

“Mm”, I responded then he stopped. I got scared so I held my dagger.

“I. am. a. nomasa.”, He said word per word.

“Okay”, I uttered. What should I answer huh?

“You’re not a human of this world. You are summoned. Where?”, He asked and he turned around. I can’t read his face but I could tell he wants my answer.


But then I remembered, even oldbird never knew where I came from. He only knew I am not from this world, I don’t know what risks were ahead if I tell them about my world. Just think about it, this vampire slash nomasa. He may not be the only one needing human blood, my kind of human you know. Also, they have these portals and shit, who knows if the portals revive and they travel anywhere, am I risking my planet then? Hmmm, that sounds humanitarian on another level, pfff… (lol)

“I don’t know, I can’t remember my past”, I said. He looks at me, head to toe, scanning what specie am I.. tsk…

“Your blood… you have red blood, are you a hybrid too? Of a dyran?”, he asked

“Are you Erda?”,

This is interesting. Erda huh.

“Well maybe.”

He squints his eyes and sighs.

“Wa-wait… not again”, I said while stepping back. His eyes are evidently wondering and he seemed planning to bite me again. No no… not anymore.

“I am not tasting that hideous blood again.”, he said and turn away.


And that’s the end of our meaningless conversation.

***Hours later***

We suddenly stopped facing a giant tree with a small cave under it. He mumbled something. Scary actually, like some sacrificial ritual chants?

“We take rest here”, He said afterward then repeat the same words. I become wary of my surroundings, I began to hear things from my imagination. Hustling winds, howling wolves, eyeing predators on the tree, or vengeful spirits trying to lure me to the gro-und~?!


“Aw! “ I kick him on his legs for slapping my back. He raised his hands

“What the hell was that for? ”, I shouted at his face

“You’re distracting me, move… don’t come close”, he exclaimed shooing me with his hands.

I shook my head, but can’t stop thinking of the possibility that someone is watching us…not God of course but … something sinister? I know I know… I’m just spooking myself but who wouldn’t.

Just look at this place, giant trees like the redwoods everywhere, but their roots extend upwards, creating a massive nesting place above. And I’m not hearing anything, no crickets, or buzzes of bugs, even the tiniest whisper of wind. It’s a complete void, but with nature in it. The sun is lost from the fogs forming at the top and barely letting any sun rays. But it’s warm, which is weird, it’s misty above, yet warm and dry below, perfect two atmospheres, and tell me, why is it bright if there’s no light? Again, there’s no magic here, only horror remains then.


I step closer to him while roaming my eyes around. He’s not done with his chanting or whatever he does.

“Pray now”, he said confusing all guts I have on earth and at this present. Whew…

“Pray? Where? What? “

“You never prayed before?”, he said, I shook my head.

“Pray now then“


“We’re lost”, he replied, and boom period. I knew it… This place is too unreal to even be here.

“F*ck…*exhale… In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit. Lord in heaven giver of life, I…..ummm”

“You do not cast spell on me human!”, He said removing his hands from covering my mouth.

“Seriously… I am praying can’t you tell!”, My ghad, his hands too rough, like a grater.

I lick the corner of my lower lip but not sure if it tasted blood but I felt the warm liquid. I wipe it with my index finger and confirmed, blood it is. I looked down at his hand, smeared with my blood.

The sting slowly livens on half of my face scratched by the hardened scales of his left hand.

“Look what you’ve done! You promise me! You.are.not.to.hurt.me.AGAIN!”

I kick him in the stomach and punch him in the face. He did not move, and I got annoyed more and slap him.

“You told me to pray and I did… and that filthy hand! Don’t dare!”, I said while pointing at his left hand. He withdraws the scales leaving him no hand.

My body is aching, and my neck and shoulder are still numb because of what he f*cking done. And now my face!

“You are f*cking cruel! You know that? What did I do to you, huh?!... oh my face, it stings”, I did not intend to show a drop of tears but …


I turn my back and unexpectedly cried.

I just wanna go home. I have enough.


“What the hell are you doing!”, I shouted. Did he just… He just licked my neck?

I… Is he asking me to pray before his meal?

“What are you thinking?”, I asked staying on guard while holding my dagger leveled on my waist. He stepped closer, and smirk.

“It’s my turn”, he said.


I immediately run towards the thick roots raised on the ground and jump on them.

“Forget about the hunting season… ugh, you punched me hard, human. You’re supposed to be my greatest gift to the noble kingdom, but you made me impatient.” he said as he keeps walking toward me.

“You’re a complete psycho! You told me to pray and I am supposed to-

“You mean your spell? Is that what the monk taught you?”, he said.

“The monk you say?”

“...he’s well known.”, He replied and draw his arrow.


I recognized the arrowhead, a poisoned chert.

“This is the easiest way human, don’t move”, He said sternly.

My heart is about to break in my ribcage, but I have to escape. His bloodlust is too plain not to notice. There are lots of thick roots surrounding the trunks of the trees, I could leap onto them and go up, but he can’t jump as high as I can… this would be a good choice, right?

*Deep breath

As soon as he shoots the arrow I jumped on the upper roots. He was able to graze my leg with the poisoned arrow. Immediate numbing is starting to take over, but I have to make it to the top where he can’t reach me. I could not feel my right leg but I didn't stop... I need to escape.

I spring from tree to tree until I saw a light within the mist.

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