《Sidequest》Chapter 2


While the sun had set, the safe zone was still bright as day. Dozens of little lights in the night made it a beacon to those trapped out in the Darkness. And in an inn room in this safe zone, Hiro and the others played a card game by the light streaming in through the windows.

"Got any Queens?" Hiro asked, his black eyes glimmering expectantly at Alphonse.

Alphonse sat with his cheek resting on his fist, his glasses slightly crooked. He looked languidly between his cards and Hiro's face before sighing. He took a card between two fingers and flicked it at Hiro.

"Yay! I win again!" Hiro threw the last of his cards down on the pile in front of him.

Kelsi's hands drooped and she let her cards spill from her fingers, "I was so close that time," she muttered.

Suzie gave her a little pat on the shoulder before gathering the cards up. "Another round?" Hiro asked.

With a grunt, Alphonse got to his feet and stretched, "Not for me. I'm going to bed."

"Aww." Hiro started to whine but Suzie gently cut him off, "We should all be getting some sleep."


Just as the sun began to rise, Hiro sat up in bed. Next to him Alphonse laid with his back to Hiro. In the other bed Suzie slept on her stomach with Kelsi curled up next to her, clinging to her sleeve. As slowly and quietly as he could, Hiro slid out from under the covers, keeping an eye on the back of Alphonse's head. Tiptoeing through the room, Hiro threw on his cape, shoes, and bag and grabbed his wooden staff, heading out the door.

Just as the door near silently shut behind Hiro, Alphonse's eyes snapped open.



Hiro stared up at the dungeon, his fingers turning white with how tightly he gripped his staff. Standing all alone in front of the huge, black obelisk, Hiro felt a bit of fear and doubt creep into his heart. He swallowed then took a deep breath, his spine and shoulders straightening as the air filled his lungs before slumping again as he exhaled. He closed his eyes, remembering warm hands on his head, ruffling his dark hair, and words of encouragement from a voice rough and loud and another elegant and confident. With tears pricking at the corners of his eyes, he opened them, "Dad, Father, I'm gonna be like you. Just watch."

Hiro extricated a hand from his staff and reached for the dungeon door. Before his pale fingers could scrape the smooth, black "door", a hand grabbed his shoulder. Hiro let out a shout and spun around.

Alphonse lifted his hand from Hiro's shoulders, holding it aloft. "What do you think you're doing?" Alphonse asked, an eyebrow raised.

"Uh... nothing?" Hiro squeaked, eyes darting around.

Alphonse let his hand drop to his side and tilted his head to the side, his expression not changing.

Hiro's eyes settled on the space between his and Alphonse's feet, "I wanted to clear it by myself."

"You're a healer... It's your first dungeon..."

"I know!" Hiro snapped, hot, frustrated tears pricking his eyes.

For a moment the two boys stood face to face in silence. Then Alphonse sighed, "Fine. But I'm going in as well to watch your back."

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