《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 26: The Tsunami of Water


I saw a wave, eight hundred kilometers from shore, and Magicspestone was about fifty miles from the coast. It was already two thousand meters tall, and approaching at eighty kilometers an hour. I watched for thirty seconds, before I calculated that a twenty-thousand meter tall wave would hit in seven hours, and cause flooding two hundred kilometers from shore. The damage for fifty kilometers, which would take an hour, would cost about seven gold coins, but in Magicspestone, it would cause forty-four diamond coins, eight gold coins, six silver coins, two bronze coins, five copper coins, four iron coins, and sixty-eight normal coins in damage, and from Magicspestone inwards, it would cost six hundred fifty-four diamond coins.

The damages would be huge, so I told Fesoul, who was nearby, and had the water soul stone. I then went to the worldsafers building, and they started calling people who had powers to fight the tsunami. I told Doom, who could get some gold or higher categories to help. I then told Bob, who told his mom. Her soul strength was silver nine, so she was able to sense it was a gold-category tsunami.


I told the magic association that the tsunami was coming, and they got more soul stone users who had power to fight it. I went to the yard where we were all assembling.


There were two hundred thirty-two soul stone users there. There were a hundred iron-categories, fifty-four copper-categories, forty-six bronze-categories, twenty silver-categories, ten gold categories, and two diamond-categories (Doom’s connections could get the diamond-categories and six of the gold-categories, Bob’s family could get three gold-categories, and a gold-category was doing some research one hundred eight kilometers away). A diamond-category sensed a gold-category was causing it, and a diamond-category was shielding him from soul attacks. A diamond-category stopped the diamond-category, and then the other diamond-category killed him with his soul. We all got a bevy of buffs. I could use my afflictions on the tsunami. I summoned my pefighs. I conjured my dagger and cloak. I said, “Ice of outside is nothing, so ice from within shall arise.” The inside froze, and left it twenty times smaller and slower. With no soul stone user to help it and with soul stone users against it, it was entirely destroyed within an hour.

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