《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 23: The Prophecy


The prophecy goes as following:

The outsider shall vanquish the kings

Ice, Fire, Water, Sky, Lightning, and Earth

Ice shall fall against the diamond

Fire shall be overcome by arrogance

Water shall be its own bane

Sky shall lose one versus one to The Outsider

Lightning shall doom oneself

Earth, the mighty one, shall doom itself, out of closeness to doom for the outsider

The six shall merge into one great, evil, godly whole

Death shall arise

The outsider shall doom death, and shall reach the hearth in doing so

The hearth shall shift

Death shall reach Death

The outsider will reach the brink of Death

Life shall be restored

The outsider shall be eternal

The man who walks between worlds shall absorb the door

The door shall save life eternally

Monstrous death shall remain

The man who walks between worlds shall annihilate the monster of diamond

Peace shall be restored

Corruption shall be removed after peace is restored

The outsider shall prosper, with eternal work

This is a pastiche

Sinister, right? If you remember, I’m not from Glassfay, apparently I’m an “Outsider,” and I’ve sort of defeated the ice king. So this could be referring to me. Doom told me no one else meets the criteria. I just found out-my house has a limited number of rooms. Anyways, this is quite scary, because this says I’ll get to the brink of death numerous times

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