《One Versus Destiny》Chapter 9: The First Trial


“I will not help you with the trials,” said Ordeath. “The first trial is to choose between trial A or trial B. I chose trial A. Everyone else chose trial B. Everyone else had their orb of death lead them to a battlefield. My orb led me to a wall.

He said, “You will have to cross this wall. It is a living, gold category wall.”

I summoned my waeswar. I conjured my cloak. “Your luck’s fate is to suffer. Freeze, bloodless one.” I then remembered that at silver-category, some of the gunk that comes out is your blood. I must have had a nonillion instances of good luck, though, because a power stone of affliction appeared just then. I absorbed it:

You have unlocked soul stone of death power (slow death)

Class affliction

Effect (copper)

Creates, or adds an instance of (slow death) to targeted enemy

Cost: low death mana

Incantation: Suffer the cost of the lifetime

slow death: does twenty damage a second

I got this message:

Waeswars (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Perception of Darkness (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Sinfree Soul (Sin) Bronze 0 (0%)

Cloak of Death (Death) Bronze 0 (0%)

Bad Omen (Omen) Bronze 0 (0%)

Execute (Doom) Bronze 0 (0%)

Teleport of Shadows (Darkness) Bronze 0 (0%)

Frozen Blood (Blood) Bronze 0 (0%)

Cleansing Fire (Sin) Copper 0 (0%)

Orb of Death (Death) Copper 0 (2%)

Slow Death (Death) Copper (0%)

“Suffer the cost of a lifetime. Suffer the cost of a lifetime. Suffer the cost of a lifetime.”

After a while, the wall died. I had killed the living gold category wall.

It took me an hour to let it sink in. Last time I had killed a gold-category, I couldn't let it sink in, because of the damage. Most people didn't ever kill a gold-category in their life, and I did it before the age of twelve? I think it is really odd. I was only iron category. But is what I have been doing ethically correct? Would this make me into a monster? I'm worried about morral decay. I can't give up, though, becuase I have heard things about me being the destinied saviour of Glassfay.


I was thinking about something Doom had told me. "When you are not working as a worldsafer, it is a great thing. Parties, riches, glory, all those things. Worldsafers only work three to four hours a day, so most of the time, life is great. It is during those hours that you earn it. Killing dangerous monsters. Walking through fire so no one else has to. Are you sure you want to take this path? I understand, worldsafers have superhero and superhuman abillities. It is also a very dangerous path. If you survive, you have great hounour-but also great guilt. It is our human capibilties that make us who we are. A godly-category isn't a human. They are simply an extension of the world's magic.

I have seen many a worldsafer who went down the path of moral decay or overwheleming guilt eating you up. If you can survive that, yet stay human, that is what makes a truely great worldsafer. Do you know how there are platinum-categories in the worldsafer hall of fame? Not supreme abilities. Not riches. Human qualities. Mortal qualities. Do you know how the elemental kings, the most extreme manifestation of evil, were started? They were worldsafers gone astray. They lost all their mortal and moral capibility. They became extensions of the most evil evil. Death itself."

I was thinking about that for a couple hours. It has been something that kept me up at night lately. I couldn't sleep until four AM thinking about it.

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