《A Familiar Cat》Chapter 10 : A Cat's Revenge


It was late in the evening. The Long shadows of the night dropped themselves delicately over the city with a suffocating grip. Like the coils of an ebony viper squeezing the light and life from the day.

Creeping through the alleyways, contrasted by the street lamps' gaslight glow, a small shape, black as the shadows surrounding it, made its move.

The only distinction between its movements and the pitchblende darkness around it were two silver flashes. About where the eyes would be on a small short-haired cat.

It crept along the alleyways, it perched in the corners. It watched for careful strangers. Its unearthly gaze gleamed with uncanny intelligence as it selected with predatory care, the object of its desires.

The House, half availed in shadows, was in the light of day, a simple shop. Humble and unassuming. But that is not what this creature was after. That lay farther within the dwelling.

Stealing away, a dark streak of absent light burst across the street. instantly taking shelter in hidden corners by the door.

A well-trained ear craned to listen in on the sounds within. When he was sure the coast was clear, the shape leaped up to the windowsill, its shutters half drawn in the warm mid-spring air.

The intruder slinked like watery ink into the abode, flowing with a grim grace and intelligent partition, skirting the edges of the void and imperception. Silvery coins glaring and judging the wares it came across in the gloom. its gliding frame, weaving betwixt and between various items in the room, bounding over displays and tables of articles.

Its searching gaze found its prey. Out of all the items, there was one it prized above them all. A small marble, a gemstone, even in this dark gloom it shone with unnatural clarity. As if reflecting the light of an unseen source, lit by inhuman hands.

The greedy creature took it up, cradling its new possession with a fiery gaze of triumph. Now, to abscond with its prize. This bauble would not be sorely missed, despite its value, there were many like within the city limits. But this creature had elected to retrieve this one for plans yet unknown.

Taking the item within its mouth, it leaped back towards the blinds, sailing through the air and into the street with a gleeful air and with astonishing smoothness.

The beast of prey landed curtly and scampered off into the night, not bothering to check if he was being pursued. Inside the shop, the sound of the clattering blinds had wakened the Shopkeepers wife, who then sealed the windows before muttering her way back to sleep.


Back in the hideout, the creature gently placed his prize amidst a myriad of others. Its care in arranging them, the flickering of its eyes like baleful flames.

Darwin licked his chops; this was the last thing he needed. He'd given up on trying to rob shops in the daytime. Most of the items he required were uncommon, but still a hassle to get a hold of. Whenever he approached trying to, ugh, Steal, the item, most shop keeps assumed he was begging for scraps and would shoo him away. Never mind the fact that he could see that they weren't food vendors.

That thought sent his stomach gurgling. he groaned in exaggerated pain. It felt like ages since he'd last eaten, his failed heist from the restaurant was the last he'd seen of food. Well, edible food anyway. what was he going to do? eat those parasite-riddled vermin? Hell's Bells no, willing eating such filth was beneath him.

Besides, he had his health to look after. He couldn't possibly risk disease in this state. What with little to no understanding of Veterinarian services or even basic mystical medicines. Not that he'd allow such things to come to pass. But it would be a worthy study once he got back, along with a proper bath.

Shaking himself, he dispelled the gloomy thought from his mind. He would consider a proper bath when he had the chance. Living in this, hovel, made him feel discarded, filthy even.

Turning his attention back to the items collected. There were only a few objects but they were each a vital part of his ascension back into proper magic. He placed a paw on an ornate golden brooch. flicking it open with a claw revealed a solid slate of Lapis Lazuli carved into a portrait of a lovely lady.

The blue material was often regarded as a Magician's Best friend and confidant. It was incredibly responsive to the various modes of Pneuma and was often the basis of many charms. Rubbing it gave the illusion of the woman turning and blowing a kiss. The Cat lingered on this, clearly a sentimental gift between lovers, or an expensive lure from a high-end harlot.

He'd seen worse anyhow. Moving on to his next item.

Seemingly innocuous, an ordinary Silver spoon. Maybe pewter, either way. Useable. The Silver itself was the important part, the material would be a means of concealing his stash from prying eyes. And the basis for an enchanted Mirror. True he could get better results with a pewter Teacup, but that had proven difficult.


Mirrors were a useful tool, though, not unlike the field of Optic, expensive, fickle, and not entirely understood. Unlike Optic's, Mirror Magics had mostly been left behind by telescopes and spyglasses. Now there was a resurgence, as instant Two-way correspondence was now becoming a looming necessity. Thought this field was, painfully slow and plagued with problems.

But it also meant that most modern wizards now neglected taking up some of the basic protections in shielding against such tactics, making his task of locating vulnerable targets and required items, much easier. it was partially why he sprung for it first. Though the shape of a Teacup would be preferred.

Inversely he could charm it to disturb the vision of others, granting a kind of mirage effect, useful in concealment, forcing prying eyes to slide over an area or to haze a patch of vision. So long as it was exposed to a source of light and direct line of sight, you could use it to conceal near anything. Doesn't do much for strong Smells or Loud noises. It's also still very fickle, a misplaced bump or stumble would ruin the illusion.

And for the last two items, to be honest, One of these would be more than enough, but the one he'd taken originally was broken. So he had to fetch another. The item in question, was, of course, the small orb he had just obtained. It was a Potentiometer, or as it was infamously referred to as, The Scrying Stone.

These were, embarrassingly common, and were often used to judge a candidate trying to become a mage or wizard or to prank idiots into believing they were already magicians.

He took as deep a breath as he could manage, placed a paw on the small glassy object, and let it loose. The rush from the air moving through his body filled every inch of him, like a sudden rush of life, getting up and shaking the dust from its coat, clearing the clutter from his body.

The stone flashed briefly, a dull light like a brief match flame. As a shudder clipped the insides of the wary creature. He could feel something pick against his mind in a familiar, yet virgin manner.

To be fair, it was the first time, for his body. But for the mind steering the Cat, It was an old friend returning after a long journey. It was different sure; the anatomy was to blame for that, but it was undeniably His.

It was magic, practically a spiritual experience, unlocking all the hidden and bound forces, locked deep inside the very mechanisms that made life possible on the Earth, in all its minute details.

He shuddered as his mind and body filled with the assurance and gentle self-Love that comes from the deepest instincts of preservation and reproduction harmonizing. The idea of Territory, Dominion, and Adoration flooded the depths of his soul. But there was something else, something crude and predatory. The joy of the hunt, the thrill of squirming prey, the electric thrill of power and superiority.

Hmm, he didn't remember that last part being there, stupid Cat. He was a Man. A man in, very strange circumstances.

But enough of that! He regaled himself in arcane theories, Doors now open to him with the small return of his grandeur. This magic would be his tool and weapon of his revenge.

After all, There was a Demon about. And he had something of his.

He shook himself awake. As much as he would certainly love to remain lost in that bliss of self-enlightenment. He had business to attend to.

To be fair, the reaction wasn't entirely unexpected, but rather more potent the first time. Hence the many gags of grabbing a man's palm and giving him a charge while he struggled to activate the stone.

He wiped his leg against something and sniffed. ugh, He forgot. The intense sensation of Awakening often left one's trousers quiet, Damp.

The stone operated by reflecting one's Vitala into the body, the stronger the Vitala, the stronger the reaction. Some of this energy would leak out in the form of small and brief flashes of light. The frequency and intensity were how Mages could judge their candidates. The experience of using it was an unforeseen side effect. Many Wizards thought to create a Resonance Chamber, much like in a violin or Chello, as a means of amplifying the intensity of a Wizards Vitala, but most of them only succeeded in passing out. Completely whelmed and sunk in their Self-Assurances and Ego, having dirty dreams of making love to themselves or some feminine stand-in for their hubris.

He shook his head free of such, depraved imagery. And settled back into his work. Magic was one thing, Power was another, and he had all night to gain that. And he started with the Spoon.

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