《The Roseguard's Odyssey: The tale of the hunted》Chapter 4 - The Round Table


Ketil followed the knight to the second floor until they reached the end of the hall, where there were men that guarded a pair of massive double doors. The guards opened the doors to reveal a large dining room where the biggest man Ketil had ever seen sat behind a round table.

The giant man was a mountain of blubber and muscle. He read a book that looked ridiculously small in his huge hands. The man had the most impressively styled beard and mutton chops that framed his calm and jolly looking face. He wore a custom sparkling white suit, which Ketil could tell was made with expensive imported eastern silk. His huge hands that held the book had custom diamond studded gold rings on all of his fingers.

“Was the commotion settled, Shinaki?” The man did not even look up from his book that he held with his thumb and index finger.

“Yes, Lord Solomon.” The knight nodded.

“Make sure the worker is looked after will you? And be sure to include a generous compensation as well.”

“Yes, Lord Solomon.” The knight bowed and left Ketil with Solomon and the other workers in the room.

They began to escort Ketil to his seat at the table and even pulled the chair for him. It was a large round table with six seats, and the servants sat him directly across from the man who was clearly the master of the room. The feast on the table was also a spectacle, with various dishes that Ketil could only dream of eating laid out in front of him. But he knew he shouldn't touch even a speck of food or a drop of drink because the man in front of him was Aelmion's most dangerous criminal.

“I am not so rude as to poison invited guests, captain.” Solomon said as he closed his book and handed it to a servant who hastily took it from him. “Despite what you may think, I am not that cold. But seeing as our other guests haven’t arrived, this may seem like a good time as any to catch up on certain matters, wouldn’t you agree?”

The man snapped his fingers and two servants began to attend to both of them. “So Captain Ketil, how are you faring?”

“Things have been going well, sir. No complaints.”

“Please captain; we are all equal at the table. Address me as Solomon. I think we have known each other long enough that we can call each other by our first names, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Sure, Solomon.” He replied promptly, and the man in front of him smiled. The servants offered Ketil bottles of wine for him to choose, and by the labels alone, all of it looked expensive.

“He will have a rich Cabernet Sauvignon.” Solomon said as a servant poured him some as well. The small glass looked like a toy in his massive hands. But still, he managed to hold it delicately and with grace. “Seemed appropriate for our choice of meat, wouldn’t you agree?” But he couldn’t reply. Ketil knew absolutely nothing about wine.

“How about the family?” Ketil froze as he reached for his glass. “Is your sister still receiving treatment for her condition?”

“She is responding well to the medications.” He clenched his fist under the table. “She has now even begun to do chores around the house. Given more time and treatment, she might soon be able to attend school, with your permission, of course.”


“And with that, you have my blessing. Education is vital for one’s personal development, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Whole-heartedly Solomon.” Ketil locked stares with the man who returned his gaze back at him. Solomon then snapped his fingers again and the servants began to serve them some appetizers. A knock came from the door.

“Lord Solomon, Lord Filias, and Lord Maurius have arrived.”

A group of people entered as the door opened.

The first was an extremely short man who could not have stood higher than a normal man's waist. He had shaggy brown hair and a fierce expression on his face, as if he were a rabid dog ready to bite at anything that came close. He was also immaculately dressed. He was dressed in a dark brown suit and carried a custom-made cane for someone his size. His two guards behind him assisted him in taking a seat on Solomon's left. They then retreated behind the short man's seat and stood motionless.

A stoic and grizzled man entered next, wearing a red and white military suit underneath his heavy black trench coat. As the man sat right next to him, Ketil detected the odor of gunpowder on him. His face was so composed that his eyes appeared to be shrouded in shadow. Solomon then nodded at both of them, and they acknowledged him.

“Gentlemen, it is so good to have us all together again. If you please,” Solomon waved to his servants to serve them. The short man looked at the feast on the table.

“Quite the spread here Solomon, so should we eat now or what? I’m starving! It was a long ride up here.” The short man reached for his wine.

“Please Filias, we still need to wait until we are all complete. But please do help yourself to some starters. And for you, Maurius? Anything?” He addressed the man sitting on Ketil's left side. But all he did was shake his head and drink from his glass.

“The wine is good, Solomon. I take it this is a vintage?”

“Why yes, actually. I believe this is a good occasion to introduce the new products and markets we are moving into.” When Filias heard this, he laughed as he ate his canapés.

“The wine market is actually proving quite lucrative, Filias. I suspect we might even double our profits if both of you are willing to invest in it as well.”

They continued to talk about business, and Ketil was unable to contribute anything to the conversation. He simply finished his second glass of wine because he had nothing else to say.

“I dare say, Captain, do not fill up on the liquor as it will spoil your appetite.” Solomon noticed him as he put the glass down.

“Can’t blame the man. We should be chowing down before the meal turns cold. Who else are we waiting for?”

“Lord Solomon, Lord Eric is here.” The door opened and a red-headed man came in. Ketil was aware that something was wrong with him because he was constantly looking around and seemed apprehensive. He was also well-dressed, but his light brown suit was far too small for the thin-bodied man. His face was gaunt, but he wore a big grin as he acknowledged everyone.

Eric was also carrying a black briefcase, which he shook in his hands. He was given a seat directly to Ketil's right by the servants. He reached for the roasted meat in front of him as soon as he sat down.


“Eric.” Solomon said it softly, but it made the man halt as his hand hovered near the food. “One more guest has not arrived, and it is proper decorum to wait.”

It was more a warning than a reminder. Eric looked around and saw that everyone was staring at him, so he pulled his hand back.

Filias laughed. “What’s the matter? First time seeing food not thrown at you, Eric?”

“Who else are we waiting for, Solomon?”

“We are waiting for our consultant, of course.” Solomon took a sip from his glass. “Odd as she should have been the first to-”

“Lord Solomon, Lady Luna is here.”

The door opened, and a woman wearing a large black hat that obscured her face entered the room. It was so large that her face was hidden, and her large black long coat dragged on the floor. She walked over to the chair to Solomon's right, and the servants took her coat and large hat.

She was an athletic-looking young woman with raven black hair styled into a lovely medium pixie cut. Her other features, on the other hand, made her appear... chilling.

She had sickly pale ash grey skin that was smooth and she had visible dark bags beneath her ghostly white eyes. Her eyes, on the other hand, were something Ketil had only seen in a few of the men in the insane asylums. They were strangely mesmerizing but also dull and lifeless. It was as if the owner had lived through some of the most heinous times imaginable. Her blood-red lipstick was the only colour on her face, and it made her look dangerously sultry.

The woman wore a black leather vest over a long white dress shirt and thick leather gloves.

Ketil also noticed the strange gun contraption she had holstered on her belt.

“Good to see you, Luna.” Solomon smiled at her, and she simply nodded.

“Everyone, now that we are all here, we can begin today’s get-together.” Solomon said as he commanded the room. “But before we begin, I believe proper introductions are all in order, seeing as we have one guest who is new to our organization.” He gestured towards Ketil, and everyone looked towards him. “Please, Captain, an introduction if you please.”

The group was silent as they stared at him, and unsure of whether he should stand or remain seated, he chose to stand. “My name is Captain Ketil Tray, and I'm a Braenarim enforcer and the second in command of Ardite City's detective division.” Eric glared at him apprehensively.

“What is a Braenarim detective doing here?” Eric pointed at him with his dining knife.

“Eric utensils are not for threats. Also, rest assured that Captain Ketil is a friend of the syndicate. Isn’t that right, Captain?”

“Of course, Lord Solomon.”

Ketil wishes he could use soap to clean his tongue. As soon as he finished his thoughts, the young woman gave him a judging look, as if she could read minds.

“Now then, Captain, allow me to introduce our fellow associates.” Solomon then directed his attention to the short man to his left. “This is Filias Killburn, our organization's financier.” The short man raised his glass in greeting.

So he is the famed merchant prince known for his absolute dominance of both the legal and black markets, Ketil thought to himself. There is not a coin being exchanged without his knowledge.

Solomon pointed next to the stoic man in the black coat on Ketil’s right. “He is Maurius Dor, the one in charge of our security, espionage, and manpower.” The grizzled man nodded at Ketil.

Also known as the ruthless slaver who is behind most of the abductions, murders, and kidnappings in Aelmion.

“Eric Dungres is the one in charge of our operations, contracts, and products.” Solomon nodded at the red-headed man who gripped the dining knife in his hand, ready to strike Ketil.

So this is the famous Red Weasel. The maker knows how many deaths and sufferings from his drugs this man has caused.

“And lastly, this is Luna. She holds no formal position in the Syndicate but is an honorary member or consultant, if you will. She is also a bounty hunter, and a highly respected one at that.” Ketil and Luna’s eyes were locked in icy stares.

An agent of both sides, how did she pull this off?

“She is only a consultant when she feels like it.” Filias laughed as he drank his third glass of wine. “That’s why she has no formal role.” She only looked at him angrily, which only made Filias laugh harder.

“So, as you can see, Captain, we are a group of respectable people with a common interest. We are like-minded individuals who banded together in order to survive in our troubled world, and we hope you will share our interest as well.” The group applauded except for Ketil and Eric, who looked at him aggressively with a knife in hand.

“Now, so as not to disrespect the hard workers who prepared our meal, let us feast first and work later, wouldn’t you all agree?” They agreed in unison, aside from Ketil and Eric.

When their lunch began, Ketil noted how well prepared their food was. The meat was moist and tender, which seemed to fall off the bone, the vegetables were fresh as though they were picked merely seconds ago, and even the wine was sweet and complimented the meal well. It was a feast most people on the entire continent could only dream of being a part of. Ketil should have savored such a rare privilege, but all the food and drink before him tasted like dirt in his mouth.

He was at a table with some of the most dangerous people in Aelmion. These individuals are responsible for most of the crimes and corruption on the continent. Solomon may have seemed gentle and may have downplayed himself as he introduced everyone’s role, but Ketil knew that, above all else, he was the most dangerous one of the group.

Solomon Grungnir, also known as "The Shadow Man", No one knows where this mountain of a man came from, but when he did, he rallied or beat every criminal organisation on the continent and became their absolute ruler. An entire Braenarim enforcer division was tasked with bringing him down, and they all mysteriously vanished; even the officials who pushed for an investigation seemed to have disappeared.

Meanwhile, the shadow man bought out or intimidated every other official in the country. It does make sense now, though, how he managed to stay beyond the reach of the law as he had even the bounty hunters in his pocket.

The round table was filled with the most dangerous people on the continent, and what irritates Ketil is that he could not do anything about it.

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