《The Reclaimers》22: A Gentle Breeze
It has been five hours since the raid. The reality of the previous night was horrible, it really was.
Being such a drastic event-no one would be able to recover even in the aftermath. There was a saying that the day after would be better, yet even now the sun slowly revealed to those working in the fields just how horrid the attack was.
To Mike, his time sitting in bed was stressful and almost suffocating. He laid alone in a nearby inn. He felt sick earlier in the morning, thus the others in his squadron left to report their involvement in the defense of Bishmark to the local garrison commander.
His day had started off bad, but he was quick minded enough to escape the heavy comforter that laid atop him. With the bright light of the sun beaming down through a window, the sergeant escaped the sheet swinging his legs towards the ground and stretching his arms as his head thrummed with pain. The headache he had the night before had persisted and affected his response time. Looking in a nearby mirror it was clear that his disheveled look would not go unnoticed, so, groaning and getting out of the bed, Mike slipped on his boots and cleaned himself up.
Once stepping out of the room, the familiar wooden halls made Mike recalled what happened in the last five hours. All he could remember was helping clean up another building, then being escorted back to an inn on the other side of town, in which Ariel had three rooms paid for.
He spent the night wakening and falling back asleep to nightmares he had gained not long ago. It ensured that he was drained by sunrise. His empty stomach rumbled lightly as he adjusted his plate carrier. He had forgone the helmet, and left it attached to his battle-belt, as to not antagonize any of the locals, but it didn’t matter as he seemingly passed by everyone like a ghost.
Perhaps it was his exhaustion that kept everyone away. That much he could be thankful for.
The air he walked under was light and warm. At half-strength the sun illuminated the city as he walked seemingly nowhere. Though his day had started off, it seemed that life would pick up the slack once more as he finally acknowledged the sounds his body had been making. He needed a place to eat; at least he was provided a small amount of funds by the Princess, he’d have to thank her properly later.
Hearing the whispers of the people around, but not listening to them, Mike navigated his way through this new city. He managed to find a small quiet road to stroll down, with the only sounds being his M-5 Carbine rubbing against his trousers and plate carrier.
Eventually he found a small café. Entering and being greeted by a short man, Mike scanned the contents and luckily his former knowledge of different European cuisines came in handy. He had ordered something akin to a soufflé, and after a short wait he found himself backed against a barren wall eating the food. The city seemingly came to life as he ate, but he paid no mind.
At least, that was until a silver-haired woman approached him.
Looking up, he saw that Leccamaradel had approached him. She wore a slim fitting white sundress with her hair in a small-messy bun.
“Hey.” She said softly unsure of herself, “I thought you were still at the inn?”
Mike hesitated for a moment wondering what Lecca was aiming for. She had been relatively quiet for the entire time they knew each other, yet she was choosing him to approach each time something came to her mind, or when business required her to speak to himself and the other Rangers.
“Say, why don’t we stop by the nearest tailor.” She suggested. “I need to pick up the uniform that Ariel brought for me.”
“Sure…” Mike nodded his head as he stuffed the rest of his soufflé into his mouth.
Walking side-by-side, Mike, and Lecca both kept silent. This was a time to reflect upon the past. For the sergeant, this was the time to remember the lessons he learned throughout his childhood and military career, for the princess, this was the time to recall her prior mistakes she made under the command of her father.
One set of memories were looked fondly upon. The other was remembered in a quiet somber.
Glancing at the man next to her, Lecca remained curious of the scar that adorned his neck. She fidgeted with a loose strand of her silver hair. She grew nervous as she recalled the soiled clothing, and her dirtied face she had alongside the Holy Knights under her command.
Mike clenched the inside of his pants pockets as he noticed the sudden shift in the princess’s mood. He remained cautious as he waited for her to address him, yet the moment never came as they continued to walk in silence.
“Can I say something?” Lecca suddenly gained Mike’s attention as she grabbed his right arm with a weak hand.
Mike didn’t speak up, but he nodded his head in affirmation. His arms tensed, and his body shifted to an optimal position to draw his handgun. He wasn’t feeling threatened, it was just second nature.
“I haven’t had the proper time-no, the proper courage to apologize to you and the others.” She forced out the words as she kept her brown eyes locked on Mike’s. “It was the kingdoms full intention to rip someone from another reality to force them into our own war, but on behalf of the king and his followers, I sincerely apologize for removing you from your world!”
Taken aback by the sudden apology, Mike considered the words spoken by the maiden in front of him. Her clear brown eyes, her silky silver hair, her unyielding expression.
Finding his answer Mike gently smiled, “Apology accepted.” He turned on his heels as he pointed his finger at a nearby building. “I don’t know how I can read the fucking sign, but that’s the place, isn’t it?”
His interest was now firmly laid in Lecca. It was the exact opposite for the princess; she laid her interest in him.
“Right!” With her face brightening, Lecca swiftly ran forward dragging a flustered Mike by his hand. The two raced towards the shop with smiles on their faces.
Entering the shop, the princess was happily greeted by an older woman who waved the two from the entrance. As Lecca spoke joyfully with the woman, Mike rested on the far side wall under the stern watch of the old woman’s husband.
After trying on several new dresses that had arrived from a nearby by nation the day before, Lecca moved to the back of the shop where her uniform was waiting, Mike suddenly recalled a memory of him shopping with his sister. The sudden memory put a pained smile on his face which did not go unnoticed by the man waiting behind the counter.
Calling him over, Mike was caught off guard as the man brought him over to a set of high-quality goods. Red-velvet shirts, pressed fitting black trousers, and shiny dress shoes. Panicking, Mike refused the man’s offer to try the clothing on, but after some persuasion, he relented and entered a nearby dressing room.
Though he enjoyed the moment, Mike refused to buy any of the clothes, and luckily before the man could persist, Lecca came out wearing her uniform. Taken aback, all the Sergeant could do was stare, which was soon called out by the old woman.
Frustrated and embarrassed, Mike inquired about the price of the pick-up, but was shut down when the man folded his arms and shook his head no.
Teasing him about his adventure, Lecca walked outside with Mike in tow.
Walking down the main street of the economic capital, Bishmark, was once so peaceful, so beautiful, that the thought of a worn-torn city seemed so far away that many lived in ignorance. Once, there was little reason for anyone to be pressed that a war was being declared just beyond the confined walls of the city.
Along the brick streets, carved white marble governmental buildings and gracious buildings adorned with the cities spirit; the greenery around the city sprung to life in the afternoon sun. One by one the metallic-almost steel looking lamps shut off one by one giving way to the clear autumn sky.
As if nothing happened the day before, children, men, women, began to populate the streets; flooding to a variety of stores, cafés, those people began to laugh and play. Their voices resonated like a chord as life returned little by little.
There was no war in the city. There was no death in the city. There was no answer from the people.
In the shining light of the sun, the city hall that just stretched beyond the normal sight from the residential district, adorned the kingdom’s three colored flag, that represented sacrifice, loyalty, bravery. Next to it was the statue of the kingdom’s founder, Sternlicht Spinlefielg.
Cheering, a flock of adolescent girls passed by Leccamaradel and Mike as they went to whatever was the main interest for girls that age in this time. As the girls walked pass, a slim smile formed on her face as her, now clean, silver hair fluttered in the wind. Walking down the street towards the city hall, a grim reminder of what she was about to encroach upon made her frown.
Walking down the street, she was adorned a simple grey uniform that hugged her figure. It was no formal dress or uniform, but it was instead her special military uniform that she wore when acting as her position in the army as an officer. Chieftain Arish is what she went by when acting in an official position within the ranks. At a mere twenty-four-years-old, she was the fifth youngest chieftain in history.
Amongst herself and the people around, her softly flowing, wave like hair and blue eyes made her stand out. Many gazed at her like a goddess, as the only the man she traveled with knew of her identity as the First-Born, Silver-Haired Princess.
“Chieftain Arish, Holy Knight Randall! Welcome to the city hall of Bishmark! I do hope that this meeting will be over swiftly so that I may take you out for a grand tour of the city!”
Freezing at the voice, Lecca’s face scrunched in frustration and anxiety. Mike looked ahead and he saw an older man wearing a black suit walked up to himself and her with a brilliant smile. As the man grew closer, Mike stepped in front of Lecca.
The person in front of the two was the city mayor, Norman Quartz. He had organized the city workers and soldiers to quickly repair most of the city with available materials, thus, compared to the previous night, the blue-eyed man was optimistic in the presentation of his city. Much of the damage that came from the fighting the previous night had simply vanished.
Glancing around the area they stood, Mike’s eyes scanned the city, leaving nothing to be missed. Evident by the nickname many citizens of the kingdom had given Bishmark, the money and materials that flowed through the city had rebuilt the damaged parts overnight, thus the first bout of ‘capitalism’ had showed its colors.
Standing at the entrance to city hall, Lecca stood irritated at the man before her. It was well known that Quartz had allowed those that had recently graduated the military academy, and that had recently been stationed here, to go to waste.
Opening her eyes, she noticed how close she was to the man, and at two meters away, she was close enough for her to catch a whiff of the man’s overbearing, perfume-esk potion that he had applied to himself.
“Mayor Quartz.” She spoke with a hint of venom in her voice, “It’s been many years since I last saw you.”
Norman clasped his hands as he responded to the less-than-threatening voice that had come from Lecca, “My-Princess. It has been many years since I saw you with your father and mother. May I ask how they are doing in these daring times?”
Her face contorted full of anger and irritation as she kept her voice down.
“I appreciate you wondering about my father and mother, but I’m afraid me and Knight Randall are on a tight schedule that must be fulfilled—"
“Ah of course. I would like to have you indulge me on His Majesty’s ‘statuses’ later. Now, I believe we should attend to more important matters?”
“Of course. Have your men prepare a room for the meeting!” Lecca ordered as she walked past the mayor with Randall in tow.
Kicking the ground in frustration, the mayor did as Lecca ordered and took out a small slim card out of his pocket to notify the staff inside to prepare a room. He would then soon catch up to the two after some deliberation of what to do next.
Noticing that the mayor was trailing behind at some distance, Mike asked a question on his mind as he caught up to the silver-haired princess who was more-or-less frustrated at the interaction she had just had.
“You know that guy?” Mike asked with a concerned expression, while his faint north-eastern accent came out surprising the woman next to him.
“No-” Lecca said taken aback recalling some unsettling memories, “My parents knew him when they were younger. He had always attempted to use them to gain more power, but as of late he has refused to engage with the Royal Court.”
Adjusting the sling on his rifle, Mike let out a short cough as he provided a possible solution to the impression he had gain about Quartz, “Why don’t you just take it easy during the meeting. If anything happens, I’ll radio the others to get you out in one piece.”
Feeling a bit better, Lecca led Mike into the hall until she was stopped by Mayor Quartz. Walking on a red carpets, the way to the private meeting room was through a ‘detour’ of what appeared to be a museum of great grandeurs that had helped flourish the city in the past. Armor, swords, bows, spoils of war adorned the walls and gave a sense of ‘duty’ to the mayor and his guards.
Entering the room and taking a seat on the grey couch next to Mike, Lecca brushed her silver locks from her vision and undid the top button of her uniform. Her gaze fell as she felt trapped in the small meeting room. There was only one benefit to being here: not having to report the attack immediately to the king.
“I apologize for the delay regarding my attendance with the royal court, but as you can see here, my hands have been tied as of late.”
Walking in with an orb in his hand, Mayor Quartz walked in with an aide an sat down on the opposite side of Lecca and her men. With a watchful eye, Mike kept his gaze strictly on the orb the man placed on the wooden table. The luster of the seemingly transparent sphere caught his eye and made him wonder of what purpose it had.
“May I ask Knight Randall to place his hand on the orb for registration to the city?” The mayor asked with a conniving grin.
“What is the purpose of this sphere?” Mike asked intently as he readjusted his plate carrier.
“This device came from a neighboring nation for the purpose of both revealing how much mana one has, and what elements they pertain.” Leaning forward to caress the sphere, Lecca caught sight of a small brown pouch inside the man’s coat.
“Very well then.”
The room grew quiet an anxiety grew as Mike kept his hand on the sphere with no effect whatsoever. Mayor Quartz’s jaw dropped, and Lecca’s eyes widened as the nothing happened. There was no reaction to Mike’s interaction with the device.
Lecca spoke in a weary voice as she shared her look with Mike, who was equally confused as her, “Oh my... That’s not something you see every day, but then again you did say that your world was—”
“It’s-impossible! It’s impossible for someone to have no mana!”
Alarmed by the sudden outburst of the mayor, Mike and Lecca reached for their respective weapons, but none made a move to draw them as the mayor’s aide seemingly froze them in place with her glare.
Mike felt an abnormal pressure pressing on his shoulders. The crimson-red-eyes practically made his freeze in place with sweat beginning to bead down his face. Out of everyone present in the room, Lecca was the only one that was not affected by whatever the aide was doing.
“Gravikinesis. A rare ability indeed.”
The girl scoffed at Lecca’s observation, “And what about you Ms. Nullification!?” She pointed a finger at the princess which only gained a confused look from Mike.
“Nullification?” Mike parroted as he felt the pressure waning.
Lecca nodded as she grabbed an object from her belt, it was a pristine knife with several engravings on the handle, and she held it flat in her palm as the mayor finally calmed down from his spontaneous panic attack.
“Just as it sounds, I can nullify any type of magic.” She twirled the knife in her hand before pointing the blade at her shoulder, “That’s how the pressure you felt on your shoulder disappeared, I nullified it.”
“Cool!” Mike exclaimed as he leaned released his rifle and leaned back in his seat, “You can nullify things? Does it just pertain to magic?”
“Unfortunately, yes.” Lecca said quietly as she sheathed the blade in her hands, “I must make up for my lack of magic with physical prowess and ability.” She said this sharply as she looked away in embarrassment.
To his side, Mike saw as Harkov let out a small prayer for the boy his screams reverberated and echoed throughout the hall gaining the attention of bystanders and normal people going about their day.
Aiming to change the topic of the conversation, and wanting to leave the hall, Lecca glared at Mayor Quartz as she spoke in a business-like manner, “Mayor Quartz? I believe it is about time that you give us your leter regarding to the attack on your city?”
Understanding what was said between the lines, the mayor swiftly nodded and procured a small envelope with his personal stamp embroiled on it. Lecca took the letter and placed it within her tunic.
“May I ask what the king’s response will be to this new crisis, Princess?” He asked feebly.
Raising from her seat with her men and turning towards the door, Chieftain Arish addressed the man, “I do not know. Perhaps retaliation. Perhaps revenge.”
“Randall. Radio check.” A distorted voice came from Mike’s radio garnering the attention of everyone in the room.
Clicking a small button on his chest as he responded, “Randall here. I’m with the Princess, over.”
“Got it. You two get your asses back to the inn. We’ve got a ride back to capital, and the king wants us back ASAP.”
Publicly Available Information: Casualties – Civilian – The Raid on Bishmark:
Bishmark is close to the capital and has a resident count of about 190,000 people. Residency does not come cheap, and those with special permission or available funds are able to easily access the city and all it offers.
During the raid, a defensive line was established on the southern side of the city, yet an unknown projectile landed in the western side of town causing over 700 deaths and 39 injuries.
Many suspect this attack to be the work of the Demon Lord, yet evidence gathered by the Royal Guard suggests otherwise.
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