《Naruto - Gamer Tai》Test of Death


Back with Naruto


[Plated Gloves]

Recipe Type: Armor

Rarity: Rare

Stat Bonus: +5 STR

Durability: 100/100

Perks: None

Materials: …

The blond gritted his teeth before roaring out in frustration and disappointment.

"You're telling me I don't get new cool armor, but I have to find someone who can make it, find or buy the materials, and pay for it to be made?! What kind of bullshit system are you?"

[System Message]

The system is only a guide, not a cheat.

Naruto pursed his lips to keep from screaming in anger.

This had to be the fifth time he's heard this month, and it was driving him insane with frustration.

Calming himself down before he blew a fuse, the kid decided to check out the Training Draft he got.

The Taijutsu book appeared and flipped to a blank page with the title Training Drafts on the top.

[Training Draft]

The Training Draft is a tool for the user to create his own training regimen. The system will rate the effectiveness and prospects of the exercise.

Challenges will be issued to increase the user's understanding of the exercise.

Users can also revise existing training exercises to further one's results.

Excitement quickly returned to Naruto's face as his imagination ran wild.

What if he could do an exercise to make him invuln…so he couldn't be hurt.

Don't judge him. He has never owned a dictionary.

[System Message]

Exercises must be done within realism, and ones outside the user's capabilities will be locked away until the user is strong enough to handle them.

"Well, there went that idea." Naruto wanted to try out the feature and thought of an exercise to put down.

A few moments went by without a shred of an idea coming to mind.

Then, he remembered an essential factor.

It said he could revise existing exercises and knew what exactly he wanted to revise.


With that, he began using the Training Draft and was shown his new exercise.

[Revision Complete]

Revision: Daily Training Regimen

Punching [0/200]

Kicking [0/200]

Push-Ups [0/100]

Squats [0/150]

Sit-Ups [0/150]

Run [0 km/4 km]

Completion Reward:

+2 STR and DEX

Failure Reward:

Double Pain Sensors

Training Difficulty: D→C

The blonde thought about what else he could do in the process and remembered something he needed to work on.

As he spars with the training clone, Naruto notices the lack of momentum he had in between his moves, so it's time to rectify that!

[Exercise Accepted]

Combo Sparring

Chain 2 techniques within spar [0/2]

Chain 3 techniques within spar [0/3]

Chain 4 techniques within spar [0/4]

Land 5 attacks without taking a hit [0/5]

Land 10 attacks without taking a hit [0/10]

Land 15 attacks without taking a hit [0/15]

{Special} Complete spar without taking a hit [0/1]

Completion Reward:

+1 DEX

+0.2% to all techniques masteries for each objective completed

{Special} +5% to all technique masteries for each objective completed

"Aha! So I can make Exercise Quests for myself now!"

Without the system giving him missions, Naruto was stuck without options since he was still a minor and not a ninja.

The quest he has had were not things he could finish in a short amount of time, and this fixes that.

The rewards from the quests would boost his learning and stop the gradual regression in progress.

Believing this was enough for today, he decided to head back home and start again tomorrow.

The setting sun painted a beautiful view of the village at this time, and Naruto went to the best spot in the village to view it.

As the blonde walked past families and children, he saw the unity and affection they had for each other.

Last month, he would have looked upon the scene with sadness and envy, but somehow, his feelings changed.

Of course, he still felt those things, but something else was there.


He didn't know how to describe it exactly, but he felt…detached.

As if he was a person who was looking back at the things he wished he had but no longer yearned for.

His presence has always been ignored, and he had spent most of his life craving such attention, even if it meant it was the harmful kind.

Something over the month changed his perspective; now, those desires have been curbed almost entirely.

Naruto was brought out of his inner thoughts by a familiar screen.

You noticed a shift in your personality. This shows a growth in your ability to look within for self-judgment.

+1 WIS

Naruto looked at the screen in surprise.

"Huh…I guess that's another way to earn wisdom. I heard that old geezers meditate a lot for inner peace or whatever. It should be of some help, right?"

The blonde restarted his walk back home and arrived without incident.

From the corner of his eye, Naruto saw something across the wall of his building.

With a sigh, he ignored it and walked away.

Written on the wall, "Go away, Demon!" was painted in black paint.

Naruto had been harassed for years, and it hurt him to see this for a while.

But now, it was merely annoying.

Walking into his home, he walked into the kitchen, but this time, it wasn't to study.

Before starting his new regime, Naruto wanted to see just how far he had come since gaining this new system.

Naruto had actually finished two more chapters, but their rewards were unusable.

They were, however, connected to the History Quest from the first chapter.

[Knowledge Quest]

Chapter 2: Clans Then and Now [Complete]

Chapter 3: The Beginning of Hidden Villages [Complete]

Completion Rewards:

History Quest: Identity Unlocked (Uchiha)

Identity Unlocked (Senju)

History Quest: Scene Unlocked (Two Sides of the Same Coin)

Naruto realized some clues about the History Quest from the information he gathered within the text and these rewards.

Something will happen at the end of the time limit, and he's guessing the identity rewards have something to do with the hidden objectives. They have no apparent value towards the main or side objectives otherwise.

He would have gone in as an independent mercenary contracted to one side. Maybe even against both sides.

Naruto was still scratching his head about the scene reward. Still, he thought it over and concluded it had to be whatever was happening behind the scenes.

While the risk of death was prevalent, it wasn't permanent.

Of course, it still scared him witless, putting it lightly.

It took this entire month just to bring up the courage to actually take this quest.

Naruto stood before the quest screen with an uncertain look.

If he was honest with himself, he had thought of forgetting about this quest and going about his life and coming back to this when he was stronger.

But when this thought crossed Naruto's mind, the feeling of helplessness went through him.

And he absolutely despised this feeling!

From the day he was born, it has been a weight on his mind as a constant reminder that he had no control over anything.

The last time he felt this way was over a month ago.

This was the moment he realized what had changed within him.

After gaining the system, he no longer felt helpless.

After setting his path, he no longer felt uncertain.

After gaining a guide, he no longer felt aimless.

When he just started, how could he, Naruto Uzumaki, be afraid of hardship.

So, with the fire within him brighter than ever, Naruto began his History Quest with his consciousness being whisked away into the simulation.

It was time to see whether Naruto's Will could withstand Death or…

Be extinguished by it!

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