《Naruto - Gamer Tai》Steel Guardian Style


[New Skill Created]

Observation (Passive)

'A new skill? I didn't know I could create them. I thought I could only get them from the System.' Naruto got a little giddy thinking about it, but what kind of skill is observation? A skill for looking at stuff?

Observation (Passive)

Observation is a passive skill encompassing your ability to draw information from observing.

Skill Level: 1

Naruto was a little peeved at the short description, but the new stance looked more critical.

Steel Guardian Style (D-Class)

A stance made for the strongest of foundations. This style is made for blocking, deflecting, and counterattacking. Having a sturdy build and Observation skill is recommended.

Style Level: 1

If there is one thing Naruto noticed after watching the spars, it was the lack of specialization in Taijutsu. To be frank, the Academy teaches you how to block, attack, footwork, etc. However, these teachings fit the "once size fits all" build.

None of them caters to an individual's strengths or weaknesses. A strong but slow person would not be taught defensive techniques to augment their strength.

They would also not be taught offensive tactics when facing a faster opponent. They were just expected to get faster.

Taijutsu could be considered almost a lost art at this point. Ninjutsu and even Genjutsu are placed above Taijutsu in importance. After all, Ninjutsu practitioners would, in most cases, have better utility and power than Taijutsu.

It's rather sad, really.

As the class resumed, Naruto started noticing his new skill's effects.

Many things he never really paid attention to now popped out like a sore thumb. For example, Iruka showed pride whenever someone did well or genuine concern when they didn't.

He also noticed an almost...fake feeling coming from Mizuki. Naruto turned to his classmates and noticed two outliers.

The first was Hinata, with her constant glances in his direction. He was kinda creeped out with how everywhere he went, she always was somewhere in his vicinity to look at him.

But Naruto was confused as he noticed she never got close and never gave off a creepy vibe. He shrugged it off as something to think about later.

The other outlier was Sasuke. Naruto always felt personally offended by Sasuke's attitude. He always looked as if he considered himself superior to him. However, now he looks at how Sasuke is outside of their interactions.

He looked cold and callous, but it no longer carried the same feeling of superiority. It felt sad and lonely.

Naruto felt confused with him, not knowing what to do with this new information. Now that he thought about it, he didn't know what to do with any of this information.

"Alright, class! That's it for today. Now, remember to finish the reading from today and the assignment. Naruto, I'm sure you remember our arrangement." Iruka grew a stern smile at the end, daring Naruto to refuse. After seeing that smile, Naruto's indignant response died as he accepted his fate.


After Class at the Training Grounds

With his emotional dilemma out of the way and his punishment, Naruto returned to the training grounds. It took out the book from the System. As he opened the book to the page for his daily training regime, Naruto noticed a glow coming from the next page.

Flipping to the next page, he saw the new stance, Steel Guardian. It showed the correct posture one was supposed to hold. Blocks, counterattacks, and grapples, among other things, were exhibited.

'OHHH! This looks so cool! Watch out, Sasuke-teme, cause Naruto Uzumaki is taking the stage!' Naruto was literally vibrating in excitement. But before he could, a screen popped up.


Daily Training Quota Not Met

The user will not gain assistance from the System without completing their quota. The user has the responsibility to meet their quota whenever possible. If the user purposefully neglects this responsibility, it is grounds for system removal.

Naruto sobered up quickly. Remove the System? He honestly did not know how things would go without the System.

Maybe things would return to the way they were, but he knew that was impossible.

"Not like it affects me. I'm not one for being lazy anyways. How can a future Hokage be lazy?! I'll do it every day no matter what, and nothing will stop me. Believe it!" Naruto shouted with conviction and purpose in his eyes.

With that, he began his training. After completing the daily quota, Naruto had finally started on the stance.

Steel Guardian focused heavily on blocking, misdirecting, and counterattacking attacks. The first exercise trained the posture and form one needed to hold. With his most minor dominant side facing forward, his arms are raised with his fingers bent inwards like half-closed fists. His legs turned slightly with his back leg shifted diagonally.

Keeping this posture for a certain amount of time was the challenge, and for a hyperactive kid, there is no worse challenge. Naruto held this stance for 5 minutes but took half an hour to complete.

Thankfully, he had the training clone for him to reference from, or he would have taken much longer to understand what he was doing wrong.

After completing the challenge, a screen popped up.

[Steel Guardian]

Stance Mastery Progress: 1.5%

Steel Sweep Mastery Progress: 0%

Steel Impact Mastery Progress: 0%

Steel Guard Mastery Progress: 0%

Steel Retort Mastery Progress: 0%

Once all progress bars are at 100%, Steel Guardian can be upgraded or combined with another compatible Style at full mastery.

Naruto was ecstatic at the thought of an even more vigorous style. This is like fuel to the flame representing his will to train. He looked towards the other moves from the Steel Guardian Style.

Steel Sweep

This move utilizes the hands, forearms, shins, and feet to direct blows away from the body while upsetting the opponents' balance leaving them open for a counterattack.


Steel Impact

An attack tightened the muscles at the point of impact, forcing out the maximum power.

Steel Guard

The user absorbs the inertia of the opponent's attack to completely stop or mitigate the damage by spreading it across part of the body part attacked. Thus, leaving them open to retaliation.

Steel Retort

A quick counterattack or powered strike, depending on the situation. This move transfers the inertia of the opponent's attack into your next attack.

"Wow, every time I think this system couldn't get any cooler, it proves me wrong."

You could almost see the imaginary battles going through the blonde's brain. All of the guys from his class bowing with various injuries while the girls scream his name. The Old Man Hokage handed over the hat while Iruka apologized for all the detentions.

Of course, the imagination was cut short when he went through the exercises.

Steel Sweep required him to sweep an opponent's attack. Naruto was standing there confused till the previously still training clone turned to him and rushed him.

He learned a painful lesson that day. While the clone couldn't damage him, every attack that landed felt like he got punched by a gorilla.

Steel Impact required him to hit the clone's block, and it only showed success when the block was broken.

Steel Guard was even more painful than the Steel Sweep exercise. This exercise had him blocking attacks from the clone; every time he incorrectly blocked the attack, he would receive a painful zap.

He did not like that.

Steel Retort seemed to combine Steel Impact or Steel Sweep to make an opening for a counterattack, making it the most difficult of the exercises.

At the end of the day, much to his annoyance, he couldn't complete them all.

[Steel Guardian]

Stance Mastery Progress: 1.5%

Steel Sweep Mastery Progress: 0%

Steel Impact Mastery Progress: 1.5%

Steel Guard Mastery Progress: 1.5%

Steel Retort Mastery Progress: 0%

Naruto couldn't react in time to properly use Sweep or use it to counterattack. He barely completed Steel Guard before dropping into exhaustion.

While the System gave him the material to work from, it would not do the work for him.

Naruto was currently groaning on the ground in pain. His clothes were soaked with sweat and certainly smelled like it too.

He laid there resting while staring into the evening sky with the setting sun on the horizon. It was indeed an incredible view.

'I wonder if Teme had this system would he be able to get it first try?' It was a demoralizing thought but a realistic one, no doubt. The dark Uchiha was talented with an impressive physique; even Naruto had to begrudgingly admit to this.

'Urgh...it doesn't matter. I have it, and Teme does not. I'll prove to him that I can work hard enough to beat his talent.'

Naruto promised himself this. Talent will not beat his hard work.

At Naruto's Apartment

Naruto opened his squeaky door and walked in after taking off his shoes.

"I'm home...." He announced his arrival, but as usual, silence.

He entered his kitchen and saw the books sitting where he had left them.

'I don't want to....'

'But I should.'

'It'll be there tomorrow.'

'But then I would have to get up early to finish all my work.'

Naruto paced back and forth in a dilemma before decisively leaving towards the bedroom.

And then coming back a few seconds later, sitting down at the table and picking up the book he had started the other night. A familiar screen appeared.

Chapter 1: Clan Wars Era

Read Chapter [1/1]

Complete Vocabulary Questions [11/11]

Complete Reader's Understanding [3/3]

[Knowledge Quest]

The History of Konohagakure: Chapter 1 [Complete]

Completion Reward:

+1 INT

History Quest Unlocked

A quest was completed, and another was unlocked right before his eyes. Naruto never even knew he could gain quests from books.

'Could all the books be like this?' Naruto grew a grin as he had now found a way to farm INT.

The only one left would be WIS. He still had to figure out how to grow the stat outside quests or stat points.

Now about that History Quest.

History Quest: Battle of the Clans

The Warring States Period was a time of war and chaos where the now noble clans were mere mercenaries. The best fighters grow during times of war. Putting someone forged by a war against someone nurtured by peace would be like a man against a child.

Naruto Uzumaki will be sent into a simulated battle between two of the most prominent mercenary families of this time.

Senju and Uchiha


Survive 3 minutes

Side Objectives:

Kill 5 Genin Class Enemies

Kill 2 Chunin Class Enemies

Kill 1 Jonin Class Enemy

Hidden Objectives Found:


Completion Reward:

Senju Equipment

Uchiha Equipment

2500 Exp

5000 Ryo

Side Completion:

500 Exp per Genin

1000 Exp per Chunin

2500 Exp per Jonin

Hidden Completion Rewards:


Quest Ability Level Required: Genin

Quest has no Time Limit and is Repeatable.

User: Naruto Uzumaki will be reset back to starting point upon Death.

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