《A Retired Officer's Shop In The Eastern Wonderland》The Retirement Of The Police Chief
A/N: (Note/Disclaimer) All recognizable objects and characters belong to their respective owners. Mainly Team Shanghai Alice for Touhou Project or, as per usual, my own characters belonging to me.
Note 2:And another new story, don't worry it won't be a replacement to Warped Commander though it might change my writing schedule. On another note I have no idea why I create characters in positions of power...
("Common Language [English for this chapter]/Speech")
('Foreign Languages')
("Thoughts (In their own native tongue)")
(Attacks/Weapon names)
(Other/Foreign/ Speech & Text/Book/Scroll)
(Titles / Flashback/Time/Dates/Place)
(Narration & Everything else)
('Demonic Speech')
("Demonic Thoughts")
A Retired Officer's Shop In The Eastern Wonderland Chapter 1
Park County, Colorado, United States of America: Magias Police Department, Central US Branch
August 7th, 2113: 1900
Third Person: Omni
"Happy Retirement Desmond" The loud applause after the use of those words centered upon a rather young looking man with black hair and green eyes in the sea of men and women in uniform.
A uniform of which consisted of jackets from navy to black and inscribed on them the letters MPD, a range of dark-colored pants yet with a lighter colored undershirt to offset the dark. But one thing that they all had were gloves with glowing blue machinery in the back and vambrace strapped to their arms with a glowing blue line running along the outside edge. Though the gloves had some variance in themselves. On their belts, they carried a pistol, baton, and a medical kit. None wore hats, mainly because it would be disrespectful to the person they were congratulating.
"So, Chief, what are you going to do now that you're out of the force?" Asked one of the crowd, a young woman with blond hair and blue eyes, to the young(?) man with a slight excitement in her tone. And with that heard he just scratched the back of his head with a sheepish smile and said.
"I kinda wanted to have a game shop in a small town." The other party-goers looked at him in a slight amount of surprise. Who would expect the uptight police chief to game often? Though they all knew that he is fairly well off for someone that keeps a modest living. It was no surprise considering they had known he bought the force and close friends fairly expensive gifts and paid for new, state of the art gear.
"I'm not that harsh, considering it was me who was kinda strong armed into it." He commented with a roll of his eyes and a gloved hand holding his face. It was true for both his advancement of position and the start of his protection career. It quite literally laid at his feet as someone told him to pick it up and start. Several of the more veteran members just chuckled lightly at that admission while the new blood just looked slightly confused.
"May as well start off on my actual speech." He idly comments with a slightly dry tone as he looks at the space around him. With that all the people silence themselves and move back a few steps, creating a circle around the former highest authority of the department.
"Well then, I know that a good portion of you are searching for some profound knowledge while others are just waiting for the festivities and food after this, not that I can blame you." He opens up to the embarrassed faces of more than a few people in the crowd.
"I'm not going to say anything 'bout my wisdom, I am only 65 years old after all. And for about 20 of them have no idea what the hell I was doing." He, with that comment, got more than a few rounds of laughter.
"I have been in service for over 40 years, half of which have been in this position. And within the first 2 years, I resolved one of the worst incidents to happen as of this date." All people nod at that tidbit.
"In my time, I have trained quite a few of you and experienced the loss of many who fought bravely." A moment of silence passes after the mentioning of the ones lost under his time.
"While I may live longer than all of you, and may never see any of your faces again. I'd like to say this, we resolve conflicts ranging from unallied invaders and the supernatural beings of those within our confines. We may be the defenders of a single place in this world we call home but our organization expands massively across the universe." All of them stood straighter, at attention and ready for what is next.
"We have sworn our lives to protect innocents and many of our brothers and sisters in arms have paid it so our peace is long-reaching. I while not passing on have spent a good majority of my own life to this cause." A nod passes around the people, they knew the moment they were chosen that they would have their lives set for the people, even if they denied it in the first place.
"In the end I am retiring, leaving behind active duty and shifting it to the new generation. But that doesn't give me a choice regarding my wisdom, that will only grow from now, and giving parts of it to you, and the new leaders after me." Many of them smiled at that, he wouldn't be fully leaving them and would be there if needed. He raised the glass in his hand, filled with a drink of caffeine and not an alcoholic beverage, they still had work after this.
"To us, the defenders, to us, the watchers of the hidden world, to us, the hidden, and lastly, to us, the peace speakers." And with that said they all raised their glasses.
"To you, Desmond Howard, hero chief of the Magias Police." They said those words with extreme power, giving applause to the man. He could only smile behind his filled vessel in response.
"All right, all right, back to work everyone, we are still on call for another hour until the night watch comes." Desmond remarks after seeing them all down the drink so quickly. He just chuckles lightly at the sight. A young man with black hair, white eyes, blue skin walks up to him in a calm pace.
"Its been a while Halsev." Desmond remarks to him, now that everyone was back to their stations and standing by for their calls, someone could talk to him in relative peace. Tha man noded, one of the few people that knew him when he first got on the force.
"Hello, Chief." He greets with a total monotone voice, though that did nothing to Desmond's knowledge that he was being teased about his position. One of the few people who were before him, at least on earth. Considering his race's longevity, it makes sense.
"So what do you want to talk about?" Ben asks from behind his bare desk, it has been a while since its been this clean… hey is that a coffee stain from 10 years ago?
"Here" He just throws a set of keys over to the man who only had 10 minutes till he leaves his post.
"So, what are these?" With a simple movement, the muted sound of several keys jangling came from his gloved hand. He took a moment to look at the ring of unlocking devices, the shining bronze and silvers dancing in his eyes. They may be outdated to all hell, but Earth still uses them despite being easily replicate able and frustrating to use. In all fairness, the ones in his hand look like they are fairly hard keys to replicate.
"The keys to your new store over in Arizona." Green eyes widen in shock at that statement. He was about to speak but a gesture of the outsider stopped him.
"We knew that you would go out and buy one, so in the past 5 years, we bought some land and built one over there. You don't think Eve doesn't know what you search up?" The brightening of glow from the gloves shows the response. All for his eyes to start tearing up.
"You know you didn't hav-" Desmond was once again cut off, this time by a light female voice.
"You have done quite alot partner, don't place yourself down. While the others have left and you held down the fort, we kinda made a fund for your shop to gift you later. Well… before you decided to draft your plans for it." Her remarks made quite a bit of sense considering what he went through just to keep the world unconquered when he had the chance to just let them raze the world to the ground.
"That and all the presents to the other members, really, paying off their mortgages and mysteriously sending checks when they were in dire spots? We all knew that it was you." Desmond could only respond with scratching his cheek.
"It was the least we could do considering how much you've done, and that's just for us alone. Not counting the force itself, Mr. Mysterious Benefactor." They all just laughed lightly at that one. It wasn't even a well-kept secret among the force, almost all of them knew that it was him with the several thousand dollars donation last year.
"It is not like I need all that money." The man behind several upgrades to the department decides to say. And with that, the long-lived man just stares at him with a deadpan stare, how he did it without pupils and an emotionless face is sure a mystery of the world.
"You are immortal, and will stay in this universe for virtually the end of time. Considering that magias energy is infinite and matter creation is perfected nowadays, we basically have stars that will never die and worlds that will not exhaust resources, you would never have to move planet." At that admission, Desmond just chuckled sheepishly, he had never really thought of that.
In the late 2020's they found magias energy, and at the time they already knew how to synthesize matter from energy and matter back to energy. His own magias generators could produce several miracles on their own… though his are an exception and they have been massively improved. Even the current generation, generation 10, the generators would not be able to produce enough energy in a short enough time in order to cause a miracle.
"Yeah, I have it bad don't I."
"Yep," Both their voices respond.
"So, who funded the store?" He asked them with a calm smile.
"Well, you have all of the old patrol team, the people you personally saved, and Rena who funded about half from her research," Eve remarked from her place." Ben looked slightly surprised at the list or at least one part of the statement.
"Rena paid half? I know that using Eve led to a lot of discoveries but damn." Desmond remarks with a tone soaked in surprise.
"That and she left your old set back over there." The monotone response gives a bit more showing of the gifts he has there.
"My old combat set?" Desmond had his voice in a bit of a wistful note.
"Yep, said that you may as well have them considering that they are keyed in on you." Was the finishing remark that Halsev just turns around and leaves, not even taking the time to bother with a leaving gesture. Desmond just gives out a sigh at the actions of his former squadmate.
"Usual Halsev. Well, Eve, I'm guessing that you have the directions to my new shop?" Ben asks the intelligence of his Mobius Generators.
"Yes, and don't worry about the paperwork, I decided to fill that in your stead. We are the same legal entity considering your not married." The crisp response of the lady in the gloves was efficient in its nature, with only the slightest hints of warmth.
"Alright, I'll go over there tomorrow." And with that, the police chief went back to signing the last of his paperwork, mainly to finalize his replacement and stop that darned idea of putting vending machines in the kitchen area, they did not have enough room for it at the moment still.
Small Town Outskirts In Arizona
August 8th: 1600
Third Person: Desmond
A jacketed person rode up to the rather large building upon a sleek motorcycle. A predominantly black body with large glowing blue lines running along with no real sense of direction, yet all of them originated from the two Mobius Generators implanted in it.
"So… do I have somewhere to park? As much as id love to have her outside and that she is theft-proof, id kinda like her to be clean." His muffled remark comes off as he sits in the saddle. A simple message comes across his visor for a door to open up.
"Right then." He starts off again to get inside the garage. It is a rather simple place, tall enough for a lift to be used on a car. Of which one is already parked. He pushes off and sets his transport inside its personal bay. And with that put away, he gets off and brings the helmet off his head, revealing his fair skin and identity to the limited world.
"So do you got a map?" He asks as he brings out a pair of glasses from one of the jacket's interior pockets. While he did know the layout in his blueprint, they might have changed it. With that, he places it on his face and…
"Scout Sight: Start-Up" He says with a calm tone, the command filters through the air, and with it, his world lights up with binary for a second, then settles back down to the augmented world. In the bottom right of his vision, he could see a minimap of the area.
He silently steps through his new abode and retirement gift, taking a gander at the tooling of the personal garage. He notes the high quality tools and systems that you would see in commercial repair centers, some not even the latest of labs would have.
"Is that a matter generator?" His curiosity got to him in that moment of weaving his sight through the area. In the corner of the room stands a fairly large machine, with its metallic door closed, a black gradient applied to the body, it looks like the model that Rena has in her own personal lab. Opening up the thing reveals a space of 5 feet by 5 feet, showing that a majority of it must be embedded in the wall.
"Yep, the newest yet most stable model made by Rena herself during one of her sleep creation bouts." Yep, that sounds about right to him, while yes, she is one of the brightest people in the world, her most sophisticated creations were made when she was literally asleep. Such as his own combat kit, but most especially the gloves on his hand the bike that he rode here were made in one of those nights. The current generation was only able to have 40% effectiveness of his generation 0 gear.
"Welp lets go to the next room." He simply states after not finding else worth mentioning in the garage. And with that he opens the door to the hallway, making sure to lock it after getting into the hall. After walking a bit more down he finds another door, this one labeled "Game Room 0" and opens it.
"I'm guessing they added several more rooms?" His eyes gaze into the room. A table holds a tv upon its top but it would seem that the cord doesn't go through the table, it just runs along with one of the legs. After inspecting it for a bit, it would seem that it is able to interact with the basically archaic format: HDMI 1, USB versions from 1 till current, etc. On a shelf, several game consoles sit calmly, all ready to play a game once the setup process has been done. Their controls wait for the connection on the bottom shelf. A sofa at just in front of it facing the TV, and several chairs sit stacked in the corner.
"Yes, however, this hallway is your personal hall, if you were to walk the other way you would encounter stairway to residential areas in the next floor and basement." He nods at that, noting another shelf with some board games and books, though not much.
"I'm guessing I have an actual living room in the room above." A note of confirmation pops up and fades on the top right corner of his vision. He moves out into the hall once again and walks further down it to the stairs and another door just before it.
Word Count: ~2,800
Date Finished: 3/27/2020
Note: What's this? A new story in the new year? Well then, I had just a bit of time to write this and the plot bunny kicked my ass here. I am in no way experienced in the Touhou Fandom so feedback is appreciated, though I still am on hiatus. Though I can still answer questions and respond to things.
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