《(De)Forchunae | Progression Fantasy.》Chapter Two: A Journey Begins
I wake up as my head impacts against the floor. Blinking my eyes open, I inspect my surroundings. I'm inside of a wooden wagon; every bump bounces my head off the floor planks. I tried to stretch my sore body and found my wrists stuck together. The memories from yesterday came back all at once. The Judge told me I killed three of my classmates, realized I was a Deforchunae, and the Justicars getting annihilated by those monsters. A voice stops my spiraling from behind me.
"You're awake, good. We were worried about you. You've been asleep for a little over a day," spoke a hooded figure. The voice sounded feminine, but I couldn't see their face. They sat upon a bench against the back of the vehicle.
Was this another one of those demons from before? Was I kidnapped by them, or had this person rescued me? Where am I? Why couldn't I move my arms? So many questions raced through my head all at once.
The person stood up and pulled back their hood, revealing a beautiful mature woman with almond-colored skin. The few wrinkles she had added to her charm made her seem approachable.
"Hey, sweetie, you okay? You must be starving. We'll be stopping for lunch, and we'll get you some food. Names Helena, what's yours?"
She spoke with a smooth, honey-like tone. It calmed me the way my mother's tea did growing up. My eyes went wide as I thought of what had happened before I passed out. The Justicars probably punished my parents for my crimes, which probably now include evading my execution. I was so worried about my family and what to do next that I hadn’t even responded to Helena.
"It's Tyler, miss. My name's Tyler".
"What a nice name. How are you feeling? Any aches or pains?"
"No, I feel great. Miss Helena, where are we?". No sooner had I asked my question before the wagon stopped.
"Good, good. Wouldn't do to have a traveling companion be hurt. Would've made all of the effort to rescue you pointless. Now let's get you fed."
The words "rescue you" echoed in my head. This kind woman was part of the group that killed the Justicars. She might even be one of the Deforchunae. If that's the case, what should I do? Should I try to fight them? According to Judge Trafford, I have powers as well. The issue with that is I'm not even sure what my ability is. Think Tyler, what did my teachers say to do if you find yourself with a Deforchunae? They always said to alert the authorities, but I'm not even sure where I am. The best I can do is try and figure out as much as possible and then bring myself and everyone involved to the Justicars.
Taking a second to resolve me to carry out my duty, I attempt to stand and fall right back down. My wrists are still stuck together by some kind of invisible force.
"Miss Helena, I seem to be stuck. Could you possibly help me up?"
"Ahh, I had forgotten to release you. You should be free now." She smiled sweetly at me before leaving the wagon.
My wrists were free, and I quickly stood up even as sweat began to run down my back. That proves it. Helena is one of them and strong too. A demon is hiding beneath the visage of a gentle demeanor. I hadn't noticed her do anything, and she freed me. My teachers said that Deforchunae could be anyone; a mentor, a friend, even a family member. But seeing is believing after all, and I hadn't taken their words to heart before meeting Helena. I need to start questioning everything and everyone. I have to fulfill my civic duty. I will bring these monsters to justice no matter how long it takes.
As I stepped off the wagon, I took it all in. All around us were rising hills covered in grass and dotted with flowers. The air was cleaner and fresher than back home. It was peaceful here, with no smoke from factories or loud noises due to construction. Wherever I was must be far from the empire. Atop the nearest hill were a group of unknown creatures grazing. Each one was as large as the wagon and had four legs thick as tree trunks. Covered in grey fur and sporting a short tail, some of them had long curved horns sprouting out of the top of their heads. I couldn't believe my eyes; I had never seen that kind of animal before. I lost time watching the creatures, not moving until Helena gently touched my shoulder.
"Come on, and I'll introduce you to the others.”
She led me around the wagon to a small area devoid of grass. Four logs were set up like a diamond to serve as benches surrounding a small fire pit made of stone. An iron pot was suspended above the fire to cook. A wonderful aroma permeated the air, making my mouth water and stomach growl—the scenery and food combined to form a picturesque scene until I noticed who sat around the fire.
My body froze in place as I saw the three monsters from before. The massive butcher clad in the remains of dead beasts with an ugly scar down his face accompanying a savage grin. Nearby sat the emotionless sharpshooter. I still remember watching her kill without pause or remorse, unblinking as she dealt out death sentences. They were dangerous and could probably kill me without even trying. My eyes then drifted toward the third person who was slowly stirring the food. It was an older dark-skinned man. His face had a couple of wrinkles, but he would still be considered handsome in any circle. He had long salt and pepper hair tied back into a ponytail and a short goatee. The Immortal King Sol; I couldn't wrap my brain around the man sprinkling seasonings into the pot and the monster from before. The man in front of me felt normal and didn't have the sharpness I felt before. He turned to me and spoke.
"Tyler! You're awake. That’s great news. You must be starving by now. Feel free to dig in. I made my famous stew. There’ll be leftovers even if Veaos decides to eat as much as usual."
"HEY! What's that supposed to mean? Look at this exquisite form of mine; it takes lots of nourishment to sustain my body,” Veaos responded.
“I think Mr. Sol meant that you tend to eat more than the rest of us. Like a lot more,” said the quiet girl sitting on one of the logs.
Helena led me forward and started introducing me to everyone. The Immortal King Sol was known as Gabriel, the giant was Veaos, and the other girl was called Marissa. Helena handed me a bowl and a spoon as I slowly walked towards Gabriel and the pot. As I got closer, the smell of the food overwhelmed my thoughts. They said it’d been over a day since our escape, and I felt ravenous. My hunger overcame my fear, and I approached Gabriel with the bowl in my hands, shaking.
“Could I please have some of that, sir?”
“Of course. I hope you enjoy it; I like to think of myself as some kind of chef,” replied Gabriel as he ladled stew into my bowl.
I thanked him and sat down on one of the empty logs. Helena brought me a small jug of water to drink. I stared down at the stew with steam coming off of it. Diced potatoes, chunks of carrots, and other vegetables floated in a creamy brown broth. There were large chunks of meat that melted in my mouth like butter. I had never tasted anything like this in my entire life. It was incredible, and I wolfed it down so fast I almost choked. I grabbed my water and chugged it before letting out an enormous burp. My eyes went wide, and I looked at the others while stuttering out an apology.
There was a moment of silence before they all started laughing. My worry about my manners seemed to be unnecessary. Even Marissa was cackling with tears coming down her face. After everything that had happened, I was in a constant state of panic. Their contagious laughter broke me out of that, and I started laughing along with them. For a couple of minutes, my worries melted away, and I was able just to laugh and feel free. As our laughter died down, I remembered that I was consorting with monsters and that I was one of them. I got up and proceeded to have seconds and thirds of the stew until I could barely move.
"Thank you for the meal, Mr. Sol."
"You're welcome, Tyler, but call me Gabriel. Mr. Sol sounds far too formal. I don't want you ending up like Marissa, who's obsessed with decorum and 'proper etiquette.'"
"Okay, I'll try, Mr. err Gabriel."
"Good enough, we have plenty of time for you to get more familiar with us on our journey."
"Journey? Where are we going?" I asked.
"We're taking you to somewhere you will be safe and can learn to use your Gift. You'll be protected and cared for, far away from that cursed fucking empire".
For a moment, Gabriel was gone, replaced by The Immortal King, and then he was back to the kind gentleman. He seems like he’s two different people. Part of me wanted to argue against what he said about our glorious Strakken Empire, but I knew better and bit my tongue. I will gain nothing from upsetting them, least of all him.
"How long will this journey take us?" I asked.
"It should be about two weeks as long as there are no problems, darling," answered Helena as she took my spoon and bowl away.
What the hell was two weeks away? I have lived my entire life in the Strakken Empire, never leaving our borders. It is surrounded by giant walls hundreds of feet tall that protect us from demonic beasts and foreign threats. The Council only allows Justicars and the army to venture outside, and I’m just a ninth-year student; I was a ninth-year student. Now I’m probably a wanted criminal. I’ve never heard of what happens to civilians who leave the empire’s walls, perhaps because nobody ever has. There is no reason to go beyond. We are entirely self-sufficient in terms of everything; food, industry, technology, and defense. I learned that the rest of the world is a barbaric wasteland filled with danger. Looking around, I don’t see that. I see a vast open expanse of nature, the giant walls nowhere in sight. Wherever we are must be far, far away from home.
I stood off to the side, unsure of what to do as they all helped clean up. Gabriel had been wrong; there wasn’t enough food to have leftovers. Veaos brought out two water jugs and a soap bar before cleaning all the utensils and dishes. Marissa and Helena took apart the metal rods that had held up the pot while putting out the fire below. Gabriel looked into the distance and then whistled. I wasn’t sure why he did that until I heard the sound of hooves pounding into the ground. Coming over one of the nearby hills came two beautiful horses with coats the color of fresh snow. It brought me a bit of relief to see something familiar. As they got closer, I noticed something was off about them. Their faces were stained red with blood, and their skin was nearly translucent. I could see some of their veins and the powerful muscles running all over their bodies. They ran straight to Gabriel and began nuzzling him the way a dog might.
“Down, down girls, you're getting blood on me,” Gabriel said while laughing. “Tyler, meet Luna and Pride. I raised these two since they were foals.”
I watched him wipe their mouths off with the bottom of his cloak and saw that they had sharp-pointed fangs instead of the typical flattened teeth. I couldn’t help but ask Gabriel the question on the tip of my tongue.
“What the hell are those?”
“Oh, you probably haven’t seen these beauties before. These are what’s known as Nightmares. I know the name is dumb, but it’s what they’re called. They’re a breed of female horses that are carnivores and are more intelligent than regular horses. They can breed with any horse species, but any female children are born as Nightmares. I let them out to feed on those Okyax you see grazing. They might not look like it, but Luna and Pride can eat an adult Okyax down to the bones,” Gabriel answered while continuing to pet the two Nightmares.
The nightmares stared at me with eyes that had too much clarity for my liking. I’m just thankful I don’t have to ride them. Gabriel led them to the wagon and hooked them up to it. I found out that the others had been walking alongside the wagon to allow me to rest, and they all needed some rest. Gabriel told me I’d be sitting next to him for the rest of the journey. I was not looking forward to this conversation.
Gabriel looked at the fourteen-year-old boy next to him. It would take a lot to get him to open up and trust Gabriel. The boy was brainwashed, just like everyone else from the Strakken Empire. The question wasn’t if he could help Tyler but how long it would take. Good thing Gabriel had plenty of time to spare. Tyler would occasionally sneak glances at him when he thought he wasn’t looking. Gabriel called out to his Nightmares, and they took off at a light trot. Luna and Pride could go much faster, but they were in no hurry, and the two-week journey would allow Gabriel to undo all the pain the kid was going through hopefully. He would teach him as he had countless others, and then once the kid was ready, Tyler would be free to do whatever he wanted.
“Tell me what you know of your Gift Tyler.”
“Gift? What do you mean, sir?”
“That is why the Justicars took you, because of your Gift. They fear what they cannot control, so they kill anyone like you. Anyone that is like us.”
“They took me because I am a Deforchunae and therefore must die.”
Gabriel felt his rage boil over as he heard the child’s answer. Before he knew it, he had raised his voice at Tyler.
“DO NOT EVER SAY THAT WORD! That word is a lie and slur used to justify the murder of our kind. You are a Forchunae. Which is an ancient word that translates to ‘One Who is Fortunate.’ Anyone can awaken as a Forchunae and at any age. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!”
Gabriel looked at Tyler and saw the fear in his eyes. Given the circumstances, he was afraid, and Gabriel couldn't blame him. Gabriel realized he had ruined any chance of having any kind of meaningful conversation. Gabriel focused on the road and was content to let the sounds of nature fill the air. They kept to the path for the rest of the day until it transitioned into a proper road. They left the rollings hills behind and were soon surrounded by giant oak trees that stretched high into the sky. They followed the road that was deep beneath the canopy of the branches. Patches of sunlight still snuck through, creating a comfy atmosphere. A cacophony of critters and creatures filled the air as they went about their daily lives.
Tyler kept whipping his head around in awe at everything. Birds flew through the branches above, and smaller creatures ran through the trees around them. Gabriel smiled and just enjoyed that Tyler was starting to relax again. He had no desire to disrupt the wonder and joy he was experiencing for the first time. The sunlight streaking through was slowly getting dimmer, and Gabriel knew it was time to stop for the night. He led the two horses to stop at a small clearing on their right. Gabriel spotted a small lake about a five-minute walk from the clearing and released the horses’ harnesses to let them get a drink of water. If Luna and Pride were hungry, they would hunt the small animals nearby. Gabriel woke up the rest of the party resting in the back and began setting up camp for the night.
I didn’t know what to do as everyone rushed around. I was afraid of making Gabriel angry again. I am curious to hear more about what it means to be a Forchunae. Is he lying about what he told me? For the first time in my life, I can feel my faith shaking. If Gabriel is correct, then what is my purpose? I look around and don’t see a desolate wasteland filled with monsters and murderers. I see an open world full of possibilities and experiences. I wonder if my parents miss me or think I’m dead. Even if I could defeat these four, what would I do next? I have no idea where I am or how to get back. The Justicars would probably just kill me on sight. I still do not trust any of these people, but they mean me no harm if Gabriel isn’t lying to me.
They said I’m a Forchunae, but I don’t have any powers. I’m not as fast or strong as them. They asked what my Gift was, but I’m not even sure if I have one. If what Judge Trafford said is true, my ‘Gift’ killed three people. I don’t want that to happen again. I don’t want to murder anyone else. I feel so awkward not helping them get the camp ready. At the risk of making them mad at me, I approached the only person I wasn’t scared of; Helena. I can’t help myself. When I look at Veaos, Marissa or Gabriel, I just relive the moment they rescued me. So much blood all over the room. I am the son of a factory worker, I’ve never even killed a bug before. Being around so much concentrated violence was scary. Helena turned around as I approached her.
“Is there anything I can do to help Helena?”
“That’s quite nice of you, hun. Veaos went to check our surroundings. Would ya mind going and bringing him back”
The worst possible situation has happened. I now have to confront the behemoth. Helena pointed me in the direction he had walked off, and I made my way through the trees. I found him standing at the shore of a beautiful lake lit up by the light of the moon. He was swinging his ax in a downward swing repeatedly. I watched as he transitioned to sideways slashes and began to speed up steadily. He worked his way through these exercises while doing things to make it harder. He added some kicks and began spinning the giant ax around his body. It seemed to follow the curvature of his body as it rotated around him without him holding it. I sat down on a nearby rock and just watched him practice. It was mesmerizing in the same way it was to watch a master carpenter make an ornate table. Without a clock, I had no way of knowing how long I had spectated him.
“Hey kid, probably about time we get back. Dinner should be ready, and working out leaves me starved.”
I didn’t know he knew I was there. For some reason, it feels wrong, like I intruded on something personal. I hope I haven’t angered him.
“Sorry, Veaos. I didn’t mean to snoop. Helena just told me to grab you, and then I found you practicing, and I couldn't stop watching, and then I forgot what I was supposed to be doing, and I’m sorry,” I rambled out an apology to him.
“Don’t worry. You did nothing wrong. If you ever want to learn a weapon, let me know. I’d be more than happy to teach you. Marissa only uses handguns, Helena doesn’t like to fight, and it is a complete waste of time to spar with Gabriel. That man’s a nut when it comes to fighting.”
His response surprised me. I imagined he would react violently upon finding me, but I guess he already knew. I wondered what his Gift was. Is that how he was able to move that gigantic ax?
“Uhhh... I don’t know. I’m not the type to get into fights, but I appreciate your offer. If I change my mind, I’ll tell you. If it’s not too personal to ask, how are you able to lift that thing? It looks like it weighs a ton.”
Veaos smirked before answering my question. “Did Gabriel not tell you about a Forchunae’s abilities? We are blessed twofold; we all are faster, stronger, tougher, and live longer than regular folk. We even heal faster. But besides all that, we each have a Gift. I will stop there because it feels like I’m stepping into Gabriel’s territory. He’ll be the one to explain Gifts to you and what they mean. He’s always been better at talking than me. I’m just good at swinging this baby here.” He said as he caressed his ax.
As we walked back to camp, I fell into silence—Veaos’ words echoing in my head. I don’t feel stronger or anything. Maybe it’s a gradual thing. I followed along, and it dawned on me I didn’t feel tired. We walked through the forest in the dark for a while, and I had no trouble keeping up with him. I could also see pretty well despite the pitch blackness of the night. He was right. I would never have been able to do this before. We approached the camp where a roaring fire was going, and a dead deer was being spit-roasted over it. They must have hunted it while we were gone, and it smelled heavenly. Gabriel might scare the crap out of me, but the man sure knew how to make your mouth water.
Luna and Pride were off to the side and devouring a whole deer each. The creatures ate in a way that was just vicious. Gabriel held a large knife and slowly carved pieces of the deer onto some platters. Helena and Marissa had already started eating. They all looked happy to see us even though we were late. I took one of the platters and dug into it while sitting by the fire. The four of them chatted amongst each other while I ate my dinner. The dynamic was almost like a family. For the first time since my arrest, I felt at peace. I could feel my eyelids start to get heavy as sleep beckoned me. Marissa brought me over a bedroll made of two thick cloths stitched together on one side and at the part where your feet went. The top cloth was longer and used as a blanket. I wrapped myself up in it and drifted off by the fire.
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