《Serendipity》The man from Gao
“.... I‘m starting to love this island,” Silica groaned as she prodded the bag of one hundred libs. “By the Goddess, I earned more than this back on Chadd,”
“Is that not an adequate amount of money?” Jil said poking the bag as well.
“I can make this with just helping Torburn back at home,”
After they had returned to Tesctan to report the job, Yanes gave them the payment only for it to be patients. Liana, of course, knew this when she chose the job so she found it difficult to lift her sister’s spirits as the party sat at the round table in the guild.
“We agreed not to do anything too serious after the orcs,” She said trying to win her sister back.
“But for a monster suppression… this?” Mar was equally as annoyed jabbing a finger at the reward money.
“It might not be the client underpaying,” Soma said. “I took a look at similar jobs and each one is below the current rate. I imagine the recent attack has put the island into a slum.”
“Everyone does seem more on edge than the last time I came here.” Liana looked around her. As there were no more adventures left on the island- besides them- most of them were guards, merchants, seamen, and the odd refugee from Fawn.
“Now that you mention it, the mood here’s pretty sour,” Mar said, leaning on his stool.
“Indeed. It’s strong enough that I can feel it lingering in the air.” Jil said placing a hand on her chest.
While still annoyed, Silica did feel sympathetic to the people of Tesctan. After all, Holbourgh had endured multiple orc raids. Even when one was repelled the fear of another attack remained. That said, the constant gloom would always get on her nerves. “…I’m going for a walk,” She suddenly declared. “Think some sea air will do me some good.”
“Huh? Sis?” Liana tried to stop her as she got up.
“I’m not going far,” Silica gave a backhanded wave as she headed for the door.
Liana sighed. “Could you keep an eye on her,” she said to Jil.
“Leave her to me,” Jil nodded before taking flight.
With both hands resting behind her head, Silica walked blankly through the street. Jil was flying behind her, trying her best to avoid being separated. She felt nervous being in such a built-up environment with so many people about.
“Where are you going?” Jil asked.
“No clue,” Silica shrugged. “I think I’ll just head for the waterfront. Staring at the sea always helps me calm down.”
“Is it that much of an afront to be given such a low amount of money? Is it not better that we did something for the benefit of this island.”
“Yeah, but that’s not gonna help us get to serendipity in the long run,” Silica huffed.
“You humans are too obsessed with this currency….” Jil said expressionlessly.
“You need money for everything, remember,”
“Sadly I am aware of mortal avarice.”
“.... Mortal what?”
“Greed.” Jil said exhaustedly. Her wings twitched. Slowly, the fairy looked over her shoulder and then flew closer to Silica’s ear. “Someone is following us,” She whispered.
“I can feel it,”
Silica stopped and looked behind. There was nothing out of the ordinary, save for the usual citizens. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary, Silica continued walking forwards with Jil floating beside her.
“How long?”
“…. Since this morning,”
“What?!” Silica glanced over her shoulder.
“When we were at the port I felt hostility from someone in the crowd. I did not think much of it as it vanished once we departed. It was on our return I felt the presence again.” Jil carefully shifted her head sideways.
“And you didn’t think to warn me?”
“I-I feel a swarm of emotions in this place! It’s difficult to know what’s directed at us!”
Silica began to walk forwards, making sure not to look over her shoulder too much. “They still behind us?”
“….. I do not know. I cannot sense the exact location. But we are definitely being followed. That much I am certain.”
Silica spied an ally in the corner of her eye. She quickly ducked so fast that Jil casually flew past, not noticing her partner was gone until Silica’s hand grabbed her and pulled her into the alleyway.
“That hurt!” Jil yelled after Silica released her.
“Keep your voice down,” Silica hissed as she walked further into the alley towards an empty lot. It was relatively wide with a small forgotten arch with the sun barely shining from the rooftops.
“It’s a dead end.” Jil pointed out.
“Yep,” Silica said as she hid behind an abandoned crate that overlooked the way in. “If we’re being tailed they’ll be right in front of us.”
“That means we have no way to escape.”
“Not planning to escape. I’m gonna jump whoever’s following us.”
“That is a horrible idea!”
“You can still sense him right?”
Jil grumbled before letting out a sigh. Reluctantly she gazed back out to the entrance of the lot. “Yes. The source is still lingering….”
Silica lowered herself further down ready to pounce. Yet no one came. Even after a full minute, all seemed clear. Not a single soul ventured into the lot. A few minutes later Silica got bored and got up from her hiding place.
“Come on….” She groaned impatiently. “You sure someone was following us?”
“I am certain. I can still feel their presence.”
“So where are they? Are they just waiting to jump us on the street?”
“….. No, they were…. Never behind us,” Jil slowly looked up. Her eyes widened. “SILICA!”
Silica looked up and saw something falling towards them like a rock.
“Oh CRAP!” Silica rolled out of the way as the crate was shattered into pieces. After regaining her composure she could see clearly a man standing amidst the splintered wood, warning exodic garments the likes Silica had never seen before, a dark wine-red silk tunic, baggy trousers, and thin sandals. His long effeminate hair seemed to contradict the cold gaze the man had.
“Ha, nice reflexes kid.” The man stated up his posture. “Or is it your little fairy friend who pointed out where I was?”
Silica and Jil tensed. “Tick. Guess Soma was right.”
“It appears so,” Jil hovered closer to Silica.
“Who are you?” Silica demanded. “Are you with the empire?!”
The man grunted before taking a step forwards. “Does it look like I’m from Ersten?”
“Yes or no, jackass,”
“D-Do not provoke him!!” Jil snapped.
“Cockly little…” the man growled, relaxing his posture slightly. “Okay kid. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Hand over the fairy or I’ll break every bone in your body.”
“What kinda choices are those?” Silica frowned.
“The correct choice should be obvious. That thing can’t be worth that much to you, can it? Hand it over and you walk.”
“Her name’s Jil, jackass,” Silica threw out her right hand, allowing Jil to transform into caliburn.
“What?” The man was partially shocked by the sudden appearance of the sword. His brow then furrowed. “Oh, I get it,”
“You want her, then you’re gonna have to pry her from me!”
“.... Fine,” The man grunted again, shifting his body to the right, lowering his center of gravity, while raising both arms up. His left hand was out in front while his left hung back with his fingers lose.
Is he gonna fight barehanded? Silica frowned as she lowered her center of gravity.
“Do not rush in. That’s exactly what he wants.”
Against Jil’s advice, Silica charged forwards, leaping off the ground slightly as she slashed at the man. The man moved his body to the right just out of reach of Silica’s attack. Silica made another slash only for the man to suddenly get in front of her, knocking her sword arm away before delivering a roundhouse kick to Silica’s head.
Silica was instantly knocked to the ground, regaining enough of her senses to see the man looming over her, drawing back his right arm. She rolled away just as the man threw it forwards, stopping his palm strike just before it touched the ground. Silica scrambled to her feet as the man reverted his posture back.
“Can you listen to me for once?!” Jil yelled.
“I-I was just scoping him out,” Silica huffed. The man adopted a similar stance to before. It looked like he is staying on the defensive.
“Shift yourself to your left, very slowly. Then make a run to the exit.” Jil suggested.
“I’m not running,” Silica said out loud.
“How brave,” when the man responded, Silica realized she had spoken out loud. He still made no attempt to approach her, still holding his stance.
“Na,” Silica grinned. “Just really dumb!”
She then rushed forwards, taking a few more swings at the man, watching him swerve and duck under the blows. Rolling on the ground, Silica kicked off the wall to propel herself at the man as she prepared to unleash her art.
The man then rushed in and slammed a palm into Silica while she was still in mid-air, with her attack foiled, Silica toppled across the ground. When she got back up she saw the man rushing towards her. Silica swung at him, only to then be jabbed in the belly by his elbow. The man then slammed two more palms into Silica clumsily tried to fight back, swinging her weapon at the man only for him to grab ahold of her sword hand before kicking her in the gut. Silica lost her grip on Caliburn which fell into the man’s grasp. Only then did he realize her but not before performing an upwards kick to Silica’s chin. Silica was sent flying like a spin wheel before crashing to the ground.
The man now had Caliburn in his hand, giving the weapon a few swings as Silica struggled to her feet after a considerable effort.
“Stay down,” The man said, holding Caliburn before him. Glaring at him, Silica spat a goblet of blood, showing she was not about to back down.
“Stubborn brat.” The man clicked his tongue before taking a sword stance Silica had never seen before, moving as though he was dancing. His movement stopped as he pointed the blade directly at Silica, still maintaining his distance. “Don’t make this any harder for yourself.”
“That’s my line!” Silica recklessly charged in, watching the man pull his sword arm back ready to strike. Exactly as she was hoping.
Throwing out her right hand, caliburn vanished from the man’s hand and reappeared in hers. Startled when realizing he had been disarmed, the man took a quick step back as Silica swung at him. Pivoting on her axis, she managed to get behind the man before slamming into his back, finally knocking him off balance. The man recovered fast, cartwheeling on the ground putting distance between the two.
“Damn,” Silica huffed. At the very least she was able to catch the man off guard but his fighting style prevented her from getting a solid blow on him. The same trick would not work again.
“Looks like you have a few tricks up your sleeve,” The man said, cautiously inching backward while maintaining his stance. He now stood with his back to the exit of the lot.
“Ha, you haven’t seen anything yet,” Silica bluffed.
“May I propose again that you retreat,” Jil insisted.
Doesn’t look like he’ll give me much choice. Silica thought.
Startled, the man turned his head to the exit of the lot, narrowly avoiding an arrow fired in his direction.
Silica saw Liana, and Soma at the exit with Mar charging at the man.
“You bastard!” He snarled as he lunged.
Grinding his teeth, the man raised his leg, cupping the shaft of the spear with the sole before forcing Mar’s thrust down. Silica was next to rush him while his back was turned but the man quickly dodged releasing Mar’s spear and then roundhouse kicking him in the face before he could counterattack. He grabbed hold of Silica’s wide swing again, throwing her at the boy.
Another arrow shot past him then a spirit shot that narrowly grazed his chest. The man backed away before his back hit the wall. Silica and Mar had recovered and were now surrounding him while Liana and Soma stood by the exit.
The man tightened his stance, looking like a cornered beast to the adventurers who now surrounded him. “Alright, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.” Silica said, pointing her sword at the man. “Who sent you?”
The man didn’t seem phased, not losing the scowl he had. Not one movement or twitch in his face betrayed any movement.
“We can always get the guard involved,” Mar said, leveling his spear. “And I don’t think they’ll take too kindly to you, gaoen.”
“Huh?” Silica looked puzzled. “A gaoen?”
The man still held his nerve, making very slow movements. “You should be more cautious.” He said to Silica. “I won’t be the last to come for you,”
Suddenly, he rushed forwards. Mar lunged his spear at the man who dodging at the last minute. Silica was next to act, but the man leaped over her, resting a hand on her shoulder as he cartwheeled over getting behind her.
Now free of his encirclement, the man rushed towards Liana and Soma, who were both taken by surprise.
“On it!” Soma stood at the entrance and created a dome barrier that blocked off the lot. Liana drew her dagger as the man approached, but instead of rushing her, he moved to the right and jumped. Kicking off the wall, he landed on Soma’s barrier and then jumped again to the arch above. Instead of going into the street, he leaped again to the wall, kicking between each until finally vanishing over the rooftop.
“Hey! Get back here!!” Silica yelled just as the man vanished. “Shit,” With the enemy now long gone the pain Silica had suppressed now flooded into her, causing her to collapse to one knee.
“Sis!” Liana ran towards her as Jil reverted back, hugging her tightly. “Are you okay?”
“.... I’ll live,” Silica brushed Liana off her before struggling to her feet. Once stable she looked up at where the man had vanished. “He got away…” With the danger passed, the adrenalin that had kept Silica going faded, now replaced by a numbing pain from her bruises. It was nothing too serious but Silica found herself falling to one knee.
“Silica?” Liana rushed to her sister’s side.
“I-I’m fine,” Silica said as she got back to her feet.
“Are you sure? You look pretty bad.” Mar said.
“I said I’m fine,” Silica took a step forward before collapsing to one knee again.
“You are not fine. You took a lot of hits,” Jil said floating in front of Silica. While she retained her stubbornness, Silica at least knew she had taken a beating. She allowed Liana to help her up.
“Let’s go back to the guild,” Soma suggested looking up at the roofs where the man had disappeared. “We should tell Yanes what has happened."
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