《Future of Rogues (Series 1 - Book 1: Into our Journeys)》Characters State Recap
Characters State Recap
Ace’s part
So, you may be wondering what this chapter is for. So, I was editing my adventure stories, and found that I missed parts of the explanations of characters and worldview. To clarify your understanding of our world, me and fellow progressors have decided to further elaborate about the character states up to Chapter 20, listed in appearance order. (By the way, base class’s max level is 5, super is 50, and ultra is 100)
Catie (2009 ~ )
Description: So, I haven’t finished Catie’s story, I added her after I started posting this book in Royal Road. I will be finishing up her stories after reaching the first milestone in the writathon April 2022. For now she is a…
Level: 7
Class: Inventorial (s) - 2 levels, Scholar (b) - 5 levels
Race: Katolisian
Born in: Kalania (1966 ~ )
Citizen of: Kalania (1966 ~ )
Currently in: Kalania (1966 ~ )
House: None
Last Name: Shanspire
Birthday: 2009 / 03 / 11
Red Point (1911 ~ )
Description: A spear spirit, he was the first weapon spirit of the Legend, but after the Legend’s death, he got stuck in a room that the time passed 100 times faster. He got out in 60 years, and became a spear spirit of Melarie. He has light bronze skin and black hair with red eyes. His home spear has a stained blood on the end, which made his name Red Point. Oh, and he got stuck again in his spear due to a magical reason.
Level: 138
Class: Dragon slayer (u) - 58 levels, Dragon knight (s) - 50 levels, Pit Survivor (s) - 16 levels, Pit fighter (b) - 5 levels, Changed to stats - 6 levels, Changed to skills - 3 levels
Race: Spirit Weapon
Born in: Karencia (1811 ~ 1932)
Citizen of: None
Currently in: Forest Governments Union (1928 ~ )
House: Legendsss
Last Name: Legendsss
Birthday: 1911 / 11 / 11
Melarie (2000 ~ )
Description: A wanna be legend that used to be a slave in the Hab Kingdom army. She was very easy to manage and submissive at first, but now she turned very independent and capable, but not mature though. She does everything she wants at this point. I hope this change is a good thing. She does dumb stuff most of the times, but sometimes she doesn’t act stupidly. She thinks she is getting smarter every day after becoming free, I am not sure about that.
Level: 13
Class: Pit fighter (b) - 5 levels, on hold - 8 levels
Race: Fisherin
Born in: Country in the Sky
Citezen of: Hab Kingdom (1699 ~ ) (By the way slaves have the citezenships of the country they serve in)
Currently in: Forest Government Union (1928 ~ )
House: None
Last Name: Skyskin (Made up)
Birthday: 2000 / 10 / 16
Nora (2004 ~ )
Description: An originally warmhearted girl, who realized the coldness of the world and started progressing the path of assassin. Nothing can stop her from doing something when she puts her mind and focus on it. Determined to show the people who deserve death, Death. By the way, I think she is from Italy.
Level: 60
Class: Assassin (s) - 50 levels, Thief (b) - 5 levels, Changed to skills - 2 levels, Unspent - 3 levels
Race: Earthling
Born in: Earth (probably Italy)
Citizen of: Coastal Republic (1901 ~ )
Currently in: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
House: None
Last Name: Antonio
Birthday: 2004 / 12 / 25
Ace (2006 ~ )
Description: An unusual student from Earth. He loves philosophy and magic. He likes to try out new things and actually ‘trains’ creativity. His hybrid build is actually really creative.
Level: 53
Class: Illusionist (s) - 27 levels, Philosopher (s) - 8 levels Scholar (b) - 5 levels: Spy (s) - 6 levels, Thief (b) - 5 levels, Monk (s) - 2 levels
Race: Earthling
Born in: Earth (South Korea)
Citizen of: None
Currently in: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
House: None
Last Name: Lee
Birthday: 2006 / 02 / 27
Jaystyke (2002 ~ )
Description: For people who’s curious, his name was revealed before Renova’s, so he is before on this list. He used to be a normal kid but then had been a slave since being captured until escaping with Renova, now he is an archer of the forest. A Lionhearted and diligent person who looks back on himself everyday to improve and change for the better. Totally in love with Renova.
Level: 32
Class: Archer (s) - 27 levels, Ranger (b) - 5 levels
Race: Half-cat kind
Born in: Forest Governments Union (1928 ~ )
Citizen of: Forest Governments Union (1928 ~ )
Currently in: Forest Governments Union (1928 ~ )
House: None
Last Name: Kasil (old last name before being a slave)
Birthday: 2002 / 08 / 15
Renova (2002 ~ )
Description: She was born as a slave in Hab Kingdom, but escaped with Jaystyke at 2017 December 11th, she loves Jaystyke. I think Jaystyke loves her more though. I don’t know XD. Kind and intelligent person who loves to learn and think about the world. Willing to change herself, people around her and the world for the better.
Level: 33
Class: Archer (s) - 28, Ranger (b) - 5
Race: Half-squirrel kind
Born in: Hab Kingdom (1699 ~ )
Citizen of: Hab Kingdom (1699 ~ )
Currently in: Forest Governments Union (1928 ~ )
House: None
Last Name: None
Birthday: 2002 / 12 / 10
Scroomie (2021 ~ )
Description: zombie scroom that became alive through unknown cause. Has many curiosities about the world, but doesn’t ask a lot. Quiet and wondering type of person, I mean scroom.
Level: 3 (it went up in couple days)
Class: none
Race: Zombie Scroom (?)
Born in: Forest Government Union (1928 ~ )
Citizen of: None
Currently in: Forest Government Union (1928 ~ )
House: None
Last Name: None
Birthday: 2021 / 05 / 07
Raven (1999 ~ )
Description: A sturdy sigil knight that has an unending rage deep in her heart. Targeted at the people who try to harm the being and the things she loves. Has risen against the Tal empire, and successfully stopped them from taking the URS region. However, the storm of the war is about to raze and reap havoc upon the Lolrena once again.
Level: 169
Class: Sigil Knight Commander (u) - 99 levels, Sigil Knight (s) - 50 levels, Advanced Sword Training (s) - 5 levels, Warrior (b) - 5 levels, Unspent - 10 levels
Race: Katolisian
Born in: Republic of Caylis (1972 ~ 2008)
Citizen of: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
Currently in: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
House: Lolrena (Leader)
Last Name: Lolrena
Birthday: 1999 / 11 / 01
Rasen (1999 ~ )
Description: Swift warrior and Raven’s sworn brother, who used to accompany Raven wherever she goes. However, now he has gone to Runaenia to live a new life, he wants to interfere no more with the conflicts of Lolrena and Tal empire. Nowadays he lives in Romania, as visitor guardian of the house Cataloguers and gets support for becoming a hero.
Level: 155
Class: Sigil Knight Commander (u) - 100 levels, Sigil Knight (s) - 50 levels, Warrior (b) - 5 levels
Race: Hirian
Born in: Republic of Katian (1970 ~ 2003 )
Citizen of: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
Currently in: Runaenia (1888 ~ )
House: Lolrena (Used to be a Deputy, quitted in late 2020. By the way, Deputy is sort of like a vice leader)
Last Name: Lolrena
Birthday: 1999 / 02 / 01
Dakr (1958 ~ )
Description: Used to be a high ranked general/commander of the Tal empire, however after the failure of the Lolrenian invasion, has been demoted. He hasn’t been treated that well since after the Tal empire lost against Lolrena. Due to these reasons, and his realization that his ideal world is flawed. It made him think twice about his loyalty. It wasn’t shown in the main story yet, but he had joined the Raven’s cause. He is currently serving as a spy for the Lolrena in the Tal empire’s camp.
Level: 175
Class: Shadow Spearer (u) - 29 levels, One of Shadow (s) - 50 levels, Spear user (s) - 28 levels, Pit fighter (b) - 5 levels, Hitman (u) - 8 levels, Spy (s) - 50 levels, Thief (b) - 5 levels. (Shadow spearer ultra class requires that One of shadow to be max, and spear user level over 25)
Race: Draconic
Born in: Republic of Quasteral (1933 ~ 1976)
Citizen of: Tal empire (1978 ~ )
Currently in: Tal empire (1978 ~ )
House: Tal
Last Name: Tal
Birthday: 1958 / 06 / 13
Quasar (1993 ~ )
Description: A self said justice keeper of the Tundras. She became tundrace in 2016 and has lived in Tundra since. She is merciless against the stronge. Her skin, hair and eye color turned white as snow when she successfully became Tundrace. (By the way, Tundrace is a race that you need to meet certain requirements and have a good luck to become. It is not a natural race). She helps out wandering souls and people who need tundras.
Level: 92
Class: Tundra Assassin (u) - 25 levels, Assassin (s) - 50 levels, Thief (b) - 5 levels, Tundra Ranger (s) - 7 levels, Ranger (b) - 5 levels
Race: Tundrace
Born in: Barren Desert Republic (1855 ~ )
Citizen of: Saint Chellas (1991 ~ )
Currently in: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
House: Liziro
Last Name: Liziro
Birthday: 1993 / 11 / 18
Kyle (1943 ~ )
Description: A kind fellow with a trusty dual blade ready at all times. He helped Melarie, Jaystyke, Renova and the scroomie at the FGU. Now he is currently headed to the Saint Chellas. He was born in a port city in Denalo, and had citizenship of Saint Chellas since it’s seperation. It is a rumor that he has something related with the declarance of the indepdences of the Saint Chellas.
Level: 120
Class: Swordmaster (u) - 55 levels, Sword user (s) - 50 levels, Advanced Sword Training (s) - 5 levels, Warrior (b) - 5 levels, Changed to stats - 5 levels
Race: Hirian
Born in: Denalo (1621 ~ )
Citizen of: Saint Chellas (1991 ~ )
Currently in: Santania (1900 ~ )
House: Elioniex (Deputy)
Last Name: Elioniex
Birthday: 1943 / 05 / 15
Morilus (1919 ~ )
Description: So, Morilus actually was mentioned in chapter 1, but she starts to appear in chapter 14, so we decided to list her here. After Kyle and before Aliah. Morilus was the second spirit weapon of the Legend, and one the legend spent most time progressing with (Red Point really hates this fact). She is currently with Nora now. Thought it might seems like she is just resting in her dagger home, she is always watching out for Nora.
Level: 123
Class: Faceless one (u) - 37 levels, Assassin (s) - 50 levels, Dagger Master (u) - 6 levels, Dagger user (s) - 25 levels, Thief (b) - 5 levels
(Normally it requires to max Dagger user super class to get Dagger Master ultra class, however if the person already have maxed another dagger related superclass, it only requires 25 levels of Dagger user.)
Race: Spirit Weapon
Born in: North Sentinel Empire (1919 ~ 1965)
Citizen of: None
Currently in: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
House: Legendsss
Last Name: Legendsss
Birthday: 1919 / 08 / 31
Aliah (1992 ~ )
Description: She is one of the first babies born in Saint Chellas. Since the Saint Chellas declared independents at night of December 31st and she was born only couple hours later. She is Skilyan, which gets to choose a free base class whenever the person wants. This also means that, Skilyan would get 5 free levels by getting a free base class. She has light tan skin with a long dark black hair and dark black eyes.
Level: 73 (5 free levels by skilyan passive)
Class: Dragon Slayer (u) - 18 levels, Dragon Knight (s) - 50 levels, Pit fighter (b) - 5 levels (Skilyan passive)
Race: Skilyan
Born in: Saint Chellas (1991 ~ )
Citizen of: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
Currently in: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
House: Dragonia (Deputy)
Last Name: Dragonia
Birthday: 1992 / 01 / 01
Karillia (1985 ~ )
Description: An honorful warrior that is exceptionally good at leading and managing his allies. He had been the teacher of Aliah long before house Dragonia was made. He really loves Aliah and would probably do anything for her. He has a paper white skin with brown hair. His eyes are yellow, which is very rare for Hirians.
Level: 88
Class: Dragon Slayer (u) - 25 levels, Dragon Knight (s) - 50 levels, Pit fighter (b) - 5 levels, Changed to Stats - 6 levels, Changed to Skills - 2 levels
Race: Hirian
Born in: URS regions
Citizen of: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
Currently in: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
House: Dragonia (Leader)
Last Name: Dragonia
Birthday: 1985 / 06 / 22
Jade (1982 ~ )
Description: Not much is known at execpt for the fact that she is leader of the House Icetail.
Level: 180 (1 free level by Casterace Passive)
Class: Druid (u) - 80 levels, Nature Mage (u) - 28 levels, Botanist (s) - 50 levels, Alchemist (b) - 5 levels, Scholar (b) - 5 levels (1 free level by Casterace Passive) Changed to stats - 4 levels, Changed to skills - 6 levels, Unspent - 2 levels
Race: Casterace
Born in: Capili Regime (1978 ~ 1983)
Citizen of: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
Currently in: Lolrena (2019 ~ )
House: Icetail (Leader)
Last Name: Icetail
Birthday: 1982 / 03 / 21
Carolin (2007 ~ )
Description: She was born as a slave in the Hab Kingdom, when she was eight she was sold to somebody in the Forest Government Union. However, she became free after Melarie killed her owner.
Level: 0
Class: None
Race: Katolisian
Born in: Hab Kingdom (1699 ~ )
Citizen of: Forest Government Union (1928 ~ )
Currently in: Forest Government Union (1928 ~ )
House: None
Last Name: None
Birthday: 2007 / 04 / 28
For now, this is the end of the list. However, more characters, especially from the Tal empire side, are going to be added into the story soon. Keep reading and enjoying my books. Thank you, and please remember to rate, follow, comment. Have a nice day readers, thanks!
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