《Future of Rogues (Series 1 - Book 1: Into our Journeys)》Chapter 18 - Rising Melarie
Chapter 18
Rising Melarie
Melarie’s part (lvl 11 pit fighter base)
We kept farming exp and silver after the swordmaster bought us some gears. Only a couple days passed but I already have gained two other levels. At this point, Renova and Jaystyke think something is up with me. Maybe I do some special stat or something. However, a more astonishing thing was with my qi. When I told Renova my regeneration rate, she said that I regenerated roughly about a thousand times faster than other average qi users at my level range. That’s a lot, however I don’t feel like it’s regenerating that fast. Renova told me that was because I was only at base level, and even thousand times better than other base class levels, it wouldn’t be super fast. She said I should keep training my qi and keep progressing, she also said that she thinks I will become really strong someday and that she will help me become so. Renova is such a nice person! Everybody I met in my life only wanted to make me miserable. Hmm… maybe Renova might try to use me someday, I will keep an eye on her hmph!
Anyways, we are currently on our way to a town named Forestina Contanan to rest and recharge. I don’t need any rest, but it seems that Renova and Jaystyke do.
“Renova?” “Yes, Melarie? Why?”
“I don’t know, I just feel so empty recently.”
“Well, it’s probably Red Point being gone. It’s okay, we are still here. We won’t leave you, don’t worry melarie.”
Ahh Renova is so kind. I’m going to miss her after I murd, oh wait nevermind, bad thought, bad thought. Focus Melarie, you can’t kill your friends, only enemies, and scroomies. Not the friend scroomie though, other scroomies. Am I being to murderous? I don’t think so. It’s okay to kill the enemies right? If I don’t do so, they will kill me first. But… Renova told me not to kill people… mmm… I don’t know, I gotta think about this. Meanwhile, I am going to
“Melarie, we are here.” said Jaystyke.
“Huh? What is this place?”
“It’s Forestinan Contanan. It’s a secret trade village in the core of the sleeping forest. We seldom come here, because of the dangers along the way, but it ensures us good earning and experiences.” than he added, “You can sell all the loot you got from slaying things in the forest. This place offers good pay, due to many people here needing more resources for potions or items.”
“So, do I just sell all the things I have?”
“Not all, just the things you don’t want, or need.”
“That is all the things I have, except for my spear obviously.”
“Well then, let’s go. Follow here.” With this, he and Renova started leading me to a shop.
“Yo, Alakain, how is your day?” asked Jaystyke.
“Oh, Renova and Jaystyke! Long time no see.” said somebody, presumably Alakain.
“Who’s that girl behind you both?”
I replied before neither Jaystyke nor Renova could answer.
“I am Melarie, the future legend.”
“Oh, is that so. Well, future legend, what are you here for?”
“I want to sell everything I got, except for this spear of course. Oh and also not the magical cooking tool in my backpack.”
“Alright, hand me over, I will say the price I will pay for all, if you think it’s too low, you don’t have to sell them.
“Oh neat, so how much for all of these?” as soon as I finished speaking, I started dumping all the things in my backpack.
“Mmm… don’t you use an inventory?” the shopkeeper Alakain asked.
“Ha?? What’s an inventory?
“It’s an feature you can use after obsorbing an inventory gem.”
“So, how much is an inventory gem?”
“I sell it at about 4.5K silver, but I recomand you actually search for one, or buy one at a more populated city. At cheapest it’s about 2.5K silver, and also it sometimes spawns in sleeping forest.”
“Okay, I will search for it I guess, I don’t need it right now, my backpack is big enough.”
“Great, lemme examine your things.”
“This all combined will be about mmm… 800 silver, you got a lot!
Then, Scroomie, Renova and Jaystyke also dropped their loot, all of them combined turned out to be 2K worth. 2.8K silver combined, that is insane amount. I never knew farming 10 days without any rest can get us this much money. I really want to go back to farming loots now, but Renova and Jaystyke gotta rest.
“PayDay!” shouted Renova.
“I never had this amount of money earned at once, thanks to you Melarie and Red Point, now we are rich.” said Jaystyke. Then he added
“Alright, I think we can afford to go to the best hotel in this town. I have only been there once but it’s really good.”
“Great, I never been to any hotel!” I shouted.
“It costs 35 silver per night, which is really expensive, usually but not when we have 2.8K” Jaystyke added.
“Let’s go then, I can’t wait!” I shouted as loud as I could. I noticed some people staring at us, but I didn’t really care. Hotel expensive as 35 silver per night? I am going to be in heavens today. This is insane, for the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE, I AM GOING TO EAT UNTIL I GET FULL. I can’t believe I am going to a hotel that costs 35 silver per night!
“Ye, I know right? I feel you, I was once a slave too. I never knew that one day I would become a strong superclass like I am now.” Renova said as if she could read my mind.
“How did you know my thoughts?”
“Your face portrays it clearly, my friend. Sometimes I actually forget your older than me.”
“Am I that childish? I didn’t consider myself to be.”
“Your not, don’t worry. It’s just that your cute. It’s a good thing.”
“To me your the cutest person ever Renova.”
You probably know who said that just now.
“Jaystyke, your too cringy.”
“Sorry, Squrriel. I will try not to be.”
“Ye, Jaystyke your too cringy, don’t forget that I am here” I added.
“Yare, yare. I know, I know. Sorry I crossed the line with the flerting.” replied Jaystyke.
“So mmm… how far is the hotel?” I asked.
“Not far, it’s near the center of the town. You’ll probably know it by first glance. It looks different than the rest of the town.” replied Jaystyke.
Sure enough, after a little walk later, the grand building came into view. It looked so mmm… I don’t know, I never seen something like that before. Not even in all those cities that I went when I was a private slave. However, something happened at that second that interfered my awe.
Renova’s part (lvl 33 archer s)
My level hasn’t increased after we met the swordmaster. That is normal, and how the world should be. However, Melarie gained 2 more levels. It’s true that it’s much easier to gain levels in lower level range like Melarie’s, but even comparing to people at her level range, her progression is unmeasurably fast. I would say about 3 times or so. Even surprising, she started to flicker in my archer’s danger sense passive. This is a one of the set archer skills. Passive skill that warns the user about strong people. It sends signals that flickers in my head for each person who are stronger than or strong as me in the certain range. With this I can know that I am in danger, and how much danger. Since it sends a stronger signal when somebody very strong is near me. According to the signal, Melarie is already strong as me. Considering she is only at lvl 11, that is very surprising. Another surprising thing is her qi regen. I don’t use qi, so I don’t know much about it. However I know her regen speed is far above her level range. At this point, I am glad that she is with us, and not against us. I don’t know what she could do when she gets stronger. I guess it’s mine and Jaystyke’s job to guide her in a way that she doesn’t abliterate other people into pieces.
Speaking of abliterating people into pieces, she might try to do that right now. Why? Because there is a person in front of us that is shouting at her slave. “Hey you! Did you actually just stepped on my foot? What are you thinking? Do I look like a joke to you?”
“No mamm… I am truly sorry, please forgive me.”
“You b, you are going to be more use while being dead than alive.”
“No, please don’t. I don’t want to die!”
“Take this idiot to the butcher!”
Oh noes, this isn’t going to go well. Not for the slave, but for the owner.
“What did you just say!?” as soon as I thought this would happen, it happens. Melarie stepped in with an angry shout.
“What are you, a little scum? Or another slave?” slave owner said with a laughter. My danger sense implies that she is a little stronger than me. However, something inside me tells me that she won’t be for long. Couple seconds later I think to myself that I was right as Melarie charges into her with a spear swing.
“Aw, an annoying being, Scandanivia!” a little after she said this, a forst beam that looks a lot like lazers starts to come out in both of her hands. Than something amazing happens. Melarie started to gather qi couple seconds earlier, I didn’t know what she was doing then. But I do now, she is canceling the frost beam with her qi. Slave owner’s confusion and surprize is clear in her face now. At this point, I know she is done for. Melarie thrusts herself at the slave owner with an astonishing amount of power. As she bombard her enemy with skills like triple strike and serpent strike along with strong basic attacks, I know that it won’t be long when the slave owner is dead. Melarie will kill her with a lethal blow any time now. I can’t watch. I turned my head back as slave owner’s last screeze came out of her mouth.
Melarie’s part (lvl 13 pit fighter b)
Yes, I killed a person. Am I a monster? Or an evil being? No! Nonsense! She was threatening her slave. In front of me! How dare she! Besides, I know that she didn’t wipe. When people get wiped, there is a special effect with their body. It’s very hard to describe but it’s obvious from the first sight. That effect, it’s clearly hammered into my head. I have seen so many people get wiped in the army for various reasons. Slaves and non slaves. Thinking about it alone makes me sad and scared.
“Thhaankkk youu” I hear a very faint voice that moment.
“Ha? Louder!” I said.
“Thannkk you” said the slave I saved.
“You’re welcome” I replied.
“Umm… what’s your name, master?”
“I am Melarie Skyskin. Plus, you don’t have to call me master.”
“Ohh… sorry, I am just so used to calling everybody master. Can I follow you around? I got nowhere left to go.”
“Yes, but you gotta be careful, our adventure is very dangerous.”
“Ooo, it was my lifelong dream to go on a dangerous adventure!”
“Mmm… how long is your life?”
“Only 14 years :(, I have been living all my life as a slave until now.”
“At least you don’t have parents that sold you to the slave trader…” I murdered, which was heard by the slave.
“You were slave too!?” she said with shock.
“Yes, I will tell you all about it once we are out of this place.” I said urgently as I noticed more people gathering.
I know we gotta move now, or people will make fuss over what I did, and I don’t want that to happen. Odds are, I will somebody who I can’t defeat that easily, if we just stand here.
“Alright, where are yall headed?”
“You’ll see, close your eyes, I will carry you.”
I start to carry her with my armes, then I turn my head around only to see Renova with her eyes still closed and Jaystyke who still looks shocked and stunned. I shout “What are you waiting for? Let’s go.” and those two start to focus again. “Let’s run, we gotta get out of here.” With this, Renova, Jaystyke and Scroomie start to run to the hotel.
Freed Slave’s part (lvl0 freed slave)
I can’t believe it! I am not a slave anymore. This is all thanks to a savior named Melarie Skyskin. I am going to serve her until I die. NO NO wait, I am not slave anymore, Carolin stop thinking you gotta serve a master! Yes my name is Carolin by the way. Such a pretty name for such an unpretty being. No stop thinking that Carolin, YOUR NOT A SLAVE ANYMORE! You’re free, you can do whatever you want! Alright, alright let’s focus. I am free, but I have no money and nowhere to go. Doesn’t that make me bound to Melarie? I don’t know, well it’s going to be much better than my old life anyways. So I don’t really care.
I was thinking about this while Melarie was running through the streets, carrying me in her arms. She was a very strong person no doubt, well that’s probably how she won against my master. My master was max ice mage superclass. Which is considered very strong in here’s standard. Well, now, she only has 1 life left. Too bad for her. While Melarie won, and now she stopped running.
“Huh? What is it?” I asked in curiosity.
“Open your eyes now.” she replied.
I did. And I saw something I couldn’t believe. I knew as soon as I opened my eyes that this was the Hotel Beluga. Hotel Beluga, a 5 star hotel franchize that came into our town for some reason. It was for rich people and some progressors to use. I have never even been close to it ever in my life. Good thing this place is used to serving progressors and adventures dirty from their journey, because considering our looks, me looking like a slave and other 3 people in clothes dirty as hell. The zombie scroom accompanying us will make it worse. We would be kicked out of normal 5 star hotels. Thankfully, this hotel is used to this sight, and leads us to our room, or their room. I am just following them, so ye.
“Oh, by the way I got 5K silver from killing that person.” my mast, no I mean Melarie, said to the other two.
“Dang, that’s a lot.” said one of them, the squirrely one. Than she continued
“Oh, I forgot to introduce us to the new member of our squad.”
“I am Renova, and this is Jaystyke.” she finished.
“Don’t forget me! I am Scroomie!” zombie scroom exclaimed.
“I am soooo glad to meet you all, I am Carolin.” I said.
“Me, too,” said Renova.
Then we arrived at the hotel room.
Something insane is in front of my eyes. A room full of wondrous things. Two very large beds, a very large TV, five comfy seats, five normal chairs, one massage chair, one sofa, two fancy desks, one table, one magical cooker, one magical electric cooker, and many more things that I don’t know the name of. There are also 2 restrooms, it probably has way more fancy stuff than I have ever seen in my life. That can wait though, because I am so tired right now. I gotta sleep.
“Waaait Carolin, you better take a bath first.” says Jaystyke.
“Oh… okay, can I take it first?” I ask.
“Sure, go on,” replies Jaystyke.
I get into one of the restrooms and find a bathtub. There is a magical water temperature setter, I set the temperature to 30 degrees and the water comes out. Then I go in and half sit, half lie on the tub.
“Aw.. this is so awesome.” I really want to sit here all day, but I know I can’t. One of the three people or zombie scroom is going to use this restroom after I do. Plus, I gotta sleep. I am so tired right now. I gotta get out fi…
“Wait, what happened?” I ask. I asked Jaystyke but the reply actually comes from Renova.
“You fell asleep while being inside the bathtub, I got you out, dried you and dressed you.”
“Oh thanks Renova.”
“How do you like your clothes?”
I look down at my shirts and pants, it looks very comfortable but good looking at the same time. Uncomparable to my old clothes.
“These are awesome, thanks again Renova.”
“No problem.”
Suddenly, I get curious about their lives. I know it's a very random curiosity that came out of nowhere, but I really am curious now. I know that Melarie used to be a slave, but then, how did she reach this far. And how about the other two, were they slaves too? Are they as strong as Melarie now? Will I be able to become as strong as them? All these questions are dancing inside my head, and suddenly, one breaks free from it.
“Renova, Jaystyke, were you slaves too? At some point in your life?” Ooops, that was a very rude question, I shouldn’t have said it.
“Sorry… I didn’t mean to…”
“Yes we were,” answered Renova.
“Well it’s going to be a long story.” commented Jaystyke. Then he added,
“Are you ready to listen?”
“YES! I really want to listen to your story!” I shouted with tons of excitement in my voice.
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