《Future of Rogues (Series 1 - Book 1: Into our Journeys)》Chapter 5 - World develops as the time flows


Chapter 5

World develops as the time flows

Red Point's part (lvl 138 DS u)

Ok, so while me and Melarie were traveling to the zombie scroom place, we met 2 archers who call themselves mystic archers of east Hab wood. They were each Half-Cat Kind and Half-Squirrel Kind. That got me wondering.

"Ok so, is mystic archers thing, include more people or is it just you two?" As soon as I said this, both of them looked embarrassed, and they replied with "It's only us two".

Mmm… alright, I'm wondering how it'll go if we progress with them,

"Is that so? Alright, do you want to progress with us? I am a dragon slayer and I'm training this fisherin over here."

"Dragon Slayer Ultraclass??? Cooooool!!! Sure, let's progress together!" One of them (catkind) shouted, it was so loud that Melarie was wincing.

"What class are you going for?" the squirrely fellow asked Melarie. "I don't know, I think imma go spear mage hybrid." Melarie replied. Then catkind commented, "Well I am half cat and she is half squirrel, we escaped the slavery from humans of Hab Kingdom and became hunters in the forest, we are both archer superclass".

"How did you get to know each other though?" I asked. Squirrel (let's call them each cat and squirrel to make it simple) was the first one to open her mouth, "Well he was a slave nextdoor, we knew each other for a long time and when it was my 15th birthday, he came to our house to celebrate my birthday in secret, and asked me to escape with him to the forest, I agreed and that night we fled here, and started progressing by hunting, we are both level 30 now."

Mmm… level 30, interesting, in legend's times level 30 was pretty high, but I guess now, just runaway slaves get to level 30 at a young age.

"Mmm… how old are you now?" I asked.

"We are both 18" the cat replied.

"We have been hunting and progressing all day for nearly 3 years and half now"


Ok well, so you can get more exp when you hunt hostile and dangerous mobs, but they got to level 30 by hunting mild mobs and animals at Hab forest, the world changed a lot I guess.

"We started to progress fast, when we started to hunt zombies."

Ok, zombies give decent exp, however many beginner adventurers die by them, zombies spawns a lot in the graveyard near the Sentinel, so they must have gone there.

"How did you manage to not die by zombies? Many beginners die because of those things." I asked in wonder.

Squirrel replied "Nowadays, hardly anybody dies by them, you can use a torch to scare them, if you have enough money, you can even buy curse immunity magic tools."

Ok, I didn't know the torch fend of zombies, there must be tons of new info while I was gone I guess. Also there weren't even such things as curse immunity magic tools those days, nor any magic tools to be exact. That is probably why there were fewer adventurers and progressors, most of them died early on, but with tons of info and magic tools, way more would survive to become super and ultra classes. This is concerning though, this probably means there are tons of people strong as or stronger than me. Which means that they might threaten the progressions of Melarie.

Melarie's part (lvl2 fisherin)

Ok, so I'm Melarie, and me and Red Point met a couple strangers who asked us to go hunting. I don't know exactly what that means, but it looks fun, because they talked about zombies.

"Whoa that's cool, can I have a torch? I wanna beat up some zombies." I heard that there are a lot of trinkets at the Graveyard near Sentinel, which are guarded by zombies. Hmmm? I'm too weak for it? Nonsense, I will kick their ass. By they, I mean the ass of zombies and not the archers.

"Here's a torch, use it wisely, in the shop it costs 5 silvers" the squirrel said as she handed a torch to me.


"Nice, Red Point, let's go treasure hunting", everybody knows trinkets could be sold to the merchant, and there is a famous merchant near the graveyard, he lives in Sentinel. Sentinel is basically a city state with 5M people, and is located at the center of our world, from what I heard.

Well, I wanted to go there for all my life, yay my life's biggest, well not biggest, becoming legend was the biggest, so this dream would be twond biggest, or secand biggest? I don't know, vocab is hard!

"Graveyard near Sentinel is too dangerous for you," Red Point said. With that, my dream plunged into thin air.

"But zombie scrooms are also as dangerous!" I shouted in anger.

"Not when you know how to farm exp on them, then the only dangerous thing is the other people, those, I could beat up" Red Point replied calmly.

"Ye? Can I spar you?” the squirrel asked Red Point out of nowhere, and he said yes.

Red Point's part (lvl 138 DS u)

Alright so I guess this squirrel wants to spar me, good for me, I could test my strength against the people of these days. "Alright, no wounding skills, no critical skills nor lethal ones." I announced

Squirrel accepted it and the spar started. I dashed to the left and slashed my spear, however the squirrel dodged my attack fluently. "Triple shot" squirrel shouted as she shot 3 arrows very quickly, I got hit but it didn't do much damage.

"Spear crusher! Spear spin! Serpent Strike"

I comboed my skills then comboed my basic attack, then I used "Dragon Roar'' which frightened the squirrel and then "Thunder Spear Crush'', with this, the squirrel was flung away pretty far taking a huge amount of damage.

"I surrender," she said with gasps. "You are goo-oood" Cat yelled in amazement.

“Well I can’t keep calling you cat and squirrel. What is your name?” I asked.

“My name is Jaystyke and hers is Renova.” Cat said first, before the squirrel could say anything.

“Isn’t Renova the name of a city in Exel Union? I asked.

This time, Renova spoke first, “Ah, yes. It’s Renova Town to be exact, we’ve been to that city and I liked it so much that I named myself after it”

Ok, so I’ve never been to Renova Town, so I gotta ask what part she liked about the city. “Ok, what did you like about Renova Town?”

She replied with “I liked the acorn soup”.

I heard that Renova Town is famous for its mushroom soups, I guess they have good acorn soups as well.

"Anyways, if we are going to progress together, Renova and Jaystyke, you will need to enter different countries, like Runaenia and North Sentinel Empire" I said.

(Ace’s note: It was the North Sentinel Empire 60 years ago, now it's the North Sentinel Republic.)

"Fine by us, we've been to different countries before!" Renova replied excitedly. “But, can we progress more in the forests before we start adventuring? I think we’re too weak to survive in this dangerous world.” added Jaystyke.

“Fair enough, want to farm exp in the zombie scroom place?”

“Sure that’ll help us out a lot, it is too dangerous for us two to go.”

“Don’t you know the safe spot in the bush?” I wondered how this info isn't common knowledge even now.

“Well, we obviously know, it’s not the zombie scroom that is dangerous, it’s other progressers. A lot of strong people farm in zombie scrooms, it gives decent exp, and those progressers will kill us if they see us there. Sleeping forest is a lawless land you know." Jaystyke replied with a sad face. Well, not really sad, more like, faraway look? Aaaa, I don't know, I'm not a psychologist. I just decided to ask a very important question right then.

"Usually, how strong are those people?"

"They are mmm…, let's say 2 of them would be able to fairfight you." Said Jaystyke.

"Ok, that is doable, let's go there now!" I said.

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