《Lolly》Chapter 43. Lines of Communication


From the pier, Lolly heard Lisa gasp. She said something Lolly didn't understand And then her voice grew loud and angry. “What in the hell do you think you are doing?”

Jake’s voice had a slight tremble. “I thought its what you wanted.”

“Right. Why are guys all alike?” In the glow of the street light, Lisa appeared. She called out, “Trevor, Lolly, we are going home now!”

Lolly wasn’t ready to go home. According to Trevor’s watch they still had at least fifteen more minutes. Trevor said, “Guess we better go.”

The arrangement in the truck was much different on the way home. Trevor sat between Jake and Lolly while Lisa was beside the window. The atmosphere inside the cab was frosty. Jake seemed more hurt than angry, but Lisa was furious. What had happened?

When they reached the Putt Putt parking lot, Lisa was out of the truck like a hornet. She had her car unlocked and was inside it before Lolly even got out of the truck. Under his breath, Jake said, “Please tell her I’m really sorry.”

“Okay.” Lolly didn’t even ask what he had done. She would find soon enough.

Trevor walked her to Lisa's car and gave her a quick hug and kiss. He whispered, "I had fun."

She whispered back, "Me too." Now, to face whatever had transpired between Lisa and Jake. She climbed into the front seat. Angry tears slid down Lisa’s cheeks. Without looking back, Lisa jammed the stick shift into reverse and then roared out of the parking lot. They were on the highway before she said a word. When she did her voice was shaky. “That went wrong fast. I just wanted to kiss, I didn’t want to be groped. One minute it was bliss, then he got handsey. Why do guys like to grab body parts and squeeze? I swear, I don’t get it. And he actually thought that’s what I wanted. He said it loud enough for anyone on the pier or beach to hear. I am so freakin’ embarrassed. God, I am such an idiot.”

So this was what Aunt Jessie meant by a new world with strange modes of behavior. What Lisa wanted and expected was not the same as what Jake wanted and expected. Lolly said “You aren’t an idiot. I’m sorry this happened.”

“I’m sorry too. This was supposed to be your night with Trevor and Jake ruined it. I just thought he was different. John Boy kisses girls but he doesn’t grope them. Mad Dog didn’t grope Jill in the movie. I don’t get it.”


Aunt Jessie’s words echoed in Lolly’s head. Clarity. Ground rules. Mixed signals were what Lisa and Jake had experienced. Lisa was so upset she had major diarrhea of the mouth. Lolly couldn't get a word in edgewise. One minute Lisa was calling hell down on Jake and the next one she was running herself down. Lolly went into auto pilot, like she did when Munch was in a mood. She kept her eyes focused on Lisa's mouth and nodded and uhummed at seemingly appropriate places. Lisa did not want advice, she needed to vent, so Lolly let her vent away. She couldn't help but wonder about the conversation Jake and Trevor were having. Did guys talk about stuff? Jake, the big dummy, had seemed really sorry and very upset. Maybe he and Lisa would work through this. Maybe they wouldn’t.

When they got to the trailer it was 10:45. Lolly had not broken her curfew, in fact she was early. She gave Lisa a quick hug and got out of the car. Lisa said, “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Lolly went inside. Grandma Toady was in the recliner reading. She looked up from her book and asked, “Did you have a good time?”

“Yes.” God, she hoped Grandma Toady didn’t want to talk about the evening. Lolly was pretty sure the trip to Surfside wouldn't meet with Grandma Toady’s approval. She yawned and said, “I’m sleepy.” She gave Grandma Toady a good night kiss and went to her room.

Fluff was in the middle of her bed all stretched out. He opened one green eye and closed it. Lolly shed her clothes and put on her pajamas. She reached for her favorite book, Ramona the Pest. Familiar words were what she needed to ground her. It had been a weird night. It would have been so much better if it had just been her and Trevor without all the stupid Lisa/Jake drama. Fluff had to be bodily removed from the center of the bed. For once he was not perturbed by being shifted. He curled up beside her left ear and started to purr. The sound was soothing. Lolly flipped on her bedside lamp. Light pooled around her bed. She opened the book. It was well worn. The character Ramona and the real Mitzi had a number of things in common. The story pulled Lolly away from the complications of being a teenager. Before long, she drifted into deep sleep.


Sunday afternoon, Lolly got a call. She expected it to be Lisa, but it was Jake. He said, “I got your number from Munch. I hope that’s okay.”


If it wasn't okay, it was too late. Why had Munch given out her number? She said, “Sure.”

“Please tell Lisa how very sorry I am. She won’t talk to me. I am seriously not a cave man or a pervert. I haven’t really dated anyone before and all I know is what guys say in the locker room. I am such an idiot. God, why did I listen to them. They told me about signals and a bunch of other sh—, uh crap and they were so full of it. I really like her. Will you help me?” His breath was a little uneven and he sounded scared.

What to do? Getting in the middle of this, was not an option. She didn’t really know Jake, like a friend. He had been a classmate for years, but that was it. Honestly, he might be a caveman or a pervert. There was no way she was going to talk Lisa into anything. She said, “Why don’t you give her some time? Let her cool off. Show her that you can be a gentleman.”

“What if that doesn’t work?”

“No point in jumping ahead. Just focus on what you can do and not what may or may not happen.” This was a direct Grandma Toady quote.

When he spoke, he didn’t sound hopeful, but he also no longer sounded like he was about to cry. “Okay. I will try. Thanks Lolly.”

“You’re welcome. Bye.”


Lolly hung up the phone. Right now, she didn't want to talk to Lisa. She grabbed her hoodie and headed outside. The weather was changing. Dark clouds raced from the north. A cold front was coming in. She pulled up her hoodie and went to the swings. She sat down in the one Trevor had swung in last week. Uncle Jake’s truck pulled into the trailer park. Mitzi waved Puccini’s paw as they passed the park.

Slowly, Lolly swung back and forth. Her mind drifted from her first kiss, to the other kisses she had gotten in the past week. The kisses Trevor had given her so far were sweet and gentle. He seemed to really respect her and she liked that. She didn’t want to mess that up. Her mind started to travel down other roads, roads she had never been on and had only heard or read about. A shiver went through her.

“Lolly!” It was Grandma Toady. “Your pa is on the line!”

Pa! How she missed him. If he hadn’t changed up his schedule he would have been home this week. She ran to the trailer. Grandma Toady was sitting at the kitchen table talking to him. She said, “Here she is,” and handed Lolly the phone.

“Hi, Pa. I miss you.”

“I miss you too Shortcake.” Hearing his voice brought tears to her eyes. It was so good to hear him. “How you doin’?”

“I’m okay.”

“I heard you went out Saturday night, with a certain someone.”

Grandma Toady must have told him. “Uh, yes, I did. Trevor was a perfect gentleman.”

“Good to know. How is school?”

This was not just a question about school. It was a question about Spence Drew. He hadn’t done anything, yet. “Its okay. Nobody has bugged me or Munch.”

Again he said, “Good to know,” and added, “Just be careful.” This statement was probably not just about Spence Drew, it was also about Trevor.

“I am. I promise.”

“I know you are.” He changed the subject, “So, how is Munch?”

“He almost has his entire collection finished. I wish you could be here to see the show.”

“I do too, though I am not sure Munch would want me there.” There was truth in this statement. Pa continued, “Shortcake, can you think of anything I can do that might make him hate me less, outside of not marrying his mother?”

“Nope, I can’t think of a thing. Give him time, he will realize someday what a great guy you are.”

“I hope so.” He didn’t sound hopeful. “I sure wish I hadn't changed my schedule around. I could be there right now.”

“I know. But, it will be really good to be together on Christmas. We haven’t had Christmas together in four years.”

“No, we haven’t. So you have any ideas about what I should get Estelle? I want to get her something special, that lets her know I see her. I was thinking an illustrated book, or some art supplies. But, I have no idea. Could you do some snooping for me next time you go over there?”


“Thanks, Shortcake." He talked some about work and she told him a little about her date. Lolly glanced at the clock. Pa would be starting his shift soon. She began to prepare herself for good bye. She hated good byes. "Well," he said, "I guess I better scoot. I’ll talk to you soon! Love you!”

“Love you too.”

Gently, Lolly hung up the phone. She had a lump in her throat. If only Pa were home now, if only he could always be home.

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