《Hide and Aizawa》HA1 2.6 - Paranoid and Deadly


At the eastern end of Nichiko there was an artificial lake called Hibino. Initially, Hibino Lake was built to collect excess water during the rainy season. But gradually, it turned into a tourist spot that was popular with local residents, visitors from other cities, and foreign tourists.

An hour ago Keizawa received a message that Hateur Formula's transaction would be carried out at Lake Hibino, and he was asked to charter a boat and stand by in the middle of the lake.

Keizawa and Unagi were enjoying melon seeds while the soft afternoon sun enveloped the surface of the lake. At the same time, Irene was anxiously waiting for a message from the owner of Hateur Formula.

Seeing Keizawa who was calm and casual like a tourist, Irene immediately pouted her sexy lips. "Kei, can't you trace the other phone?"

Keizawa casually replied, "In this country, only Nikko Federal Bureau and National Security Service can trace Jean's cellphone. One using legal means and the other using illegal ones."

"Do not repeat that answer again and again, give me the detailed explanation."

Keizawa downed a mouthful of tea box before saying, "No matter what brand, motherboards for dumb cellphones were made in Vormossa and Bharat, by two companies which are owned by a fake foundation under control Eisrel Intelligence Service.

The Eisrel Intelligence Service requested that some modifications be embedded in the dumb cellphones' motherboard. So that the final product would accept an algorithm to connect it to the joint network used by banks specifically to make international online transactions.

For nearly eight years Eisrel Intelligence Service field agents used bank secure channels to communicate confidentially. Until the method was discovered by an IT expert from the Americ Intelligence Service.

Even though the communication method was known, motherboard manufacturers did not eliminate the implanted modifications because it would be costly to change the production procedures. Besides, not many people know how to activate the communication method.

You need at least six military grade communication satellites, two servers with super quantum processors, and a team of IT specialists to infiltrate the bank joint network before you can trace Jean's cellphone."

Irene sighed deeply before cursing, "Paranoid bastard!"

Unagi who had been silent all of a sudden said, "Jean Hateur has a million reasons to be paranoid. With his skills, many parties would want him and many of them would not hesitate to use threats, torture, or other harsh methods."


Keizawa nodded before adding, "Also, even if Jean didn't kill Unagi, it doesn't mean he won't go to the extreme to protect his safety."

Silence then enveloped the entire boat. Until finally, one of Keizawa's bodyguards pointed to the approaching white RC Speedboat.

The guard shifted the silenced MP9E safety lever under his jacket to the semi-auto position as he asked, "Boss, do I need to neutralize it?"

"No, there are many more practical ways if he wants to harm us."

The bodyguard nodded slightly, and as soon as the RC Speedboat arrived at the side of the ship, he picked it up and brought it to Keizawa.

Without delay, Irene checked the vial box lying in the middle of the RC Speedboat, and as soon as she confirmed that there were 30 vials Hateur Formula, Unagi put down a small bag containing 30 thousand Dillar.

However, before Keizawa's guard put the RC Speedboat back into the water, Irene put a mini-transponder under the small bag of money.

"Irene, this is not our agreement. We should not disturb a snake that doesn't want to show itself."

Irene looked at Keizawa deeply before saying with great seriousness, "I really want to meet him, and consider with this you are no longer indebted to me."

Keizawa tapped his fingers on the table for more than a minute before nodding in resignation.

"I'll never forget that you saved my life twice."

Keizawa's words made Irene smile from ear to ear. Before long, the RC Speedboat moved toward the water tunnel on the northeast side of Hibino Lake.


A Civix was moving at full speed toward the northeast side of Lake Hibino, to the water tunnel that connected the drainage system throughout Nichiko with Hibino Lake. As soon as the Civix stopped, three men armed with MP5K-SD got out and ran towards the closest entrance to the end of the water tunnel.

As a team leader, Stuart took the leading position, followed by two colleagues he had worked with for the past four years.

Stuart and his two colleagues were mercenaries who used to operate in the Golden Triangle. The three of them were on vacation in Nichiko when an offer to capture a pharmacist alive came over.

The pay was not big, only five thousand Dillar per person. However, because the target was only a former non-combatant paramedic from Vranciss' Counter Terrorist Unit, Stuart and his two colleagues accepted the job without hesitation.


After Irene told him that the mini-transponder was on its way to the target location, Stuart and his two companions moved immediately, and he almost burst into laughter when the mini-transponder stopped at the end of the water tunnel not far from where he was stand-by.

Stuart and his two companions nimbly descended the three-meter high metal staircase. Then, formed a defensive perimeter in all directions. Once the situation was confirmed safe, one of Stuart's colleagues grabbed the tracker hanging in his waist.

"Target is still at the end of the tunnel. He is practically cornered unless he chooses to jump into the water."

Stuart nodded before saying, "Even so, remain vigilant because by now he must have seen the mini-transponder. Also, there is a possibility that he is carrying a gun and knows how to aim."


From the entrance to the end of the tunnel, there was a distance of 600 meters and two turns, and with the illumination from tactical flashlight attached under MP5K's barrel, Stuart and his colleagues were moving extra cautiously but fast enough.

"One more turn and we'll see the end of the tunnel where our target cornered," said Stuart as he continued walking toward the corner one step at a time, then . . .


Stuart and his two colleagues almost jumped on the spot when a milk can, not far from their position suddenly let out a very loud ring.

Without wasting time Stuart grabbed and checked the milk can. He found a rubber band across the inside of the can where a nail was wrapped in the middle of it, and at the bottom of the can there was a toothpick connected to a sewing thread.

With ease, Stuart concluded that the nail was tied to the twisted rubber and held up using a toothpick tied to a sewing thread. When he accidentally kicked the sewing thread across from him, the toothpick that held the nail was pulled and the nail spun wildly inside the can.

Stuart recognized the milk can-based mechanism. Farmers in Hakaido used it to drive wild boar or deer from entering their fields. Whereas their children used it to prank on the village night duty patrols or the elderly in their village.

"Damn! I nearly had a heart attack from a kid's toy."

Stuart threw the milk can in his hand into the water. At almost the same time, a dazzling light bloomed from the ceiling above, followed by a loud explosion and a rain of buckshot that mercilessly pierced Stuart and his two companions' head.


After he saw the mini-transponder under the money bag, Hide immediately inserted the batteries into the flashlight which was connected to the IEP primer via a long cable.

And as soon as the toy he used as a warning alarm rang, Hide shifted the on/off lever on the flashlight in his right hand. At the same time, his left hand pointed the silenced Sieg P365 to the end of a turn 30 meters from his position.

A loud 'Bang!' was heard and Hide maintained his aim for a while. Then, he threw the flashlight into the water along with the remaining cables until all of it drifted away, following the RC Speedboat which he had already sunk.

Hide has indeed made sure that all IEP components were clean from his or Aizawa's sweat and fingerprints, but that did not mean that precautions were not necessary.

"I have to leave this place as soon as possible."

Hide immediately got up and started walking. As he passed Stuart and his two companions, Hide found that the three of them were still breathing even though their heads had almost split open.

Without hesitation, Hide shot their hearts. He fired with his left hand, caught the brass that the ejector had thrown with his right, and threw it into the water.

Not long after that, Hide arrived at the hatch that Stuart and his two companions had used to enter the tunnel. With great vigilance Hide passed it, then continued his journey to the hatch five blocks from his current position. More precisely, a hatch located behind the restaurant that had been closed for the past six months.


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