《Reborn In Naruto With My Girlfriend》18- Back Home


3rd Person Pov-

"So how are we going to start a war?" Mikasa asked Tatsuya. They were too bothered to discuss this last night.

"Huh? Like the usual." Tatsuya said.

"Killing people from both sides and blaming it on the other?" Mikasa said while Tatsuya nodded.

"This isn't a cultivation novel just in case you forgot. They won't go to war just because we killed some cannon fodder." Mikasa said, rolling her eyes. Indeed, that was Tatsuya's plan.

"Then how should we go about this?" Tatsuya asked.

"We have someone who knows what to do," Mikasa said with a smile. And soon, Hikari entered the room. 'She must've called her using the seal.' Tatsuya thought.

"Good morning Master, Mistress." Hikari said with a smile. Mikasa was thinking about making Hikari a permanent maid.

"Hikari, we need your advice on something," Mikasa said.

"Please ask," Hikari said with a smile.

"We plan on starting a war between the Sand and the Leaf that'll serve as the foundation for the second shinobi war some years later. Since you manage a village yourself, what are the things that'll motivate you for war?" Tatsuya said, he didn't need to beat around the bush with Hikari.

'Start a war? Aren't you guys from the Leaf as well and Pakura-san is from the Sand? Why would you want to start a war? Wait, can you even do that?' Hikari was trying her best to make some sense of the situation. And the way her Master asked as if it was something insignificant, was what scared her the most.

"Master, what about Pakura-san?" Hikari asked.

"Don't worry about it," Mikasa said with a smile. Hikari understood the meaning clearly, or at least that's what she thought. 'Master is messing with me. Which sane person will talk about starting a war like it's a new hobby.' Hikari thought, reassuring herself.

"Hikari, are you bothered by this?" Tatsuya asked with a meaningful smile, making Hikari shiver a little. She thought that Tatsuya was asking why she was not bothered while they bullied her.

"The fact that I am not is the problem, Master," Hikari said, trying her best not to show that she was having fun being bullied by two 10-year-old kids. But alas, how can she hide it from the two of them? If it wasn't for the war, they would've bullied her some more.

"So tell us Hikari, what are the things that'll make you, as the leader of a village, go to war?" Tatsuya asked, emphasising the words 'leader of a village'.

Hikari thought for a minute before answering.

"Master, there are many reasons for a village to start a war. The most important ones are resources and might." Hikari said with a serious look.

"I see, continue." Tatsuya said.

"It's simple. Be it resources or power, no one wants the other villages to have it. If any village saw that someone is trying to increase their military power or the resources they have, the other villages will try to pressure them down. And if there's a conflict between them that's beyond saving or the other side is being unreasonable." Hikari said while she was thinking that the two of them were messing with her.

'So the reason Cloud was able to increase their military power during this time was that the other villages were busy in war.' Tatsuya thought, praising the third Raikage's wisdom.

"Hikari, go change your clothes into something casual and make sure no one recognises you. We're going out. As for your duties, just make some excuse." Mikasa said.


"While you're at it, bring Pakura over too," Tatsuya added.

"Yes, Mistress, Master." Hikari said, it's not that hard for her to slack off while dumping her work on others. The only time she's busy is when the village takes in someone new. No matter how the Mizukage acts, he still works when he needs to. And so, Hikari left the room.

"Why are we taking Hikari along?" Tatsuya asked Mikasa.

"She thought we were messing with her. She needs to understand us sooner or later." Mikasa said with a smile.

"You just like bullying her, don't you?" Tatsuya replied.

"It's the same for you and she likes it so why not?" Mikasa said.

"True enough," Tatsuya said.

After some time, Hikari entered the room along with a messy Pakura.

"Morning~," Pakura said with a yawn, her sleeping schedule was as bad as ever. 'It's already noon!' All three of them thought.

"Get dressed in something casual, we are going out," Tatsuya said, he gave up on correcting Pakura's sleeping schedule after a week on the island. She was even worst than Mikasa in this regard.

"Where to?" Pakura asked, still half asleep.

"Go and change first." Mikasa glared at Pakura, making the latter sob.

"Yes," Pakura said before leaving. No matter how much Pakura tried, she couldn't say anything back to Mikasa. The 'big sister aura' suppressed her, or at least that's what she told Tatsuya.

"Hikari, come here," Tatsuya said, gesturing Hikari to stand in front of him. She obeyed without even asking. 'Looks like the beating from yesterday was worth it?' Tatsuya thought, looking at the obedient Hikari standing in front of him.

"Don't use your chakra anymore," Tatsuya said before grabbing her hand. He activated the Chakra hiding function in the slave seal.

"It'll hide your chakra at a Genin level as long as you don't use your chakra. The moment you use your chakra consciously, the chakra hiding technique will break." Mikasa explained to the confused Hikari, who just nodded at the explanation.

It was the same technique they use with the help of natural energy. The only change was that Hikari can't use her chakra while hiding it since the technique was being applied by the seal. The slave seal has so many functions that even Mito will have a hard time examining them.

Pakura entered the room after changing into some casual clothes before they all teleported to Mikasa and Tatsuya's house in Konoha. Pakura was already used to being teleported here and there but Hikari still felt a little headache afterwards.

"Hikari. Who's the Jinchuriki of the six tails?" Mikasa asked. The next Jinchuriki of the six tails will be Utakata who appeared in the canon.

"It's a man named Utakate. He left the village some years ago under Mizukage's orders. As for where he is now, only the Mizukage knows. Do you want me to ask him, Mistress?" Hikari answered the question, not even hesitating to reveal something important to her village.

"No, it's fine. My mission was to uncover the identities of the Jinchuriki of the Mist and report them to the village." Mikasa said while Hikari turned a little pale.

"Don't worry, she's messing with you. She reported a fake name instead of your brother's name." Tatsuya said. Although her brother is better now, it's still a secret from the higher-ups of the Mist. The last thing she wanted was for her brother to be in danger of being assassinated by another village.


"Thank you," Hikari said as she lowered her head.

'I am being treated like air again.' Pakura thought as she sighed internally.

"You guys stay here for a while, we'll be back after reporting our return," Tatsuya said before he and Mikasa teleported inside the Hokage's office.

The only ones in the Hokage's office were Shikado and Hiruzen.

"We're back," Tatsuya said without any respect like always

"You finally decided to show up?" Shikado said while shaking his head. Mikasa tossed him a scroll saying that the mission is over.

"What's with that expression?" Mikasa asked, Shikado's expression was anything but good.

"It's the Sand. The friction between us is increasing every day. If everything goes as it is now, there will be a war between the Sand and the Leaf in a year or so. " Shikado said with a frown.

'Okay. They just need one big push.' Tatsuya thought.

"Is Sakumo-sensei back yet?" Mikasa asked, ignoring the ongoing conversation.

Hearing this, the expression on Shikado's face relaxed a little.

"Yeah, he came back yesterday along with someone else. You guys should visit him. Tsunade, Dan and Hayate should be there too. But don't cause any trouble there." Hiruzen said in a serious tone.

'So it's Kakashi.' Both Mikasa and Tatsuya thought.

"We'll get going then," Tatsuya said before they disappeared.

What they were most surprised about was Minato being promoted to a Jonin at the age of 10. Wasn't he supposed to be a Genin at the age of 12? What's with the ridiculous speed? Is it because Jiraiya is teaching him because of the prophecy stuff? They thought before they ignored it, they'll meet them eventually so why bother.

They decided to kill some time by visiting their families before finding the poor soul they were looking for.

First, they decided to visit Mikasa's family. They met both Akito and Misaka, they were both happy that their daughter is alright. Specially Akito since he knew about her mission. Even if Mikasa was reporting now and then, he was still worried. Akito invited Tatsuya and Hayate for dinner next week since Mikoto is still out on a mission.

Soon, they appeared in the Hatake clan's residence. After entering, they were greeted by more people than they imagined. There was Tsunade, Dan, Hayate, Mito and a lady with white hair, she was in her 30s.

Unlike what they thought, there wasn't a happy atmosphere, everyone had grim faces. The only one smiling was the unknown lady while looking at the baby in her hands.

'So this is why Hiruzen said that.' Tatsuya thought, understanding the situation.

"We're back," Mikasa said with a smile. Everyone relaxed a little when they saw the two kids entering the house.

"You guys are back," Tsunade said with a happy smile before she started walking toward them. She first extended her right hand toward Mikasa as she started patting her head before hugging her. She let go of Mikasa before she did the same with Tatsuya.

As Tsunade's hand was approaching Tatsuya, he noticed that Dan was looking at him as if he was about to die while waving both his hands. Tatsuya didn't understand at first but his survival instincts kicked in the next second as he teleported right next to Sakumo.


There was a large hole where Tatsuya was standing and everyone was shocked. Surprisingly, the baby sleeping in the woman's arms didn't wake up at all.

"Tsunade-sensei, I know you're happy to see me again but please refrain from destroying someone else's house," Tatsuya said, he was now ready to teleport at a moment's notice.

"Tatsuya, it's your fault this time," Mito said while shaking her head. For the first time, she was dissatisfied with Tatsuya.

"Huh? What did I do?" Tatsuya asked, confused?

"You left for almost a year without a word. If it wasn't for Mikasa, we would've been worried to death. Do you know how much everyone was worried about you? Especially Tsunade." Hayate said with a sigh. Although he was happy that they both were alright, that didn't change the fact that Tatsuya left without any notice.

"Teleport again and you're dead," Tsunade said with the same smile before she started walking toward Tatsuya again. He looked at Mikasa for help but she was looking at him as if he was already dead.

'You could've warned me about this.' Tatsuya screamed in his heart. He was ready for a punch that would hurt like hell but it never came.

Tsunade crouched a little before hugging Tatsuya. She was the most worried among the group. Even Hayate was fine since he knew about how strong his son was and he trusted him. But Tsunade, after losing her brother, never got close to anyone new, the reason she tried to refuse to take disciples in was that she was afraid of losing anything more.

Mikasa and Tatsuya were both as important to her as Dan or Mito, even if she didn't say anything about it.

Tsunade received news about Mikasa from Hayate whenever she reported about her mission, although it wasn't much, there was still some news. As for Tatsuya? She didn't hear anything about him, as if he disappeared. It was natural for her to be worried.

"Don't ever do that again," Tsunade said with a serious voice. Only she knew how close she was to crying out loud.

"I am sorry." Tatsuya said.

Tsunade decided to let go of him before everyone calmed down.

"So what are you guys up to? Who's she?" Mikasa asked while looking at the white-haired lady.

"I am Ayane, Sakumo's wife. It's nice to finally meet you two." Ayane said with a smile.

"Where are you from?" Mikasa asked.

"I am from the Land of Whirlpools." Ayane didn't doubt the cute girl in front of her and just said that as if it was natural.

'So the Uzumaki village still isn't destroyed? Let's pay a visit to the Uzumaki clan after we're done with Roran.' Tatsuya thought. He didn't even bother with the Uzumaki clan since there wasn't a need to. The only thing he needed was Uzumaki Clan's 'Mask Storage Temple' which was open to everybody and existed even after the clan was wiped out.

That was the place where the mask of the 'Dead Demon Consuming Seal' was. A mask that connects with a realm that's different from the one they live in.

All he heard from Mito was that the masks there were passed down by the generation within the Uzumaki clan. This culture stopped when they joined Konoha, as a token of friendship with the Senju, they created the temple that represented the peace of the village. The current generation of the Uzumaki clan didn't even know what those masks were used for in the past.

"And how do you know about us?" Mikasa asked again.

"The only things Sakumo ever talked about in the past year were either his sword or his two disciples." Ayane said as she noticed that Mikasa was looking at the baby in her hands with curiosity before she continued, "He is Kakashi, our son."

"Then why were you guys like that when we entered the house?" Tatsuya asked, knowing what was going on.

"It's about Ayane, she doesn't have much time left," Sakumo said with a powerless look. It was the first time he ever experienced this kind of feeling.

"Can't you heal her?" Mikasa asked while looking at Tsunade while the latter shook her head.

"She was poisoned by two Sand shinobi when she was near the end of her pregnancy. The poison stopped her cells from dividing. Now, more than 30 percent of the cells inside her body are almost dead. The problem is most of her vital organs are affected. Only Creation Rebirth can jump-start her cell division, removing the poison from her body while creating new cells. The poison used on her was one of a kind, except for its creators, no one knows what the recipe for making it is." Tsunade explained the situation.

"Who are the creators of such poison?" Tatsuya asked, he guessed something but still wanted to confirm it.

"It's Hiyo and Aaori. Both of them are Jonin from the Sand. Son and daughter in law of Chiyo, that hag from the Honoured Siblings." Sakumo was the one who answered with hatred clear in his voice. It was the first time for everyone to see the always happy and laughing Sakumo looking like he was about to kill Chiyo's entire family.

'I see, so that's why Sakumo killed Sasori's parents. I thought it was a coincidence that he ended up killing them. How interesting.' Tatsuya thought. Knowing things that weren't mentioned in the story was always fun.

"If that's the case then Creation Rebirth should be enough to cure her right?" Mikasa asked.

"How is she supposed to learn Creation Rebirth in a damn month." Tsunade almost shouted. She hated it when she wasn't able to save someone who was dying right in front of her.

"Huh? Can't you just transfer it?" Mikasa looked at Tsunade as if she was stupid.

"What do you mean 'transfer it'?" Tsunade asked, confused.

'Oh right. Tsunade still hasn't figured out how to transfer the effects of Creation Rebirth to someone else.' Mikasa thought.

"Sakumo-sensei, can you please hold the little one for a while?" Mikasa asked.

"Why?" Sakumo asked. Ayane wasn't willing to let go of Kakashi even for a moment.

"I'll heal Ayane-san so don't worry. But her natural lifespan will be reduced by 7 or 8 years." Mikasa said, shocking everyone.

"You can do that?" This time, both Sakumo and Tsunade weren't able to hold back and shouted. No one doubted Mikasa's words. Although both Tatsuya and Mikasa were troublemakers, they weren't stupid enough to joke about something like this.

"Just hold the baby," Mikasa said with a smile. Sakumo snatched the sleeping Kakashi from Ayane.

'Ninja Art Creation Rebirth — Strength of a Hundred Technique'

Mikasa walked toward Ayane as her hair turned white, red lines appeared on the left side of her body and her eyes turned red. This wasn't the Sharingan, her eyes did change colour. The only reason her eyes weren't red the last time she used this technique was because of the blue contact lenses. Everyone understood that this was Mikasa's Creation Rebirth but they didn't understand the reason why it was so different from Tsunade's.

'I need to do something so even my dress changes when I activate this.' Mikasa thought while she condensed a Chakra Scalpel and cut an inch deep wound on Ayane's right hand before placing both her hands on Ayane's belly.

Not long after, dead cells started coming out of the wound Mikasa created.

"She did it," Tsunade said while Sakumo was about to pass out from happiness. After about three minutes, Mikasa was done.

"Well, you're fine now. Even with your lifespan reduced, living for another 40 years won't be a problem." Mikasa said as she turned back into her 'base' form.

Ayane didn't know what to say, she had already accepted her fate. Waiting for death next to her lover and son was painful but it wasn't so bad as she knew she wasn't alone.

"Thank you." She said before tears started falling down her face. Everyone was so happy that they forgot to ask Mikasa how she did it. Sakumo hugged Ayane with Kakashi in his right hand.

'What the heck? He's still sleeping? Are you guys sure he isn't the one who's dying?' Tatsuya thought as he looked at the still sleeping Kakashi. No wonder he was lazy.

"Thank you," Sakumo said while bowing. His thanks were from the bottom of his heart. He didn't know that the disciples he accepted because he was bored would reach such a level in a short time. Along with gratitude, he was also very proud of both Tatsuya and Mikasa.

"Sakumo-sensei, you don't have to thank me," Mikasa said with a smile. Although she was happy for Sakumo, her help wasn't out of care or respect, at least not fully.

'I will consider this a payment for taking Kakashi's Sharingan in the future. Don't worry, we'll give Kakashi another Sharingan for sure.' Mikasa thought.

Tatsuya knew what she was thinking but didn't say anything. From his point, it was a fair deal.

If it was in the past, the two of them wouldn't even bother with something like this. After they were done with everything, they left.

"Let's go and find the one who'll start the war for us," Tatsuya said.

"Yeah," Mikasa replied as they both equipped the Assassin's cloak. Their destination for tonight was the Anbu's Headquarters.

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