《The Heptagon Mage》Chapter 22 - Show of force and training


Gilliam had followed Ghaos through the hallways and staircases, it seems they were indeed under the school, a few floors down from where he did the Familiar ritual. Like the first basement floor there was a guard here as well that they had to go through, the woman guarding it gave Ghaos a nod which he returned. Given that he was the boss battlemage or something they would most likely be colleagues. A battlemage was probably the school’s elite guards or something.

The bobbing up the stairs seems to have woken Savia, she didn’t exactly tumble out of Gilliam’s hair as much as she let go and climbed out of it. Him having his hair in a short ponytail gave her plenty of places to sort of hold onto and just ‘get under’.

Given her minute size he hardly even knew she was there unless she moved.

Petal followed in suit behind Gilliam, she acted like if she was on a field trip, everything she saw was kind of interesting or amazing. She didn’t touch anything but it was clear that she kind of wanted to.

Jial followed them all and didn’t say anything, which might as well have been a good thing as Gilliam was in deep thought. His life had changed, and sure like most gamers and avid story readers his situation up to a few days ago was almost like a dream but when the Demon invasion kicked in it... Well, the joy and dream-like state faded a bit.

Now there was a danger to his life, he had suddenly ended up with a slave, and people had alreayd died horribly around him. This whole last part was not something he liked.

However, he didn’t intend to go down without a fight, he wasn't sure if he could kill just like that but the survival instinct is strong, he didn’t want to kill but he absolutely didn’t want to get killed.

Suddenly without properly realising it he had found himself at the top of the spiral staircase, in the large central room of the academy. It very much was the hub of the whole place, so passing through here a few times a day seemed pretty normal.

As the group exited the spiral staircase and into the room people there hardly batted an eye, it was just some of the school teachers and though Gilliam had gotten a thing going for him he was still not unusual.

No, what really had people react was Petal. An actual demon coming out of there had people point, panic and certain students even pulled out their Foci. Even though Gilliam didn’t exactly with proper certainty understand what a Foci was or how it worked, it was oddly easy to confirm if what they pulled out was one or not.

But they were angry, the hate practically glowed in their eyes, it was only due to the presence of Jial and Ghaos that halted them from just attacking outright.

Ghaos pointed at his forehead then at his neck before he nodded towards Petal, this seemed to hint for the students to actually take a proper look. They calmed down a little after this but still looked at her with extreme hate.

For some reason this didn’t affect her in the slightest, she might have been more prepared for this than Gilliam anticipated, or alternatively she was used to something so much worse that this was just nothing.

In either case it was sad, though he understood the thoughts from the students side, it's still a sad situation.

“Let’s go get something to eat first, can’t train on an empty stomach.” Ghaos said a bit louder than needed, almost as he was announcing it to everyone else.


Though, Gilliam had to agree on the food part. He had been unconscious for two days, having no idea how they got nutrition in him during that time as there were no bags of liquid connected to him when he woke. And come to think of it, how was the toilet situation handled during this time... Back home these were fixed by an IV and catheter. He was secretly glad that these were not needed but he still wondered what the process was to handle this. Most likely magic but he still had to wonder.

In any case, the important part became food, he had been kept good which is fine but now that it was brought up, his body really wanted some proper food.

It was also not hard to see at all that though she tried to keep herself composed, Petal was incredibly excited for this.

Though there was also a secondary thought for Gilliam, it was the reactions of the students when she just walks in there and eats their food... He supposed this was where the treatment that Jial mentioned might come into play.

Well, he would have to handle that as time came, it felt weird just thinking about it, so it was easier to give that job to Future Gilliam.

And this future came sooner rather than later.

Having walked through the hallway into Wing 3 they entered the cafeteria. And the reaction here was... as expected.

The room was bustling with activity, people talking loudly, trying to talk louder than the other people talking loudly which made everything just louder. Groups around certain tables talking about something interesting, food being eaten and all just normal times.

Then they noticed Petal, it took only a few seconds for the whole room to grow completely silent. Given the aggression in their eyes it was not hard to guess that nothing had happened mainly due to the presence of Ghaos and Jial. Perhaps Gilliam’s presence or the slave collar and mark might have done a little of it, but Gilliam felt that it was mainly the security of the Batlemage Captain and whatever reputation Jial had, that kept them calm.

Before entering the room Gilliam was prepared to shield her. Being a bit pre-prepared allowed you to cast spells much faster, and though he hadn’t learned to instantly use the spell circles yet he was decent enough at Unstructured magic to get that going if needed. He just really hoped that there was no need for it.

Motioning for Petal to follow him, Ghaos and Jial remained at the door for now. It seems their idea was to observe and keep to the side if possible.

Gilliam walked over to the buffet, got a plate for himself and gave her one. He got some food for himself and motioned for her to do the same. Even with enough angry stares at her to burn a hole through stone she remained unaffected. Though now that Gilliam was in high-gear as far as perception goes he did notice some subtle hints of severe unease from her side.

Trying to balance keeping an eye on things but also filling his plate with food, he suddenly felt a spike of.. Something coming from the room. It felt like the same ‘heat’ that he felt on the day of the Demon gate opening. Turning around he saw a young student, it was the same boy that asked to become his apprentice, but he had nothing but anger in his eyes.

He had a wand in his hand and was doing some movements, a few chairs, tables and a lot of sharp cutlery was being lifted off the floor. So the boy was Telekinetic and this weird heatless-heat feeling that he had, was this the feeling of mana?


Gilliam knew what was going to happen, this was exactly what he expected.

Gathering the needed energy he channelled it into a shield. He had already done this once down in the basement and since he had pre-prepared for it, making the circle came unnaturally easy for him.

As if he had trained for years the correct magic circle appeared in front of his outstretched arm, ate the channelled energy and disappeared at the same moment this energy was converted into the spell. The whole process took a split second and in front of Petal formed a large, perfectly circular disc. It was large enough to protect her entire body with ease, as well as some of Gilliam besides her. It was translucent so barely see through, enough to see the incoming objects and spot things but it was still a bit ‘wavy’ so pinpoint targeting through it was harder.

The chairs, tables and cutlery hit the shield, shattering and bending things respectively. The sound this made was a bit odd, it was a weird sparkly thump from the shield, the wood and metal made the sound of hitting a stone wall before it fell to the floor in pieces or just severely warped.

Jedark had thrown this with extreme force, this was not a scare tactic and would most likely have killed most people if not protected.

The young boy made an unsatisfied click with his tongue and started gathering energy again, more objects started hovering, this time from behind them as well.

Gilliam looked to Jial and Ghaos for some aid, but Jial’s face had only one expression: Do it.

Fine, if that was what they wanted, this was already a fight, right?

Then the kid was going to learn the concept of overwhelming force. Gilliam didn’t want to harm anyone directly, he knew at least some of the thoughts behind his actions, he most likely lost someone in the attack but this was unacceptable. Whatever Gilliam did here and now would set a precedence for the future. If he looked meek or backed down then it could become worse, however if he solidified himself... You know what... Fuck it.

Gilliam didn’t intend to hold back when someone of his group, be they friends or otherwise. He protects his own as far as he can.

Letting loose his energy, just stopping to consider holding back he spread out his mana across the room. The air became thick, hard to breathe. The less magical resistance you had, the harder it hit.

“ENOUGH!” Gilliam was angry, he understood the potential feelings but this is not the way to go about it, blind racism triggered him. He focused his energy on the same objects that Jedark had started planning an attack with, he focused his energy on the chairs and tables around the boy. But he made sure to avoid each and every student, familiar and whatever school supplies they had brought. The lack of restraint of his mana pool wrestled control from the young boy. A powerful thrust downwards crushed and shattered the objects that Jedark originally had control over, the chairs and tables he had connected to in Jedark’s area. He had long since ignored his food, in fact he had to drop the plate to set up the shield around Petal fast enough, oddly enough this made him just the more pissed.

Petal was somewhat taken back at this, even though she was still standing behind the shield. Savia was still in his hair, holding on with some odd determination.

Walking through the dust in the air, the raining debris in the form of splinters and not caring to avoid stepping on whatever was on the floor, he walked over to Jedark. Who was at this point petrified in fear.

Gilliam spoke calmly and oddly politely, but with a force of annoyance behind every word. “If you dare to attack me or mine again, I will not choose to miss the next time. Understood?”

This was the most terrifying threat that Gilliam had ever given to someone, although it was somewhat out of character for him he absolutely meant it. He disliked the idea of harming and especially of killing, but he would absolutely break some bones to save his friends. And in a world where healing magic was a thing, he felt that breaking bones or simple damages like that was easier to consider as fine.

The young boy nodded rapidly. Gilliam didn’t know how much of this threat actually hit, but considering his show of force, adding that everyone in the school knew that he took down the gate more or less on his own, and the earthquake inducing fireball in the mountains. He had a few reputation points that might have aided the whole event here.

“Let me say this right away-” he spoke louder, to the whole room and not just the terrified young boy. “-I understand your thoughts about her-” he vaguely gestured towards Petal. “-But if anyone even attempts anything...” He didn’t complete his sentence and rather walked back to the buffet.

The room was dead silent, he dismissed the shield that disintegrated into particles as he picked up his plate from the floor, it didn’t seem to have broken by the virtue of being carried on a wooden plate. The food had bounced everywhere but had also managed to keep itself mostly on the plate.

Picking this up he gestured for Petal to bring her own food, and just walked through the door leading outside into the Air field.

Petal followed, super confused and unsure what to do, but she was carrying a plate of only meat through the door. As she got out into the sun she had to shield her eyes from its harsh light, but she followed him out of view of the mess hall windows.

Only after leaving the view did Gilliam exhale, almost like he had been holding his breath for minutes. His breath was short and fast, this event had terrified him as well as the others.

Finding a good spot to sit down he just sank together, calming down a bit. Though he meant every word he said it was still oddly terrifying to draw attention like that and threaten not only one person, but technically everyone... If the standard teenager mind worked like he remembered his own did, he would most likely be challenged in the future by brave individuals wanting to take him down, slay the evil demon and make a name for themselves....

Though, in that case it would often be started through a talk first and would be aimed at him, this was much safer..

He started eating with his hands, it was still good even though it was somewhat barbaric.

Petal had sat down beside him, far enough away that another person could squeeze in but close enough that it would be barely an invasion of comfort zone for most.

“Thank you.” She smiled at him, not a wide toothy smile but enough that her fangs showed a little.

“I think that’s the first time anyone protected me.” She did sound happy about it, but at the same time it seemed like this set things in perspective.

“Well, as long as you’re with me I will do my best.” Gilliam didn’t really know what to say, he was still oddly hung up on owning another person, no matter what race, but the more he considered this a companion the easier it was for him.

She didn’t respond but instead started eating.

As soon as she had taken the first bite her eyes lit up, more than her already glowing eyes did. It was incredibly clear that this was better than she had tasted before, if not by her reaction then by the sheer speed she inhaled the rest of the food. It was speed-eating worthy. She also managed to not spill a single drop, which alone was pretty interesting at this speed, all of this caused Gilliam to slow down from surprise. In the end she completed her plate of food much, much faster than Gilliam, licking her fingers she stopped suddenly as she realised she was being stared at by him.

She didn’t exactly know how to react to this, since Gilliam just smiled at her she continued until she was done.

A minute or so later Gilliam was also done. During all of this Savia had flown down and landed on Gilliam’s plate, taking a small piece for herself; her stomach was so small that there was no way he’d even notice.

It was not until this point they realised that there was plenty of staring, the field was absolutely not without students, as many liked to eat outside when the weather permitted. And suddenly a demon there speed eating did take up a lot of attention. Though nobody seemed bold enough to attack her they either didn’t have the guts or motivation. Jedark clearly had both, strong motivation can overpower guts so... odds are that he lost someone.

If nothing else all of this should at least keep Jedark off him, hopefully that could be a thing.

It was not hard to guess that there would be some problems from this. Not just the already considered challenges or attacks, but he did break a good few sets of furniture as well as cutlery, he had literally no money so... Perhaps he could try to claim that it could be the payment for him breaking the gate or something...

“So, this is where you are.” It was Ghaos’ voice, turning towards it did indeed confirm it was him. “I’d say that your little stunt in there should work in keeping the kids of you.”

He looked honestly happy about things, that was good, at least.

“Now, let’s get moving.” his smile turned to a grin Gilliam didn’t like the look of. But that was right, there was some training happening. “Just leave the plate, someone will do a cleanup afterwards anyway”

He didn’t look or wait for a response, he started walking, waiting with continuing speaking until they caught up.

Already knowing how this part worked he stacked the plates together so it was easier for whomever ended up doing the cleanup, picking Savia up he placed her on his shoulder and walked at a faster than normal pace to retake Ghaos as he headed towards the Earth field, through the arch under the fourth Wing.

“Since we’re going to have a crash course in training, it’s going to be rough for both of us. Because of that I have set up a little fun thing for you.” His tone of voice was not good. It felt like something horrible was in his near future.

Looking oddly satisfied, he led Gilliam and company through the Earth field into the Light field. In the middle of the field was a large dome of sorts set up, it was very clear and slightly ‘whited out’, almost like it just wasn’t completely clean. There were four statues of sorts of heroic men standing with their palms out around the dome, based on how the energies interacted with them; they were the clear anchors of it.

“Welcome to your training field!” Ghaos smiled widely, in the creepy ‘you will get hurt’ kind of way.

Gilliam patiently waited for him to continue his explanation.

“When we go in and activate the field, spells won’t be able to enter it and since we’re in the Light field, attuning it to the field will let us heal when we damage each other. Over and over again.”

.... Gilliam could swear that he saw Ghaos grasping his runed metallic staff tighter....

“You can cast spells, as long as you don’t go full doom, you can attack however you want and even stabbing through someone will just heal, losing an arm will regrow in seconds.. You’re not entirely immortal but close enough.” He smiles widely, he clearly knew how this worked and... It’s honestly not a bad idea for the sake of realism and repeatability, but... Gilliam didn’t like what all of this meant.

“So.. In short... You’re going to hurt me a lot as I try to learn to fight properly...” Gilliam knew how this was going to go. Hopefully he will learn fast but... Ghaos was a super trained battlemage... This was going to hurt..

“Yep” He smiled, it was clear that he was going to enjoy this.

“At least give me some hints before we go in...” Gilliam, like most people, didn’t like getting hurt. He theoretically had a choice in the scenario but... He wanted to, he needed to get good at this. If not for everyone else but for himself.

“You made an instant Magic Circle in the Messhall, you’ll be fine. Remember the basics.” He ended with a weird smirk.

“But... I never learned the basics.. I have trained for like two days..” Gilliam tried to argue against it. Though he had a very unfair advantage it was true; he really had only been training actively for a few days.

“Such a shame.” Ghaos replied in a sadistic tone as he pushed Gilliam towards the dome.

Considering this for a few moments, all in all Ghaos would not do this unless it was relatively safe. There are healing mages around, he said that this thing will heal them passively and apparently really strongly. Though Ghaos is without doubt the dangerous one here, he is also skilled enough to handle himself both as a defender and attacker. If Gilliam gets a lucky shot in he can probably limit it and get healed. And he can pull his punches so he doesn’t actually just straight up murder Gilliam.

This was going to suck, absolutely, but it was not the worst idea for speed training... Right?

Gilliam took Savia off his shoulder where she had just plopped down earlier and gave her to Petal. Since Petal held a hand out to receive the little creature Gilliam just placed her there.

“I’m off to get murdered” he smiled at Petal, who in turn looked at him very, very confused.

Savia just sat down in Petal’s hands not seeming to react much.

Since Savia had tried to protect him before, Gilliam decided to pre-warn her this time so she wouldn’t go insane.

“I will go in there and fight the man, there is no need for you to protect me, just... don’t worry, ok?”

He really did wonder if she would understand... She seemed smart but a bit instinctual at times.

“Savia wait.” She smiled like this was the important bit. But he got some weird content and calm feelings across their shared bond.

This was still a bit weird but oddly nice.

Psyching himself up he finally took some steps towards the barrier.

“Oh, you’re ready?” Ghaos seemed a bit surprised, but without waiting he grabbed Gilliam by the neck and threw him into the barrier dome. Walking in calmly after him, rather sinister with his glee and the calmness.

As soon as Ghaos entered the dome turned from its milky white into what looked like solid glass. It was transparent enough to easily look in or out, but it also looked straight up solid.

“So, how are we doing th*” Gilliam asked as he got to his feet and turned around to face Ghaos. Though his sentence was interrupted as the battlemage was closer than expected and delivered a solid right hook. He didn’t pull that punch either, the sound of cracking bone could be heard under the sound of fist meeting face.

Gilliam fell down in a mixture of sheer disbelief, pain and just surprise. Letting out a shout of pain this shout calmed down after a few seconds as his jaw reset itself where it should be, the wounds healed and the pain went away.

“I recommend you fight back.” Ghaos stated as he walked towards Gilliam, who couldn’t do anything but run at the moment.

There was a surprising amount of room in the dome, however Ghaos was also surprisingly fast for his stocky build. In the following minute as Gilliam tried to form a spell circle while panicked Ghaos had broken at least five bones in his arms and legs alone. They healed in seconds forcing Gilliam to scamper away.

How the fuck was this training, this was just bullying, there was no chance. Stopping, yes, that sounded like a good idea.

Prepare a bit more.

“I yield, I want out. We can try again later. Please le*” Again Gilliam’s sentence was cut short by Ghaos punting him into the barrier wall, which felt like getting thrown into a stone boulder, just absolutely no give. He broke at least a few ribs there, but as before they just healed in seconds and... Gilliam finally realised what he was in for. This moment made something click, he was absolutely in for a bad time but he needed to control his panic. Dodge once, just once, then take it from there.

Ghaos again closed the distance and went for another attack, Gilliam did his best to dodge it but a simple readjustment had him hit anyway. This time it didn’t break anything but it was still horribly painful.

Gilliam needed to focus, anything, everything, he could use unstructured magic; but this needed a lot of focus. He could use structured magic, but that needed him remembering the spell circles during all of this.

He tried, oh he tried. One circle failed after another, one attempt of Unstructured magic failed after another. As Ghaos saw that Gilliam was trying to adapt, he changed his tactics of just keeping the pain and terror up. When Gilliam stretched out his hand to cast a shield or some spell, Ghaos’ staff would impact and shatter his entire hand.

There was blood, there was screaming, there was pain, what felt like close to dying and sheer agony.

A crowd had formed around the dome, most looking at the massacre with worried eyes, some looking at it with sadistic glee.

But through all of this and another failed attempt of running Gilliam noticed something. Even with the spectacle of him getting owned over and over, there were still those who looked at Petal with... less than nice eyes.

Getting beat over and over like this, not only was that undermining the fear that he tried to instil before, it was ruining his reputation. In one way that was not bad as he was not super keen on fame but it was needed. Not for himself but for his allies, for Petal, for Angela. He wanted to repay Angela somehow, and apparently getting famous was going to help her.

His thoughts again blacked out as Ghaos brained him with his staff, Gilliam remembered the sound of the staff whooshing in the air and then waking up on the ground.

But, this distance was what he needed, flinging his hand in Ghaos’ direction he repeated the motions he did to save Petal. The magic circle flashed into existence and the green barrier formed!

“YES!” Gilliam exclaimed as he managed to cast his first spell in what felt like hours of getting broken.

“Well done, here’s your reward!” Ghaos smiled as he threw something that was eerily familiar. A mana crystal. He angled it so that it would just hit the ground besides the shield.

Gilliam had played enough with telekinesis that this became a reaction, before it hit the ground he sent out a tendril of mana that once connected with the gem he held it in the air.

“Well done!” Ghaos complimented as he gave Gilliam a single second to act before he continued.

Getting to his feet, the shield still attached to one of his hands, Gilliam used the telekinetic link to throw it back at Ghaos.

The battlemage easily dodged it and rolled towards Gilliam, the small explosion hitting somewhere behind him harmlessly. Now having his staff properly in hand he made for Gilliam and his shield!

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