《The Chronicles of Sorataki: Phantom rocket》Chapter 25: The gathering
The peel of thunder announced itself from beyond the Whirlingpools Tavern causing most representatives at the table to stop a moment and look up at the circular window overhead. Stiff and tired from the morning's march and scouting Sawyer used this opportunity to click his neck and take a drink from his cup of tea at the table one of the serving men just gave them. He'd hoped that the discussion would have wrapped up around now so he could get back to his real task of mapping out the strategy elected to deal with the true threat that loomed over this village.
"It's the sixth like it within the hour," one of the council members, Bennett said. He'd risen from his chair to look up at the large window three stories above them. The six of them sat by the round table and paused for a moment to look up at the sky. All save for the seventh person who sat among them. Gracie was on a stool some way back from the round table, with her knees tucked up to her chest her face was mostly hidden from others.
"Dear, we hope for rain in the upcoming campaign?" Yome, captain guard and one of the main seniors of the village's local guild said. He was a thin but firm build of a man, the angry red caterpillar of a beard along his lip being the only piece of hair he had to his name.
"The promise of a downpour would add weight to one of the strategies we have on the table," Kenith, the village mayor said. Sawyer used this opportunity to glance at Gracie from the corner of his eye. She was not meant to sit among them but exceptions had to be made and not just for her saving his life in the last battle.
"You mean the one to flush away the demons away using the river?" Sawyer Said, that was the closest he was going to allude to the real issue, the real demon causing the problem. Thankfully most everyone, the guild, knights and his band already knew what he truly meant by 'flush'. Unlike the normal citizens living here they have seen the thing first hand, and as for the aforementioned plan went. He'd only come up with it in half frustration at the time but that quickly snowballed as it bounced from one person to another around the table. Though it was true this village was a far cry from the refined organisation of that of a kingdom under the leadership of their king and council Progmanfest has still adapted quickly to their fast-evolving situation.
"With Lake Thow to our backs, the water itself is our biggest hindrance, so we might as well turn our prime obstacle into our greatest weapon," Kenith said, he then looked to Sawyer. It was a brief look but to Sawyer’s more political eye it betrayed much. Kenith was confident in the plan but not bold enough to fully back it by himself. The mayor was hoping to find assurance in Sawyer's posture. It was not just him, there above him on the surrounding balcony of all three floors were the eyes of the remaining guilds men who could still fight. They all watched him. Sawyer, a young mercenary leader whose home was miles away from this town…
I'm a fool to even call 'that' place home still.
"That is correct, what your knights lack in fighting experience they make up for in latent talent, your Aqua knights, in particular, have a really good grasp of their affinity just as the rumours say. I suppose it's a given being people of the rivers. That strength, combined with my band of Willows we should be able to put a close to this stalemate." Sawyer Said. Some of the people watching the dialogue from up above mumbled in agreement. A few other people, (mostly his people) took it a bit further with some whooping. Recognizing one of the voices of Vincent he made a note to punish him later. If they made it to see a later.
On paper he and his willows should not have had any dealings in a civilization's political affairs, a mercenary leader playing village council just did not happen. But a maddening thread of circumstance had forced both his willows and the village people into this compromise.
“And you're confident that this tactic can work even in the worst case?” Letty, another of the council members asked. She had less tack in hiding her meaning in plain sight with the way she emphasize the word tactic. “I mean we need aqua knights to pull this of-a lot of them and if the others do not wake in time then-”
“-I am as confident in this plan as I can be in any plan. The premise itself is basic, it just requires sufficient manpower and unimpeded time to gain the desired effect,” Sawyer was being forced to once again toe the line between what he said and what he really meant. “Fewer men will just mean they will need more time to make what we wish for work. To turn our disadvantage into an advantage, I agree that is the best tactic we have.”
The tavern fell silent with only the sounds of serving men and women removing and replacing refreshments at the table on all floors. Letty perhaps realising how close her words went to unearthing the true problem they were talking about she reddened. Nodded, and proceeded to take a sip of her coffee. Sawyer took note of her shaking hand. He did not blame her. Out of all in the meeting room, the council members got the least bit of information about the true problem that poisons their land. They were not at the battle of Thow like them and in turn they just did not have time to get into the details. And now with the big battle imminent they…
"Then it looks like we will be leaving our fate at the mercy of our river. Quite fitting really." Yome said.
“Can’t say it surprises me,” said Kenith as he stood up. “But let's put it to a vote. All in favour, raise your hand!” Most everyone in the circle did so and with a curt nod, Kenith said back down. “Then it’s settled. Once we get an update on the state of the men at the hospital then we can make more accurate estimates on this plan's success. May the tides have mercy on us,”
Most of the men and women of Progmanfest repeated the words like a mantra. Sawyer noted some of his own members whispered them. It may have been simple business when they first came to this village but things are different now, more personal. These last few weeks have strengthened bonds between his band and the village. If he did not take note of the green emblem crests of a willow tree on the back and front of his own men then he'd have mistaken some of them for coming from this village. They did not agree on everything but they trusted each other. It almost made Sawyer want to forget bringing up this last subject.
Kenith looked over to him as if reading him for what might come next. He knew the next issue that was on the chopping block and sighed to himself. Kenith had advised him not to bring it up saying that it can bring more chances of conflict than if it just left alone and he might be right, still… he'd seen what Ignorance earned them when their back was up against river Thow. Mayhaps everyone who was there and bore witness to the battle had wisened up to the mistake but Sawyer wanted to know for certain this time what risks he was bringing onto this battle before things kicked off. With a nod, Kenith took in a deep sigh himself and continued.
"Now, onto the issue with the wolves," Kenith began. That was all it took for Gracie's head to shoot up straight and look intently at Kenith. The mayor made out as if to say one thing but paused and continued in a slower cadence. "It's been reported in the initial battle the guardians had come down the mountain and harmed several of our men. This has been proven true by many eyewitnesses from both our village guild members and the Willows. The injured and survivors are also solid proof as well as… as well as the markings on the throats of the deceased," a lounge grumble of jeers and shouts came from the people above as they all suffered from a fatal blow. Kenith closed his eyes tightly as if registering in defence the same blow that loosened the lips of his people in such pain continued. "All these facts prove beyond a doubt that this incident happened. I've seen all accounts above so I cannot start this dialogue in ignorance of questions asking whether this has or has not happened. So my question to you all is this: Do we give our long term guardians an excuse for these actions? Or is it indeed clear that now after four hundred years they are simply revealing their true nature to us as nothing more than beasts in need of culling?"
"We must have done something before the attack that threatened them!" one person said among the crowd, a young boy, Gracie nodded emphatically. Murmurs of agreeing villagers began small debates with Sawyer’s people who were mixed among them. That soon contrasted with defensive language from the villagers. Both sides' voices grew louder and louder until it was hard to hear anything coherent. And just like that, the unity that his willow had achieved with the villagers seemed to crumble.
“Like what?” Sawyer asked. He watched Gracie take this all in from the corner of his eye. "Explain to me what could we have done to earn this offence." Gracie averting her gaze shook her head. All sounds of arguing among the crowd halted like a wheel finding equilibrium off a downward slope and to a flat surface.
“We may have attacked them,” Gracie said. There was an edge of defiance in her tone and although she used the word ‘we’ it was clear to Sawyer that it was her way of expressing her true feelings, that her people were too smart to make such a foolish mistake so it could not have been any of us but his men. Her intent was not hidden from the people listening and so once again arguing continued around them. This time it took Yome’s demand for order to silence the floor enough to once again resume speaking.
“We’d integrated everyone who was there that day-my band included. Nobody attacked the wolves first.” Sawyer said.
“So you say,” Gracie murmured. Those murmurs continued through the crowd like a distant echo. They spoke of doubt from the locals, Sawyer could see some of the village guild eyeing his men with gazes laced with Gracie’s seed of distrust. What-if-she's-right? What-if-they-are-lying it read. Sawyer could almost see the line factors between his men and them as they stood watching. He knew that this would happen, knew the risk of what poking holes at an already shaky alliance could mean for all of them. Even with hardship uniting them this disagreement on who their common enemy was could prove their doom on the battlefield. He knew all of this and despite that, he was still willing to let this display happen just to prove his point to this girl of seventeen years. Why is that?
"Are you saying my men are liars?" Sawyer Said.
"Our guardian must have had a reason for what they did, they've lived in the mountains for hundreds of years and since then no trader or traveller has suffered an incident with them when they travel here!"
"Then what of those who have been attacked by wolves over the years? The hunters and seekers." Sawyer Asked. "Though I agree there are few on record, the fact still remains that there have been reports."
"Then you must have noticed that those reports always start with, 'we came off the beaten path and approached Mt.Karaki' written within each and everyone," Gracie said. Strumming his fingers on the table Sawyer had to agree that was indeed the case. He'd heard myths about the tale of the wolf guardian and how it asked the people to never step on the mountain uninvited. Gracie, seeing that he conceded to her comment, shrugged with furrowed eyebrows. "It's like sir Shepherd said, the guardians made a pact with us of the river long ago. To protect them from what lay beyond Mt.Karaki as long as we people never explored it and the surrounding forests around its feet. And whether our forefathers and wolves were even able to communicate this agreement or not, the fact still stands that for four hundred years the wolves have never attacked a traveller who did not exceed those bounds. The conditions for angering them are very clear and consistent. We of Progmanfest know this! So again, something must have happened for them to act as they did."
Silence remained in the tavern for a time after Gracie was finished. Village locals were looking at one another in hesitance. She spoke so passionately about something that was deeply embedded into these people’s cultural beliefs.
“Don’t you all remember? It’s not just what sir taught me." Gracie continued, "I’ve seen their honour with my own eyes when out hunting by the mountain. Most of you here have seen alpha king Griffin. You’ve all felt his might! If he’d wanted to, he could wipe out half the village in an instant. None of us likes to talk about it but it’s true. Yet for four hundred years it’s never done such a thing once! Why is that?” Again silence was the only response the crowd could muster. Although she was still young she garnered a great amount of respect. Part of it Sawyer understood was due to being mentored under Shepherd, but since then she'd gained her own stripes when she rallied everyone out of the chaotic bind in the battle behind the river Thow. It was thanks to her actions that most of his band and her people were able to narrowly escape with their lives, him included. In truth he honestly respected her, and even though it was impossible he wanted to add her number to his band. Watching her say the people it was clear that she'd gained much respect over them after today.
“Sir Shepherd told me his own accounts of seeing the guardians. He’d seen them take out an ambush of horned nosed demons that were rushing to flank him just west of here on one of his travels!” She continued, soon she turned and looked as if she'd recognized one person in the crowd, a woman. “And you Emerald, he told me how you watched several of our guardians observe you and a trade carriage you were guarding as you travelled the road to the village. You were in awe at the sight of them by the foot of Mt.Karaki. They watched you silently go by through the thickets and trees. They were not trying to hide, if they wanted sir Shepherd said that they could have easily remained out of sight and maybe they were doing just that until they saw your carriage pass. They wanted to be seen by you. He said that you told him how at ease you felt when your eyes met with theirs. ‘Like seeing an old friend,’ those were your words. And it was when you spoke to him, recalling the event when you realised that stood there just at the feet of the mountain with not a paw out of line. Don't tell me you forgot such things now that times are tough!”
Sawyer respected Gracie, but she was young and impulsive. Too optimistic when the situation calls for a more pragmatic take. He’d used this opportunity to have her layout her argument so he can settle this score with the wolf issue once and for all and although she put up a good argument, he’d predicted her response and had already come up with the perfect counter to it. He almost felt sorry for putting her on blast like this but it had to be done, for the sake of uniting the two bands for the next battle he had to do it.
"That may have been true for the decades that came, but that doesn't mean it still applies today.” Sawyer began. Gracie turned to him with a baffled expression. He continued, ”The world is ever-changing, and as much as you’d like to think that your village is the exception, that's a naive way to see things."
“What do you know about what stand’s today and what doesn't?” Gracie said. There were low but firm rumours among the villagers above, they were clearly emboldened by her words.
“Have you looked around yourselves lately? Have any of you paid attention to what’s been happening in the world these last couple of years? Of Course not, you're a simple village whose mountain walls outsiders to one end and one of the great rivers washing out the rest from the other giving you a narrow version of true reality. I won't argue that you may have been protected by the will of the planet itself at one point. It’s not unheard of, history speaks of more fantastical events happening to a people. But let me tell you what’s been happening out there whilst you’ve sat here comfrey and counted fish. Villages rise and fall within half a century, great nations' allegiances altered within a fortnight. The golden empire has lit a fire under the five kingdoms' backsides leaving them scrambling for a foothold on this new world as the Dragon and Phoenix Empire glare each other down at the coastlines. And among them giants of the world it’s the little places like these, the little towns and villages, It’s people like you who are the first to be left in the dust, whose old ways fail you, leaving you to vanish into obscurity.” shouts of ‘How dare you accuse us of ignorance!’ and ‘We are not blind to the ways of the world!’ was heckled at Sawyer soon after. He might have gone a little overboard but that was intentional. If he wanted to make this next part hit them then he needed to make the people mad-have them react because they were right to.
“I apologise, you're right. You people are not as ignorant as I’ve claimed. You're just young and naive to the bigger picture, to how all these pieces could potentially be connected to you.” ‘you're still calling us ignorant,’ meany said among the crowd but Sawyer shook his head.
“There is a difference between the two words. Ignorance is to not see or understand the error in one's way even when that error is put right in front of them. Naive simply means that you’ve yet had the time or opportunity to even experience an error and understand that it is indeed an error. Ignorance is to believe that you are perfect, your knowledge is complete and in that vein persona, you ignore things counter to the knowledge that would enlighten your old assumptions. Naive means to know enough to know that you know nothing, it means to be perceptive to new things and to take action in accordance to its new understanding thus becoming less ignorant. Ignorance means stagnation, it means there is no more room for growth and thus a writhing death shall be your destination. Naive means endless potential, it means growing and adapting to change and thus with some hope, you're on a path to grow a cultivated mind of wisdom.”
“Ok… but what’s that got to do with anything?” Kenith asked.
“It’s got everything to do with it. If you'll have me for a moment longer,” Sawyer said as he stood up. Kenith hesitantly looked at his peers nodding for Sawyer to proceed with his speech. He intended to address this to all present but even so, he turned himself in slightly in Gracie's direction. Whether she knew it or not out of all people opposing him she ironically held the most sway in this argument and so she was the more important one to convince. "You claim that these events I speak of do not hold sway in the demonic disaster we are currently experiencing. You think this is an isolated event."
"It's a demon infestation, everyone knows that they happen at random!" One man shouted.
"It's not like we've never had them before!" Called out another, this was followed by jeers of agreement from the village guild onlookers. Sawyer Nodded.
"True, but consider the timing of it all. You'd recently made an agreement with the Dragon empire did you not? In turn for protection from the North and South, the two places where the mountain wolves and Thow river can’t protect you, you’d trade with their kind. Upon this agreement, they in turn gifted you a sentinel to oversee such a task. You'd remark at how it up and left on other errands leaving you in this mess. Consider what even this recent change might have done to the natural balance your village held up until now. Might it be possible that in pledging allegiance with the Dragon Empire for trade and protection you've in turn broke the ancient packed your forefathers made with the alpha king all them years ago?" That sent an uproar of denial and cursing among the crowd. They were outraged.
“It was a coincidence, an isolated incident- it had to be!” Gracie said, shaking her head. Sawyer nodded in understanding.
"I've learned not to put such incidents into isolated boxes,” Sawyer said.
“The battle by the Thow river was a chaotic mess, I'm not saying that this excuses what happened. But what if our guardians only broke from their pledge because of the madness that was happening there? They also killed demons too on their attack.” Gracie said.
“Then what do you make of the reports of the four who ran here on the tail of a pack of wolves late yesterday, was their assault caused by the havoc you speak of?” Sawyer asked.
“None involved in that event are here to claim witness and I haven't seen them myself, as such, I cannot permit you to use them as evidence Sawyer.” Kenith said.
“Is that so? That's a shame.” Gracie raised an eyebrow up at him. It said that she was not buying his act and fair play to her. But that did not change anything. Perhaps sensing it she withdrew her look a little.
“But even so the number of factors that stem from this incident makes it anything but isolated.” Sawyer continued. “When nations have friction and empires draw sparks, it’s kingdoms that must douse out flames, towns that must escape infernos and villages that are reduced to ash. What may seem like a small shift from the empire's perspective can lead to drastic change for people like you. I’ve seen the pattern too many times in my travels to ignore."
“Our guardians would not abandon us… they… Sir Shepherd said-” her voice broke as she swallowed, shaking her head. Her eyes glistened as if on the verge of tears. Sawyer pitied her and all the villagers in the room. But for their own good, they needed to hear this.
“It’s rumoured that the piece of the demon king's power that they use to run their tech is cursed stuff. Just being near it will make you more prone to demonic invasion. Of Course, it's not proven and the Dragons deny it. But you've felt the changes too haven't you? Since that sentinel came how many more invasions have you had on a daily average?” Sawyer said softly. And a tear finally fell down her face. He’d done his bit. And a part of Sawyer hoped that he could take it back. But these were desperate times. They either face reality now or join the growing list of destroyed villagers the world over. He hated to admit it but his father was right. Turning away from Gracie he continued. “I’ve come to understand that this is the biggest reason why Shepherd renounced his title as village hero to seek an early retirement,” Sawyer said looking over to Kenith. The mayor, distracted by Gracie’s expression, blinked to Sawyer's question before nodding.
“He was never a fan of hiring the sentinel,” Kenith sighed. “But times have changed. I'd told him, having an anointed hero under a village’s name just doesn't hold as much prestige on its own as it once did. I tried to reason with him, I really did but… times are changing.” The jester held countless arguments and frustration at the whole ordeal.
“Although its weight is no longer equal to that of gold, a village hero is still held in high value the world over, its pride and identity rolled into one. Like good steel branded by the blacksmiths signature brand.” Bennett said. “We of the conical all took turns trying to convince him to reclaim his place as the hero, but…” he looked at Gracie a moment as if weighing her up on a scale before twisting his lip. His eyes then shifted back to the other members on the table and a line of blank unreadable faces flashed between them. Gracie, too busy grieving, did not notice any of this but Sawyer did.
It seems like they’d already chosen their next hero. Sawyer thought.
“But in any case,” Bennett picked up smoothly. “That whole power vacuum issue can be filled in at another date. Right now we need to come to an agreement as much as it saddens me,” Yome nodded.
Just then the front doors open ushering in two familiar faces. His right-hand man and lieutenant Emmitt and Kosumi were long time member vassals of his inner circle even before he made the band. Everyone in the room turned to the two of them enter with faces of held anticipation. In truth, Sawyer was wondering if they were ever going to show up in time but in hindsight, their timing couldn't have been more perfect if they tried.
“Captain,” Emmitt said with a slight reverent incline of the head. Kosumi mimicked him with less flourish. Sawyer acknowledged them both with a curt nod. They were on time… Still, that only left him to wonder what the hold up was. They went out to get simple news and most everyone in the village knew enough of the current campaign to give them priority in ques. Dear he ask about it here?
“You almost missed the discussion,” he started Sawyer, “Was there a reason for that?” Both of them looked at each other and then back at him shaking their heads.
“None sir,” Emmitt said.
“Yeah, nothing worth a mention anyways.” Kosumi agreed, something about how he looked back over his shoulder to the door however betrayed a glimmer of doubt. Narrowing his eyes Sawyer pushed aside their thoughts to get back to the issue at hand.
“So what is the verdict, has any of them woken up?” Sawyer asked.
“Nurses say they are doing what they can but we should not expect them to fight with us in tomorrow's battle.” The silence in the room pulled attention to the growling thunder echoing outside.
“Thank you, Emmitt,” Sawyer said. This left them with nothing else to do but to vote.
“Was there anything else you wanted to add Sawyer” hearing his name Sawyer stood up once more.
“No matter what you choose I do not envy your position, just know that we of the Wandering willows do not intend to slack in our duties, whether it be for retribution or vengeance we stand by you on this day. And in our most pressing hour, we shall have your back. All that I ask is if your belief is once again tested, that you will stand by ours.” his speech was broken by a muffled sob from Gracie, Sawyer was glad to be sitting down by then.
“So then let me rephrase my earlier question. Do we give our guardians the benefit of the doubt? Or do we fight back in the name of our defence and perseverance?”
Kenith announced the voting commence moments later and with a heavy heart, but before everyone could choose for or against this the front doors of the tavern were slammed open by a thunderous boom, from it slid one of his men who was guarding the front. As he crashed the lip of the round table with the back of his head he curled up and groaned one side on the floor. The silver glow of his knights' armour palpitated and vanished as he dropped his spear to the ground and fell onto one side holding his shoulder, purple sparks flickered off the spot he gripped as he shakily got back onto his feet. In a moment most of the members in the tavern Willows and villagers alike all drew out their weapons in alarmed readiness Kosumi and Emmitt armed themselves also but more so in slow disbelief.
“I knew it!” Kosumi exclaimed. And although Emmitt did not say anything the intense look on his face revealed much to Sawyer.
They know this imposter. A stalker from the hospital perhaps? Puzzled by this turn of events Sawyer took a good look at the figure that darkened the entrance of the tavern. It was a young girl, perhaps Gracie's age or a bit younger. As the rain began to drizzle outside she stepped into the light of the tavern helping him better define her features. Most of her body was hidden by a brown cloak allowing only a peek of purple from her shirt and the navy from her trousers to show from its opening. With her arms hidden within the cloak and no glow of knights' armour coming off her person Sawyer was suspicious on whether she was concealing a weapon. They may have been tired from the long day scouting but his men were not ones to just lose to an unarmed girl half their size. It was not until Sawyer noticed her eyes that he paused for a moment. They were vibrant eyes, eyes that held firm with an almost fervent focus and determination, that along with a face that long spoke of growing sick and tired with rules and reprimands made him want to do a second take on her age. Standing there she scanned the round table a long moment before fixing her eyes on him.
“I’m sorry about the entrance," she said.
"What about beating up my men? Are you sorry for that too?" Sawyer asked. She looked back down at his men now and then back to the crowd.
"Your men have been making it hard for me to reach you,” she said. Although he felt remorse in her tone, the low cadence that she voiced her words suggested that she would do this again in a heartbeat.
"Is this the 'none' you were referring to earlier?" Sawyer leaned over and whispered to Emmitt and Kosumi.
"Yes," Kosumi sniffed.
"Unfortunately," Emmitt confessed. They did not seem threatened by her, which emboldened Sawyer not to reach for his weapon.
"Who is she?" Sawyer asked. Before he could get an answer, however, Letty shot off her chair and pointed at the intruder in a vexed outrage.
“Who are you, and do you smell like you've rolled in fish guts?” Sawyer frowned and took a sniff before covertly placing a hand on his nose. She was right, a putrid smell had suddenly read its ugly head only now when she arrived. The people closest to her were grunting sounds of disgust as they tried to back away and masked their faces with their hands also. Some even went as far as putting on their gas masks to shield themselves but Yome ordered them: ‘Stop being whiny little girls.’ before explaining that the masks were for poison not masking a bad smell. Everyone listened but now stuck smelling the odour they cast ill gazes at the girl. The girl seemed to fidget a little under the weight of the unpleasant onlookers but shifting her posture slightly she was somehow able to re-emboldened herself. With this new vigour, she stood there under the gazes of all unflinching until the crowd's heavy disapproval ebbed out. Confused by all of this, Letty looked around all present.
“Why is everyone just standing around, go and grab her!” she exclaimed. That got the ones closest to her to snap out of it and pursue the girl. But just as soon as they took a step towards her a deafening boom of thunder peeled from the sky, a bright purple bolt crashed onto the pavement just outside the tavern with such intensity that Sawyer saw the well-lit room as an inverted silhouette of blackened shadows and for that briefest fraction, Sawyer could have sworn that the girl's eyes glowed purple within that inverted wall of black.
“Who is she?” Sawyer whispered once again to Kosumi.
“She’d one of the four that fled into the village with wolves on their tail,” Kosumi said.
The one that came with the westerner. This changed things a little. He intended to send the westerner an envoy on later in the morning but with one associated with her already here then mayhaps she could be a key in allying themselves with the westerner before the battle begins propper.
"Why do you assume that I have final say on what happens in this village?" Sawyer Asked. The young girl just sniffed and shrugged her shoulders.
"A hunting band taking a seat in a village meeting, your men marching around and making demands from the locals. If this happened in my village they'd be outraged," she answered. There was an uncomfortable shifting of feet in the tavern to her words. And although Sawyer knew most here understood the reason for this arrangement; it stung their pride when they heard the facts spoken so bluntly. Sawyer and Kenith had gone to great lengths to soften the blow of this fact by drawing more attention to the benefits of their unity that this arrangement would bring. Perhaps seeing the tense look everyone had at her words the girl continued. "But you can save me your politics, I don't need it.”
“Then tell me…” Sawyer held out a hand as if trying to find a word that just slipped him. The girl in the cloak understanding answered.
“Natalie,” she said.
“Tell me, Natalie, what is it that you'd come to great lengths for? Maybe we can come to an accommodation.”
“I came for a boat to Aqua Falls,"
“A boat?” Kenith repeated? Natalie nodded.
“We'll pay for one and ride it ourselves within the hour if need be." She said. That threw everyone at the table aback and as murmurs of questions rippled from the crowd, Sawyer frowned to himself as Bennett slammed his hand atop the round table in outrage.
“The sheer hubris of you to come to our village, our gathering and tell us to forgo our own ships and resources so you can indulge in your selfish, foolish amusement is insanity!” that was followed off by jeers of agreement. Natalie's face seemed to have become stone by then. Her jawline drew out in sharp angles thanks to how hard she was likely clenching her teeth. She was doing all she could to calm down Sawyer noted. It was a good attempt but Sawyer inquisitive gaze caught wind of her mood so that fact did not phase him. What did phase Sawyer however was how everyone in the room was once again stopped by another perfectly timed thunderclap just outside the tavern. It struck the exact same spot as the first and most in the room caught the uncanny coincidence but Sawyer was trying to spot another thing. He was watching Natalie during that moment intently trying to once again catch a glimmer of those purple eyes but nothing came to him. He was about to call himself crazy until he’d realised Natalie’s eyes had been closed this time around.
“I wish that this was a selfish request, if it was so then it will only be my own reputation at stake. But this is bigger than me.” Natalie said. “After Lucas village and Nuzi tribes, I’d be a blind fool not to see it after that.” She said it in a mumble.
Lucas and Nuzi? Are they not far to the north of here? They were small out-of-the-way places with nothing of great note. Curious, he asked: “What became clear to you?”
“That somewhere out there right now people's lives are at stake!”
"There are people's lives at stake right here! I cannot believe you came all this way to tell us something so redundant!" Letty exclaimed. “And why are we still here entertaining this ignorant girl?! Guards!” The two of his men that were guarding the door timidly stepped forward to apprehend Natalie. They moved as if they were trying to somehow pin down a magma slug with their bare hands. That surprised Sawyer. He knew his men not to be cowards even in the face of death but fear is not equal to recklessness. Does that mean that her display of strength left that much of an impression on them? Tired and not willing to have his men be made a fool for the second time in front of everyone Sawyer rose his hand in signal for them to stop their advance on Natalie. It was clear that her need for something did indeed supersede her want to harm anyone.
"And if we give you this boat what then?" Sawyer asked.
“You’ll have one less nuisance to worry about,” she shot back. "I don't ask for your help nor do I need your charity. Just point me to a ship we can buy and me and my issues will be off your back." tempting, Sawyer was beginning to understand why Emmitt and Kosumi tried to keep her away from the gathering. She was chaos incarnate ushered in by a tempest of rain and thunder all wrapped behind eyes that looked primed to smite anyone who opposed her will. In short, she was a brat with a superiority complex. Such a force was a disaster when trying to mend together an already factored ship as is.
"This girl is insane," Letty mumbled with a shake of her head. Bennett nodded to that.
"We are wasting time here, let's just get to voting and wrap up this gathering." He said.
“Let’s not be hasty now,” Yome interjected. “I for one want to know more of this danger she speaks of, can you define it?” Yome asked with a curious stroke of the chin.
“That…” Natalie paused, she seemed lost for words as she simply blinked out to nothing in particular as if trying to gather her thoughts. “That is hard to explain,”
“So hard you cannot even try? Or so far gone a joke that you won’t bother with masking it?” Yome raised an eyebrow as if he’d found a rat in the corn stocks.
“I can't because it’s complicated! And if I explain how I understand it you wouldn't believe me.” Natalie snapped.
"Is that so," Yome said.
“This problem I speak of, I thought I had a scope of it once but I was wrong. So very wrong.” She seemed to fold in on herself then. There was a genuine sense of dread in her posture that kept all mouths sealed shut.
“Can you at least tell us if it's a man or demon problem?” Yome picked up. Natalie looked back up to him perplexed. “Is the problem caused by ”
“The problem is caused by men,”
“I see, then it’s likely just a you problem,” Yome nodded.
“What do you mean?” Natalie asked.
“People tend to overblow the issues they've personally experienced especially at your age,”
“You calling me a liar?” Natalie whispered.
“All I'm saying is that the world seems like a much bigger and scarier place to a young and impressionable girl. It’s not until you’ve distinguished yourself and your own worldview that you are able to put things into their proper place. For some, it takes years of self-reflection to reach, for others. Well… knowing is half the battle.” Yome said with a satisfactory nod to himself.
“Oh I’m sure you got an ounce or two of wisdom to give on that topic Yome,” Letty said. There was a heavy lace of doubt in the tone. The subtle gesture seemed to be lost on Yome since he simply nodded with vigour as he stood up more firmly on his chair.
“Ahh well I have been going through the same thing with my daughter as of late,” he said, pride in his every word. Letty just sniffed and bowed her head in surrender to herself.
“Half the battle indeed,” she mumbled. Sawyer sighed to himself also but for another reason, this conversation had just been derailed from its original point and along with an hour reviewing planning and his fatigued body to look forward to Sawyer was less welcome to the distractions. He needed to get this back on track now.
“Now I'm sure that whatever trouble you are in seems life-shattering to you but-” Bennett had begun only to be cut off by Letty.
“Don’t you start lecturing her too! She is an outsider! Her business is none of ours!” she snapped. Yome and Bennett looked at each other then back around the table.
“Then… what do we do with her?” Bennett asked.
Kenith thought over this a moment before turning to Sawyer.
“Your men don’t seem too badly hurt by her assault.” he whispered over the table.” And this gathering is not typically prohibited to anyone who’s a hunter knight, and although I can't speak for her wisdom I’d say the simple act of her gaining access in here despite your men trying to stop her counts her as competent as a hunter at the very least. We still need to question her. What say we push any charges aside for now regarding her and have her linger here.” Kenith whispered. Sawyer nodded, it was more or less what he already had in mind anyway. Mayhaps this way news on what they have in store will reach the westerner sooner and they will offer their aid.
“Let’s Ignore this issue for the time being. More pressing now is the verdict on how we approach the wolves if next, they assault us on our upcoming campaign. Can we get a consensus?” Letty nodded her head emphatically at Sawyer’s comment. Seems she was about ready to wrap things up also. They had a long day ahead of them and if they lived past it they-
“-Ignore, ignore, ignore… It’s all you people are good at,” Natalie mumbled. “Sitting all pretty at your tables talking about issues of no real import. Ignoring the crap under your boot and patting yourself on the back for masking the stench. Shrugging off justice and duty to chase ease and comfort.”
All of a sudden howling winds began to scream through the taveren causing some present to exclaim. Many others began calling out and apologising to their guardians-saying that it was a mistake and they were not really going to go through with it when the sudden winds struck and Sawyer could instantly understand why?
“And if that means ignoring crap stains left on your path then what does it matter to you?” Natalie continued. “So long as shit remains the same for you and yours you don't care, just let the crap sort itself out and act as if there was nothing you could have done. You don’t want to admit to your own missteps so you pretend that it never happened. It’s people like you that makes me want to throw up.”
The way the winds suddenly came brought him back to the battle along the Thow river and how he and his band were surrounded by a tall tunnel of gale. And even though they were in a tavern and he knew that it was the walls buffering the wind that created the screams this time Sawyer’s mind could not help but imagine a great number of vengeful wolves surrounding the place all parched on rooftops as they combined their power to lock them into the eye of a storm. As payback for escaping their clutches back along the river Thow. A preemptive strike for compromising and voting to see them repealed and killed on sight. If anything that Gracie said was true then they had it coming. It is said that these wolves are far smarter than their ancestors and are able to read humans in ways few understood. They were powerful creatures, but they were survivors first.
He could see them now. Sensing the people's judgement and striking them first before they enact their decision. In victory, they will hunt and howl in unison over the swirling winds creating a sound that both awed and shattered the soul of the ones it was directed to. Sawyer could imagen it as if he was back that the river Thow but except for the strong winds there was no howling. Just flashes of purple lightning and the ominous rumbles of thunder. Sawyer looked over to Natalie only to see her turned purple and her face thunderstruck with deep, dark anger. Not just him, others in the stands also pointed and exclaimed at the change in her eyes. Those were not the eyes of a human girl, they were the eyes of a transcended judge that laid its gaze on the damned. Sawyer could feel the tension now, he practically drank it in the air.
It’s her, she’s controlling the storms outside! Just the sheer thought of such a feat boggled his mind but there was no other way to rationalise it.
“What are you?” Sawyer asked.
“Me?” Natalie asked, head tilting a slight. “I’m that shit stuck under your boot. The crappy smell you tried to mask away with your self-righteous busywork,” she answered. The sky rumbled with the advent of more heavy rain and lightning. “Tell me, when was the last time you did anything that didn't distract you from a simple life of comfort?” It was as if the heavens cried its rage with her. Sawyer was lost for words. He was clenching his cup in his hands only to realise that it broke when its content spilt onto his trousers. How dare she.
“You ignorant child, you have no idea of the struggles we face here!” he shouted.
“And neither do I want to,” Natalie breathed.
“So you are what you accuse us of being!”
“I am what I’ve learned I must be, the world has no time for people like me so why should I make time for them? If that translates to being a heartless bitch then so be it. So long as it convinces you to get me and ‘my problem’ off your plate as soon as possible then I’ll become any vile thing I must be!” Natalie said. Sawyer swallowed. There was something in the intensity of her voice that made those words strike a place he thought well on the mend. Something about her indomitable will in this moment pulled back memories of his father. And once more he was in front of him trying to get through his stubborn head. That building anger in his chest buffered him from the chilling cold tempest that now swelled through the room and pulled him back to the now just in time to see Letty, Bennett and the others still looking up in awe at the girl. Striking the table with his fists the echo of his actions created a brief blip of thud against the winds that enveloped the room.
“Then you prove my point,” he said.
“I am what I must be,” she repeated.
”We owe you nothing! So why would anyone lift a finger to help a selfish child like you?” Sawyer said. Natalie’s eyes widened to that. It was perhaps the first time since her eyes turned purple Sawyer has seen a fraction of humanity within. They still radiated anger-screamed its rage through them but something else seeped through the edges of her features. Frustration and… and pity…
Does she pity us? Before Sawyer could make sense of it he was pulled out by a tired chuckle from Natalie. She had her head bowed now, eyes closed shut as she pinched the bridge of her nose as if to rid herself of a migraine.
“That’s the joke, Though I want nothing to do with you, my selfish demands will benefit you the most.” She said,
“What does that mean, you are not making any sense!” Bennett said. Natalie blinked at his questions before looking up at the ceiling of the tavern. The winds and rumbling storm simmered almost to a halt.
“My problem is coming for me, and if I'm still here when that happens many here will die. And since they'd do it to get to me then it would be as if I’d killed you myself,” she mumbled the last words in a hoarse voice. A tear fell past her temple as she looked upwards. If she was lying then Sawyer could not detect it. A bizarre and it sounded Natalie honestly believed that she was telling the truth.
Someone will come and destroy them all to get to her? That sent a shiver down his spine.
“I don’t know what to do anymore,” she mumbled as she fell to her knees and held her head. “I try to take them on alone and others get involved, I hunt them down, they harm someone else. I try to get the jump on them and they’ve already… And now Andrew will...“ She looked to be at her whits end, in a desperate effort she clawed at her skull as if to try and physically piece her thoughts together. ”Just, please… help me vanish and my friends ~#~ will never see me ever again.”It was so bizarre, seeing this girl who seemed the force of nature manifest a moment ago so vulnerable and meek now. He could tell that the shift itself came from beyond her own wants and needs. What could enlist such a drastic change? Kenith eyes widened by the whole event looked as if to say something but thinking better of it closed his mouth shut. Sawyer guessed that the mayor wanted to assist the poor girl, cycles above he wanted to give her the boat she requested but they all knew that such a request at this time could not happen.
“That’s impossible right now, sorry,” Sawyer said. The words were dragged out of him unwilling and unbidden. He felt shaken, rattled. As if being told that the very ground that he stood on was a thin crust with nothing but the black of void in between it. It could be real but he will never know until he falls through. And even if he sees it for truth what can he do about it? Natalie looked so alone there kneeling on the floor. And even though Sawyer was still wary of her, even though her words cut to his core and exposed him in ways he’d long forgotten about. Even though he wanted to prove her wrong if not for his own sake but his father's sake, even though he wanted to assist her he knew that he could not do so. Knowing that fact brought a lump of pity to his chest.
We are not fit to help her, and she is not fit to help us. It was with a heavy heart that Sawyer once again made the signal to escort her out. The fight seems to be drained out of her and whatever power she had over the storms was ebbing away leaving only a heavy downpour of rain. But just as the two guards saw his signal and proceeded with the order another figure shadowed the doorway of the tavern. He was young, within Natalie and Gracies age group but even so, he walked in with an assured air, Sawyer could see a strange layer of darkness around him as if all light itself had a little more trouble reaching him than everything and everyone else around him.
With long dreadlocked hair tied into a ponytail and one arm resting with its thumb tucked in his pocket he entered the tavern with his sword resting on his shoulders.
Knights armour? He was holding a weapon but Sawyer had never seen an affinity of that colour before.
With an amused half-smile on his face, Sawyer could not help but think that he’d just thought up the world's best joke about everyone in the room and held great amusement in forever keeping it to himself. Sawyer looked to Emmitt and Kosumi for answers but they both looked just as uncertain as everyone else. They had not seen him before.
Natalie turned to this half-smiling intruder in a slow daze. When she saw them she froze.
“Andrew?!” Natalie said.
“That’s me, sorry for the wait.” he smiled. He looked as if he would continue talking until he frowned, took a sniff of the air around him and jerked his head back. “And for real now it’s definitely your turn to take that bath!”
“But what are you doing here?” Natalie asked. Andrew walked beside her kneeled down to her level and although he leaned in conspiratorially he made his voice loud enough to be heard by everyone around the table.
“I came here to tell you that I'm done washing up, the tub is free now. And honestly, it’s a good thing that I didn't delay.” Andrew said with a big smile and shake of the head.
“That’s not what I'm asking!” Natalie hissed.
“It isn't?” Andrew asked, “But wasn't that the whole reason why we ran here as fast as we could. So we could freshen up and recharge?” This seemed to stagger Natalie since for a moment she looked to be lost for words. Andrew was putting up a front Sawyer noticed, but even so, there was a chipper earnestness to it. He was defusing the situation, and it was working.
“Don’t play dumb Andrew you know why we came here-it was you said we need to get to Aqua Falls as fast as possible! And it was you who needed rest, not me!” Natalie said.
“Was that all me?” Andrew said in a casual tone. "I only recall saying that I'll take that wash now."
“Andrew please this is no time for jokes, your mum is-”
“-Mum told me that skipping meals just to get to the grape soda and deserts will spoil my appetite. I just started to remember it now because I think this situation is kinda the same. You gotta wolf down the meal before you indulge in the reward. As for rest? Well… I can do that once my business here is done.” Andrew said. Natalie shook her head in disbelief.
“This is not the same Andrew-not even close!” Natalie said. Andrew after a deep frown nodded.
“No, I guess you're right… food analogy doesn't quite fit this situation, I mean spoiling the meal part kind of fits running to my home town but how does a tummy ache play into any of this? No, wait! I know how but let’s not go there-i’d rather not be depressed.”
“I’ll use the bath analogy instead.”
“You utter, even a word to me about bathing I'll kick you.”
“Well, then it’s a good thing that I'm not directing this conversation at you!” Andrew said chipperly as he stood up and made his way closer to the round table. Most of the men present pulled their weapons out and pointed them at him. Seeing this, Andrew slowed down as he observed the blades pointing at him puzzled. Then as if he’d just noticed that he too was holding his sword in one hand he backed up a step, put his sword away and chuckled.
“Sorry about that! It was raining fish and frogs out there and I ran out without my cloak. I was using my knight's armour to keep me dry, see?” The strange dark knight's armour that enveloped him faded and even though it was pouring down Sawyer noticed that Andrew did not have a drop of water on him. This at least proved that he had his armour on and activated a while before entering. “I just came out of a shower and did not fancy having another wash down.”
“You said that you have business here?” Kenith asked.
“I hear you’ve got demon scum seeping out the rims of the tub you call a river preventing safe voyage. You plan on fixing that any time soon?” Sawyer nodded.
“Tomorrow morning at twelve,” Sawyer answered.
“Then let me partake in the scrubbing,” Andrew said pointing a finger at Sawyer. That made Natalie rise up and in blatant disbelief smacked Andrews's hand down to his sides.
“No, we are not doing this! We don't have time!” Natalie said.
“Maybe we don't have time but still, we've gotta play it by their rules.” Andrew shrugged. “Besides, if I join I bet I can half the time it takes to clear up this mess single-handedly,” Andrew said his eyes were still fixed on Sawyer and for the first time he could see the intensity there. That front of his was really holding back a lot of raw emotion.
“And what if you being here means that your mother is hurt or worse and you regret this?!” Natalie shouted. That mask Andrew put on almost broke to those words and for a moment Sawyer thought that he would back out of making his request but instead, he placed a hand on Natalie’s shoulder, reached over to her ear and whispered something to her-this time in a voice none around could pick up on. Whatever he said must have been profound because jerking back Natalie simply stared at him dumbfounded as he in turn smiled sheepishly back at her.
“So you see? I can't have you taking up my burdens on your own as well,” he said. That seemed to work since Natalie finally rose up, let Andrew’s hand go and backed away. She seemed perplexed. Lost in thought for a moment before shaking her head at Andrew once more. Andrew just shrugged with a smile before looking back at Sawyer. It got Sawyer thinking, what did the boy tell her for Natalie to just fall silent?
“So what do you say to my offer?” Andrew asked. Kenith looked over to Sawyer and nodded.
“You may join,” Sawyer said. “You'll receive standard pay for your services plus compensation if you suffer an irreversible injury, does those conditions suffice?”
“Thanks. I’ll take you up on the money. Oh but believe me when I say that I would have done it for free,” There was a chipper tone to how he said it. But the edge that his words were laced with was undeniable. In Sawyer’s eyes, it was perhaps the most honest line he’d said since coming here.
“Good! Then I’ll see you by the southern gate at twelve,”
“Sure thing boss! But before all of that, there is someone else here who wants in on all this.”
The westerner? murmurs of his thoughts echoed throughout the hall building to a kind of hopeful energy. Andrew hearing this himself nodded, that know-it-all grin seemingly widened making Sawyer stop himself a moment to think that perhaps he’d been set up by the westerner to come in first and announce them in such a way. He could not put it past them. The scholars of Hallow peak were intelligent and crafty.
“That’s the one, they are interested. but one of them might take a little more convincing than me to commit.” Andrew said. Just then two more figures emerged from outside and entered the tent. They both wore bright blue coats with navy highlights. The man had a cape whereas the woman wore a cloak of fine fabric. The man's sword had a diamond in the hilt but it was the woman's staff with the signature crystal orb on its end that all but confirmed without a doubt that she was a scholar of the blue phoenix temple, member of the most prestigious academy in the world. The scholars were so renowned there that some argued if they were equal or above monarch in due revered respect even though not all of them nowadays were highborn or own their own land. Most of the council members here, being people of humble village backgrounds, were uncertain on how to approach greeting one of such reputation and so they all rose up off their chairs at the sight of them entering as a token of respect. Sawyer however did not shift. Even though he was playing as a mere mercenary leader they knew enough of him to wager that his background was perhaps of higher cloth. Knowing a fair bit more of the world and the social dynamic between him and the people of Hallow peak Sawyer chose to remain seated.
Maybe it was a little bold of him and could be seen as a power move to their eyes but just because he was not in his old station didn't mean that he lost his old ways. Old habits die hard after all. Besides, with how crafty manipulators can be in bending events to get what they want the last thing everyone needed so close to the battle is someone else injecting themselves into the already formatted plan and altering it without any resistance. He’d be that roadblock if need be because it was not just this village that was riding on the line here but his band as well. In that light, he will-
Sawyer blinked when the two westerners came close enough to see their faces. The man with silver hair had a scar and equally silver pupils which gave him pause but only for a second, it was the woman however that made Sawyer almost want to do a double-take on himself. He couldn't be certain yet if this was the same person but he was certain that he’d seen her once before he took up the new title and name. The mix of uncertainty and worry were so strong that Sawyer almost rose up off his chair himself but discipline glued him in place and at least outwardly he seemed somewhat calm. As she looked around the table her cool blue eyes seemed to log everyone’s faces, characteristics and perhaps a few other things others would have said were impossible without first talking to one beforehand. When her eyes fell on her however she blinked, squinted, and paused some more.
There was no doubt in his mind that he'd met her once before. Sophie was her name, and he was not worried that she would recognize him, but more so on what she might blurt out when she does. She likely reasoned that this reaction on his face smiled before opening her mouth to address him he clenched. Because whatever she blurted out how could determine whether it would be better he lived through the disaster in this village or die here as a hero. This moment right there was perhaps the most nerve-wracking he’d felt in a long while.
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I Can Turn into a Fish
A chance to change, to challenge destiny, making dreams a reality, and live a legend! A regular man gains a system that allows him to turn into a fish!
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Master of the Loop
Life in a fantastical world didn’t add up to everything Sylas thought it would be. There were no pretty ladies goading him, there were no overpowered items and abilities tossed his way, and there was no calm and peace. Instead, he was tossed directly into a hellhole some few hours before it was to be invaded. That was it, he figured. His fantasy adventure in another world would be a short-lived one. He’d die and that would be it. Except... You have died. A ‘Save Point’ discovered. Loading… You will be returned to the ‘Initial Save’ point.
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The Subway (Now Available on Amazon!) Sample Version on Wattpad
~ AVAILABLE ON AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/dp/164434193X ~She hated riding the subway. It was cramped, smelled, and the seats were extremely uncomfortable to sit on for hours on end.Now add a group of crazy mask-wearing, weapon-wielding, maniacs to the ever growing list of reasons why Gemma hated riding the subway.Gemma Conners is your average eighteen year old and for the past two years she's been riding the subway to and from school with no problem. She always expected the same ol' same ol'. Cramped spaces, hard seats, and perverts staring her up and down and "accidentally" bumping into her and blaming it on the train as it jostled people into one another.Never did she expect a group of masked men to rush in and hold everyone onboard hostage, demanding that they all play along with their sick and twisted idea of a "game". It was either that or die. To add on to her ever growing list of problems, one of the passengers onboard just so happens to be Archer Daniels, your typical high school "heartthrob" and Gemma's classmate. Her day just kept getting better and better.With Gemma's luck, she'd be lucky if she lasted five minutes. Yep. She really hated the subway.*I do NOT own the cover used above. All rights go to the rightful creator/owner.*
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