《The Chronicles of Sorataki: Phantom rocket》Chapter 20: The phantom rocket
Sophie rests her chin upon her palms as she continues to observe Natalie. Frowning, Natalie just watched back wearily.
"Interesting," Sophie finally said with a sigh.
"What is?" Natalie said.
"You’ve been wary of me until I mentioned Aqua Falls, it’s just unexpected."
"Should I be weary?"
"You should."
"And who's to say that I still don’t trust you?" Was she playing some kind of game, Natalie wished she could read her mind and know what she was up to. Sadly just like anyone with the powers of a knight she knew that it would be useless. And considering the throbbing headaches, she got whenever she tried using it Natalie hesitated to even think about it for fear of it happening again. Sophie just continued to look at Natalie with her deep blue eyes, after scanning Natalie’s brown ones for a moment she grinned contently.
"Very interesting," Sophie mumbled almost to herself.
This made Natalie's eyes narrow.
"What is?" she said carefully.
"You've lost track of your original question, It only took this little tiff for you to do so." She said with an amused grin.
Natalie's eyes widened in the realization that she had been sidetracked by her strange change of pace. She’d been toying with her and she fell for it. Worst yet Natalie can recall when it happened.
"I didn't forget," Natalie snapped but regretted it soon after.
"You're a bad liar," Sophie said in amusement.
Natalie hearing this cringed inwardly, it was clear that her front was not working with this woman. This was not the first time she's been called out for her poor bluffing skills and she doubted that this will be the last. But even so, something about this particular time frustrated her a bit more than normal. When was the last time she’d felt her age? Seeing that subtlety would not work Natalie withdrew the front she’d put up. Continuing to do so would only further embarrass herself. Seeing no point in beating around the bush she decided to tackle the subject head-on.
"Why are you looking for us?" Natalie said. Sophie stopped mid-turn of a page before she looked back at Natalie. A serious aura radiated from her blue eyes.
“I feel as though you and I are digging in the same hole,” Sophie said, which made Natalie frown. Without noticing Sophie simply continued talking. "Have you heard of the phantom rocket?" she said.
"You mean the rumored second rocket launch from the Dragon Empire?" Natalie replied.
"The satellite they launched was to further increase their radio wave frequency to the more remote places, or so they say.” She pointed at something across the bar table on top of the shelf filled with glass. Atop it stood a fine lacquered wooden box with a thin net of metal filling most of its front.
“A radio,” Natalie mumbled to herself. Sophie nodded.
“The ENN being the only channel they can reach from here. They’ve been able to listen to the news from the capital city since the day they launched the rocket although they live so remotely, well that was the case until a little over a month ago. Since then they’d kept the thing off. Content radio static doesn’t help sell the drinks. All locales that can afford a radio mentioned the same issue. Coincidently it happened on the same day the Dragon Empire had a confrontation with the Saber-tooth’s,” Sophie said. Natalie just blinked at her blankly, this made Sophie frown.
“You do know about the attack on the Dragon Empire’s capital city, right?” she said. Natalie shrugged.
“I fail to see why it was in my interest to know. The people I’m after use strange technology, but I’ve failed to make a connection to them and who I’m after,” she said, blinking to herself soon after. Maybe she’d said too much. Sophie looked troubled at first, then contemplative. Before long she nodded to herself.
“No, no, maybe this piece of the jigsaw does still fit, In fact...” Sophie glanced off mumbling to herself.
“What piece of the jigsaw?” Natalie asked. That brought clarity to her eyes again as she looked back at her, there was however an added layer of worry in her expression.
“Well yes, to help you understand that I need to finish explaining about the satellite and the phantom rocket.” She said, with a nod from Natalie Sophie continued. “Not many people know this but the recent introduction of their artificially intelligent battle robots or sentinels that protect their territory uses the signal from that very same satellite to relay its information. When the Saber-tooths attacked their Captial city they’d rallied all their sentinels at the time to suppress them, which flooded their signals to the point where they had to sacrifice their radio broadcasts. These things in itself are evidence enough that if nothing else something is out there orbiting our planet and sending signals."She’d had her head down on the map to even notice.
"So where does my quest connect to all of this?" Natalie said.
"Though The Dragons forewarned everyone about the rocket’s launch when it will happen remained top secret. Save for the few lucky people who witnessed the liftoff there was little to no evidence of it ever happening. Of course, by then it hardly mattered since the mission itself was a success. Typically eyewitnesses spread the word of their account and the location it took place. This trend however occurred in more than one place,”
“Other apparent sightings and locations began to crop up the world over. Some I imagine just wanted to get into the fad. News of mankind retaking our great steps in the pages of history pulled in travelers to move to their towns and that in turn pulled in more money. Other’s mayhaps believed that they saw something akin to a rocket launch but sufficient to say most sightings since the first had been flagged as nothing but whispers or uncredible Intel. All except two places.” She pulled the map between herself and Natalie and pointed. “The one here between Cobblestone and Zannidue. And the second in..." her finger slid southward just before Houen Harbour and stopped on the location she was dreading.
"Aqua Falls," Natalie whispered.
Sophie, seeing that she was synced into her intel nodded in agreement. Natalie looked onwards in silent ponder.
"So one of them is fake," She said almost to herself.
"I’ve recently been to the one between here and Zannidue to see for myself. Evidence of a launch sight is indeed there. Although I’ve not been to Aqua falls I am rather certain that I’ll find one there also” With head bowed Sophie was looking down at her book, it felt like she was wrestling with something difficult in her head. “I first thought that maybe the dragons launched both the rockets but just kept tight-lipped about it. If I failed to find you this time then I had planned on going to Aqua Falls, it was on the way to Houen harbor anyways so at least had the option to head back west and rethink my approach. In the meantime, I could at least put to paper the facts as I saw them on this whole rumor.”
“But seeing you, the person I’ve been trying to find has led on a town I intended to investigate and it’s not apparently for the launch site. I can’t help but wonder... You gathered that intel from the people you are hunting did you not? And the way you speak of your suspicion of the Dragon Empire you believe that these people have technology comparable to them, am I wrong in thinking this?” Natalie swallowed, feeling her dread deepen. Sophie, seeing this nodded slowly, grimly.
“I’m all for coincidences but this seems far too much of one to not say they are not connected, no?"
Under the gaze of the sun, Andrew fought against his thirst as he kept up his guard. The once small band of people around them had grown with more passersby stopping to see what all the commotion is about. Although they were a reasonable distance away Andrew kind of wished they not be there at all. He knocked back a strike coming to his chest but the weight of the blow knocked his arms far enough to take a hefty strike on his shoulder. Wincing Andrew retreated into a low stance just in time to deflect a stab with a sharp pivot, although he caught the thrust the weight behind it was so great that it pushed through and still knocked his shoulder. He cursed as gasps for men and women alike echoed around him. Landing onto the ball of his feet Andrew rolled his stricken shoulder to help loosen it. With their sword padded and with knights’ armor over his body meant that the blow itself left nothing more than a bruise. It was no threat to his life but if he were to take more like this for too much longer…
Flynn not allowing him a break charged in his sword flashing forms shifting. Fainting an overhead slash Flynn shifted and swung low, Andrew leaped but that only left him open in mid-air which Flynn to the advantage of as he sent his blade cutting across in one heavy but swift motion. The crying roars and sparks of knights’ armor meet each other on their blades thundered as it sent Andrew sliding across the land on impact. Flynn was back in striking range before he could gather his thoughts. Despreat Andrew threw his blade out into a spin between himself and Flynn as if a barrier. Seeing Flynn loom over Andrew instinctively did a clockwise counter in hopes of turning the momentum against him. No matter what attack Flynn threw so long as it struck his spinning blade then he’d take a hit, the harder he struck it the worst off he was. Except that ‘hit’ never came.
Another faint! The brief window that the counter was ready passed at his sword fell and hit the ground. Andrew caught his blade to guard himself but just barely. Blocking the blow from the awkward angle he was in made him fall to one knee. Feeling Flynn about to strike with something immense next Andrew replied with night slash. The dark mist that trailed behind his blade became a beam that shot off from his blade to crash onto Flynn's weapon. Having blocked it Flynn was sent sliding back on the floor in defense until the arched beam of dark energy vanished.
Andrew would have run in to take advantage that his move gave him but he'd paused, eyes transfixed on what was in front of him. Flynn had lashed out with a heavy swing of his blade in those last moments and now stood a crystalline arc of energy.
Just like that last time. It stood there defying gravity and all understanding of knights' affinities that he knew. Carefully he tapped the edge of the suspended arc of energy with his blade. The suspended arc struck his ginger prodding as if the strike Flynn threw was still ongoing. Like Flynn was still in front of him swinging his sword indecently. Had he not noticed this and ran straight for Flynn then this battle would have been over.
If this was a real battle and that was not padded. Before he could shudder at imagining it cleaving him in two, the arc of energy faded into crystal-like dust that faded into the air.
"That's called a diamond slash. Think of it as a cut in the air that lingers a while." Flynn said as he hoisted his sword on his shoulder. Andrew hearing this chuckled to himself before straightening up. Andrew could not help nit notice the diamond-like strong in the hilt of Flynns blade.
"A shame that they cannot linger forever, them being diamonds and all," Andrew said.
"That old saying?" Flynn asked exasperated. "Saying ancient quips is not going to help you last,"
"And so you give me tips on how to fight you so I do last?" Andrew asked, his tone was less amused now which suited his mood just fine. Seeing this Flynn just shrugged.
"My affinity is rare even within Hallow Peak so I'm sure you'd never seen it. A good hunter studies the other affinities before they ever face them. There was no rule on giving hints so I thought I'd level the playing field a little." He said flippantly.
"Says the one who's never seen an affinity like mine before," Andrew said. Flynn fell silent to that. Shaking his head Andrew relaxed his guide a little to regard Flynn once again. First not accepting his win and now this?
He was a strange one, a bit of a bumbling idiot even but there was an earnest vibe to him. He could feel it whenever their blades clashed. He was presumptive too. Andrew was stuck in his thoughts and it made him fail to see the opponent in front of him.
I failed to see the opponent in front of me, but now… Andrew realized that he'd not been distracted for a while now. At Least not in with him comparing this experience to his encounter with Epimetheus. Somewhere along getting his ass kicked Andrew found balance. He smiled, Flynn looked puzzled at first but then smiled also.
"So... you can finally see me." He said amused. Andrew nodded.
"I'm sorry it took so long. I've been trying to do the thinking for the both of us lately," Andrew said.
"You mean for your friend?" Flynn asked, with a shadow of a grin Andrew looked back over to the tavern troubled.
"As her ideas get more wild my efforts to protect her feel more complex, lately it feels like I'm lagging behind what is needed of me." Andrew frowned when he'd realized what he just said but Flynn as if taking it in stride nodded in understanding.
"Being a protector feels heavier the more you care for the one you're protecting. " He said. Flynn was looking at the bar also. There was something about him. An earnestness he couldn't help but smile at.
"That beam of energy that I forced you back with is called Night Slash," Andrew picked up, pulling Flynn’s attention from the tavern and back to him. "It is my furthest range attack but not by much, about three meters, maybe five if I'm pushing it."
Flynn regarded Andrew for a moment with an unreadable face.
"Is this payment for the info I gave you on my affinity?" He asked.
"It's only fair," Andrew said, rolling his arm and neck loose. "Since we both don't know each other's affinity all that well then the least I can do is level things out," Flynn seemed skeptical at first but then smiled in approval. Andrew hid a snicker to himself for he knew how he would react to what he said next.
"And that thing I did when I randomly spun my sword in front of you is called a clockwise counter, if you had struck the thing as I hoped then I would have been able to use that strength against you with a counterblow of my own," he said chipperly. Flynn’s eyes widened, his great and conferment posture spoiled as he hunched forward in bafflement.
"I said that I will pay double for that drink, didn't I? Consider those my down-payment." There was more to it than that but he was not going to tell him, not yet. They were in the middle of a battle after all.
“So then, what will be the second payment?” Flynn asked.
“When I beat you of course,” Andrew said. Flynn looked at him disapproving before sighing to himself.
"And here I thought we were over the cocky phase," he said.
“I thank you for what you did but I would not have offered to face you if I did not think I would win,” Andrew got into stance. He could see just how distracted he was in comparing his encounter with Epimetheus. Through crossing blades, Andrew was able to see Flynn for who he was, strong, passionate, and straightforward. But perhaps most of all he felt solid, sure of himself and his place in things. All things he was lacking, in one way or another. In his cloud of distraction, he’d been trying to compete with these qualities, strength for strength, passion for passion. There was strength in those things true but not all men were built equal, not all men’s best qualities come from the same place. That’s where he fell short. Instead of directly comparing himself with the next person he had to play to his own strengths. It was a simple lesson, one that was taught in his early days of becoming a pentagon knight. But in his moment of shaken faith got muddled and it could have cost him his life. Come what of this fight Andrew was grateful for Flynn’s strange but forthcoming nature. And as thanks, Andrew intended to give this man what he asked for and give him a duel to remember.
As he allowed his dark energy to envelop himself Andrew narrowed his eyes in total concentration. The blur from the small sword of onlookers faded into nothingness. The sound of whispers became nothing but whisps to the winds. There was nothing else around Andrew except the darkness, himself, and Flynn. And after all the stuff he’d been through these last few weeks that felt liberating. Flynn must have felt the change in him because he’d gotten into a stance of his own. He looked weary but excited. Feeding off that excitement Andrew channels more of his power into his blade and arched his sword behind him in preparation for a big swing. He still wished that he’d offered to make the space they could fight bigger but...
“Just remember that you asked for this,” Andrew said, kicking off the ground as hard as he could. The force of the step was so hard that Andrew felt the ground crack below his feet. As he rushed into point-blank range of Flynn and with his power-dense blade he opened up with a night slash.
Sophie explained her take on how all these events might be connected. It made Natalie's head spin, if this was true then the scale that these people operate on was… in truth that did not surprise her too much. Had she been told this before their encounter with Epimetheus then it might have surprised her. But after that experience and what she discovered from Minda.
Sophie also spoke about their journey north and how she'd talked to the people of Lucas village as well as the Nuzi people.
“Is something the matter?" Sophie said. Natalie realized then that she’d been silently looking down at the map for a while now. Nodding her head she frowned.
"I think you are right. Having seen their Nova I can’t think of anyone else but the dragons who’d have such means to launch this 'phantom rocket'. In fact," Natalie looked up to Sophie her eyes wide. “You say that the satellite can send down radio signals from where it orbits, then what about sending a signal down to attract demons? You think it’s possible.”
Sophie pursed her lips for a moment, her face a mask of compilation.
“It’s possible, but it would require them to have demons in the rocket and then somehow able to channel its presence into an area, a traversing demon leaves a stench you see. One that others of its kind can follow to help hop into our realm, In theory, if it can be harnessed and aimed someplace the demon itself does not need to be there at all,” she said.
“So like a radio signal they can send down all means for all kinds of demons to show up?” Natalie asked. Sophie looked dissatisfied and shook her head.
“But given how many different types of demons there are and how different their means of traversing realms are they would need a vast library to pull off what you’re implying. And even if they settled for just one demon as a conduit up there unless it was very powerful then I can’t imagine its signal would be potent enough to cause any trouble down here.”
Hearing this Natalie slumped a little. She’d been certain that the Stars of Halo were summoning demons somehow, she felt that this might have been the piece to the puzzle that she’d needed but if even one from Hallow peak was doubtful then…
“Still, what you said might hold some water, I just have not worked out how yet.” Sophie finished. Nodding in approval to herself however she smiled. "I was right about you."
"Right about what?" Natalie asked through narrowed eyebrows.
"You see the world through a different lens than most. You gaze upon the cruel abyss that most others choose to ignore. And despite how much it hurts you, you dear not blink your eyes for even a second. It struck me the more found out about you the more I realized that you and I have quite a bit in common." Sophie said, Natalie, shrugged.
"Not like I sought the abyss, the abyss found me, and my parents. "She had to take a moment before she continued. "Now the abyss is all I have left."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Sophie said.
Natalie put on a weak smile. "Most children are orphaned before they even knew their mum and dad. Even if it was for a little while I was lucky to have them."
However, Sophie's eyes become intense with pain and sternness.
"Don't sell your feelings short for others’ sake.” Sophie began. “Though it's true you were blessed to see the people who never had that fail to understand the hole that losing a loved one leaves behind." Natalie’s eyes widened at that.
"You too?" she asked. Sophie nodded.
"We have our own hardships, don't let them make you think otherwise. Memories hurt as much as they heal, thoughts of what could have been lingered. Whether we made the most of the short time we had. Whether any amount of time would have been enough. If things were different would we tell them the things we’d neglected thought were not important or could wait? Though I would say that knowing your family is indeed a blessing it can come with baggage."
Natalie swallowed the burning lump in her throat. It was not just from talking about the loss of her parents but how well Sophie was able to words to that feeling. It just hit her in a way she was not expecting. Those days when she’d ask her mother to tell her tales of old stories, how she’d worry them when she came in late from playing out, oh how they cared for her. So long had she been without someone who experienced it that Natalie never knew that she craved the acknowledgment.
"That was really well put," her mouth spoke before she realized. Shocked she looked up to Sophie only to discover that her eyes were blurry. She was on the verge of tears, her face heating she hurriedly turned away to wipe her eyes.
What in cycles is wrong with me?! It was a two-fold thing she realized. One of them has to do with Andrew and his role in things. The thoughts that Sophie must have noticed tears made her wish the tavern floor could open up and swallow her.
"Thanks, though I don’t think it’s an ideal topic for breaking the ice," Sophie jokingly said. She was trying to lighten up the mood, for that Natalie was grateful.
“Just never spoken about it before,” Natalie said, she was just composed enough to face Sophie again.
"Even your partner? Surely understands this much?" Sophie said.
"He does, but not in the same way we do."
"What do you mean?"
"It's like... well" Natalie struggled to put words to the feeling and that’s when something else struck her. Looking into Sophie’s aqua eyes she asked. "Why are you willing to stare into the abyss? How far are you willing to take things?" As much as Natalie was beginning to like her if her reasoning was a flimsy one then...
"My teacher sent me off to travel the world, and although he did not say it in many words I’d interested me to discover something big. Day by day the people grow more accustomed to the changes that befell us on the second winds. In contrast to that these should be our brightest times. But something is happening. And bigger players of the world refuse to acknowledge the creeping shadow that is looming over us all.”
“These kings, knights, and hunters can sense something are churning but because it’s not as blatant as a demon attack or something they can gain a profit from they do nothing. They twiddle their thumbs in hopes that someone else will handle it.”
“For almost a year now I’ve witnessed the callous way men treat others in dire need. I'm just sick of waiting on others to call out these injustices for what they are. For that reason, I'm willing to look the truth in the eye even if it’s unsettling. If it helps me find the pulse of this unease then my path is set." Natalie stewed on those words for a while, some of them reminded her a bit of her conversation with Minda. Talks of a higher order of things in threat of changing. When she set off on this quest she’d imagined that she was hunting a small cult tucked away in the cracks and crevices of society. Sure she had her eye on the Dragon Empire for a while but still, she wondered if she was the only one that did not see the scale of her target’s influence?
It’s because I’m too close to all of this that I never knew.
"That's good an answer as any, if you’re going to Aqua Falls then maybe it is better if we went together." Natalie sighed to herself her heart heavy. “Just promise me that something happens you’ll help me keep it from becoming like Lucas.” That implies that something did not happen already, she felt sick just thinking about it. Sophie looked troubled at first but then nodded.
“You needn’t ask,” she said with a smile. Relived Natalie whispered thanks before interlocking her fingers together. She was still troubled about Andrew, even if this all did go well what would happen then? Closing her eyes to banish their thoughts Natalie sighed out a long breath to herself.
"Once our business is done in In Aqua, if I was Andrew then I wouldn’t stay with me anymore. He’s going to want to stay there, and... that will be it." she had to come to terms with it now before it hurt her.
"Why would you say that?" Sophie’s question pulled Natalie out of her revelry.
"It makes the most sense,” she chuckled weakly. “I’m surprised that it did not happen sooner," sinking lower into her sorrow Natalie stropped her face onto the bar table. She did not care how it looks because right now she felt more turmoil inside.
Just as she was going to explain her reasoning to Sophie a huge gasps and murmurs came from just outside the tavern. It was followed by the echo of power-padded weapons colliding onto another. Blinking her eyes open Natalie turned around to the exit along with Sophie.
"Our partners have caused quite the uproar it seems," Sophie said. Natalie hardly heard it over her own interweaved emotions. She looked at the tavern door stupefied and pained, what will she say to him? How will he take the news? It was not until Sophie placed a hand on Natalie's shoulder that she noticed that she was staring off into space. Meeting her eye Sophie simply gave a warm smile in acknowledgment.
"Come, we should spectate," she gestured. Nodding in agreement Natalie followed Sophie stepped towards the mesmerized crowd and clashing of blades.
He’d leaped over Flynn’s blade before landing and swinging a low attack of his own, parrying Flynn swatted the blade away before coming in with an overhead slash. Reading this Andrew hopped to one side whilst pivoting in for a stab. He avoided Flynn’s heavy slash by a paper-thin margin but Flynn still intercepted his counter strike with a reflexive block that he flowed into straight out from his offense. The block was solid leaving brief sparks of black and crystal flex in the air from their powers colliding. Andrew having thrown his whole weight into it stabbed at Flynn hard but with the western knight being as solid as he was and given that he did the maneuver before his feet touched the ground Andrew was pushed back a few meters breaking up their content slapping of swords. Not looking to give Flynn a rest however Andrew threw out another night slash at him before catching his footing and charging back in.
Flynn grunted as he blocked arcing beam of black energy trying to keep it back and that gave Andrew time to get back sword range to strike the meany opening that presented. No sooner had Flynn deflected his night slash however he recovered and backed just out of range from Andrew’s upper slash. Avoiding that and slapping away the next three Andrew pushed Flynn backed up to the edge of the stage they’d agreed on before he suddenly stopped and stood his ground. Andrew sensed the sudden spike in Flynn’s strength as he focused more power on his blade. He was going to use it again just like the last time he was cornered. Andrew had been anticipating this, his ‘diamond slash’. Focusing his dark energy into his weapon Andrew spun the thing between him and Flynns strike. The counter was a success, with Flynn’s blade striking the bottom of his clockwise counter Andrew was able to re-grab the blade and redirect Flynns rising slash into one of his own. Time seemed to fold onto itself whenever this counter was triggered. His strike came out before Flynn’s one could even finish. Now airborne from the sheer momentum of the strike Andrew somersaulted some way back from Flynn and landed on the baked sands before looking up to see the damage.
He was sure that he’d caught him on the chest. It was a clean strike. Gathering the density of his knight’s armor Andrew wagered that if was a real fight this could have been the strike that led to Flynn’s demise if he staggered from the impact. In this duel-like setting, he’d expect it to stagger him. Maybe knock him out of the battlegrounds. It was a shock to him when instead he found Flynn not only up and rearing to go but he was already looming over him. Sword coiled behind his back ready to send in swinging in a mighty slash. Still near to his knees from landing Andrew stabbed his sword into the ground in front of him in an effort to withstand the blow. Even so, the strike to the planted blade still sent him tumbling backward near the other end of the stage. Skidding himself to a halt Andrew expected Flynn to be right on top of him again, this was his best moment. Flynn, however, kneeled there panting much like him Andrew realized. Indeed they were both panting and smiling.
“Your good,” Flynn said in approval.
“And you’ve been holding back,” Andrew spat. “Big guy like you moving as fast as that, it’s hardly fair.” Chuckled between breaths Flynn looked back to where Andrew had last seen him.
“You mean what I did just now? It’s not as simple as all that, I would tell you more but I think we’re past the point of being charitable. If you did not catch what I did then it’s too bad.”
“I respect that,”
“And I respect you, and now that you’ve let go of what was holding you back I’ve enjoyed this duel, it’s almost a shame that it’s drawing to a close,” Flynn said.
“Please! The Sooner this is over the sooner I get my drink.” Andrew chuckled. It was then that he’d noticed once again the small crowd of people watching their bout had grown a little. Among them, Natalie stood there with Sophie at her side watching. There was a look to her when their eyes met. She was worried, that puzzled him. Sure they’ve been pushing the lines between sparring and a real battle but it could not seem that intense can it? “Besides, after this round, I’ve gotta get back to business. As much as I’d love to build up my reputation for grape soda I got someone who needs me right now.”
Flynn turned to the side and frowned in understanding. Without saying another word he got into stance. Doing the same the world around Andrew faded away into a blur. All save for Natalie she did look worried, with her thumbs twirling around another between interlocked fingers she stood just at the very front of the crowd as if she’d wanted to stop the fight. A part of Andrew wanted to laugh. Wasn’t she ignoring her a moment before now? Well, it was certainly a vast contrast to how she’d acted just before he’d got here. That gave him pause. She did not stop the battle, that meant at least what trouble she had could wait. Confident that he’d got a good read on her Andrew’s resolve rose.
Whatever it is we can deal with it after I’m done here.
With him and Flynn’s knight’s armor seeping around them, the two of them charged at each other into a thunderous crash. Confident in his speed Andrew cut past Flynns front with the pivoted step before striking from a less comfortable position. Flynn tried to keep him squared to him but doing so only made his footing less stable when blocking his blows. Although Flynn’s strikes were harder and his skill was true, he was unable to really keep up with Andrew’s flurry of strikes. It was as if he was growing tired. Andrew was not doing so good either. This onslaught of sword strikes was a front to his sheer thirst and exhaustion but it was working. Now all he had to do was keep this up until- A powerful swing of diamond slash knocked Andrew backward with a grunt. Barely recovered from the stagger Andrew forcefully threw out a night slash in anticipation of Flynn taking advantage of the open he created. The arching beam of power slowed Flynn enough to allow him to leap up into the air over a sweeping slash aimed at his legs. The crowd gasped but Andrew hardly took note of it. He was getting too tired and thirsty to think of anything else. The sun beat down behind him which luckily made it ideal for taking full advantage of his next move because this was it, this is where he’d throw his last card.
Falling towards Flynn with the sun at his back Andrew pulled back his sword as if intended for a top-down slash. Flynn could have found openings from this possession if he was not squinting to keep the sun from his eyes. Although it was an advantage gravity still made him fall predictably meaning that this could still be all but over for Andrew if he just vaguely struck where he was falling towards. Flynn’s calculating posture told him that he was going to do just that, and this fact made Andrew grin inwardly. Just before he could fall attack into Flynn’s range Andrew placed his sword in a reverse grip and spun himself activating lone shadow. To Flynn and everyone watching he’d simply vanished. Andrew faded into his own shadow which was positioned just behind Flynn at that moment.
He heard the crowd’s shock at doing such a move, he saw the bafflement in Flynn’s posture before he reappeared and poked his sword at his back. Panting from excursion Andrew watched as Flynn’s shoulder rose and fell panting before he slowly rose his hands in surrender. Andrew caught whispers revolving around his last move among the crowd but that soon got overtaken by clapping. Andrew would have been more bashful about the attention he was getting until he spotted Natalie’s reaction. Andrew dropped his outstretched sword. She did not clap, just flashed him a smile. It’s about what he’d expected from except that look of concern on her face did not fade. If anything it looked deeper.
“Congratulations kid,” Flynn said breaking Andrew out of his growing concern. He stood in front of him. Sword resting on his shoulder as bold and proud as when he’s stepped out here to face him. “I could sense that you were tricky but fading into thin aid as you did? I just did not expect it.” Andrew gave a none committal sound to that before looking back over to Natalie. Sophie was saying something to her which Natalie replied to as she looked back his way.
"It was a lucky move, something like that would not have worked twice." Andrew shrugged. If he’d known that he slipped into his sown shadow and attacked him it could have proven fatal. Since he can’t use knight’s armor when hidden he’d only become as hard as the things his shadow occupied.
"Even so this is your victory, so celebrate! I’ll integrate you on what that move was after." Flynn boomed out laughing as he said it.
“Celebrate?” Andrew asked. Flynn nodded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He then gestured to the crowd of people and Andrew understood what he meant a little.
“You’d given the people a show, the least you can do is acknowledge their participation,” Flynn said. Andrew looked at the man blankly. They why he spoke of them as if they’d personally partaken in the duel themselves. Likely seeing the look of doubt in his eye Flynn continued. “It’s an unspoken duty of people with our power. With the world infested with demons and other nasties, what we do now is a live reminder to the people that we don’t face the horrors unequipped. That boosts confidence in us.”
“But that was never my intention, cycles above-all me and Natalie do is hunt down a twisted bunch of bastards. We don’t take up hunting jobs anymore.”
“Even so our actions now will inspire such thoughts, where the harm in humoring it. All you have to do is raise your fist.” hesitant, Andrew looked at the crowd. Half of them had wandered off or walked back into the tavern. The few who still stood around were more conversing with another to say they were expecting anything from him. Every once in a while however Andrew noticed that some of them glanced over at him. It was subtle but yes, there was something they expected off of him, and the moment for such a thing was fading. Feeling awkward slowly poses a closed fist into the air. Some looked and glanced back at the people they talked with as if trying their best to give him privacy. Feeling a fool Andrew was about to drop his half risen hand until Flynn caught it.
“What are you doing!” Andrew hissed.
“Saving your awkward ass,” he grumbled back.
“By what?! Making me feel more stupid?!” He was trying to lift his hand whilst Andrew pulled it down.
“Just do it with passion,” Flynn said.
“You showed great confidence when he fought, they felt your determination and passion. The last thing they want to do is catch you looking like a rat caught in the wheat sacks so...”
So… what? Andrew got his answer when he finally stopped resisting and allowed his hand to be pulled straight up. Some clapped slowly like a whimpering lul of a kite that ran out of winds to glide upon. Others clapped too abruptly as if to make up for the lost time before going about their business. Overall however everyone looked happy. Content, as if they knew that if any demon trouble were to happen now he would be there to stop it. That was an odd mix of feelings for Andrew, he’d known that hunters were looked up to as protectors to their people but all he’d known to protect was Natalie. He’d never taken up a hunting job that was unrelated to Natalie’s goal and the two he recalled were not tasks that inspire the masses. It made him wonder not for the first time what it would have been like to have taken the path of his father and just become a regular hunter. What would his standing be with the people and what would his hunting rank be?
“You ok their kid?” Flynn asked, blinking Andrew realized that he’d been staring at his hand as if to find deep answers there.
“I’m,” he began before frowning. “I’m bloody thirsty,” Flynn gave out a hearty chuckle before slapping him on the back. It was a friendly enough gesture, but man was he tough. The bloody strike almost toppled him on his face.
“Well to the victor goes the spoils,” he said finally.
“You neam-”
“-by all means, as promised the drink is yours.”
"Oh, thank the cycles." He sprinted to where he can sit under the shade of the tavern. It was not until he’d got to it that he realized Natalie had followed him. Her face still looked troubled.
"I got my drink back." he winked sarcastically. No response to humor, is not a good sign.
"So... did you crack whatever you were doing on the map?" he asked carefully whilst he opened the tin. She nodded briskly, her head stopped as she fiddled with her fingers. All were horrid signs. Andrew would have swallowed had he had ant spit left to do it with.
"Andrew, I know this is going to sound crazy but-"
"Wait, wait, wait! It's bad news. I can tell. Before you break it to me while in the middle of drinking this only to make a mess of myself from shock let me finish this first then we can tackle this new problem we have going. After all the trouble I want to get this thing I don’t want to waste a drop of it from choking. Sound fair?"
Natalie went from concerned to a little moody at that. Rolling her eyes and shaking her head to him Andrew felt that this had been the most herself he’d seen her since sparing Flynn. Gulping down the contents of the can without a break, Andrew kept one finger up to Natalie as interaction to give him a moment. Just this moment he wanted to have his little levity before being pulled down a new den of worries.
Having finished the drink with a burp Andrew saw Natalie’s face was that of concern again. Crushing the can he stepped closer to Natalie and nodded for her to continue.
"I think I have the next likely location." She said.
"If the Stars of Halo? And where would that?" he asked carefully.
"Somewhere in Aqua falls."
Andrew’s heart hit his stomach. He remembered Natalie’s hand hovering over Houen Harbor and thinking of his mother’s home just north from there. He’d thought of what would happen if these people were at her mother’s location but it faded to vague fancies because after all, it was impossible. That’s her his mother, they could not set camp there to pillage the land and kidnap their children only to leave meany dead. These things happened in other locations. But not his loved ones. It just doesn’t happen.
It happened to Natalie right in front of me, did it not?
It was how victims thought themselves he was sure, just before tragedy strikes. Danial, baseless and wishful denial. His mind whirling with thoughts of his mother and the dangers she could bein swirled around his mind until Natalie pulled him back to the now by placing an arm on his shoulder.
"It's where your mother lives right? We’ll leave immediately. On my life Andrew we won’t have a repeat of Lucas!"
- In Serial45 Chapters
Forest of Teeth
She woke up in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by gray trees with crimson leaves. She couldn't remember her name, or how she got there. In fact, she couldn't remember much of anything. But, one way or another, she was going to find out. That said, she was going to start with the little things. Like not dying. *** This is a first draft so characters, storyline and other parts are subject to change. Tags may be added as the story goes along. Not an OP protagonist.
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Enemy's Woman
Chitrangda was engaged to the Crown Prince Vikram, of the Gurjar-Pratihar Empire since the day she was born. As the Princess of Navsarika, she has been sheltered and pampered by her parents as well as her fiancee Vikram. Just when everything was going smoothly a storm changed everything, she was plucked from her comforts and thrown into the arms of rough Shivaditya. He was everything she had never seen or experienced. Ruthless was the word that described Shivaditya the Crown Prince of the Chalukya Empire. He was undefeated in war and love. He claimed her for himself. But was it love ? or she was being used as a pawn in the battle of power between 2 empires. What were the real intentions of Shivaditya when he captured his enemy's woman? Read a historical tale of Passion, love, politics and betrayal.#1 Historical romance#1 Bharat#2 Ancient India
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Evangeline has never had a perfect life. At the age of five she lost her mother. Since then her father has been away on business trips leaving her to be raised by her brothers Nathaniel, Daniel, and Alexander. Now, she is 20 living in the house her father bought for her and her brothers. Life was good as a normal human being. Well up until now, when Alpha Brax came knocking at the door and secrets come knocking with him. Alpha Brax is the true definition of heartless. Since the age of 18 he's ran the Blood Moon pack after his father handed down the title. Killing any and all rogues that come near his territory. He's never wanted a Mate but what happens when he finds out its Evangeline? Could he bring himself to know what emotions are? Will he push her away like everyone else in his life? Most importantly, can he know what love feels like again? Maybe not. He is after all a Monster.
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Suicide, depressed, self harm quotes
TRIGGER WARNING.Complete.I don't own these poems. I might occasionally write my own idk.Pm me if ya need.
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Lights, Camera, Action!
A Highschool student just graduated and is on the journey to go into the theatre program in his nearest college. He constantly fights his anxiety and stress as he goes about his everyday life. His dream is to be able to create stories for everyone to enjoy. Along his journey to achieve his dream, he meets people that calm his nerves and help him out. Two people in particular catch his attention. Follow his journey to becoming the greatest film maker ever, and discover more relationships along the way!
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