《The Chronicles of Sorataki: Phantom rocket》Chapter 11: Respite & Ultimatum
Have you ever had that moment in your life where you wonder if everything you have done up until now is all in preparation for something?
It's partly got to do with how I became your apprentice. It got me thinking back, I took up reading what I could on elemental manipulation in my spare time. None of my friends or family led me to it. I'd got the book's on the cheap out of my pocket money. I'd try to save up for the biggest-looking book. My logic was If I'm going to spend my hard-earned money on something other than food or sweets then it needed to hold a lot of knowledge.
I picked out this one small book, 'Elementry Alermuric by Patrick. C. Zimbermon'. I'd no intention of taking up a language class even if I made it in Hallow peak. Buying such a small book went against all my allowence rules I laid down and yet even so it came in my ownership...
My language teacher Vera Clemens looked at us five in her class. She said that out of the then nine-hundred and forty students in the whole of Hallow peak if put on the world scale, we'd average out the percentage of people who'd even speak the only other used language left to us. There used to be more students in the past' but; 'As the world change, we change,' was Vera's saying when asked about it. Only two of us completed the class that year in the end.
Most manipulators never leave Hallow peak but here I am, one of perhaps four competent Alermuric translators active, now traveling north-east to soon make contact with the Nuzi people. I never planned on leaving Hollow Peak-in fact I thought I was doing rather well there. A part of me thought that perhaps you sent me on this quest because of my influence in the temple but that doesn't seem to bother me as it once did.
I've been set up by the planet to be here at this time and place armed with this knowledge. It sounds stupid I know. My willingness to chase my dream was a big part of it, but that still doesn't quite cover the feeling that I'm walking into something bigger than myself. Maybe I'm finding an excuse for why I'm still here, maybe these black mountains exude a mood that makes one reflective. Or perhaps it's just because the mountains I see here have made me a little nostalgic.
Sophie - July 21st, 2764
It was void black as far as the eye could see. Like a rift torn over the heavens themselves. It loomed down at them like a peerless eye from a being of incomprehensible size. All rainfall stopped a few seconds later as if a tap tightened shut. Before Natalie shock from such a sight could kick in she felt a damp churning in her core, it was as if someone had reached deep into her core and threw a blanket on her blazing emotions. All the fire, the anger, all the fight-the rush it was all just snuffed out. The heat was still there but something had removed its main means of fuel. Without thinking, Natalie knew what had happened. Even though this was the first time this had ever happened to her she just knew.
My storm, that thing stole my storm…
For as long as she had these powers the storms had been a reflection of her emotions, sometimes she’d go as far as to say an extension of them, one would not sway without the other close behind. It took great concentration to keep her emotions reflected on the sky and horizon. Natalie did not know when she started thinking of the storms as hers and she could not really recall the last time this was something that she even had to inherently think of. But as soon as that blackness came and stole her thunder for a moment it truly felt like they’d stolen a part of her. The thought of this sent shivers down her spine and her will to act was quite leaving her standing in place dumbfounded.
It took her a moment to recover and find herself again but to Natalie, it felt like forever. With her will dampened but alive Natalie looked up at the endless black this time really trying to see what was up there.
Within it, she saw a man descend the endless black eye. His tailored cut robe is pure white with red and cream fringe patterns running down it. Great crow-like wings stretched forth upon his shoulders, his eyes a deep and ethereal purple just like her’s. As he fixed his eyes on her Natalie feels the same chill that she felt when she hit against the ceiling within the base. That uncanny feeling of being looked through. The cold smirk was a reflection of the one she saw him pull back then. It’s mirth barely reaching his eyes. As the realization that he was in fact real sank in hairs stood up on the back of her neck.
As Epimetheus crisp white robes tasseled to the beat of his wings Natalie came to realize that between the time that he’d appeared and touched down atop of the Nova Dawns cockpit she’d stepped back twelve feet away from it. She’d practically been on top of it just a moment ago. Since when did she withdraw? Natalie vaguely recalled Andrew taking her wrist and pulling her back when Epimetheus showed up but was she memorized enough to let him do so without protest? The amused yet sinister face Epimetheus gave made Natalie think that maybe she did do just that. With Epimetheus now this close she noticed that he could easily pass for early thirties.
His purple eyes seemed forever sharp, keen… knowing. With the air left silent by his presence, Epimetheus chuckles to himself ever so slightly before allowing his gaze to wander around to Dawn below him.
Andrew's breath seemed to break the silence the moment he did so, it was as if he’d been holding it up until then. It was between these breaths that Epimetheus turned his eyes back to them or more specifically Andrew. As if catching wind of it Epimetheus turned around to look back at him. That knowing grin seemed to brighten as he did.
"You mean the blackness you see?” Epimetheus asked he bopped his up to the void sky above them, “I opened a doorway swallowing that is in its path, can't have B67 kill my steed." He glanced over to Natalie, his faceless amused but only slightly. "I am Epimetheus, second of the seven stars."
Natalie’s eyes narrowed to all of this, although they both were valid answers she welcomed knowing neither she or Andrew had not asked anything since his arrival. Andrew however stumbled back, his eyes widened in dumbfounded shock. Before Natalie could question it the expression was replaced with a weary focus.
He was looking for ways to fight Epimetheus Natalie thought, it was subtle, too many it would look like the sight of someone half ready to run but after years of traveling beside him, Natalie just knew. Despite this Epimetheus just took one look at Andrew and shook his head in disapproval.
"Don't be rash. I’ve not come to destroy you. I’m only here to confirm something," He said his eyes did not leave Andrew’s.
It was like he was putting some spell on him-some kind of conversation was going back and forth between them and Natalie was invisible to it. And this spell was taking effect. And little by little Andrew’s fight disgusted as the light faded away.
"How are you doing that-how are you reading my thoughts?!" Andrew shouted as he got into an earnest defensive stance.
And just like that, the severity of the situation fell on to Natalie's lap. She would have thought it crazy-impossible even, had she not just pulled the same thing when interrogating that man stuck under the rubble. And wasn't she just doing the same with Andrew’s mind just now? It was not intentional, she’d mistaken her deep understanding of his intent not solely on life experience but some vibe of that face was whispered to her barely noticeable. It was faint-barely a whisper but it was there now that she knew what to look for. That fact pulled in another more scary thought.
What if he can read my mind too!?
Suppressing that thought for fear that it will be the thing that he will latch on to and like an illness be within the confounds of her inner more thoughts Natalie leaped into a defensive stance.
Epimetheus, however, just looked at her with narrowed eyes.
"The power of knight's armor is indeed fascinating.” He picked up. “An internal bond with the earth's affinity, amplified by the weapons and tools we use. With these things we are able to draw in elemental energy from the planet itself, making it our own.”
“Its will to protect us is our own, but even then it does so in ways we have yet to unravel. Like a barrier to the mind for example. Maybe it's the mental fortitude of a knight. After all, to make one will physically manifest any kind of energy into form of self-protection is a feat that is only left to the strongest of minds.”
“Maybe the mind in it’s want to protect the body of harm happens to also protect itself from imagined and intangible threats like the privacy of one's thoughts. Whatever the reason all we know for sure is this; the stronger one's energy the stronger their knight's armor, stronger the knights armor the stronger the seal to your mind will be. You, Andrew, who’s fresh out of knights armor are now more vulnerable than you realize. Your mind now an unguarded fortress." Epimetheus finished, tapping his temple with index and middle finger.
Soon after that he finally looked at Natalie.
"That aside: I am thrilled to discover that you are not only alive, but you’ve come here willingly to seek your creators. I may not be able to read your mind but I can tell the feeling is mutual." He said a calm half-smile, a twisted form on his stone face.
Natalie's gut wrenched at the sight of it. She tried her best to summon more storm clouds but nothing happened. The giant black rip in the sky remained, there was a tugging or taking away of something-her emotions, like water sinking down a drain.
"You can piss off!" Natalie spat in reflex.
"Very well," Epimetheus replied.
"Though I was never a witness to your creation I see why the elders speak so highly of you. You’ve pioneered what we were able to do with the gift for many years. And it's clear now since that day you’ve only grown more accustomed to the powers-maybe discovered some new ones. Yes, It is thanks to you that we’ve been able to take things this far in such a short time."
He arcs his hands outwards pointing to his own wings and powers as if on display to an awed crowd. Finally, with no thunderous cry of praise that would be expected from such an act he sighed and dropped his arms. "It is a shame that father never lived to see it."
Natalie's arms drop to her side when she hears this.
"No" she whispered, head shaking gently. "You're lying-he's not dead."
"Oh, and what makes you say that?"
"He's not dead because I haven't killed him yet!" she snapped.
Silence fell, one where she felt Andrew staring at her in silent shock but she did not pay attention.
"He died on the same day that the others assumed you perished.” Epimetheus continued. “Wish him well all you want, wish him back to life if it is so please ya but rest assured that he’s no longer with us.”
Epimetheus was talking about something about carrying the torch and keeping on the path but Natalie stopped listening. The wave of assurance that hit her when Dawn mentioned Father's death had returned with vengeance.
He’s dead, he’s been dead since the day I escaped.
She felt cold, again. Cold-like when she climbed out of the bubble eight years ago. Rubble sticking to her wet skin like a coarse flour.
He’s dead, been dead since that…
She remembered the cracking fires-could hear them now. Her breath was shallow. There was a distant muffle of something-some voice but it did not matter.
He’s been dead since...
She was trying her best to digest what Epimetheus said. Tried her best to accept that the man she wanted to see the most, the man that kept her blood boiling the one who she thought that if she killed would end all the wrong that was done to her and others. She tried to take it in and move on but doing so only pulled her mind deeper back into her past. Every mental mantra of fact-this fallacy clotted her mind with more resentment and disbelief.
She remembered now oh so vividly the closest moment with death. Back under rocks and rubble, crying for help with strength she no longer had, reaching out for those three figures that ran off into the night. They ran free whilst she was left trapped, trapped under rubble. Trapped in a cycle.
They took the thing she staked her life on, took it without so much as a warning. And at what moment exactly was it when did she when they took it? What moment did Father die and she became vindicated? Was it when she awoke in the test tube kicking and screaming? Or was it when she’d just made it to the exit and the building itself fell around her? Was it before even that? Was she even awake at the time?
No, No! It couldn't have happened, not truly! Because if it was true and he’s been dead for a long time then why does she not feel vindicated by that? Why are such horrid things still happening even now? The feel of a hand on Natalie's shoulder pulled her out of her deep lament. Looking around she saw Andrew, his face a mask of tense worry. The droning speech of Epimetheus came into focus again only now allowing her to blink her eyes and place a blanket over her past.
"-After he died we scattered and rebuilt from the ground up, we did what we could to repeat the success we had back with you B67. It took us a while but we managed to make progress once more, it was not long however that we stumbled upon new problems. So when we heard whispers of someone with wings stopping our men from doing their job we had hoped that it would be you.”
“There more than one of you?” Natalie asked.
Her voice was faint, distant as she held a hand on her head. Epimetheus nodded.
“I’m one of seven,” he continued. ”Since the incident with father we learned that we cannot leave all the ambition upon one man, ironically his death almost killed us and his dream even though his dream was something that would have superseded him. Thanks to this scare we’ve separated our leadership out among the seven most dedicated.”
Natalie who’d been having trouble comprehending just shook her throbbing head to what Epimetheus was saying. Her tongue felt dry in her mouth. It was his talks being one of many, his way of talking of events like visiting past mistakes and the implication of being thankful for them that got her. Like her misfortune was a life lesson, that her suffering made him grateful.
”This base before you is just one of many that have served its use years ago. The other six have resided in such bases just like this in the hopes of you’d taken their bait. Some minds were eager to see you first; others, however… well, let’s just say that their eagerness leans more towards sending you to where father is and moving on."
Natalie felt a sensation run through her mind, she could not place it at the time but she knew that it was Andrew’s cognition. As if to confirm this Epimetheus chuckled in amusement to himself like he heard a decent joke, he smiled and looked back at Andrew but this time the grin did reach his eyes. They were eyes wide with uncanny interest. Just glimpsing them made her feel like an ant being observed by a fascinated ant killer.
"Where I stand in all this you say? I’d vote to let her be, we don't have many organic lab rats and despite that, you’ve done a great job announcing yourself before us, B67." Epimetheus said, Natalie, flinched as if slapped in the face.
All at once, that feeling of being trapped, of her doing what they wanted her to do fell in on her. That name, that name they labeled her, B67. It was a hundred beyond being labeled A67 and a hundred below C67 she later found out in her travels. She was the 167th subject to be experimented on. One of the hundred and sixty-seven that did not make it. This was a reminder of the number of corpses she stood on top of to be here, a statistical reminder of her messed-up predicament and the scum she is trying to destroy. The 167th test subject to be experimented on, how much more have they taken since?
She remembered them celebrating among themselves right in front of her at her continued existence, to her will to live through the pain was simply a scientific breakthrough to them.
It mocked Natalie to her very core. She did her best to brush them off, to pretend that she was over it but her weakness was beginning to show and she knew it was what he wanted. But no matter what she did, no matter how she sliced it always boiled down to this, just another fascinating statistic from their lab rat. Just there groundbreaking experiment B67.
"She has a name you know," Andrew said, stepping forward.
It was the first words to come out of his mouth since Epimetheus came but somehow they were enough to cut through the fog and caged feelings within her chest.
Natalie looked over to Andrew, her mouth agape, he just looked back at her, his eyes reassuring and stern with one simple message. You-are-here-and-I'm-here-with-you. With a brief but warm, cheeky smile he straightened up and looked back at Epimetheus.
"And I don't know what you mean with this ‘path' business, in fact, there are a lot of things that I don't fully understand. But I can assure you that whatever direction she is walking it’s not because of your grand schemes or because you left a bread trail of cheese for her to follow. I mean she’s way too selfish and stubborn for that to work on her, I'm convinced that the day she falls in line is the day that I become a pig and grow wings! I’ve been stuck with her for long enough so you can trust me on this."
Natalie’s eyes narrowed to this, ever had she felt so offended, so angry-so… grateful to him. It all flashed over her at once and in a brief moment, Natalie realized that that darkened feeling of being trapped had lessened. She did not know how else to explain it.
"Dawn is right; it is strange to see someone like you walking beside her," Epimetheus said.
He frowned at Andrew as if one would frown upon a mismatched book on his otherwise perfectly neat bookshelf. Perhaps sensing that Epimetheus would soon do something, Andrew kissed his teeth in frustration before stepping forward once more, his defensive stance now curbed aggressive.
"Subtleties out! Natalie, get them out of here! I’ll take him!"
Before Natalie could form a response Andrew had charged off towards Epimetheus. With a desperate cry, he slashed his sword down from overhead with all his might. Epimetheus, however, caught the blade by the back with just the tips of his fingers. With his free hand extended to the center of Andrew’s chest a sword of shadow just appeared through his back piercing right through his heart.
Andrew froze in motion, a stupefied look plastered on his face as he looked up back at his attacker. It was a shock to see Andrew being bested so easily. Epimetheus however seemed more lost in thoughts to care for the reaction he created.
"Did I not say you are vulnerable without armor?" Epimetheus said.
Natalie, stunned at how fast it all happened was overcome with rage. Glowing with sparks of electricity she looked charged towards Epimetheus with killing intent. Channeling a condensed ball of electricity in one hand she was about to throw it at Epimetheus until she saw it. Faintly, at the lower part of Andrew's back between the gaps of his vest and trousers was a great big bulging scar that swelled like a gigantic disfigured worm plastered and burned across his lower spine. She knew that it ran all the way up to the center of its back where it rooted out into several branches like upside-down lightning. Natalie knew this for certain because she had seen it… she had afflicted it on him.
The memory of that time rushed through her mind, plowing all the will out of her determined steps, the anger and rage were flooded by an overwhelming sensation of guilt. Legs shaking, regret soon turned to despair Natalie fell to her knees.
She was going to lose him, she was going to die and there was nothing she could do not like this, not without killing him anyways. With her eyes became heavy Natalie steeled herself and lethargic marched towards Epimetheus in hopes of getting a better shot at him.
"Give him back," She whispers almost to herself, her pace quickened.
"There never has been a mix to the likes of you two before, at least, not one that didn't end in tragedy.” Epimetheus said musingly.
“Give him back,” Natalie repeated.
Her feet were grazing-head thumping. She felt like she was going to be sick. Epimetheus seemed to look at her, twitch a ghost of a smile and continue looking back at Andrew with more interest.
“Even among our kind you're rather unique," Epimetheus sighed. "Your name is Andrew, correct? Maybe your hold on her will help induce the change needed. It may even be possible that you'd sway her to our side of thinking one day. But for now, you're just in the way."
Letting go of the hilt of the shadow blade stuck in Andrew’s heart Epimetheus kicks him in the gut with such force that it sends him flying into the dazedly approaching Natalie and blows them both across the wet road and rock. Catching him tightly in her arms Natalie tumbled with Andrew along the floor shielding him from harsh landing by using her body and wings to cocoon him. Grinding to a halt, wet and covered in the dirt she sits up and looked down at him tentatively, his head resting on her knees.
She sees the phantom-like black blade pierced within his chest and her eyes grew blurry. Wiping them with teeth clenched Natalie reached out to pull the blade out however as she did so her hands passed right through it. She barely felt anything as her hand slipped through. Before she could think on it further the bladed just faded, its darky misty-like shape scattered like smoke on a windy day.
Her eyes blinked repeatedly in disbelief. The bizarreness of it all was just overwhelming.
The bleeding!! The thoughts thunder in her skull pulling her mind back into orientation.
With both hands, she went to try and plug the hole in Andrew's chest and-
No blood...
There was no blood anywhere, no hole where the blade had passed-not even a tear through Andrew’s vest from the impeachment. Confused Natalie curbed Andrew to the side and saw nothing-no blade or hole of any kind. His chest rose and fell at a steady pace. There was some bleeding on his head but she noticed that there when she arrived out of the hidden base. Besides the fact that he was passed out, there was no sign that Andrew was that something was wrong with him.
"Epimetheus," Dawn spoke out weakly-Natalie heard but barely reacted.
"I know, let's be done with this," Epimetheus replied.
There was a snap of a finger. From it came a black void much like the one which was blanketing the sky above. It opened around her feet only leaving an encircled space around her and Andrew like south on south magnets. As Andrew and Natalie were overlooked by the endless abyss, the horrid sounds of screams could be heard coming from all sides. It was the children struggling and crying for help, using her angel sight Natalie saw them being slowly pulled into the land as if on super quicksand.
"You are free to go B67, just remember that in placement for that freedom someone else has to play the role of the labrat. My peers tell me that we were expensive so one for one trade just won’t do it for them so I’ll be taking back all the ones you helped escape.”
“More than anything we need a free ranged one. We need you to be able to make your own choices."
Natalie’s blood was boiling but even so, her body was surprisingly calm. The panic and scream felt a mile away now. As she felt the beating pulse through his neck with her fingers she cupped his cheek affectionately before gently placing him down upon the wet ground.
He was safe,
With her consciousness clear of him getting into the crossfire Natalie her tempered rage alight. Channeling electricity into her hands she points it directly at Epimetheus who only smiled in amusement.
"We may be mismatched but I'm not about to be bested by a rogue lab rat." He said coldly. "The agreement was to give you respite. Only four out of the seven agreed to this. These subjects, however, have nothing to do with it, they are needed. Do not push your luck with one who voted against your freedom."
At that moment she saw that he was not lying, she was only standing now because of some arrangement he was honored on behalf of other scumbags like himself. If she were to give him the excuse or alibi, however…
Desperate to somehow flip this predicament to her advantage she points her charged arm instead at his Nova Dawn. This made Epimetheus' smile fade, though his facial features did not change much from the action it was enough for Natalie to understand that there has been a key shift in power. He cared for Nova, enough to come down himself and make an entrance. The children around her stopped sinking into the darkness. Seeing a way out of this Natalie gritted her teeth and pushed onward.
"I'll kill him!” she spat. “He's nearly dead-just one more zap and his heart will stop cold!"
"I can't have you kill my steed. I need him," He mumbled firmly.
"And I need those kids now so give them back!" Natalie shot back.
"Fine, then choose," He said bluntly, the assertiveness in his tone returned making Natalie frown.
When she turned around he saw Andrew, the void blackness that kept away from him was now surrounding and sinking him into the void along with the kids. The foreign girl was still screaming off to the mountains beyond her repeatedly.
"I will kill him!" Natalie threatened.
"And I'll kill everyone within this vicinity and take you back with me," Epimetheus shot back as he walked forward.
"Then I will fight you and keep fighting until I’m dead! Because there is no way in hell that I am going back in that jar!!"
Epimetheus studied her features and frowned at what he uncovered. Her death to them would be problematic and he could tell that she was hell-bent on making her words a reality. That seemed to trouble him more so than losing Dawn and for a second that troubled Natalie.
Haven't they taken enough from me?! Swallowing back vile Natalie forced her attention back to the standoff she was having with this devil in human skin.
"Very well," Epimetheus said, he stepped forward as he did so. "It won't be elegant but I’m not beyond getting my hands dirty."
Natalie felt the dread as she forced herself to stand her ground.
"You move any closer I’ll-”
“‘-kill your pilot’? You’ve said that several times already, you're slow to act. Now I'm beginning to wonder if I'm fast enough to kill him and three of them before you even make a move," He looked at Andrew and then to the three nearest kids around him.
Natalie's hand trembled, she knew how the outcome would go no matter how she split the chances. Andrew would die and she’ll get everyone killed. Andrew would die and then just like many other hunters or victims of these bastards their bodies will either never be found or their lives will not be avenged. Families will move or live in limbo not knowing what fate befell their loved ones.
Since the incident Natalie no longer had a family but… but Andrew, Andrew still had a family…
Epimetheus advanced towards her until something-some sound shifted through the air. Natalie felt it too, like faint tremors below her feet, it grew louder and louder. The behemoth of a thing that shook the earth was fast approaching.
Out beyond the base hidden within a great rock, beyond misted black mountains that formed a kind of bowl around them came the hulking sight of three twenty-story rock bodies with their hammerhead face stampeded their way towards him.
Those gigantic things we ran into on the mountain. Natalie though. But why are they-
The foreign girl jumped up and down in exaltation, her hand waving overhead eagerly as she bounced as the moving mountains stampede closer. As they came closer cracks could be seen along with the solid earth below them. They waddle their head from side to side. A roar erupts from one of them-a powerful one cut through the air as drool-like magma sprayed out its mouth.
The little girl turned around and pointed to Epimetheus as she shouted something that Natalie would have guessed was orders. Epimetheus chuckled Ironically as he retreated back on top of his nova. Though his murth gave the sound of someone who was calm and collected, Natalie could see the hint of concern entered his face and body language.
"So then, this is the planet's will," He sighed before turning around to look at her.
"The planet's an interesting character is it not?” Epimetheus continued. “Able to respond to the calls of others when deemed fit. Able to turn our own will-our very soul into power. Able to turn back the time our last days. It is indeed a thing of beauty.”
The void-like blackness receded from the kids and instead began close in on Epimetheus and his Nova. Now that the void was focused on just them Epimetheus began to sink into its blackened depths much quicker. Meanwhile, the foreign kid ran away to one side leaving a path for the stomping great behemoth beasts to stampede. She was quickly followed by the rest of the kids as they scattered off to the sides, the sound of it all almost drowning Epimetheus' voice out.
“But the real beauty of the planet’s will is that right or wrong it does not discriminate. It only enhances one's will. Only giving a little push when needed. We, Natalie, are just like this planet. We just want you to be free, free to make the choice. And whatever choice you make, I look forward to the outcome."
The walking rock giants open their mouths and a deep hollow gurgle sound bubbles from within, seeing how it was drooling magma Natalie did not like the look of this at all. A straight beam of magma right towards Epimetheus traveled over and across Natalie only to miss Epimetheus as he sank into the black. Like a puff of smoke on high wind winds the void in both the sky and ground leave not even a speck of cloud in its wake. There was no sign of it ever being up there save for the perfect hole revealing the blue sky above.
It looked so strange, like standing under the hole from a paper puncher. Before Natalie could think further on it the shadow of the colossal rock face suddenly loomed over her.
Steeling herself for the worst, Natalie stood in front of Andrew, her hands outstretched to shield him, that was when she realized that the three giant creatures had (for a lack of a better word) become docile. Intimidating scale aside they just stood there staring, the giant-sized eye blinking in her features and, its once magma drooling mouth closed and idle. Something passed between them-some understanding or reckidnation-something vast, strange, and yet...
So immersed by their presence that Natalie barely felt the foreign girl approaching until she was right in front of her. And touching the snout of the closest one. Blinking in surprise Natalie ran in to grab her and get away but as her instinct of the situation came in she was again rendered immobile.
She watched in awe as the girl smiled and patted the face of the stompy-legged cliff and they closed in to let her reach out her hand to do the same to the others. The foreign girl whose eyes were sour and wet from both the rain and the tears now stood there with a profound sense of comfort radiating off her. That in turn seemed to influence the gigantic life being forming this great air-like sanctuary around them. Natalie would have second-guessed her gut feeling had the other children who were bolting away just a moment before began to quietly make their way around her, their eyes glued to the giant things mesmerized. Their eyes show the fear they thought they should have but their body feeling the safety fought against that programming and won over. With her awareness of thoughts, Natalie could practically feel it in her gut, she could practically taste it.
Silence fell upon the land as she and the children stood, as they watched the foreign girl turn away from hugging the giants Natalie saw the warm, pure smile that was etched on her face. As she looked them all in the eye she once again said the word that she had been screaming to the winds this whole time.
"Wasi alsukhur," She said.
Uncertain, Natalie repeated the word under her breath. With so many thoughts on her mind and the worst of it seeming past them the act of decoding the meaning struck her with a wave of fatigue. With her wings faded she dropped down to one knee fighting for breath. She felt strung out.
"I think it means 'Guardian rock'," Edith said, hands in his pockets, he still had his eyes glued to it as he spoke. "They protect the Nuzi people."
“You ok?” Walta asked by her side.
“You're not going to pass out again are you?” Tien asked besides Walta as he wiped his nose.
Steadying her breath Natalie nodded, the dizziness clearing up though that she felt that she'd grasped some understanding of what the foreign girl was saying even before Edith spoke up.
Natalie turned around to look at Edith in silent interest which he blushing looked abashed and stuck his hands deeper into his pockets.
"That's what my father told me," he shrugged.
It all made sense now.
"What is she doing?" One of the kids said as they pointed at the foreign girl.
In that short space of time, the Nuzi girl had jumped up onto the rock guardian’s head. A little concerned Natalie stood up and rushed over to stand over where she’d likely fall. Reaching its large face the girl turned around and reached her hand out to the others at the bottom.
"Tati! Tati! Tasaluq! Khadhna 'iilaa almanzil!" she beamed repeatedly.
"She wants us to climb on that?" one of the children remarked.
Natalie who was staring at the girl with a strong wish to understand felt a wash of emotions come over her. That feeling describes a message and willing intent of expression besides her own. That will was strong-potent she could taste it so sweet and clear, it tasted like a chestnut on her tongue. And left her even if vicariously feeling like she did in her childhood, content, and whole again.
"They will take you home," Natalie mumbled.
The other kids looked at her silent for a moment and before she could think to explain why she was sure that’s what the Nuzi girl was saying the other eight kids began climbing up the face of the guardian rock without a moment of doubt. Watching their reckless behavior made her wonder what her parents must have thought of her when she scaled the walls of Null. Trusting that they were safe she turned back to Andrew.
"You're coming with us, right?" Tien said.
"She's picking up her friend stupid," Walta grumbled in a hushed tone.
A little row occurred between them but given how tense everyone felt within the walls of the base it was a refreshing change. Instead, she reached down to pick Andrew up, hoisting his arm around her neck. A sinking feeling of uncertainty fell on her chest as she looked at his peaceful face. He’d been stabbed but there was no sign of it, worst yet was the fact that he was passed out and she was beginning to feel like he won’t wake up in the coming days, perhaps not even if...
Andrew, what did he do to you?
Under the labor, this though and carrying is physical weight her belly rumbles. Eyes widened and for a few embarrassing seconds, she prayed that he did not suddenly wake up. When he did not stir she let go of her breath and relaxed, her face showing concern for her partner as she started towards the guardian rocks.
"The hell were you thinking, running in like that?" she spat at him.
"Natalie's mine! Kill me if you must but you're not taking her away from me again!" Andrew's unconscious voice rang through her mind like thunder. Its tested of the black grape on her tongue left her with little doubt whose thoughts they were.
Natalie stumbled to a halt, a shade of crimson stained her cheeks at the thoughts of his unguarded mind. Did he always think of her in such a way? Had it always been that intense? Perhaps she knew, perhaps there was a time where she could have reached that point with him... but things change.
Stupid goose, I need you alive, She sighed to herself before walking on.
Disputing her inward annoyance, a content smile appeared on her face. However, even that faded almost as fast as it came.
"Maybe it's best... if some things were never said," She mumbled weakly to herself.
Natalie looked up to the concerned faces of the children all sitting on top of the giant rock beings.
"Do you have a medicine man or earth knight in your village?" she shouted out, looking over to Andrew passed out on her side. "My friend, he needs help."
- In Serial40 Chapters
Game Starts With The Scarecrow
“Is there something wrong with the scarecrow? Damn, it killed me within a second…” Player 2: “Is there anything wrong, why is the name of this wild monster more than 40 meters long? Player 3: “F*ck, that guy brought a group of bosses to siege the city again, can’t they give us a chance to live?!” Mo Fan: “Kid, do you have a lot of questions?” …………………… After Mo Fan entered the game, he found that he had become a scarecrow next to the Beginner Village, a wild monster for players to kill and level up. Mo Fan, who had become a wild monster, began to continuously upgrade and level up; he underwent Star Ascension, fused with new bloodlines, and watched as his attributes soared!
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Cursed by a goddess...
Well ever seen one of the cliche moments in a manga.. well seems it happened to me and not in a good way. i died, hit by a truck no less, pissed of a shota loving goddess. Well i got a new 'life' if you can call it that at lest...i think i should get a little bit of payback for what she did to me... ( i'll update as i can, but not sure how often it going to be. try to hang in there. also feel free to write or post with helping hints or anything.This is my first story and i will apologize for any spelling or grammar issues. Feel Free to review and rate me so i can see how i stand. ^^) ---Update---03/17/2016----- (i also added a permanent character sheet so can see where he stands as i update it with the exp he earning in the background. ^^) i also added a new pic (credit got to overlord, all Hail Ainz Ooal Gown -sama !) also fixed the name a bit, what you think ?
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Realm of the Stars Volume I: The Unclaimed Crown
The first volume of a space opera/science fantasy trilogy inspired by the Arthurian mythos! The Kingdom of the Dozen Stars is divided. After the assassination of its queen, its throne stands empty; the council of dukes jockey among themselves for power, while beyond the Kingdom's borders, its old enemies prepare themselves to strike. Arta ast Katanes is the adopted daughter of a minor nobleman. She dreams of more than a life of obscurity on her remote planet, but her journey will take her farther than she imagines, and uncover truths about herself beyond anything she has guessed. Mardoban ast Orlanes is the most powerful of the Kingdom's dukes, but as as his nation fractures he will be drawn into conflict with enemies whose schemes run deeper than he knows. In time, their paths will cross, secrets will be revealed, and the stars themselves will shake...
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A Long Strange Journey
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Seven Realms Saga Book 1 - Last Passage
“Travelling into Iodigar is surprisingly easy,” the Ligtyr added. “All you need to do is to die.”The Vren, once creatures of myth and legend, now roam freely across the land, killing all they find in their path.Kollyn, a member of the Realmatic Keepers, is sent into Iodigar where the souls of the dead roam. There he must find the reason behind this sudden appearance of the Vren and a way to restore the natural order of life.It is a journey into the unknown during which Kollyn must come to terms with his past, his power and the role he will have to play in the world-defying events that are inevitably on the horizon.Last Passage, the first installement in the Seven Realms Saga, is a finished novella that can be bought both in ebook and paperback format on Amazon. For those who wish to finish the story already or be in possession of a physical copy, feel free top purchase it. I will be posting 2 chapters every week on RoyalRoad while I finish of the second installement, Scholars Of The Script.Buy on Amazon
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Roommates // killugon
-KILLUA X GON KILLUA X GON KILLUA X GON. this story is where killua and Gon become collage roommates and yeah. -[note]This story is actually shit 💀-cover art is by @//Matsumoto_zo on Twitter
8 154