《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 22: Searching for the ABW


As our first stop in our search for the ABW, I thought we should ask some non-shady people.

It couldn't hurt and besides, I'd rather get my information from a nice citizen than risk dealing with some shady person.

So we walked down the dirt road and stopped at the first person we saw, a gruff but handsome-looking man in worn-out overalls. He was sitting on the steps of some establishment while eating an apple and observing the foot traffic that passed by. I walked closer to the man with Dob and Lob following behind me.

"Hello! What are you doing?", I asked with a kind and curious tone.

The man held up a finger, signaling me to wait a bit as he finished chewing his latest bite of an apple.

"I'm just doing some people watching. I needed something to do while finishing this apple."

People watching... I can see how it's interesting but I've always thought the words sound so creepy.

"Ah well, I'm a bit new to this area. I'm looking for this group called the ABW."

The man narrowed his eyes.

"You're with those scum? Leave my sight or I'll scream for help."

Hmm. It seems like rumors about the ABW have spread very far among the people or I just happened to come across someone that pays more attention to that stuff. I guess it could be both since he also seems to have an ear for rumors and such with his people watching.

Not wanting to upset the man more and risk causing a commotion I quickly left. I noticed I was drawing some eyes as I hadn't been seen in Whitebridge before and I was moving in a group. I wanted to see if the man hearing about the ABW was a fluke so I went up to a few more passersby and asked the same question.


In all 3 conversations, I was received with kindness until mentioning the ABW, and then the kindness instantly transformed into barely restrained hostility. I sensed that the only thing holding them back was fear which made sense considering the ABW was a group of criminals and that it would be a 3-on-1 battle if any conflict started.

Since talking with these normal people clearly wasn't working I decided it was time to resort to the plan I'd thought up when talking to Guildmaster Eric which was to gallivant through every dark alley I could find waiting for some people to jump us and then beating them up to ask where to find the ABW.

It didn't take me long to find a dark enough-looking alley and it fit practically every requirement to be a sketchy place. I couldn't see anyone else in the alley and trash practically lined the alley. Even though it was the day the alley still felt dark due to the shadows cast by the buildings on either side. The alley was pretty long and by the time I got to the end, the main road looked like a speck behind me.

I noticed that we hadn't been attacked or anything yet so I started walking back out. My prayers were answered however as 2 cloaked figures seemed to leap out of the shadows. I couldn't see their faces but I imagined they were smirking at the idiots that seemingly walked right into their territory.

Might as well play around with them a bit.

"Hey, guys! A good day isn't it?"

They looked at each other likely confused about this friendly victim.

"Yeah, it's a great day. How about you hand over your money?"

I chuckled which seemed to irk both of them slightly.

"Oh? What's so funny?"


"Well, why would I hand you my money?"

I saw both of their hands flicker for a split second before I saw daggers appear in their hands.

I pretended to gulp and look panicked.

"Oh, you're scared now? Well, we won't do anything if you hand over your money."

The other one also pitched in.

"All of it. Don't even try to hide a Copper Coin."

Figuring it was time to stop messing around with these idiots I ran about 10 steps away and then turned around and looked at them.

"Oh, you're trying to run? Well, you're doing a very bad job of it. You have to keep running."

The cloaked men chuckled as they started to walk slowly in my direction, knives held at the ready. Dob and Lob had followed me in my 'attempt to escape' and as the men closed in I signaled to them to attack. Dob and Lob unsheathed their daggers and moved toward the two men.

"Oh. Do you two want to resist? Very well but we've been training with daggers since birth."

Their overconfidence caused me to giggle.

Dob and Lob have had time to train since the birth of the Goblin Dungeon so basically forever and these two guys think they're superior in combat? This is gonna be a great show.

As Dob and Lob closed in Dob started throwing his dagger in the air before catching it again in his hand. I saw one of the two men hesitate in his march at this blatant display of prowess before his partner tapped him on the shoulder, causing him to continue his advance.

Not long later the two groups met and it was immediately clear that there was an immense difference in skill between the goblins and the two crooks, the goblins, of course, having an enormous advantage in skill. As the crooks stabbed with their first attack Dob and Lob deftly maneuvered their daggers and swept the crooks' weapons right out of their hands.

Seconds later the crooks were on the ground with Dob and Lob holding a dagger to each of the criminals' necks.

Now that was an amazing fight!

I smiled and walked to where Dob and Lob were.

"Amazing fight you guys!"

Dob and Lob smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up with their non-occupied hand.

"Now for you two", I said, grinning at the two incapacitated outlaws.

I crouched down to get closer to their faces, causing them to shiver at my giant uninterrupted smile.

"You're gonna tell me where to find the ABW. That is if you know what's good for you."

The two scum practically scrambled to tell me where to find the ABW and I smiled at my progress.

Well, now it's time to make a visit to the ABW. This is going to be interesting.

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