《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 14: The Wolf King


I got up and did my morning routine. The bird allowed me to take a break today as it didn't do its usual incessant squawking.

Thank the heavens. Thanks this time you stupid bird but I'm still gonna get you someday.

I wanted to do a new mission at the Guild today.

I feel like it's gotten a bit boring lately. I can't have that.

I proudly marched to the Guild. My minions and I had just finished our breakfast we felt ready to take on anything.

Gods. Pffff. I've had breakfast and a good night's sleep nothing can stop me.

I saw a pebble in my way and kicked it. I watched as it skidded on the ground for a few feet before coming to a stop.

Take that pebble. Don't cross my path again.

I reached the guild a bit later and entered using my Guild card. I saw Melissa at the counter yawning incessantly and some other Guild workers doing some unknown task.

I walked up to the tired Melissa, Dob, and Lob following closely behind me.

Melissa smiled at me and the goblins.

"What can I help you guys with?"

"Well, we feel like we need something more rewarding and harder."

"You sure?", Melissa said, yawning.

"100% sure."

"Ok then. There's a Wolf King in the forest that needs to be killed."

"A wolf king? Do wolves have hierarchies?"

Melissa giggled.

"No, it's just a really powerful wolf that leads all the other wolves so people started calling it the Wolf King."

My face became slightly red at my mental fumble.

My brain must still be waking up.

"Okay, that mission sounds good. We'll take it."

The goblins ran up and high-fived Melissa to her great delight.

"Aw, you guys are so cute and nice."

My mind wandered to the goblin that I'd seen just picking his nose instead of guarding.

Yeah real cute.

"Anyway, to get to the Wolf King, just go to the Yarthon Woods and follow the path until you get to the end and keep walking after the path ends. It's about 20 minutes away from the end of the path so make sure to keep your bearings so that you don't get lost."


I grinned at how easy the directions were.

Couldn't be more simple get to the Yarthon Woods and then just keep going in one direction and then kill a mean big dog.

"Okay, that sounds great! Thanks, Melissa."

The goblins and I waved to Melissa as we left. Full of energy and ready to take down this Wolf King.

Getting to the Wolf King was harder than I expected, since we had to go off of the path and through the woods, it became a lot harder to move. Branches, trees, plants, and other things always seemed to get in the way, blocking our vision as well as our movement.

I decided that we'd just slash through anything in our way. It did two things. It left a clear path for us to follow back and it showed the stupid forest who's boss.

We got to a clearing after about an hour of slashing everything that Mother Nature put in our way, except for some large rocks. The clearing looked empty but I could see some sort of animal tracks on the ground. Since this was where the Wolf King was supposed to be I could only assume they were the tracks from the wolves. I looked behind me where Dob and Lob were standing.

"Well, at least I'm on the right track. Hehe. Track. Animal tracks. I'm so funny sometimes."

Dob and Lob smiled at me but I don't think they understood my joke. That or they didn't think it was funny.

Well, they'd think it was funny if they heard it because it was such an awesome joke so they must just not understand it. I feel bad for them now they'll never be able to laugh at my amazing jokes.

A look of pity emerged in my eyes and the goblins' looked at each other with a confused look and then looked back at me with pity. We didn't have time to reminisce for long though because the ground started shaking, not violently but not that subtly either.


I saw a giant wolf emerge from the trees. It was followed by three normal-sized wolves, two of which were holding a dead animal of some kind in their mouths. I assumed the giant wolf was the Wolf King based on its size and the fact that its fur was golden, a sharp contrast to the matte gray of the other wolves I'd seen in the Yarthon Woods so far.

I quickly thought up a plan. Leaving the wolves no time to react to there being intruders in their home I sent my knife flying at the small wolf that wasn't carrying anything in its mouth. I figured it'd be the most dangerous since it still had use of its chompers although I doubted the other two wolves would keep the carcasses in their mouths during the fight.

My knife flew perfectly and headshot the wolf I'd aimed for, killing it instantly before turning around and landing at my feet like it was programmed to do. I ordered the goblins to each take on one of the normal wolves before helping me with the Wolf King.

The wolves were now fully aware of our presence and started to growl while advancing. As soon as I noticed the two remaining normal wolves were busy with Dob and Lob I rushed towards the Wolf King. The Wolf King seemed surprised at the fact that I was still alive as I could see a slight bit of curiosity in its eyes. I knew this was an intelligent creature. Maybe not on the level of a human but certainly not far off.

Darn, I think this is gonna be a hard fight and why is it curious? Don't tell me it's some arrogant bastard.

The Wolf King walked toward me, its golden coat glistening in the rays of sunlight that sneaked through the canopy. Not waiting for it to get any closer to me I sent my knife flying at its head. Since it wasn't an idiot like most of the other things I'd fought, it dodged and the knife missed it.

I turned around to check on my minions and saw that they were almost done with their respective wolves. Feeling a bit more invigorated now that I knew that I'd be receiving some backup soon I picked up my knife and ran off into the forest.

The Wolf King looked confused at my cowardly maneuver but didn't pay it much heed, likely assuming all humans were this unloyal and cowardly. It started moving to its underlings to help them out with the goblins before it lost its loyal subjects.

The Wolf King decided to go for Dob first. It pounced towards him and he had to scramble to get out of its path. The wolf that was injured from its fight against Dob seemed to hold a grudge and snuck behind him, cutting off his escape from the Wolf King's mouth that was crammed with razor-sharp unbrushed teeth.

The Wolf King tensed its muscles about to pounce when it slid to the ground. Dob looked on in shock after his brush with death, likely wondering what happened. Then I emerged from behind the wolf and pulled my dagger out from the Wolf King's head.

Take that you stupid overgrown canine.

I hadn't run off during the fight but had snuck around the Wolf King so I could easily kill it. The wolf's arrogance and a general disdain for humans had led to its downfall. If it hadn't assumed I was being cowardly and that I'd run away it would've been on the alert for something like a sneak attack and I doubt I could've won. However, I did win.

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