《I'm the Best Rune Programmer in a New World!》Chapter 11: Minion Registration Complete!


When Patrick and I got back to town we split off. Presumably, Patrick went back to his shop. I however took my two goblin minions and headed towards the Inn.

At the Inn, we got a few stares and Stella looked exasperatedly in my direction so I shrugged back at her, increasing my pace ever so slightly. Once I got to my room I took out a set of clothes for each of the goblin minions and instructed them to replace their previous clothes with those while I looked away, not in concern for their privacy but my eyes. Then I took the minions out of the Inn again and headed to the Guild to register them.

On the way, I gave my minions very precise instructions.

"Don't attack anybody. Just be nice."

My minions then broke out into a mostly acceptable grin and waved at everybody they passed receiving grins and waves of their own in return.

I hope this goes well or I don't know what the heck will happen but it probably... no most definitely wouldn't be good.

Upon reaching the Guild I held my card up near the door and pulled my minions inside along with me as I walked through it. My minions still received a bit of attention because they looked the same but they were looks of curiosity instead of disgust like at the Inn.

Luckily there was no line at the counter so I didn't have to wait. Melissa stood behind the counter tapping her finger on the smooth wooden surface. I walked toward the counter, my minions trailing slightly behind me.

Melissa heard our footsteps and looked up from the counter. A grin appeared on her face as she saw me along with a trace of confusion at my followers.

"Hello, James!"

"Hi, Melissa!"

"Well, aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?"

"Ah yeah of course!"

My mind started racing.

Ummm names... I need names...ah I got it!

"Yeah, their names are Bob and Bob."


"They have the same name?", Melissa asked, puzzled.

Thinking quickly on my feet I answered, "well they look exactly the same so their parents thought it was easier if they just called them the same name."

"Huh. I guess that actually makes some sense.", Melissa said, stroking an imaginary goatee.

"Anyway, I need to get the two of them registered."

Melissa looked slightly miffed at me interrupting her im-a-very-wise-person spiel but decided she might as well continue doing her actual job. She started asking them the same questions she asked me when I signed up.

"Uh, Melissa?"

"Yes, James?"

"I forgot to mention that they don't like talking to receptionists so they want me to do it for them."

Melissa arched an eyebrow, "they specifically don't like receptionists?"

"Yeah but it's nothing personal they just had a bad experience in the past talking to receptionists."

"Hm. Well, you'll have to tell me about that some other time. It sounds interesting."

"Ah, no problem but I'd need their approval."

The goblins, being nice like I'd asked them to, both gave a thumbs up.

"Great!", Melissa said, smiling and jumping slightly.

Damn you order following goblins! Where did you even learn that gesture?

I glared at the goblins. I could see a questioning look in their eyes asking what they did wrong.

Well I did tell them to be nice and they were nice so I can't punish them for that. I should've made my instructions more specific. Darn, I'm gonna have to make up a story about how the goblins came to hate receptionists.

"Okay now let's get on with the actual registration process", Melissa said.

I sighed with relief.

"So what are their full names?", asked Melissa.

"Well, they told me they don't know so just put down Smith".

"Fantastic", Melissa said, "just what we need, more Smiths."

"You're welcome!"

After that exchange of words dripping with sarcasm, we finished all the questions and it was time for the making of their Guild Cards. Even though I'd seen the card being made before I still wanted to watch it happen again and I told my minions to watch the device Melissa was now holding because I thought they'd find it cool.


They did find it cool and they moved closer until they were pressed up against the counter, their eyes rapt with attention and wonder. They didn't blink as they watched the cards materialize one after the other, joy twinkling in their eyes, a contrast to their dark brown pupils.

Melissa giggled mirthfully at the unadulterated joy present on the two Bobs' faces. Melissa took out the needle from before but looked at me hesitantly.

"Hey, you guys Melissa needs to poke you in the finger to bind your cards to you."

The goblins nodded fearlessly toward Melissa. Seeing the two's affirmation she poked each of them and had a drop of blood land on each card, the cards vibrated slightly before stopping.

"You guys should put those in your pockets so you don't lose them.", I said, trying to tell the goblins what I meant without giving away the fact that they were following my orders. The goblins stood there, still smiling.

"So are you gonna ask me for money?", I asked getting straight to the point.

"Nah it doesn't cost money to register your family members. Which they are right?"

I grinned at the money that I'd saved and nodded in affirmation. I guess the Bobs were my brothers now. Melissa went into the back and got two daggers for the goblins as I knew, due to my registration, were given out to all new members of the Guild. The goblins put the daggers into the sheaths that were on their belts.

I feel a bit nervous about the goblins having weapons but since they follow my orders it should be fine. I wonder why the goblins are being so nice? Maybe it's because I ordered them too? Well, I'm definitely not canceling that order. Nice goblins are way better than mean ones.

"Hey, Melissa could you give the g... guys the same mission you gave me to start?"

Melissa smiled.

"Sure thing James!"

Melissa then went over the mission to collect the 50 Chrysanthum herbs with the Bobs and I stood there just thinking.

It's currently impossible to distinguish between them so I'll need some way to tell which is which. Maybe different haircuts or something? Nah that's too easy it needs to be something that can be changed easily so that they look the same again in case I need two identical-looking people in the future for some reason.

Then I came upon the perfect idea just as Melissa was finishing her mission introduction to the goblins however it'd have to wait until we got back to the Inn. I said thanks to Melissa and the goblins waved their thanks, to Melissa's delight.

We all got back to the Big Keg Inn pretty quickly and we headed to my room. I then took out a shirt that was a slightly different green than the other one. This was my perfect idea. I could tell which was which because I paid attention to the minute difference in the color of the shirts but anyone else would think they were the same person as long as they weren't standing right next to each other. After all what made more logical sense? That there were two identical-looking people or just that someone didn't remember the exact color of a shirt.

I decided on calling the lighter green goblin Lob and the darker green goblin Dob. Combining the "L" from lime with the "ob" from Bob and the "D" from dark green with the "ob" from Bob again. I chuckled vainly at my "ingenuity" and then had dinner with Lob and Dob before going to bed.

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