Chapter 4: Adventurers?
“I’m Symphony”, gleefully exclaimed the pink, twin-tail haired girl who had just moments ago attempted to stab me out of curiosity. The ‘comedic’ failed attempt to do so seemed to satisfy everyone else, and with that they presented the opportunity for us to get to know each other.
“Well to be specific my adventurer name is Symphony, most adventurers don't disclose their real names with people they just met.”
“I see.”
“That's it?” She went from her overly energetic expression to a clearly disappointed pout. “You’re not interested or curious as to what my real name is?”
“Well didn't you just say that most adventurers don't disclose their real name with people they just met? Im confused.”
“Well yeah but everyone here is already close, after all you just took a stab to the back to protect me.”
“Th- that isn't what happened in the slightest.”
She cant help but turn away while making a poor attempt to cover her face from laughing.
“Well that's all in the past, but wouldn't it be more fun to know each other's real names?”
In the past? It wasn't even five full minutes ago, and she acts like she isn't the one that brought it up!
“I mean, I guess if you say so.” (My words are paired with a slight shrug.)
“Good.” She said accompanied with a smug expression. “My true name is Cynthia, Cynthia Wellshire. As you can see I’m half-elf, and a beautiful one at that.” The smug look returned even stronger, this time along with a slight pose.
“Are you sure that's not a little vain of you?” I can't help but say what naturally came to mind.
“It could be, but is that such a bad thing, if you don't have confidence in yourself who is going to have it for you?”
Although her logic is a bit twisted I can't say I somewhat admire that mindset, it's definitely not an outlook I can say I have had before.
(Unable, or unwilling, to answer her a shrug takes the place of my words.)
But half-elf huh? I hadn't really noticed during the ‘playful’ chaos that had been happening, not to mention her hair doesn't make her ears obvious. However, now that I am paying attention I can see they are significantly different from a typical human’s ears.
“As of right now my class is swordsman, but I plan on class-changing up to a valkyrie once I can. I'm also the slayer of our party, although that's mostly due to the fact we don't have a true slayer currently.”
“You don't know what a slayer is? I didn't think that was possible for an adventurer.” The legitimate astonishment can be seen on her face.
“Well, that's probably because I’m not an adventurer to be fair.”
“Haaaaaaaaah!?” Cynthia’s reaction is parroted as well, though not as ridiculously, by the guy she called Griz earlier. Even K, the small girl I'm assuming based off Marbelle’s question, finally showed a change of expression from the dead stare she’s had this whole time.
“Then what's the point of that absurd body? No offense, but your body seems like its sole purpose was to be an adventurer.”
She said no offense, but that first line felt a little bit like an insult if I'm being honest. Is this how tall people who don't play basketball feel?
“I guess I've really never had the chance to become one, I've always had other priorities.” I can't really explain my reincarnation, or rather I don't feel as though I should, so I don't really have a true excuse for what she's asking.
“Do you want to register as one then?”
“I mean, it does sound appealing, but can I still do so even if I'm an Orc, I haven't seen any other orcs around in general.”
“Hmmmm, to be honest I've never encountered orcs before, in the city or outside it.”
I could assume so considering how she stabbed me as a test because I was an orc.
“Even so, I don't think it would be a problem.” She continues, “The adventurers guild accepts every race as far as I know, regardless of whether there's a precedent or not for an Orc registering I'm sure it could be worked out.”
“I see, then maybe I'll try registering then , it does seem interesting.” Afterall I don't really have the same ‘priorities’ or ‘responsibilities’ I used to have.
“In that case do you want to go with us to the adventurer’s guild after we are all done here?”
“Sure I suppose so, don't see a reason why I can't.”
“Naisu, then let's hurry up and finish out introductions, where were we?”
‘Naisu’? This world doesn't seem like there should be Japanese people or weebs here.
“Before you got off track you were talking about slayers.” Griz had chimed in once again, along with another slight nod from K.
“Oh yeah, well simply put a slayer is a role within a party, it's the slayer’s job to be the vanguard of the group and typically they focus on stronger single targets when necessary. The role isn't really suited for my style perfectly, but given our current party setup I'm the only one of us who can pull it off.”
“Interesting, what are the other roles, or for that matter classes as well.” Part of me is asking out of curiosity and the other part is that I'd like to have some info before we go to register. I dont want to show up there and have to make a snap decision or look stupid for asking like earlier.
“Well we can each say our own for now and let the adventurers guild give you the full rundown when you register.”
Welp, so much for that…
“I suppose that would be me then.” Griz finally gets his chance to be the center of attention.
A fairly long rugged beard that ends in a braid, a mohawk, and the fact he looks as though he could easily be over 6’6” make it so it's almost impossible to not focus on him. If he was more assertive in conversation and Cynthia wasn't so bubbly then he would easily command all the attention. Not to mention when he does talk his voice is ridiculously deep, it honestly doesn't even sound natural at this point.
“If we are going with full names too then mine is Griswald Braun, and as you heard my adventurer name is Griz.”
“Not that Cynthia’s adventurer name was a stretch or anything, but yours just feels like a nickname.”
“It's exactly that, I went with the nickname i've had since I was young, just simpler that way, no need for it to be some epic name. Even if Ms. Symphony thinks it's lame.”
“Hey I never said it was lame, just boring.”
Am I mistaken or is that damn near the same thing.
“You could have gone with something like ‘Silver Thorn’ or something.”
“Silver Thorn?” I can't help but ask.
“It's a high-tier monster that typically walks on four legs, but once it's angered it stands on two to intimidate what it's fighting, which works since they can be up to five meters tall. It gets its name from massive silver thorn-like hairs on its back that protect it from behind. For whatever reason Symphony thinks they resemble me, or vice versa.
“Cuz’ they do, am I wrong?” She asks me, which makes me question if she even pieced together the fact I've never seen one based on my question.
“I don't know about the whole Silver Thorn deal, but I do see the appeal in just having a simple name.”
Griz proudly nods his head, seeming pleased he had someone take his side, meanwhile Cynthia’s pouting face makes another appearance.
“As for my class and role, I'm a paladin class and my role is Tank, although I provide support as well since my magic attribute is healing.”
“Magic attribute?”
“Yeah, most people can use some sort of magic, and the type depends on their attribute or affinity. Although healing is probably the most rare of them.”
“Which makes us even more unique, all three of us can use healing magic. Even though in comparison to those two mine isn't as strong.” Cynthia chimes in.
“I see, is that another thing I could find out more about at the adventurers guild?”
“Yup, they will explain it to you and even detect which attribute you have when you register.
“Oh, nice, I'm looking forward to it then. Well with that are we on to the next person, ‘K’ right?”
“Yeah, but just so you know K really doesn't speak much at all, especially around new people.”
Oh I know, we haven't known each other for long but even I noticed that much.
“Since that's the case, I'll do her introduction for her.” Cynthia proclaimed.
And here I thought the black-haired loli would finally speak, at this point she may as well be Cynthia’s shadow.
“As you heard her adventurer name is K, as for her real name we will leave that a secret.”
“Well not so much a secret but more so if and when she chooses to tell you, she will. The three of us have been together for just over a month but she didn't feel comfortable enough telling Griz and I until last week.”
“Ah, well there's no rush or anything, after all you did say that most adventurers just call each other by their adventurer names anyway.”
“Yup, K is our sweeper and support in one.”
“Shh shh shh, I know by now, you don't know what a ‘sweeper’ is, allow me to elaborate for you.” She can't help but smirk as she says this. “The sweeper role is the role designated for those who job it is to clear large numbers of low-tier enemies. They typically specialize in area of effect attacks and are usually placed in the rearguard or mid-guard.”
“Ah, I see, thanks for the explanation.”
“Hm hmm, no problem, it's the job of those with more knowledge to teach those who have less.”
She proudly said that, unironically… I shouldn’t have thanked her.
She continues, “When we aren't relying on her water magic as a sweeper, she also has healing magic for support, and is more proficient with it than the two of us.”
“You can have more than one magic attribute?”
“Oh, I forgot to mention that?”
What happened to that ‘oh so experienced’ teacher from a minute ago? (I can't help but sarcastically think that as I nod my head.)
“Ah, sorry, while most people have one attribute only, it is not that rare that someone can have two. In fact, dual affinity adventurers are sought after enough to where the guild makes the list of them public so people can enlist their help, assuming you give them permission to share it.”
“If I remember correctly there were about 21 listed when I last saw the post a few months back.” Griz explained.
“Haha, your information is outdated lIttle Grizzy.” Cynthia teased, leaving Griz with a disapproving look.
“Again, please don't call me that.” Griz says as he sighs.
I didn't look over so as to not draw attention, but I feel like I heard a miniscule chuckle from the usually plain-faced K.
“Anyway, when I registered as an adventurer last month I was told I was the 27th dual attribute adventurer registered in this city. By the way my two attributes are light and healing magic.”
My curiosity once again gets the best of me forcing me to ask, “What about K?”.
As we all turn towards her she silently holds up two fingers on one hand and five on the other.
“Then we were only two apart, see, must have been fate that I found you when I did then.” Cynthia gleefully says as she leans over to hug K.
“While I'm sure like you said dual attributes are pretty rare, given there are 27 or so of them currently just how many adventurers are registered right now?” I ask.
“Well fortunately since we are pretty close to the Capital we probably have one of the more populated adventurer guilds in the Country. I want to say there's around like 200 or so adventurers who are actively registered to this guild.”
“Yeah that sounds about inline with what I have heard, or at least what it seems like.” Griz adds.
“I see, so less than twenty percent of adventurers then are dual attributes?” That's reasonably rare. “Is it possible to have more than two attributes as well?”
“Yup, as you can imagine people with triple affinity are even more rare, I myself know of three, but in terms of specific to this city only one.” Cynthia notes. “The one in this city would be the guild master, which isn't too surprising.” Griz nods his head in agreeance to Cynthia's words.
“As far as more than three attributes I'm not too sure, there are rumors of people with four, but to my knowledge there aren't any confirmed or registered anywhere in the country.”
“I imagine if someone did have four they would make it public through the guild, you could probably get a lot of fame and work if people knew, so I doubt there is someone with four and just keeping quiet about it.” States Griz.
“Ehhh, I don't know about that.” Cynthia retorts, “It's hard enough to gain mastery over one or two attributes, and I assume the ability to do so drops dramatically with three. If anyone really had four yeah they would be versatile, but their proficiency with any of them would probably be pretty trash, let alone all of them.”
The extent of my knowledge on attributes does not go beyond what I've been told at this table, but even so I can see the reasoning in Cynthia’s point.
“Hmmm, I've never thought about it like that, but that does make sense.” Admits Griz.
“Mhm mhm, you are still lacking in insight Little Grizzy.” Cynthia says riddled with a smug air about her, forcing another sigh from Griz.
Giving her credit has proven to be a fatal mistake for Griz. I'll have to remember to not slip up the way he has in the future, far too embarrassing.
“Well I've heard everyone's names, for the most part, and their roles and classes, is there anything else I should know before we go?”
“Not so fast, you haven't even heard who we are yet.” Cynthia stands up to say.
“Isn't that exactly what I've heard this whole time?’
“Nope, you learned who we are as individuals, but not as a group!”
Griz and K also begin to stand up to join Cynthia.
“Together we make up the party MissAdventure!”
Griz gives a look of indifference to the exclamation of the name.
“Miss...Adventure, like ‘Miss’ and not ‘misadventure’?
“Yup, I'm surprised you could tell just by how I said it.”
“Is there a reason why you chose that name?”
“Well, because us three girls came up with it.”
For a split moment I questioned what I had just heard, I knew of traps and reverse traps, but the MAN to my right was a MAN MAN, I would refuse to believe otherwise.
Before I get the chance to demand the carfax, Griz starts to talk.
“Before you get any weird ideas I figure I should explain, since this isn't the first time.”
“Speak.” I can't help but express my refusal to believe what I just heard.
“What Symph means by ‘three girls’ isn't referring to me, I joined their party after they had already formed it. Although it's slightly embarrassing I promised I'd join Symph when she made a party, and so I dont have the right to complain.”
Cynthia nods her head at the last statement.
“Then who is the other girl? If it's something you can talk about that is.”
“Oh, Veronica, she isn't here now because she had to go to the Capital, but her and I were the ones that founded the party.”
“Ah I see.”
It's a good thing that misunderstanding was cleared up, I would have dipped out if what I was beginning to imagine had been true.
“Since we were talking about it earlier I should mention that the two other triple affinity people I know of are actually Veronica’s brother and father.”
“Hmm, I see.”
Given a pedigree like that I have to imagine this Veronica is pretty impressive as well.
“Yup, now that we have properly introduced ourselves it's time for you to introduce yourself right?” Cynthia says while the three of them begin to sit down again.
“Oh.” I don't know why I wasn't expecting to have to do so. “Well you already know I'm not an adventurer, so I don't have a role or class or even adventurer name yet. Even so, my name is Robert, it's nice to meet you all.”
“No last name?” Cynthia asks with a curious expression,
“Uhhhh, yes and no, think of it like K’s case, maybe in the future I'll let you all know what it is.”
“Boooorrinng” Cynthia says with an exasperated sigh.
“Boring? You already knew I didn't have anything else to add beforehand to be fair.” I reply in an attempt to defend myself.
“Yeah, but what kind of name is Robert, I mean it's not inherently bad or anything, but like...Its not a very ‘Orc’ name if you ask me.” She insists while turning her head up at the idea.
“Do you even know other Orcs, or what an Orc-like name would be?” I retort, despite not knowing either myself.
“Well, no, but still.”
“He got you there.” Griz can't help but laugh lightly at the situation.
With that comment my respect for this man just increased.
“Ahahhh, whatever.”Cynthia defeatedly responds. “In any case, it's nice to meet you too.”
“Same here.” Griz adds.
Even K looks over and gives a timid thumbs up.
“Well before we leave, let's celebrate our meeting with a handshake, everyone, in hopes that this becomes a fruitful encounter.” Cynthia proposes, prompting Griz to put his hand in the middle, followed by K.
It seems less like a handshake and more of a ‘everyone puts their hands in the middle before raising them’ type deal to be honest.
“Everyone hands in the middle, you too Robert, we raise them on three!”
...Called it, why even call it a handshake?
Regardless I move my hand to the pile, last is Cynthia, who for some reason takes the opportunity to quickly and forcefully throw her hand on top of mine.
Wait a minute.
I recognize this sensation.
I look more closely at the most recent addition to the mass of hands. To my un-surprise is Cynthia’s hand...gripping a knife that has been crippled from trying to pierce my skin.
“So uhhhhh, what's that?”
“Hahaaaa, sorry, I thought maybe it’d work if you let your guard down.”
“Thought what would wor-”
“Anyway nice to meet you, everyone raise your hands on three!”
“What did you thi-”
- In Serial62 Chapters
Dungeon Scholar
Girl meets dungeon. What could go right? A story of a good-hearted Scholar driven by her compassion and curiosity. She might be a little combat averse, but um, isn't that only logical? Love me a good grimdark, but sometimes I want to read feel-good fiction that isn't pure action, romance, or comedy. The plot and characters of Dungeon Scholar won't be all happy and fluffy, and the world will be more dungeons and monsters than rainbows and puppies, but overall the sweet moments should overshadow the bitter. Let's say three dollops of sugar for every pinch of salt, with lemon slices left on the saucers? Enjoy. Note: This is NOT a typical dungeon story. If you are here for the dungeon aspect, then fair warning this will seem incredibly slow-burn to you. The dungeon will eventually become the most important 'character,' arguably, or the second-most important narratively, but you might jump out the window in frustration long before that happens. At its heart, the story's core remains 'girl meets dungeon,' not 'dungeon meets world.' (To be clear, this does or will have a plot! It's just the more conventional story-like elements contribute to Rowena Loress's greater story, not the other way around; no conflict takes center stage until it becomes personally significant to her. Meanwhile, have some Slice of Life.) Updates every Friday Cover made using Waifulabs Written using 4thewords (referral code: UZJRY55368)
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