《Earthside Consortium》Chapter 23: The Gathering Eyes Of The World


Gaston had the idea that to live on, he must be diligent. To be thorough in his work and make sure that all details are rightfully given to the employer without question. He got out of the building.

The wind and rain came as if sympathizing with his dilemma. He walked out of the harbor, told the taxi driver he called to send him to the nearest train station. While in the cab, he started sorting through his documents before passing them to Ayumi, who had called him to report any data coming from the Babaika Lions. The data he collected was obtained from the database of the company, which the Lady allowed him access. If he was a lesser man, he would have been scheming to take this data and show it to the highest bidder.

The Babaika Company's data was highly sought. But if he sold it, he was sure that the Red Valkyrie and Jakob would come after him. All was fair when there was a breach in the agreement. He knew that well enough.

He got out of the taxi and rode the train. There were few passengers. And most of the employees were called to their homes after the appearance of a city-size beast. There was no problem with working at home with the internet being robust. They even had planted a core in the moon that would keep the internet alive.

The Internet was god to the modern man. Man would rather have access to the internet than pay for a health package. It was twisted, but the service was affordable compared to health packages.

"Warning, a Kaiju has appeared. Any non-breakers or security personnel are not permitted to roam unless they have a permit from the government."

The speaker said in Japanese.

It interested him how prepared Japan was.

Doctrine from the United Earth Defense Force has made it so that every home must have underground tunnels that allow everyone to evacuate if there is a threat of monsters.

The wealthier ones got themselves homes that could burrow underground. The lower class under the poverty line had to follow this rule despite the cost of the building. It was mandated and enforced that every structure that doesn't have precautions against this will be fined. Some choose to pay the fine instead of reworking their houses, and honestly, only a few would follow this law. Enforcing it once had made for quite a violent reaction, and some were called Tyrants because of this enforcement.

Monsters are common in the world. But it doesn't change the fact that not everyone can afford food and shelter despite the changes in the world. It had to be clear that despite it all.

The world has ended already once.

Because of the changes and improvements in life that they forgot the truth about the world. That they are still at the mercy of the monsters that could appear anytime.

Thankfully, there are still those who believe that they are in constant danger. Although this 'belief' is paired with personal interest, it was still better than thinking everything will be alright.

Gaston got out of the train station. He took a direct car service headed towards the headquarters of the Japan Branch of the Earthside Consortium.


The driver was having fun with the road not being congested. The lockdown was implemented, and martial law was approved immediately. How could it not be when the direct proof of the threat was visible?

Gaston entered the street where the Earthside Consortium's Japan Branch was built. He noticed that the heavily armored units and suppressers were watching the perimeter. The car service couldn't even enter without drones hovering.

Gaston let the drones capture a photo of his face before he took a step forward. He got into the building and noticed that most of the exterior was reinforced with metal sheeting.

"Adjutant, Sir."

One of the younger officers greeted Gaston. From the look of his equipment and the multi-function weapon, he was wielding. He entered the building and found out that most of the employees were still around. The difference was that the employees were armed to the teeth. They were wearing flak plate vests and bioshield generators. One would think that he was in a military complex. He took the elevator, and instead of up, the elevator went down. He didn't know anything other than that most of the Consortium branches occupy a large underground area.

The top of the tower has become a defensive tower that was probably in the process of deploying coils that would produce energy strong enough to withstand a blast from a GOLIATH-class. The Bioshield was enough to defend it but beyond that. The building couldn't take anything out. A billion-dollar building made as fortresses when disasters like these are underway.

When the elevator passed the hard layer of the building, he saw a man made one that made him wonder how much Japan has spent. He was sure that this was more than a building. It made use of Tokyo's flood protection system after it was destroyed during the appearance of beasts on the otherside.

The elevator settled, and he was able to get out. The first thing he saw was a Lancer with a hand-Gatling that carried 7.62 mm rounds and a kinetic shield. The seven-foot-tall, heavily armored unit scanned Gaston with something before he was allowed in.

He was curious why there were so many security checks. But he somewhat guessed that in times like these, others take advantage of the attacks. Internal securities are at their weakest during attacks, and his time abroad had made it clear how vicious and opportunistic. Gaston asked for a guide and connected himself to the data sync of the building to clock in presence. He didn't stay long in the hallways and opted to head to where Ayumi was. From what he gathered to form the data sync that directly connected to the AR module of his heads-up display.

It didn't take long for him to find Ayumi's control room. She was, after all, the Overwatch of the Japan Branch. In their native tongue, she was called Suzume.

“Long time no see, Gaston."


He greeted her while entering the control room.

The control room had five control boards and three widescreen monitors. She was using her system assistant AI to handle most of the weapons systems. The left monitor was used to keep a steady eye on the giant beast floating calmly on the ocean.


"The current coordinates of the beast is 56N-618177-4398908. There are no changes in its movements."

“Still UTM coordinates? Can I sync up with the computer?”

She looked at Gaston. “You can. You are our Adjutant to the Babaika Company. Ah, can you give me the access point now?”

Gaston passed the authentication code and then thumbed the biometric device. “The security is really tight. I even have to do all these kinds of things to get past the security.”

“Things are tense right now,” she said with a low voice. “The Prime Minister has declared martial law and until the situation is cared for. There is no reason to keep the people in danger.”

“He must have a good standing then.”

“Good? Barely, he’s holding on because the immediate threat has been enforced by the Concord that my nation signed with the UEDF. The UEDF should be moving the Pacific Fleet on the Philippines Islands to secure the waters. I doubt the Chinese Fleet in the oriental sea would sit still either when there is a chance that the BEHEMOTH could go straight and go on a rampage.”

“Is there anyone who’s going to attack?”

“Everyone has an itchy trigger finger.”

“America’s Space Force is ready to drop their rods of god.”

“I see.”

“It’s even worse than we think.”

She pulled a holograph of the map Japan and the 3D render of the monster now called Chelydra. The monster was eight hundred miles away from the shores of Japan. On the holograph was the planned defense line of the north pacific ocean against this beast. They were going to use the City of Kushiro as the landing area of any forces that are willing to cooperate in subduing with the beast

“So they aren’t letting anyone in the mainland now?”

“The nation is locked. The bioshields will be deployed in twenty areas in the prefectures. There are places where the bioenergy nodes cannot connect. And the recent storming events made it impossible for them to be deployed.”

The greatest flaw of these shields is that they can protect those who are inside of its protection area, but at the same time prevent them from escaping. If there are biomass entities in the area. They would be trapped unless the energy shields are turned off. No one could save them other than the defenders. Although the energy shields are interconnected, there are parts where the shields are not connected.

“We also have to worry about what you reported when you came here, Gaston.”

Gaston nodded. “CERN said that there are chances that the pacific ring of fire’s activities will cause a raid to happen. What we didn’t expect is that a BEHEMOTH class came knocking on the doorsteps of the shore.”

“Are there really indications that it was a BEHEMOTH instead of a raiding event?”

Gaston shook his head if he truly didn’t know. Ayumi held her chin to think deeply of what could CERN and ORI were going for. Gaston had no idea either. He was told to deliver the material to the Branch Manager of the earthside consortium of the branch of Japan.

“The material said nothing about it. But if the behemoth was what CERN and ORI was detecting, then they were off their marks. I know that there were signs of tampering because of what happened in Tenryū Ward, and we can’t rule it out… but if the Cultists were able to summon or pull this BEHEMOTH class… that would be a problem.”

Ayumi nodded grimly. She thought of the possibility of the Sitra Ahra Cult being involved in this disaster. The idea of them being involved troubled Gaston. The biomass entities, the Cult who wants to end the world… It was all troublesome. There is no proof or indication that they were connected, but if the cult was making use of this terror to make their moves. Then there was something in Japan that was enough to make big movements.

“We can’t be sure, but let’s keep it in mind that they are around. That reminds me, do you have news of Officer Yu?”

Ayumi shook her head. “I’m afraid I haven’t been able to check on him. Why?”


Ayumi zoomed out and pointed a hand at Sendai, a city in Japan’s Tohoku Region. A 3D rendition of the electromagnetic railgun. It was purchased by Japan under the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan. Although years have passed, and there are many amendments regarding this treaty. Japan’s ally, the United States was willing to offer them technologies like these and then return them back.

The 100-centimeter railgun had a maximum firing range of 350000 meters. It was a dangerous weapon with its fatal flaw needing half an hour to fire it again. The Mach 7 impact of the cannon could shatter any hull, and big targets like GOLIATHS were known to be taken down by these cannons. He even heard that the borders of the United States were implementing railgun defense systems on their walls to shoot down any monsters crossing the Mexico to Panama Land Bridge.

“Amazing that you have it installed. Not that it’ll do anything.”

Ayumi smiled wearily at that. She herself probably knew that the rock carapace and bioshield of the city-size biomass entity would never be penetrated with that railgun. Its purpose would only be to agitate it. It could fire fourteen rounds in a single day. After that, the railgun will have to be checked again.

“We have plans on how to approach this beast. Right now the world is watching us on how to deal with this beast. This beast will not be leaving this region of the world. Hai, the Babaika Company… They really have good timing. Even if they fail… they’ll be sought out.”

Gaston couldn’t help but agree.

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