《North Star》Chapter 24:
“LEONA !!!” Sasha gasped when she saw the little human girl.
Azar stood back and let the two have their moment, embracing each other in their arms, tears running down their face. But then Sasha quickly grew angry with Leona for sneaking away from Maria and the rest of the orphans and staying back in Tolemac. However, Azar did not hear one word of their conversation; all his attention fixated on Sasha.
“Who are you …” Azar could only sense only a little magic within her. There was no way that was enough for what he saw. And the sword, he had examined that closely. It was just an old sword, nothing special. In fact, even if the legend was remotely true, it was Azar who lifted the sword, not Sasha. She once called him an enigma, but to Azar, Sasha was the mystery. Who was she … What was she?
His intense gaze did not escape Sasha.
“You know you don’t have to stare from the distance right …” Sasha waved her hand and called him over. Azar suddenly remembered something and whistled lightly.
“Back to her …” He commanded the scythe.
“I heard what you did …” Leona looked up at the two with her big sorry puppy eyes, “ Thank you.”
“Nothing compares to you, Sasha.” Azar still could not shake the uneasy feeling within his stomach. “You have been keeping quite a secret ….”
“I don’t know where that came from either” Sasha looked down at her sword. “I think it came from ….”
Azar did not know if Sasha was really lying to him or confused herself, but one thing was for certain, the power he saw came from within her, not just from the sword. He wanted to take another closer examination of the legendary Sword of Avalon, but it was not the right time.
“Oh … before I forget …” Sasha handed Azar his ‘lucky quill’ back. Their moment was captured by many. After all, in the battle of Tolemac, none stood out more than the two of them, the fire of Avalon and the shooting star.
When the war was over, the people got to experience the aftermath. For the people of Tolemac, their lives had been turned upside down. Many lost their home, some didn’t even return to the city anymore. And they should consider themself the lucky ones. For many, it was their whole village, their family, their own lives taken from them. Avalon slowly picked themself back up from the sorrow and rubles. Well, … most of them were.
When the people of Avalon were busy restoring their own city, the leaders of Avalon had other plans. After what they witnessed, the Red Mist, Sasha, Azar, they felt frightened, ... they felt small, … they wanted safety; they desired even more power. Some sought in the form of politics and wealth. But for many, they literally seek pure power, and Sasha became the main target for them. Either they wanted her on their side because they were afraid of her power, or they wanted to find a way to take control of her source of power, the legendary Sword of Avalon, for themself.
As for Azar, he felt that he had intervened more than enough. So he only stood on the side and looked over at the humans. Again, he got the unique opportunity to witness humans in their hardest times. And just like the times before, while many disappointed him, showing their true colors, some rose to the occasion, showing courage and kindness. The four young human soldiers that he met were the most noticeable. From what he gathered, they were all promoted to the rank of Captain, leading squads of their own. But still, there seemed to be no penalty for those humans that dishonored the courage of their fallen brothers and sisters. Something was harder to change than others.
Walking through the once deserted and ruined streets of Tolemac, Azar was surprised to see it was the poor and weak humans who opened their arms and took care of each other more than the rich and plentiful. Only for the exception of people from the Desert Falcon merchant guide. Humans wearing the guide symbol could be seen on the street, helping the people rebuild their homes and providing food and warmth for those in need. And while roaming those streets, Azar saw Munir, who personally gave a hand to the people. His once fancy and expensive clothes were now dirty with mud and holes. Azar had a feeling he knew why Munir was doing this, but for some inexplicable reason, Azar just wanted to hear Munir say it himself. He met up with Munir when the sun had set and his day was over. They got together to have a drink, just the two of them, in the comfort of Munir's own room.
Even though Munir did not spend much time in his room in Tolemac, as the son of the Desert Falcon guide master, Munir’s room was as wealthy as the Royal themself. Chandeliers made of gold and crystal, silverware sparkling under the mesmerizing light, … one could smell the wealth coming from the room. Munir took out the most expensive wine his guide had to offer and offered it to Azar.
“Why does your face looks full of regret, Munir ?….” Azar was blunt to his question.
After a long sigh and a cup of wine, Munir gathered up the will to answer Azar honestly.
“I wish I could have done more ….”
“You’ve done more than enough” Azar gave Munir a pad in the back. “As far as I can see. None of those so-called Royals have done shit ….”
“They have bigger issues to handle, you just don’t understand, Azar” Munir shook his head.
“Enlighten me !”
“The financial aspect of rebuilding a country after the war, do you even know how much it cost to rebuild Tolemac alone !? And we are facing threats from foreign countries as well. They know we are weak right now, if we’re not careful, they will take advantage of our circumstances !”
“I understand all of that more than you ever could , Munir …”. Though the words sounded ridiculous, somehow, judging from Azar's demeanor and his sorrowful eyes, Munir fully believed what Azar said. “But look at them, I can’t help but wonder … Do they even care … ?”
“Of course they care, they are the leaders of Avalon !” Munir said without hesitation, “It’s their job, their duty, their honor !”
“So what about you !?!” Azar shifted the question back to Munir. “Why did you feel so compelled to help them !? You’re not king; you’re using your own fund to help them without getting anything back !”
A moment of silence lingered in the air.
“I remembered back in the day, when I was a little boy, starving on the street of Habarga. If not for a certain someone who helped me get through my darkest moment … I don’t know who I’ll become. And now, I have the chance to do the same. What if my simple actions could change the course of someone's life for the better? It doesn’t matter if, for everything I did, I could have only saved one. It would still be more than enough for me ….”
Hearing the caring and sincere voice of Munir, Azar felt a strong feeling of pride. Azar felt as though of all the humans he had met, Munir was the strongest. Sure, life had not been easy on him, and Munir had made some wrong choices in the past, yet, when it mattered most, it was Munir himself who decided not to let the cruel world change him. He took the slightest light of hope by both hands and became the man he was today, all on his own. Munir may say that Azar saved him, but Azar always felt that Munir had saved himself.
“I envy your strength, Munir …” Azar smiled. “You have truly grown ….”
“What do I have that you don’t, Azar. My wealth !? That doesn't mean anything” Munir took another sip of wine. “I was the one who ran away, remember. And you, you’re the morning star. Your courage inspired people. I can only dream of becoming someone like you ….”
“I saved their lives, but it is you who help them carry on and give them a new life. Who said mine is greater than yours !?” Azar smiled kindly. “We all have our way of showing courage, Munir. Not all have to be soldiers.”
Still, Azar could see something else was lingering in Munir’s mind.
“What is this, Munir? What makes you look so blue …?
“Azar … I have a confession … But you can’t say to anyone else !!!” Munir looked at Azar intensely. “I … have feelings … for the princess !!!”
“Wow … shocker …” Azar rolled his eyes.
“Hey !!!!” Munir slightly pushed Azar, “I’m being serious !!!”
“I thought it was a secret !” Azar responded, “Trust me, everyone knows !”
“WHAT !!!!???”
Azar just shook his head. Perhaps he had given Munir too much credit for his intelligence.
“So what now ? Couple issues !?”
Munir almost choked on his wine when he heard “couple.” It took a couple seconds for Munir to go back to normal.
“Don’t let your imagination go wild, Azar. There is nothing between the princess and me except for friendship.” Munir’s eyes turned grim. “And I don’t even know if she still sees me as a friend anymore ….”
“Huh ? Why ?”
Munir just laughed bitterly. “Why ?... Of course, how can someone like you understand … Have you forgotten Azar? I ran away … When those monsters came, I ran away, I … I left her ….”
“You did what you had to do !” Azar replied firmly, “ There was nothing you could have done even if you stayed _.”
“But not you … You stayed …” Munir bitterly said. “And what you said… about the princess … She deserves to be with someone like … you.”
At that moment, Azar put his wine down and set the little human straight.
“Oh right !!! enough with the moping around, let me tell you something.”
“Oh, please ! Spare me with your advice and stories. I know exactly what you will say. Man up, love is a battlefield; take what you want ….”
Azar lightly tapped his fingers against the table and stopped Munir’s ranting.
“Let me tell you a secret, Munir.” Azar softly spoke, “Back from where I came from, even a king could not demand true love….”
“Love is a battlefield, or so you people said. But that is only half true. You have to fight for love, and it won’t be easy. However, you can NEVER WIN love !”
“You can fight for love all you want. You can do everything right. But you don’t win love. Love is not something that you can take or something you deserve. It’s something you give ….”
“In love, all you can do is give your love away and hope that she will return your love….”
“No one can decide who Elly loves, or who deserves to be loved by her. Only she decides that ! What you can do is give her the opportunity to love you. Show how much you love her, and respect her decision.”
“You’re right, in a way, right now, you don’t deserve her love. Always standing in her shadow, scared to admit your own feelings for her, scared and intimidated at any other man that came close to her. And you think you have a chance with her ?! It doesn’t matter who she is, if that is who you are, you can’t truly think that someday, somehow she will love you back !?”
“Stop doing anything and everything for her love. Start doing something worthy so that people will love you !”
“If you want her to love you, then become someone that she can love. Let her respect you, let her admire you, … then perhaps, one day … she will love you.”
Azar finished his drink and watched as Munir slowly soaked all of these words of wisdom in.
“If only there were more people like you out there …” Munir whispered. “You know, Sasha just told me the most particular story about you ….”
“Me giving her my quill for good luck ?! Yeah, don’t overthink it. It wasn’t a real lucky charm anyway ….”
Munir’s eyes went a bit confused for a second. “Ummm… I did not know about that.” Munir scratched his head a bit. “And whatever happened between you two is none of my business.”
“Nothing happened !!!”
“I’m talking about how you said you wanted to change the world for the better !”
“Oh !?” Azar was not expecting that. “She told you that, huh ?”
“If it was any other man, I would say that you were only saying that to hope to impress Sasha” Munir smiled.
“Huh, Sasha said the exact same at first ….”
“But now, seeing what you are capable of. Your bravery, compassion, strength, I see that those were no empty words. You meant it, every single word.” Munir said.
“You’re not afraid, of what that might mean !?”
“Like I said, I wish that there were more people like you in the world ….”
Azar sighed, “Yeah, … maybe. But I don’t even know where to start. Sasha gave me the advice to join the Elite Academy and become someone like her _.”
“That’s not bad if you think about it ….”
“You too !?! Listen, I’m nobody’s soldier !”
“No, I’m talking about the Elite Academy. You can start there.”
Azar gave Munir a particular look. “You have given some thought about this beforehand, haven’t you …?”. Yet another part of Munir that Azar had yet to discover.
“The Elites Academy is something special … or it should have been.” Munir's eyes sparkled for a second. “It’s the place of knowledge and wisdom. It’s a place of opportunities and equality. Just imagine what would happen if everyone could access it. There is no other place in the world except for Avalon that has such an Academy. Yet we don’t utilize it. Do you know how many gifted children are out there, dying to just have a chance to change their destiny? How many skilled swordsmen are denied their fair chance to prove themself…
Munir kept talking, but all Azar could focus on was the young human passion to change Avalon for the better. The fire in his deep brown eyes, his heart raced when he talked about what could have happened, and his whole body tensed up when he talked about the reality he was living in.
“The boy did not just think about it, he dreams of it … he just didn’t realize it yet …” Azar thought to himself.
“Education, Azar. So crucial, yet everyone always takes it for granted. Oh, you haven’t seen how people's faces just light up when they first learn how to write or spell their first word. They were magical …”. Munir was lost in his own thoughts, and he did not realize that his face lit up when he recalled those memories when he helped others. And Azar also did not realize that his own face lit up as well when he saw the passion from within Munir.
Azar could not help but smile; he knew what to do now. Azar stood up and broke Munir’s chain of thoughts.
“I was wrong, you have given a lot of thought about this, haven’t you ?”
“It’s just wishful thinking …”.
Azar smiled and shook his head slightly. Then, he put his hand on Munir’s shoulder and said, “Just promise me one thing, Munir. If YOU have the chance to do it yourself, to change the world for the better, you’ll take it.”
Munir stood tall and shook Azar’s hand. “I promise !”
The morning after, Munir and his father were summoned to the high council again. And just as they thought, the king and his subject asked his guide for more financial support for the kingdom. It was nothing special at that moment. However, his father did tell everyone that his guide was affected heavily by the war and money was running low. And for the first time, Munir took the initiative and raised his voice.
Munir called for more immediate action from the Royal and the military to help the people. He dared to call out the councils for neglecting their duty, still drunk in the victory that many of them did not participate in. Undoubtedly, Munir had created some enemies. But what he accomplished was putting more pressure on the councils. At the end of the meeting, many had agreed to put more manpower and money toward helping the immediate situation.
Stepping out of the meeting room, Munir finally felt like he could breathe again. It was insane how an 18 years old young man dared to speak up against the heads of Avalon. But then again, when he thought about Azar and what he had accomplished, how he envied Azar, Munir mustered the courage to say what needed to be said.
His heart was pounding out loud, even after everyone had left. Then his heart skipped a bit when he heard the princess' voice.
“Hello Munir.” a soft and feminine voice greeted Munir
“Princess !!!” Munir almost jumped.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you like that” The princess's smile took Munir's breath away.
“No .. NO ! I’m fine” Munir quickly readjusted his clothes. “So, umm, do you have something important to tell me ?!?”
“You don’t have to be so formal in front of me, Munir. We’re no stranger,” Elly casually replied. “I just … I want to say thank you for all you have done for Tolemac.”
“Thank you? … But I have done nothing ….”
“Always so humble … That’s your best quality.” The princess smiled and slightly bowed down. “Every day, I saw you joining with the citizens of Tolemac, volunteering to rebuild their home, not to mention, the Desert Falcon has been the main contributor in financial support for the poor since you came along. … Thank you, Munir. You really are one of a kind ….”
“Father wouldn’t like it if he knew I’m meeting you” The princess of Avalon, Elizabeth Leon, opened the door to her room.
“That’s why I’m meeting you in secret …” Azar casually walked inside. “By the way, I’m sorry for waking you up at this hour ….”
Elly sighed. “You better have a damn good reason for this ….”
Azar and the princess set themself at the tea table
“I want to ask you about the Elite Academy ?”
“Can you be more specific ?”
“I’ve heard that The Elite Academy is only available to nobles and the wealthy, is that true ?” Azar coldly asked.
The princess stalled for a few moments until finally, “I guess it’s not much of a secret nowadays, huh …”. The princess gave Azar a tired look. “So, let me guess, you’re going to ask why didn’t I do anything about it or something like that ?”
“No, I understand …” Azar assured her, “It’s not easy changing a system that is already rotten and corrupted, especially for someone like you. As the ruler of Avalon, you must also keep a good relationship with the nobles and the councils, making sure that they will support you. This means most of the time, you have to look the other way. It’s not always as easy as starting a fire and burning it all down. At least, the Elite Academy still accepts some commoners, so it could still be redeemed….”
“Are you a Royal blood as well ?” a sharp voice interrupted Azar. “I’m not that naive. It’s just safer for me to keep the image ….”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about …” Azar denied.
“I can overlook the fact that you’re this unknown skillful fighter who somehow also knows alchemy. But it seems like you have your fair share of experience and understanding in politics as well. In fact, from what I can tell, you understand a little too much.” As calm and confident as humanly possible, the princess asked Azar once more, “So who are you really …?”
Azar's frosty, piercing eyes looked deep into the young human bright emerald gaze. “You’re not afraid? Sitting in front of a man like me? Alone and defenseless ….”
“You are trouble … and dangerous …. !” The young human responded, “But I know that you’re also kind and noble. If you have any ill intent, you would have done so a long time ago ….”
Azar and Elly shared a smile,
“So, why are you so interested in the Elite Academy, Azar ?”
“Nothing in particular, but if you can tell me about who runs it and the current teachers as well, it could help me a lot ….”
“Still as secretive as the day we met”
“I never lie _.”
“No, but you never told us the whole story …” Elly smiled and shook her head. “As much as I believe in you, Azar. And I do. But right now, everything is still in chaos. The councils are heavily divided. My father is under a lot of stress. Whatever you have in mind, whatever it is, I hope that you can postpone it until everything is cooled off.”
Azar did not know if he should be surprised at this point. There was so much more in these humans than met the eyes. It was very diplomatic of her, not saying no, but definitely not a yes. She understood that Azar was someone they would want to keep close, so she tried to gain his trust, praising him as kind and brave, promising her trust, yet still keeping his influence at bay. It was a smart and respectable move from the little human. If Azar was her, he would have done the same. All around her was chaos, and Azar would only bring more chaos into her world.
With a bitter smile, Azar stood up and walked to the balcony
“I have many secrets, things that I can’t explain … But one thing I can promise you, I mean you no harm …” Azar's low and husky voice warmed the room.
“I know… I know that from the first day we met” The princess gave a cheeky smile. That puking really helped form our bond ….”
BANG !!!
A flash of bright blinding lightning splitted the sky, followed by an explosion coming from the castle’s garden.
“Azar !!!?” Elly jumped. That lightning came out of nowhere and caught the princess completely off guard.
Azar sensed something odd, ... something ancient, lingering in the air after the lightning struck.
“What was that !?!?”
“Chaos …” Azar instinctively responded. An uneasy sensation crept up on Azar, “Something very wrong is happening….”
“Are we under attack !!!???” General Geralt led a squad of Royal Guards and reached the castle’s garden. And something out of the ordinary did happen; somehow, despite the light barrier above Tolemac, a strong lightning bolt got through the barrier and hit the ground. But it was where it hit that led to the utter chaos in Tolemac.
“It splitted !!!”
“What are those symbols !?!”
The lightning had split the stone, where the legendary Durandal sword once kept. And on the stone core, ancient words appeared, giving all the humans a quest.
“Only a true heir to the throne can have the gift of true immortality.”. Alongside those words, a symbol that shook everyone to their core
“It’s the Holy Grail !!!”
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