《The Revenge Story Of The Holder Of 【The Archives Of Knowledge】 In Another World》Chapter 17: Preparations And Improvement


“There should be a river north of here”(Soma)

Soma looked at the map given to him by Clara and headed north, the direction of the river. He continued to walk for one hour and then the river became visible to him.

“Good, now I can start experimenting with some of my skills”(Soma)

Soma walked to the river, and then he used {Create File}, {Name File}, and {Store}on the sand on the side of the river and the clay at the bottom of the river, doing so he was able to store pure sand and clay without any unwanted impurities.

After that, he used his sword to cut down a couple of trees and used the knowledge of one of the disposed of people, that person was a famous carpenter in his world, but he was summoned to this world without any skills and for that, he was disposed of, Soma used the knowledge of that carpenter and made a simple table and chair, and then he used the magic {Alchemy} to make bowls, cups, pots, and dishes out of the clay, and then he used that same magic again to make glass bottles using the sand he collected along with the clay.

Doing that alone took him a lot of time and it was already night, so he erected a barrier and placed down bedding he made previously from the monsters’ hide in the Bloody Hole, after that, he used some of the leftover wood and ignited a campfire and started cooking some lizard’s meat he got from the third floor and some big green beans from the Beanstalk monster, after that, he finished eating dinner and slept for the night.

In the next morning, he started by killing the monsters glaring at him from outside the barrier, and then he went to clean himself in the river and then after eating he went back to make more glass bottles, once the number of bottles he has in {Store} reached more than a thousand he stopped making more of them, after that, he took out leaves of the Demonic Elder Treants he killed in the second floor and then referenced the knowledge he has and started making Healing Potions out of the leaves using {Alchemy}, one leaf for Low Healing Potion and two leaves for Intermediate Healing Potion and three for Advanced one.


He filled all the bottles he had with the potions he made and right now he has in {Store} hundreds of each type of potions, but at the end, he used less than one Demonic Elder Treant’s portion of leaves to make all the potions he made, and since it was already night by the time he was done, he stopped for this day and went to sleep.

In the next morning, he was greeted by Aion Who finished the fusion with Soma.

“Good morning Soma-sama, I’m done with the fusion and so you can use me anytime you want to!”(Aion)

“Good morning, no need to attach ‘sama’ soma is enough, for now, let's test the Spirit Possession”(Soma)

“Got it!”(Aion)

Aion’s body started shining and disappeared inside Soma’s body, after that, Soma’s hair became white and his eyes blue and even his facial structure changed slightly.

“So that’s what happens when using Spirit Possession…”(Soma)

“Spirit Possession depends on the master’s INT stat, that includes the time limit, mana detection, physical and magical enhancement, and Spirit True Form Summoning”(Aion)

“Aion, what does your true form looks like?”(Soma)

“A 500 meters long Ancient Dragon…”(Aion)

“Really?! That big?”(Soma)

“…Yeah, it’s a form that can’t be used most of the time, for me, it’s an inconvenient form that I wish I didn’t have…”(Aion)

After finishing his conversation with Aion, Soma started working on his armor and sword next, he started by working on his armor by remaking it from scratch, he started by replacing the black leather of the three-headed wolf monster with the scaly leather of the Blue Giant Basilisk he fought on the third floor, and then he added the exoskeleton of the Two-Tailed Gray Scorpion he fought on the fourth floor, he used the exoskeleton to cover the chest, joints, and shoulder areas of the armor, and after he did the same to the boots he started strengthening the armor and boots by fusing mana crystals into them, and then he enchanted them.


After that, he unsheathed the sword and made holes on the handle, guard, and blade’s parts of the sword, and then he fitted magic stones he took out of the bodies of the strongest monsters he killed in the Bloody Hole, and then he further enchanted the sword and the magic stones adding the function of a magic wand to his sword and after doing the same to the sheath he strengthened them with mana crystals.

After that, he ate lunch and collected his things and headed for the second capital of Valc Kingdom, Elk.

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