《The Awakened World》Vol. 2, Ch. 20 : I have got to stop waking up in strange places


I wake up in a very uncomfortable chair. I look around and seem to be in some kind of futuristic hospital room. However, instead of a slightly weird bed, I am in a padded metal chair. I see some pad attached to my arm leading to a screen that displays my vitals. After remembering what happened at the institute, I assume I'm not in any danger and relax.

Some time later, I hear a hiss as the door to the room opens and see one Dr. Thomas Archimedes enter the room. "You-You're-" I stammer. "Be still. You might want to check your System Notifications." He tells me. I accept his advice and see that I have one pending notification.

[ Through external sources you have unlocked the skill: Radiation Resistance(Minimum,Passive) ]

[ Radiation Resistance - Allows the user resistance to harmful amounts of radiation based on skill proficiency. ]

"Oh, how did I get this?" I question Thomas. "After the explosion, we escaped with minimal injuries but some radiation affected us. I already removed all damage from you though." "We?" "Right. Introductions. Hello, I am Dr. Thomas Archimedes also known as the villain CyberKnight." "Alice Windshaw. Silvernight." I reply too tired to deal with everything. "Are there any more secrets your family wants to disclose?" "Hmm. Other than meeting Nora, no. None at the moment. You are really taking this well. People would usually react more violently to finding out massive secrets that someone near them is keeping." "After the last few weeks I've learned to just roll with it."

"Where's Dominic?" I ask realizing nobody else is in this medical bay with me. "He is already a regular human and is happily returned to his mother. You're the last person to wake up. Alright. After some rest, I'll give you a tour and explanation of future plans." I give a murmur of approval as sleep takes me.


I wake up to see two lizard eyes staring into my own. She continues looking at me as I look over the small figure of a female child. She is wearing a white, red and gold frilly dress with two red, bat-like wings sprouting out of her back. Her small hands are sporting long, sharp nails on her otherwise human hands. When she notices me look at her hands, her nails retract. On her cheeks are crimson scales. I can't tell if she has them anywhere else due to her clothing. Her temples also have large curly horns coming out.


"Hi." She spouts cheerfully. "I'm Nora! The amazing dragonewt that watched over you in your sleep!" She continues shouting. At the moment I hear the door hiss open and see Thomas walk through it. "Nora, leave the girl be, she just woke up." He comments on Nora attempting to climb on my chair. "Okay!" She says and darts out of the still open door. Thomas looks back to me. "Right, so tour?" I nod my head in affirmation, get up, and follow Thomas out the door.

"The room you were just in was the Med bay. Capable of healing any medical injury that doesn't require precise surgery. As long as you aren't dead we can probably save you. Of course the power requirements for such operations are…extensive."

"This room is the kitchen. Fully stocked with your five basic food groups. If you are craving something out of that range we do have a matter fabricator tuned towards edible food. The kitchen is attached to the living room where all of our electronic entertainment resides."

"This is the library. While it may be smaller than the one at my penthouse, it still has a digital copy of the same books. Just less physical ones, even if it has every book in the world. It is also completely soundproof."

"This is the residential corridor. Every room here is identical but I have nanobot control units in each so that the rooms can be easily customized. The beds and pillows are made from angel feathers, the sheets are made from dream threads, and the frame is made from neutron-core alloy. I know that you don't know what any of those are, just know it's the best."

"This is one of Aria's rooms. They basically are a place for her to stay in case one of her other rooms are destroyed. Aria is actually built into this base, however she doesn't like creating multiple instances of herself since the action is akin to giving yourself schizophrenia. And she can put herself into android bodies. She's busy with my wife right now."


"This is the power station room. It generates all of the power for this base. It usually uses several fusion reactors, but, in the event those don't work, we also have a miniature Dyson sphere in there." I was about to ask what a Dyson sphere was but he moved on.

"And the final room on our tour, disregarding some uninteresting stuff, is the observation deck. If you want to climb up the ladder and see the amazing view." I follow his advice to see the entire room is a dome of glass. Actually it is a frame of steel in the shape of a dome with hexagonal panes of glass. The major thing is they're all pitch black. "Welcome, to the bottom of the Mariana Trench." He flips a switch and lights up the surrounding ocean area. The cave system that the base is built into immediately lights up in a wave of rainbow. "The bacteria surrounding us are heavily mana saturated and shine when light is focused on them." Thomas explains from behind me.

"Now future plans. Jacque is missing. We don't know if he escaped the explosion or if he died, but we know that he was of the opinion that all heroes are evil. He is wrong. It's just that all of the terrible ones are concentrated in New York. Now there are a few people, mainly employees, that are still missing. My dear Sophia is still looking for them at the wreckage though." I have the feeling he is hiding something from me. "How do we leave?" I ask. "Usually we would take one of the deep-sea vehicles, but I think my wife and I can just teleport you between here and wherever you want to be."

"Dad, Alice, we have a problem." Aria grabs our attention. "What is it?" Thomas asks. "Mom and I found a certain person in the wreckage. Please come to the morgue." Thomas looks to me and leads me to the morgue. In the middle of the room is a table with something under a tarp. Thomas lifts it up and shows us a heavily charred corpse.

"Who is it?" I ask Aria. "She's…she's your friend, Natalie." My head goes blank. Natalie? Is she dead? Probably. The corpse in front of me is said to be her, but it can't. Right? "When the explosion occurred, she sheltered Dominic with her body." Oh, she sacrificed her life. I didn't know she was capable of something so selfless. So why did she have to leave? Why did she leave Maddy and me behind? I know she was on tense terms with her parents but she had us! We were her friends!

"My condolences." Aria states solemnly. Wait. The Med bay. "Thomas. Can you save her? The Med bay must be able to do something!?" I practically beg him to do something. He shakes his head. "Sorry. She's already gone. We can at least give her some peace though." Is he implying a funeral? No. There must be something. Thomas's hand glows blue as I am forcefully teleported to his penthouse. All I hear as I leave is a sigh.

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