《A Hero Among Us》Chapter 40 "The First Hurdle"
Hayze stares at his ringing phone.
Hayze: (No Caller ID? Nope.)
Hayze declines the phone call. The phone starts ringing again.
Hayze: Huh? Take the hint.
Hayze declines the call again, but the phone begins ringing immediately.
Hayze: *sighs*
Hayze answers the phone.
Hayze: Hello?
Hayze: Who calls with no caller ID!
Hayze: That’s great for you, but nobody picks up calls without caller ID…
Voice: *phone* Goddammit!
The phone call ends.
Hayze: Weird guy…
Voice: What was that?
Hayze turns around. A man has snuck up behind him, startling him.
Man: Your file didn’t mention you were annoying.
Hayze: Who the hell are you?
Man: I’m the guy that has to deal with you for the next week.
Hayze: So you’re “Copycat?”
Hayze: Okay, okay!
Adrian: Nobody ever got the damn name right… whatever, it’s fine. I don’t use that name anymore; I’m Adrian Rodgers, but just call me Adrian.
Hayze: What about A-Rod?
Adrian: Kid, I will send you back to U.A. so fast-
Hayze: It’s just a joke; lighten up.
Adrian rubs his hand down his face and sighs.
Adrian: Sorry, I don’t talk to people much anymore. I guess I’m a little out of practice when it comes to conversing with people.
Hayze: Um… alright, that’s okay…
Adrian: I guess we should just get right into the nitty-gritty here. Your first task is simple: you're gonna walk to my house.
Hayze: O- Okay. Uh… how far is it?
Adrian points up the mountains.
Hayze: Oh…
Adrian: 20 miles that way.
Hayze: 20!
Adrian: Yes, and I have some rules for you.
Hayze: Rules?
Adrian: 1: your quirk has to be active if you want to progress if it’s off, you can’t move forward at all.
Hayze: (What?)
Adrian: 2: You can’t use your quirk to help you in any way.
Hayze: (Are you serious!)
Adrian pulls out a map and hands it to Hayze.
Adrian: 3: You have to follow the path I’ve outlined for you on this map perfectly, with no shortcuts of any kind.
Hayze: The last one makes sense, but don’t the first two contradict? What’s the point of having my quirk on if I can’t use it?
Adrian: How did you lose in the Sports Festival?
Hayze is caught off guard by the question.
Adrian: Well, are you gonna answer?
Hayze: I… I passed out from exhaustion.
Adrian: And what caused that exhaustion?
Hayze: My quirk.
Adrian: Mhm, from what I can tell right now, you have about a 20-minute window to use your quirk before you’re forced to power down or pass out. This is followed by a 30 minute cooldown period where you are essentially useless.
Hayze: (20 minutes? That’s the same as when I finished my training with Fatal… I guess I haven’t improved as much as I thought…)
Adrian: You clearly don’t have strong natural stamina, and I can’t train you if your time to rest is higher than your time to act. This first task will help you increase your timeframe to fight. You’re going to push your quirk beyond its own limits.
Hayze: I can do that?
Adrian: Of course, you see quirks are just like any muscle in the body. To make it stronger, you have to tear it apart, then it rebuilds itself more robust than it was before.
Hayze: But what if I just keep passing out after 20 minutes?
Adrian: Then that’s something you’ll have to fight through. If you want to defeat opponents like your classmate Justus, you need to get past this extremely debilitating aspect of your ability. If you don’t, you’ll never be anything more than a low-rank hero.
Hayze shutters.
Adrian: I’m giving you this task because I believe you can complete it. But that all depends on you… do you have the willpower to break your limit over and over?
Hayze: Of course I do!
Adrian pats Hayze on the shoulder.
Adrian: Then hop to it. When you reach my home, you'll have a test: keep your quirk active for 30 minutes consecutively. If you can do that, I’ll train you; but if you can’t… Well, you’ll have to do the whole climb again.
Hayze: Understood.
Adrian: Good luck.
Adrian starts walking away from Hayze.
Adrian: If you haven’t arrived by sunset, I’ll come looking for you.
Adrian stops and turns around.
Adrian: Oh also, hand me that briefcase and that gauntlet on your arm.
Hayze: Alright.
Hayze does so.
Adrian: Sorry can’t leave any advantages for you.
Adrian leaves.
Hayze: (He’s weird, but he seems wise. Even if I get stronger, it won’t matter if I continue to be hindered by my stamina. I need to improve that first before I can get to mastering my quirk.)
Hayze starts walking up the trail, his eyes change to yellow.
Hayze: (I wonder how everyone else is doing with their internships?)
Silver gets thrown out of a fighting ring by Black Hollow.
Silver: *groans*
Black Hollow: It’s too easy to knock you off your feet; you lack balance.
Silver picks himself off the ground.
Black Hollow: Control over your quirk requires you to be grounded. A lack of balance in your fighting style will not bode well for you.
Silver: I don’t get it. I’m standing upright. What about that isn’t balance?
Black Hollow: Try to punch me.
Silver: Why? You’re just going to dodge it.
Black Hollow: No, I will not.
Silver: *sighs* Alright, let’s give this a go.
Silver winds up his fist and tries to punch him. Black Hollow quickly grabs Silver’s fist, stopping him.
Silver: I thought you-
Black Hollow: I said I wouldn’t dodge it. I never said I wouldn’t block it.
Silver: Isn’t that basically the same thing?
Black Hollow releases Silver’s fist.
Black Hollow: I can block your punch easily because it has no conviction behind it. Explain to me how you would throw a punch.
Silver: Um… I would wind back my arm and swing it at someone? Isn’t that obvious?
Black Hollow: And there is your problem. You’re punching with your arm.
Silver: ...but… that’s how you punch…
Black Hollow: That’s how a weakling that loses in the first-round punches.
Silver: Hey!
Black Hollow: Balance is the most important aspect of combat. You see, the key isn’t to punch with your arm. It’s to punch with your entire body.
Silver: What do you mean by that? Punching with my body?
Black Hollow: If you punch with your arm, the blow will only be as strong as your arm is, but if you punch with your body, the impact will be as powerful as your whole body, you see?
Silver: I guess that makes sense, but how do you punch with your body?
Black Hollow: It’s all in your stance, my boy, and most importantly, you need to stay balanced. Watch as I demonstrate.
Silver watches Black Hollow.
Silver: (His lessons are long-winded but wise at the same time. I must take in everything he teaches me to get stronger for the next time my classmates and I face off. Of course, they’re also using their internships to become stronger as well… I can’t wait to see how everyone progresses.)
Isaiah and Demetri are sitting in seats across from each other in the waiting room of a hero agency. Both look frustrated.
Demetri: So you picked this place too, HUH!
Isaiah: I submitted my papers first, so I technically picked him before you did, you copycat!
Demetri: No, you didn’t, you neanderthal!
Isaiah: Oh, resorting to name-calling, you loser!
Demetri: You just called me a name, you bastard!
Isaiah: Pig!
Demetri: Biclops!
Isaiah: Puppet Freak!
Demetri: Fuckface!
Isaiah: Buttface!
A door slams open as a big hero walks out with an angry look on his face; his fists are made of rock.
Isaiah and Demetri both go quiet and start shaking in fear.
Boulderfist: *sighs* I didn’t know I’d be getting the duds when I signed up to take on students from U.A., Jesus Christ…
Isaiah: Sorry, sir.
Demetri: Won’t happen again.
Boulderfist: Don’t apologize to me. Apologize to your school for being so disappointing!
Aaron and Big Tank walk down the streets of Nashville. A trio of kids run towards them.
Kid 1: Look guys, heroes!
Kid 2: That’s Big Tank. He’s awesome!
Kid 3: Are you here to protect us from bad guys?
Big Tank: Of course we are, little one, nothing bad will happen on my watch, now run along and have fun. We’ve got some work to do.
Kids: Okay!
The three kids run past Aaron and Big Tank.
Big Tank: That’s the best of this job, Howitzer. Knowing that you’re a role model to the next generation.
Aaron: Yeah… pretty cool
Big Tank: This part of the city falls under my agency’s jurisdiction. So, it’s our job to protect it.
Aaron: So, is this just a routine patrol? You seem like you’re heading somewhere specific.
Big Tank: That’s because I am.
Big Tank continues walking down the street, Aaron resumes walking alongside him.
Big Tank: I’ve got some people I need to talk to.
Aaron: Mind filling me in or?
Big Tank: I got word that a gang has been causing trouble around here.
Aaron: What kind of trouble?
Big Tank: They've been extorting people around here for protection, saying that for a bit of money, they’ll protect them from rival gangs. Turf wars can get ugly; that’s why I gotta set these knuckleheads straight.
Big Tank turns down a dark alleyway.
Big Tank: They’re this way.
Aaron follows.
Big Tank: It’s already tough enough for people that live here; they don’t need these bastards taking their money too.
Aaron: So then, what’s the plan?
Big Tank: I’m gonna talk to ‘em, and we’ll see where it goes from there.
The alleyway leads to a large warehouse. Big Tank walks up and knocks on the entrance; there is no response.
Aaron: Looks like they aren’t courteous.
Big Tank: I guess we’re gonna have to do this the fun way. Just stay back and let me handle this. You’re only supposed to observe here, don’t intervene unless I tell you to.
Aaron: Will do.
Big Tank presses a button on the collar of his shirt. It’s an amplifier that makes it sound like he’s talking through a megaphone.
Big Tank: Attention, Assholes! Your trash bag leader has 10 seconds to get out here before I open these doors faster than your mother spread her legs for me last night!
No response. Big Tank clicks the button on his collar again.
Big Tank: Looks like we’re gonna do this the even more fun way!
Big Tank starts walking away from the doors.
Aaron: So… what’s the plan now?
Big Tank: I already said it. We’re doing this the fun way.
Big Tank gets down on all fours and points his tank cannon at the entrance.
Aaron: You know what? That is fun.
Big Tank: 5! 4!
No response.
Big Tank: 3! 2!
The entrance opens. 60 gang members stream out with guns, crowbars, and other blunt objects in hand and circle around Big Tank and Aaron.
Aaron: Definitely fun.
Big Tank: The girls all came with their purses, cute.
One of the gang members steps forward.
Big Tank: You the queen of this castle?
Eddie: Very funny, the name’s Eddie. Why the hell are you yelling outside our doors, old man?
Big Tank: Old man? I’m only in my 30’s, you little bastard!
Eddie: Yeah, so you’re pretty close to death then?
Big Tank smiles.
Big Tank: You know who I am, right?
Eddie: An idiot?
Big Tank: I can tell by your attitude you’re not gonna listen to what I have to say, am I right?
Eddie: Oh, I’ll listen, that doesn’t mean I’ll care.
Big Tank: Well, you better, I’ve been hearing rumors about you and your friends, extorting the people around here.
Eddie: Extorting? We ain’t done none of that.
Big Tank: Don’t lie to me, you idiot. I wouldn’t be here if that weren’t true.
Eddie: Then why are you asking? We’ve just been offering these people protection from other gangs for a small price.
Big Tank: There are a few problems with that. 1: that’s what extortion is; 2: “small” is not what I’d describe your price margin, 3: There are no other gangs for you to protect them from.
Eddie: No other gangs? What are you talking about? There are plenty of gangs around here.
Big Tank: None with balls big enough to try anything as dumb as what you’re doing.
Eddie: Explain.
Big Tank: Whenever a gang starts causing mischief, I set them straight with an ultimatum, either A: You sit on your hands and behave or B: I beat every one of you into the ground and arrest all of you.
Eddie: Huh, that’s interesting.
Big Tank: Well, you’re on the clock now, buddy. Pick one: A or B.
Eddie thinks for a few moments.
Eddie: Nah, we’re gonna go with C.
The gang members all raise their weapons toward Big Tank and Aaron.
Aaron: (This isn’t good… Big Tank may be a top hero, but this is a severe numerical disadvantage we’re facing, and I’m not allowed to help.)
Eddie: Now, how about you boys get out of here before you make me mad.
Big Tank: No.
Eddie: Suit yourselves.
Eddie raises his hand in the air.
Eddie: You sure about this?
Big Tank: As sure as you are an idiot.
Eddie: Alrighty then. Hope you enjoy the afterlife!
Eddie starts to lower his hand.
Aaron: (Oh shit!)
Eddie’s arm stops. The gang members and Aaron look confused.
Gang Member: Uh? Boss?
Eddie keels over unconscious with a tranquilizer dart in the back of his neck. Everyone besides Big Tank looks confused.
Aaron: What just happened?
Big Tank: You boys should learn your alphabet, he said C, but he meant B.
The gang members turn their attention back to Big Tank and Aaron.
Gang Member: We’ll get you for that!
Big Tank: No, you won’t.
Gang Member: Fire!
Suddenly, all remaining gang members keel over unconscious with darts in their necks. Big Tank clicks the button on his collar.
Big Tank: Good work, boys.
A bunch of men in military attire reveal themselves from the rooftops.
Big Tank: Let that be a lesson, kid, don’t go in half-cocked if you don’t have an ace in the hole.
Aaron: So… You wanted them to think they had control that whole time?
Big Tank: If they surrendered to me with that clear of a numbers advantage, then I know for a fact that they’re too afraid of me to break our agreement. If they don’t… Well, something along these lines happens.
Police cars start rolling onto the scene. Big Tank approaches Eddie.
Big Tank: This little girl will be one popular prison bitch. I’ll tell you what.
Aaron: (He wanted them to have a sense of security when giving them the ultimatum to ensure that whatever they do is their true intention. If he rolled in here with his whole entire outfit and forced these guys to play nice, there’s no way to assure that they wouldn’t go back on the deal. He talks big, and he isn’t stupid. I’m glad I picked him.)
Night has fallen as Hayze is sitting on a tree branch. He’s sweaty and breathing heavily.
Hayze: (I’m so exhausted… I’ve never been this tired in my life. But, it’ll be worth it to train and become stronger with Adrian. I have to keep improving if I want to achieve my dream… and this challenge is only one small step in my journey.)
Up in the mountains, Adrian stares out the window of his home.
Adrian: (He’ll probably get here early tomorrow, so I’ll have to be prepared with some moves to teach him if he can sustain his quirk for long enough.)
Adrian walks to his fireplace. He reaches his hand up and into the chimney and pulls out a dusty box.
Adrian: (It’s been a long time since I’ve had a reason to pull this thing out.)
Adrian places the box on a table.
Adrian: (This changed my life… for better or worse, I don’t know.)
Adrian looks at an old picture of himself, Fatal, and Walker on his fireplace.
Adrian: (Sometimes I wish I chose differently, I ruined my relationships with my closest friends.)
Adrian opens the box.
Adrian: (But this…)
Adrian takes out a ring with a green gem and the Greek symbol Theta engraved in it. Adrian puts the ring on, and his irises change to red at the same time.
Adrian: This is more important.
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