《A Knight's Lilies》Chapter 18: The Last Hunter
“Outlanders have always played an important role in the history of Cyndralia. From serving as generals, leaders, heroes and other prestigious positions that allowed for the steady growth of society as well as the development of many technologies. As of recent years however, ever since The Wrath of Tesadus sent some celestial body crashing into the Praemoni Deadlands, the Church of Astralis has taken up a curious policy of taking in almost all outlanders they have found. Now, it's not strange for someone to covet the outlander's powers and often the church is just as greedy. But the scale of their operations now? Something is up, I'm sure of it. I just need you to buy me more time." - Archmagi Volus Seratus, Royal Mage of Berenia, "Missive to Lady Mayor Kantrel of Sturmbreaker"
“I assume this lines up with most of everyone's experiences so far?” Master Albert queried, a series of grunts and nods being his answer, “In that case I presume you are all quite exhausted so please forgive me for keeping everyone, but we are now adjourned for the day. I expect team leaders to report to me again tomorrow, so please hold off on accepting any important contracts as of now, should there be conflicts and we can discuss compensation.”
Gil, Markus and Syneros gave their assent and the room began to disperse, the people filling out as their time here finally came to a close.
“I know it was tough to go over everything and you must be tired Sophie, but thank you nonetheless. Still, Gil, Riza, Sophie, a moment more please.” Master Albert added.
“Riza I assume you already had lodging with the rest of your team?”
Sophie watched the cat visibly depress her ears at the mention of her friends and moved to comfort her.
“My apologies for such a tragedy, I was merely going to suggest taking Sophie with you for now, both for company sake and to help…organize your belongings.” Master Albert lowered his voice, “I know how hard it is to lose friends so if you want some time away from the guild I’ll understand.”
Riza nodded despondent and wandered over into Sophie’s hug. Master Albert took a moment to process the scene before he turned to Gil and Annalise, the two others who still lingered besides the secretary.
“Gil, Anna.”
“Yeah, we’ll be back and we’ll take care of them.” Annalise replied for the two, giving Gil a small pat on the shoulder to hurry him along. “See you later Master Albert. Riza do you…” She asked tentatively as she practically shoved Gil outside.
“It’s fine…I know…I know the way to go. Come on Sophie. Guildmaster.” Riza tugged at her sleeve and Sophie shuffled out with her, casting a nervous glance back before they left the room.
The first floor of the guild hall was more like a mixture of a tavern mixed with a study. They passed through the lounge and into the foyer, a small bar still servicing adventures that lingered around whilst on the opposite side beyond the main entry was an area with small booths. Most filled with guilders discussing jobs or plans with each other or with potential clients. Beyond that a small door led to the guild bunkhouses and as Gil waved them goodbye, Annalise tapped both their shoulders before they departed.
“Riza, Sophie. Our team is currently based here if you need us alright? Sara and I will come over tomorrow morning just to make sure you guys are okay.” Annalise flashed them a concerned gaze and Riza merely nodded whilst Sophie mustered up her most comforting smile.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.” She replied.
“I know, I’m just worried about you two.” Annalise finished with an exasperated sigh, but her slightly accusatory tone Sophie understood and she stiffened at the thought. The two had not been able to share a private moment to discuss her night terrors and understandably the ranger was still worried about her mental stability. But Sophie was relatively certain it would be fine, the creature had even manifested while she was awake and did not no real damage. At least, not anything she was aware of.
“Annalise, we’ll be fine. You’ll be the first person I tell if something happens.” Sophie said, surprised at her own raspy voice from talking so much.
Annalise grinned and responded with a tired smile. “Fine, fine. Now go get some rest and drink plenty alright?”
“I-I will!”
“Hah, I’ll see you two tomorrow, Sophie, Riza.”
“Nn, night.”
With one last concerned look thrown at Riza, Annalise’s eyes pleaded with Sophie to take care of the cat before she disappeared behind the door. The air heavy around her as she absently gave Riza a small ruffle.
“C’mon Riza, let’s go.”
“Nnn.” Riza murmured her agreement and the two set off with Sophie trailing only slightly behind.
They left the Grand Platz as countless people still mulled about the area, buying wares or just strolling by under the clear night sky. The increase in townspeople and wanderers however only made Sophie more nervous as she clutched Riza’s arm, Annalise’s warnings about staying hidden ringing loud and clear. It also didn’t reassure her on the far side the church convoy had finally passed through the town and an ever growing curious crowd of onlookers ogled the new arrivals as a menacing minotaur and black clad soldiers tried in vain to shoo the crowd away.
Riza yanked Sophie’s arm and the half elf quickly moved to follow, her attention drawn back to the cat.
They passed by more townhouses as the buildings grew more well decorated, more splendid as they followed the road leading to the second wall of the city. Was Riza’s group made out of nobles? Sophie thought for a bewildered moment only for her to be dragged along up a sloped road to the side.
Her awe at Riza’s potential nobility only came to a halt when they had trekked what felt like twenty tiring minutes, no way a noble walks this much. They had curved far past the gateway and as her legs threatened to give out they reached a small break in the rows of houses that led to a small park, taking up barely any land, the plot of dirt with only a few flower beds it still proved a welcome distraction from the drab cobble roads. At the end of the square was a rather squat but wide building, a four story townhouse style building with protruding extensions here and there. Like a makeshift building made out of the cut parts from others.
As if reading her thoughts Riza turned to Sophie, “Welcome to our…my home for now...” She choked back a small sob, “The…Last Hunter…hah…” and Riza broke down in tears, the irony cracking the dam that held back the flood.
Thrown into a confused panic Sophie quickly helped Riza settle on a nearby bench as she threw her arms in a comforting hug over the cat.
“Bleh…Sophie…wah.” Riza rasped out before bursting into more tears.
“Shh…it’s okay…I’m here…shhh…” Sophie comforted her.
“Weh nyenk nyou wah.”
“Uhh yeah, it’s alright…there, there.”
She cradled Riza in her arms and tried stroking her fur gently, only for the cat to wiggle her disapproval while sobbing and she held back. Her wails echoed through the night in this quiet district and Sophie could feel the eyes starting to settle upon them.
“Maybe we should get you inside and get some food?”
“Nyeh ish wowkay.”
“Weh nish…guh nuh….it’s kay…wesh go in.” Riza tried to speak and Sophie quickly understood and rubbed the girl’s head.
“I hear you, I hear you. There, there. Here, easy now.” Sophie stood up and gently pulled the sobbing cat up, “Up you…Ngh!” Sophie yelped in surprise as she was thrown backwards.
“Guh!” She cried out as she landed with a heavy thud on the floor. Winded and stunned at the sudden viciousness she looked back to see a trio of people hovering over the crying cat.
“Lassie are you alright?”
“Don’t worry girl, the bad guy can’t hurt you anymore.”
“Nyeh weh?” Riza cried out.
“The hells you doing to this girl? Huh?!” A scuffy voice growled.
“Huh? Me?” Sophie asked, her eyes wide in confusion.
“Pfft, playing dumb eh? And trying hide, this fucker huh?!” The man jumped backward in surprise. He moved in and threw back Sophie’s hood before she had time to recover and now watched as the three townspeople stare at her in disgusted horror.
“A fucking knifey huh?” Growled the first man, a gruffer voice than the other.
“The saint damned hells are you doing out here?” The soft voiced woman questioned.
“Hiding and terrifying the citizens, no doubt, never content are they, ptui!” Scuffy suggested as he hawked a wad of spit on the ground in front of Sophie.
“Huh?” Sophie blinked back her surprise as she touched her own ears, still confused at what just happened.
“Not content to fester in your own commune? Preying on the good folk now?!” Scuffy continued.
“What? No!”
“Oh? Then the hells do you explain how you made the beastkid cry eh? The hells more do you want?!”
“I-I-I, nothing! I just, she’s my friend!”
“Nyeh yur.” Riza tried to agree.
“There, there she can’t hurt you anymore, we’ll keep you safe.” Soft voice reassured Riza, only earning herself the cat's bewildered gaze.
“She’s too far from her kin anyways.” Gruff voice suggested.
“Oh?” Scuffy rose an eyebrow.
“Aye.” Gruff said with a glint in his eye.
Sophie watched in horror as the men approached and as she moved to make distance, taking the opportunity Riza pounced at Scuffy and sent him collapsing onto the floor.
“You leave my friend alone!” Riza screamed, her sniffling barely contained and Gruff immediately backed off.
“What are you doing?!”
The other two townspeople exclaimed, their confusion etched on their faces.
“Get off!” Scuffy roared and Sophie watched in horror as Riza was launched off the man and fell in a heap next to a flowerbed.
“If she’s with the elf she’s just as bad.” Scuff stood back up and unsheathed a knife from his belt.
“That’s a bit much.”
But his compatriots' warnings ran hollow as Scuff charged at Sophie and she desperately dodged the man, crushing a small bed of roses and cutting her palm on the thorns. Quickly picking herself up she fought back the pain as she moved to dodge once again.
Yet, her wounds had not properly healed and in a moment of weakness her leg tingled slightly and kept her off kilter, all the man needed to find an opening. He charged forth once more and as the moonlight glinted off the blade Sophie grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it in his face. she grabbed a fistful of dirt and scattered it in his face.
He screamed in a mixture of frustration and agony as dirt landed in his eyes, throwing him off balance just enough for Sophie to escape with only a small cut on her arm as the knife plunged downwards. Recovering in but a moment the man tracked Sophie with murderous intent and the two circled each other as she debated how best to flee.
“Little knife eared kobald, take my brother and now you’re here to rub it in. Why won’t you…”
“Enough!” A yell echoed from across the park. A giant man capable of wrestling the eight foot tall church minotaur marched towards them, an ornate but deadly warhammer in one hand and a fist the size of a head clenched in the other. Veins and scars dotted his arms and face and as he approached Sophie snuck a glance at Scuff and found that his visage had paled in fright.
As he lifted the warhammer up with both hands as if ready to strike, Scuff quickly threw down his knife and walked backwards ever so slightly, his legs trembling. Taking advantage of the moment Riza pushed herself up and dashed past Scuff and quickly shielded Sophie from the townspeople, a look of fury mixed into her sad eyes. The giant took one look at the carnage to the flowerbeds and roared in fury.
“Maud’s flowers, the hells did you all do?”
Sophie looked uncertain and moved to reply when Riza quickly shook her head.
“We were just toying with the knife is all, thought we’d get some pay back yeah?” Scuff pleaded, a desperate looknig around him only to find his compatriots already vanished as he looked around desperately. “I mean you’d want to right? After everything…”
“The hells that supposed to mean, you saying I can’t do that on my own terms?” The giant growled, his form now looming over the small park.
“I’ve told you lot to stop causing a ruckus before, haven't I? Make like your friend Tomas and get out of here before my patience runs out.”
“R-right!” Scuff replied, and quickly ran off into the dark streets, his gaze one of hatred thrown at Sophie before he disappeared.
“So what have we here?” The giant growled as he finally turned to face the two and Sophie stifled a yelp as she hid behind Riza.
The cat on the other hand, dropped her shoulders and sighed. “Sir Wilfred…”
Surprised, the man lowered his weapon and strode over, mumbling something strange as he did so. Faint light glowed briefly from his palm as it intertwined with the moonlight and Sophie could swear she saw the roses and flowers shine with vigor once again. A mage? Here?
“H-oh! Riza from Valryx’s gang, and pray tell why are you protecting one of them?” His not so subtle jab at Sophie made her wince, though she was uncertain if it was from the stinging thorns, the cut or the barbed words as she slowly shifted out from Riza’s shadow.
“Sir…” Riza began but Sophie could see the pain in her eyes and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
Riza turned to smile appreciatively only for her eyes to widen at the sight of Sophie’s wounds. Sophie for her part tried to shake her head in assurance but they found their brief moment interrupted by the man entering with striking range.
“So? Who is this then?”
The girls shared a look before Riza moved to speak only for Sophie to beat her to the punch.
“My umm name is Sophie and I’m a friend of Riza’s. We came here from the guild and umm nice to meet you?” She tried to add, but finally understood how Scuff had paled under the man’s intense gaze as he remained impassive at her words.
“Ummm they wanted me to stay with her and…”
“They’re dead Sir Wilfred, everyone died.” Riza interjected bluntly, stopping Sophie mid sentence. Though Sophie could hear the sorrow in her voice, the catfolk’s face was eerily neutral. “And Sophie saved me.” She choked back another sob.
“Oh, oh. Why don’t you two come in then? I’m sure you could use some warm food at least, I know you lot liked the mutton pie, why don’t I have Maud whip one up for you?” Sir Wilfred said as he knelt in front of the Riza, the menacing aura all but dissipated as he adopted one of somber kindness in his efforts to comfort the poor girl.
Riza grit her teeth and nodded, giving Sophie’s sleeve a gentle tug only to realize her hand and arm was still wounded and looked horrified once again at the sight.
Seeing the reaction, Sophie moved to calm her once again only for Wilfred to stand up and take a look at her.
“Don’t worry, we’ll patch this up nice and easy, just head inside first and don’t worry about making a mess.” A look of sadness briefly flashed through Wilfred’s eyes before he gently urged the two forward and Sophie quietly followed Riza ahead whilst Wilfred lingered behind tending to the flowers.
The duo gingerly made their way to the inn and as Riza opened the door, Sophie found herself meeting the gazes of a gaggle of scruffy looking men and women looking intensely at the new arrivals as a kindly looking lady looked out from the bar counter.
“Oh my who do we have here, come in and please take a seat over here.” She gestured at an open booth near the corner, and with her invitation declared, almost at once everyone else went back to their own food and conversations. “Come, come.” The lady exclaimed as she strutted over to the table.
Riza wordlessly grabbed Sophie’s hand and dragged her over to the table. And as they sat down together, Riza quietly rested her head on Sophie’s lap as she curled up on the booth.
“Oh my, oh! It’s one of the adventurers, ah…” The lady began only to meet Sophie’s gaze and seemed to understand the situation. “I’ll bring out something warming alright? Just wait a little more hmm?”
Sophie gave a tepid smile in return as the proprietress walked back to the kitchen and turned her attention back to Riza’s languid form, stroking an uninjured hand over the girl's head. What a wild day, Sophie thought exhaustedly as she slumped back against the seat, what the hells happens now?
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