《A Knight's Lilies》Chapter 3: A Challenger Appears
“The Underholme Concord is a confederation of Dwarven Keep Cities that defied the High King’s orders and maintained trade with the surface dwellers of Cyndralia. In time as ‘The Echo Wars’ took its toll, they grew to encompass most of the Dwarven empire as even the High King acquiesced that some exceptions must be made in order to stabilize the shattered lines. Thus it was The Underholme Concord that grew to most represent the Dwarven Empires and the High King’s influence waned greatly.”
- Pal Serrum, Graykeep Ambassador to Arterian Commerce Guild, Lecture at Department of Economics “Rise of The Underholme”
She scrubbed herself down much to the displeasure of the other staff in the household. Their hateful glares made her shrink down just a little more as she finished bathing. Drying herself off she hid her emotions well, a stoic mask of apathy as she tied up her new uniform. Looking into the bathroom mirror, aside from her black hair, and pointy ears she looked every part a maid and allowed herself a small smile. Making her way back out of the staff dormitories she gave the others polite and curt nods as their scowls and displeasure remained evident on their faces.
Her excursion was quickly halted by the overbearing presence of head maid Hilda. A crooked crone of a woman with sharp eyes, sharp chins and sharp words that stood a full three heads taller than her. Giving the head maid a bow she felt the faintest huff of annoyance and followed the crone as she turned away. Training was underway early in the morning and through the sheer grace of her savior, she was allowed to stay in this magnificent household even if she had to work as a servant.
A year ago she remembered the soft and kind touch from a girl not much older than her. A wretched pain that tore through her head when she approached only for all the pressure and pain to just fade away moments later. And in her tears she had found someone who was so lovely and kind. Her silky smooth chestnut hair tied in a bun or flowing free, her dimples when she turned her thin lips into a smile, her warm and gentle gaze whenever she trained her hazel eyes on Sophie, her caring almost sisterly approach in her interactions. Sophie loved it all.
From there Evaline or Eva, as she liked to be known, had turned out to be the daughter of a wealthy duke and that she was in fact also very fond of Sophie. Since then the older girl had fawned over her and even despite the disapproval from both the Duke and Duchess she managed to convince them to allow Sophie to stay, apologetically making her a maid for the household.
But much to Sophie’s horror, she was awful at the job. Despite not having the pressure over her shoulders anymore, she found it extremely difficult to learn the maneuvers and actions that befitted a maid. Furthermore, the one time she had tried to speak up that she was only a kid, the head maid did not tolerate her attitude and swiftly had her whipped. Wracked with pain and anger, she calmed down and resolved to only ever speak to Eva.
“Apprentice maid. Stand straighter.” The Crone ordered as they pushed open the door to Eva’s brother Mortiz’s room.
Sophie immediately straightened her back and kept her eyes glued to the ground ahead of her.
“Apprentice, this place must be spotless by the time I return.” The crone stated nonchalantly before turning to the ther maid in the room, “Inga, you shall oversee her skill and progress, your skills will certainly be useful for her to learn.”
“Oh! Oh of course madam Hilda, I won’t let you down!” The curly haired brunette replied excitedly.
“I know you won’t dearie, I’ll see you later.” The head maid smiled pleasantly at maid Inga as she left, closing the door behind her and leaving the two to stare awkwardly at each other.
“Er well…come on now apprentice!” Inga recovered first and gave Sophie her orders and tapped her foot impatient.
Sophie bowed and got to work, picking up where Inga left off and trying to flatten out the sheets. According to Eva, who was nine now, while Sophie looked like a six year old. Though she could only remember her name, when the topic of birthdays was brought up, the older girl had suggested that Sophie share the date with her. Eagerly agreeing from seeing how happy Eva looked, she had therefore spent Eva’s birthday with her and advanced to the next stage in life, a seven year old.
“Come on, don’t make Aunt Hilda mad, be thorough.” Inga groaned and Sophie rolled her eyes internally.
The problem with being seven is that the other household staff now just viewed her as a freeloader who had sucked up resources, whilst the ducal family members saw her as some strange elven parasite following their daughter around. When Sophie had protested and even proposed that they just snip her ears to fit in, Eva’s immediate and intense defense of her had made her and Eva’s family to back down, allowing her to stay as long as she worked. Though that incident did mean that Eva had sat her down and admonished her for her recklessness, but when she called her cute and beautiful a warm feeling flooded through her and Sophie forgot all about the family’s discomfort.
Inga sighed and plopped herself on Moritz’s chair, running her hands absently through her hair as Sophie moved to begin dusting the floor. Though Inga didn’t seem to mind much, her aunt, the head maid, had seen Sophie as not just a pest, but a parasite that sucked away her niece's opportunity. Inga had originally been planned to become Evaline’s shadow maid, considering the antics that girl keeps pulling, but with the appearance of a sudden half elf, that had thrown Hilda’s plans into disarray and she was most certainly not pleased. Her niece thankfully, was much more uncaring and simply desired food and wealth, working here at a ducal household was more than enough and Inga never really gave Sophie any lip unless Hilda made a fuss. For that, she was thankful.
An eternity seemed to pass as she dusted away, folding clothes and generally turning the messy room slightly messy while the older maid napped peacefully in the chair. A rapt on the door sent the older maid scrambling to stand at attention and Sophie watched as Inga quickly wiped away a small trail of spittle that ran down her cheek. The door clicked open and the angry visage of Hilda appeared, glaring at her while looking kindly at the serious looking Inga who monitored the apprentice.
“How are things progressing?” The crones wretched asked, one eye turned to inspecting all the nooks and crannies herself.
“Fine as always, madam.” Inga replied with a polite bow as Sophie continued dusting Mortiz’s desk.
The old crone gave a dissatisfied humph as if she had expected more divisive and scathing criticism from her niece and was disappointed by the not unfavorable review. Sophie had endeavored to be extra precise cleaning around the doorway and when Hilda peered over to examine the cabinets, she could see the crone’s face grow more upset as the area around her was spotless.
“Apprentice,” The crone croaked, “The younger Lady Rosengart desires your presence in the greenhouse. Bring a pot of chamomile tea from the kitchen and be sure not to steep it for too long. Both the Duchess and Lord Rosengart found the last time you brought them tea far too bitter. Do not embarrass this household.”
Sophie bowed her assent and caught herself when the crone tapped her foot expectantly.
“Yes mistress.” She changed her reply and this time the foot came down hard on her own. Pain shot through her leg and Sophie winced but held it in.
“Address me properly.” Hilda commanded, and even Inga seemed to wince a little from the side.
“Yes mistress!” Sophie replied sharply, gritting her teeth from the pain when it was finally released.
“Remember you manners, I will not have the staff disrespect the sanctity of this household no matter what they are.”
“Yes mistress!”
“Good you are dismissed.” Hilda casually waved her off.
Once Sophie was out of sightlines she muttered unkind words to herself until she arrived at the kitchen and headed for the greenhouse with a fresh pot of tea, ignoring the other servants murmuring behind her. Out in the hallway, she tried to keep the platter and pot balanced and avoid it from sloshing, a precarious feat of extreme dexterity as her arms wobbled ever so slightly. Holding it up right she cringed as she watched a few droplets fly out on land on the tray, leaving obvious drops of liquid tea running amok on the platter should anyone pass by.
Traveling slowly as she maintained her balance, she became so focused on the task that when she turned round a corner to the greenhouse she slammed face first with the pot into a large meaty figure. She landed with a solid thud on the ground as the pot shattered into pieces and the liquid clearly did not all end up on the floor. Reluctantly she followed the legs and shoes up to meet the gaze of Duke Rosengart, the man holding a look of unrestrained hatred as the veins on his forehead threatened to explode. She quickly pulled herself together and began scooping up the shattered pieces when his boot landed dangerously close to her hand and she froze.
Sweat ran down her face as she wondered what he was about to do. Duke Rosengart had always been a bear of a man and could easily have twisted her little neck should he choose to. Of all the family members he perhaps shared the most animosity towards her due to his background in the military, and she had made sure to avoid him whenever possible, until now. Sophie held her pose until she felt a meaty hand rip her arm upwards, lifting her until she dangled from one arm and faced the Duke’s hate filled face.
“Do not. Ever. Do this again when there are guests. Now begone, do not keep Evaline waiting.” He growled under his breath before rudely dropping her to the ground and storming off.
Relieved, she held her breath and stood still for a moment or two, just in case it was a test. Hearing no movement or activity, she quickly knelt down and scooped up all the pieces back into the tray and hurriedly ran towards the greenhouse. Pushing open the door that led to a small open air hallway that leads to the greenhouse, she spared a small glance backwards and relief flooded her veins as the Duke seemed to have genuinely left her alone. Unwilling to take a chance she briskly jogged over to the greenhouse door and hurried inside.
Flowers of all shapes and sizes hung in little pots or decorated the walls and shelves of the room, another door on the opposite end led to the garden proper. Within the greenhouse itself was almost a divider of sorts in the middle, one for the workbench and flower assembly and pot repair area, one for guests and dining that contained the other door. Crossing the threshold Sophie blinked as she watched Eva giggling with a rather fetching looking stranger.
He was well groomed, a cute little comb over with dark red brown hair and hazel eyes that seemed to capture one’s gaze. He was also well dressed, fancy even, dress shoes, buttoned and decorated uniform, almost akin to Eva’s eldest brother Theodore whenever he returned from the Noble’s academy back in the capital. But before she could examine the stranger further, a gauntleted hand barred her path and a knight standing just behind the divider with a cape of royal purple and the signet of the king.
The move drew the attention of everyone and a familiar voice calmed her slightly frayed nerves.
“Sophie!” Eva chirped and Sophie could see the strange boy motion to the knight who lowered his gauntlet.
“Erm…” She began but Eva had already jumped out of her seat and wrapped her in a hug, much to the amusement of the strange boy.
“Ahh…why are you so…damp.” Eva pulled away and gave her a strange look, “Oh.” She connected the dots at the platter Sophie tried to hide.
Ashamed, she slumped her head down but Eva quickly lifted it back up with one hand.
“Cheer up! I’m sure it’s fine! Oh and say hi to my old friend! He’s Prince Frederick! The third prince of the king.” Eva nonchalantly exclaimed and for a moment Sophie was wondering if this was some elaborate prank. Prince? King?
Amused by her reaction, the boy burst out into a giggling fit and waved his hand as if to calm down.
“Sophie…” Eva hissed. Oh no, she was serious.
“Umm hello Prince Frederick! Third Prince of the King!” Sophie quickly said and bowed with arm still holding the platter. Her face paled as she realized she had essentially just been dismissive of royalty. Worried about the punishment she might face in addition to the incident with the Duke, her lips quivered as she wanted to cry. But I am strong! She reassured herself and barely held back her emotions.
Instead of being offended however, Frederick seemed to laugh louder despite the guard trying to get him to behave.
“Eheheh, so that’s your new friend Eva? I didn’t know you had one of them with you.” Frederick laughed. Eva? He calls her Eva too? I thought only I freely called her Eva!
Sophie felt a sudden shift in the mood as Eva’s gaze plummeted, her warm friendly smile replaced by a chilly frost.
“Them is an elf, a person. She is Sophie.” Eva glowered.
Frederick quickly clamped down and waved his hand apologetically, the guard tensing as Sophie heard his hand clasp down on the hilt of a weapon.
“Sorry! Sorry! Don’t be angry Eva. Hi Sophie, I’m Freddie!” The boy quickly tried to defuse the situation.
The guard coughed into his visor deliberately as he relaxed his posture.
“Ahem, sorry. My name is Frederick Edelin, it is a pleasure to meet you.” He dipped his head in a small bow.
Sophie quietly returned the bow and Eva extracted the platter from her hand and placed it on the table, eliciting another giggle from Frederick who stared at the shattered pot. Sophie tried to avoid casting curious glances at Frederick and examining the boy, Eva never really shared anything about another friend up until this point, what if I got replaced? And a prince at that!
But as if reading her mind Eva reached under Sophie’s maid cap and gave her hair a friendly tousle as she absently petted her. “Freddie, I mean Prince Frederick managed to get an early copy of an adventure book, I was just about to read it aloud.”
Sophie tilted her head. Adventure book?
Frederick nodded eagerly, “It’s called The Adventures of Gunmar and Aurelia, so many kids at home talk about it. I heard it’s super fun!”
Sophie could only imagine how different home must be for a prince, he must live in something bigger than a mansion, like a really big mansion, a castle!
Eva nodded sagely. “Yup! I’ve been excited to give it a read as well, what do you say Soph? You might end up liking it and who knows? Maybe you’ll find more to do in your downtime if you end up enjoying reading.”
Sophie tilted her head again. Downtime?
“Ahh, I meant break time, when you take breaks.” Eva clarified.
At that Sophie nodded her own approval, not bored during break would be good.
“Alright, would you guys mind if we go outside to read? It’s much more relaxing even if the acoustics are better here. But since I’m reading it won’t matter.” Eva declared proudly, "And you guys can see the flowers I planted, the white roses bloomed beautifully!" Woah, Sophie thought quietly to herself, Roses can be white? They must be nice if Eva likes them.
The maid and the prince nodded, but as they trailed their new leader Sophie sniffled slightly from the dampness of her clothes, the liquid now fully cooled and just a little cold. I will endure this! For Eva! Though her head hung a little lower for her lack of awareness at sniffling next to a prince.
“Shoot! I completely forgot, Freddie, I mean Frederick, do you mind waiting for a minute?” Eva quickly yammered out.
Disappointed, the boy gave a small sigh and a nod, “Sure I guess, I have plenty of time. But we have to read when you get back!”
She just told a prince! To wait! Sophie was shocked.
“Course, of course! I just need to get Sophie changed before we go outside.” Eva grinned apologetically.
To wait! For me?! Sophie was even more shocked.
But a part of her was secretly happy, the part that rejoiced at how Eva always took care of her. And as she dutifully followed Eva back into the hallways of the house, the girl suddenly stopped in front of her, causing her to bump into Eva.
“So what happened?” Eva looked at her, the kindness in her eyes but the face radiated seriousness. Oh no, I’m in trouble again.
“Nothing, I was clumsy.” Sophie quickly stammered out.
“Very clumsy.”
“Sorry…I ran into Duke with tea.” Sophie sighed sadly.
“Sophie! Did he hurt you? Are you okay?” Eva asked worriedly as her expression instantly shifted at the mention of her papa.
Brushing off her concern Sophie nodded and just gestured to her uniform.
“Argh! Fine. As long as you’re alright. Now hurry up, let’s get you dressed so Freddie doesn't wait long.” Eva said she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Just make sure to avoid father okay?"
Sophie nodded, but there it was again, Freddie. And the burning desire to ask finally bubbled up into a coherent question, “Ehum…why…why is he here? And…why Freddie and not Frederick?” Am I not good enough?
Eva sighed and chuckled. Huh? Is she laughing at me? Am I actually being…
“Sophie, you silly little goof. Are you jealous?”
Sophie straightened up and felt her ears tingle with embarrassment at the admonishment as she looked away. But before she could escape, Eva’s hand quickly rubbed her head affectionately and she couldn’t help but lean in.
“Sophie…he’s here as a formality for the Duke and Duchess, they want us to build a stable alliance and relationship with the capital.”
“Through marriage, yes. But I don’t know how things will turn out, we’re far too young to know anyways.” Eva tutted sagely.
Sophie stared at her quizzically, the older girl seemed so mature every once in a while.
“And Freddie is a friend too, but you don’t have to worry you silly gremlin. I have more than enough love for you too.” Eva flashed a cheeky smirk.
“I-I’m not a gremlin!” Sophie bristled, trying to hide the blush.
“Whatever you say, now are we going to keep a prince waiting just because you’re jealous?”
“I’m not!”
“Fine! Let’s go change!” Sophie pouted with her hand at her hips.
But as Eva reached out an inviting hand to take, Sophie grumbled and took it, allowing the older girl to lead her along. Eva’s great, she smiled to herself, quickly flipping back to a frown as the other girl looked back. When Eva jokingly rolled her eyes and kept moving forward, Sophie felt another shot of warmth rush through her veins, I’ll be with Eva forever!
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