《Secrets of the Myath》Chapter 22 (edited)
Silence hung in the aftermath of Wistra’s demand but she wouldn’t be denied.
“I demand a Till-ach-Renn and I want it now. It is my right. All the formalities can be observed and validated here, everyone necessary is present.”
The Councillor repressed a sigh and reluctantly spoke, his tone c0ld.
“That is your right Lady Wistra, but I must inform you that the outcome of the duel has no legal foundation. Whether you win or lose you will still face the charges against you.”
“I am aware Councillor.”
“Very well. A challenge has been issued by Wistra, Head of House Kuthar to Sierra, Royal of House Den for Till-ach-Renn. The challengers shall duel in the a single form of their choice until one is incapacitated. The outcome has no legal founding and the trial wil1 continue immediately upon completion. Any death as a result of Till-ach-Renn will not be pursued. Knowing all this, do you accept the challenge, Royal Sierra?”
There was a brief pause where I felt everyone looking at me, but I didn’t take my eyes off of Wistra. No one can really refuse a Till-ach-Renn without being ostracised in almost every area of life. It was a matter of honour and if you refused, you had no honour. It didn’t matter that, as far as they knew, I was practically a child, not having gone through maturity. That reflected poorly on her as the chal1enger yet it didn’t give me any leeway to refuse. Not that I wanted to.
“I do.”
Wistra's face lit up with a savage grin.
“Very well, choose your forms.”
Like most Icanthie, Wistra spent the majority of her time in her Warrior Form, ful1y furred with little cloth to encumber her. Belts and sashes were common to hold tools and trinkets but did little to cover up should you shift to Resting form. If she chose to fight in either her Warrior or Feline from, which I suspected she would, I’d have a bad time of it but I could still win. Maybe.
“Councillors, I will fight in my Resting Form.” I declare boldly, keeping my voice firm and confident. Still, I refused to take my eyes off of her.
I still didn’t have much experience in my other forms and I needed all my skills to win this. She would be stronger than me but I was fast. I’d focus on her head and neck, try to knock her out rather than tire myself hitting at her core. Besides I wanted her to underestimate me. Not that it would take much.
“Councillors, I choose my Resting Form.” Wistra declared to much surprised muttering. “It’s not as if I need a stronger form to deal with a mongrel and I prefer my sport to last longer than a few seconds.”
Her cruel, unpalatable words and the obvious contempt she displayed didn’t seem to win her any favour with her audience. Perhaps she was to0 far gone in her hatred or delusion but it seemed she was oblivious to the bad taste her decisions left.
“The forms have been chosen. You have a few moments to prepare and then we shall begin. Honour and justice serve you.”
I turned away and approached Kine who helped me slip off my outer robe to reveal the form fitting top and trousers beneath. I also took off my necklace and dropped it carefully in his hand.
“Keep it safe for me?”
It was a gift from my mother when I was young, a little metal arrow with an amber arrowhead and some type of scales used for the fletching. It was an old piece but I’d never found out where it had come from. Kine smiled.
“Of course. You’ll have it back in moments I’m sure.” His smile dropped and he tried t0 continue. “Sierra-”
“It’s alright Kine. I’m as prepared as I can be. Now all we can do is face it and see what happens.”
Kine nodded and kissed me on the forehead before rubbing his ears against mine, the only comfort he could give me right now. I turned back to watch Wistra and waited for the Council to being the duel. She had shifted into her Resting Form and had produced some clothes from somewhere, tight knee length trousers and a loose top. So, she’d planned for this. Thinking back, I wasn’t surprised. This way, she could kill me without consequence and get rid of a hated Myath from her House and one of the main witnesses against her. Let’s hope she was disappointed.
Once ready, we simply stared at each other, waiting. The tension in the hall steadily rose, tingling down my spine and electrifying my nerves. I had to keep calm and stay focused. It was just me and her and I had to survive.
From somewhere above us the Councillor's voice rang out. “Begin!”
We strode forward at the same time, eyes locked. I strengthened my legs a little and p0pped out my claws, seeing that Wistra had done the same but otherwise, I remembered my training. Everything Dad had taught me, stay loose, don’t tense up. Balance with your core and your tail. Keep your knees bent. We came close, just out of arms reach, and began to circle one another, assessing, testing. A few jabs to check reflexes, a kick to test range and always circling, round and round. I had to wait. Push her to act, to lose control. There!
Finally, she was ready to move. Her eyes shifted to slits and she crouched ever so slightly before springing forward, right arm pulled back, claws sharp. She aimed for my face. My instinct was to jerk back but I overrode it lunged low, ducking under her swipe and snapping a blow to her knee, trying to collapse it. I rolled forward, preserving my momentum and flipped back around to assess my opponent.
She had staggered but managed to stay on her feet, turning to follow me as we moved around the floor. She gave me no time, coming at me again and pushing me back. I had to keep moving. A claw grazed past my cheek just as her fist slammed into my hip. I felt the air move as her other hand came back in again and blocked with my palms, shoving her with all my strength and quickly moving t0 dodge again. She was relentless. Faster than I’d thought she’d be. I’d need to move faster or she’d have me.
Using my tail for balance, I tumbled low to get some space and then sprung into a back flip that carried me across the large space quickly. Eyes on Wistra, I waited for her to come to me, ready this time for her head-on style. Wait. Wait to the last minute. A deep, slow breath and she was almost here. Now!
I jumped high, avoiding her punch and kicked out, hitting her temple. She blinked, dazed from the blow, but she’d get no mercy from me. Landing, I swept my legs through hers, dropping her and reversed my leg, raining it high and slammed my heel into her stomach.The breath woodshed out of her but she recover quickly, clawing wildly and catching my calf but I ignored it, focused on putting her down. We both scrambled up but I was faster, clawing her wherever I could, one, two, three, pushing her back with my fast relentless attacks. A kick numbed my ankle, forcing me to stagger to the side so I went with it, rolling away again, trying to stay out of her range.
She swiped at my back but I arched and swung around, aiming a blow at her eyes. I missed but my claws raked across her face and the coppery tang of blood, that had so far been a light tint, suddenly hung heavy in the air. Wistra yowled in pain and tried to bite me but I wasn’t there anymore. Circling behind her as she tried to clear the blood from her eyes, I rained another blow to her temple and took advantage of my position, aiming carefully and ripping through her ankle, hamstringing her. The muscle bunched and she roared, unable to stand on her leg. I’d only gotten the one and she’d heal, but I couldn’t lose this advantage. She was guarding the other leg, so I went for the head again, changing at the last minute when I realised she was baiting me.
Instead of a head shot, I planted my hands on her shoulders and pushed all my weight down as I launched myself off of her, up and over, twisting at the peak of the arc and kicking out as I came down. I hit her stomach, which finally knocked her off her good leg, and landed on my hands, bending my arms and springing up again to face her. This time, she was faster and I felt slashes open up on my thighs and stomach. I snarled silently at the pain but refused to acknowledge it, instead kicking her in the chest. I didn’t think it would be strong enough, but we were both slowing down, the blood loss and fast pace draining us. She was on her back but she was still dangerous. I tried to hamstring her other leg but she made use of her strength and kicked out hard, rolling away but I followed closely. Fine, if she was gonna stay on the floor, I’d join her.
I took my chance when her rolling gave me her back. I leapt on top of her and tried to claw at her wrists so her hands, with their sharp claws, would be useless. Round and round we rolled, each trying to get the advantage, until I felt one of her wrists go limp, but it cost me. She tried to bite my neck, probably intending to rip it out, but I managed to duck my head. Her fangs sank into my cheek but I’d somehow ended up pinning her and took the advantage to hold her injured hand above her head. She cried out in pain, which had the advantage of releasing my cheek from her jaws and I was able to lean back, putting all my weight behind my punch as I hit her again and again in the face, trying to knock her unconscious. It would have been better to hit her head against the floor but I could risk it.
Wistra was trying to fend off my blows with her undamaged hand, her claws opening cuts all over my arms and torso. Fresh blood is slippery so now both of us were struggling to maintain a grip as blood flowed freely from our numerous wounds. I could feel my nanites working hard to close the wounds. Suddenly, somehow Wistra got her good leg up between us and was about to use her back claws to rip out my abdomen, so I stopped hitting her and grabbed her ankle instead, digging my claws in and ripping out a chunk, praying I got the Achilles’ tendon.
I didn’t have time to worry about it because she took advantage of my move and grabbed at me, going for my throat again. Both feet and one hand my have been useless but she could still use the thighs and elbows to hit out or pin me and I had to worry about her remaking functional hand. Time to gamble. I jerked my head back to avoid her swipe and quickly lunged forward, biting her arm. It was a little too high, missing her wrist but I couldn’t afford to let go. She swung her arms around, trying to shake me off but I clamped down, blood seeping into my mouth and grimly waited.
All thought and planning fled her as she went nuts, yelling, snarling and screeching, shaking hard and trying to use her knees to dislodge me. I knew the feeling. Until now, we’d both managed to fight with a cool head, planning and reacting, but when you feel cornered, a desperation rises up and all thought is gone. You would do anything to escape or defeat the one that threatens you. It never ended well when desperation entered the picture. She tried to roll us again but I wouldn’t let her, clamping my thighs hard and tightening my core with all the strength I had left. Finally, she stopped screaming and glared up at me, not limp but not actively fighting me anymore. Reason had returned and she was waiting, like the predator she was, for a chance to strike at me. Resting to gather her strength again.
We were both breathing hard though it couldn’t have been long since it began. We watched each other, both knowing that the end was close. I don’t know when I dropped her arm but suddenly, she tried to claw out my eyes. She must have been more tired than either of us realised because I was able to brush her off easily, taking the opportunity to pin her arm a over her head with the other one. Still, she wouldn’t give up. So I’d have to finish it.
I didn’t let myself think about it and just wrapped my hand around her throat, claws digging in slightly. I squeezed. Her eyes went wide and she tried to buck me off but I held firm, sitting down hard in her solar plexus and continued to put pressure on her windpipe. It took forever and she fought all the way, not so tired after all. She gasped uselessly and Her eyes went red with lack of oxygen until finally, they rolled back in her head and she went limp. A few more moments just to make sure and I slowly let go. My breathing was ragged and overly loud in the silence around me but I just stared at my Aunt. Bloody with wounds, chunks of flesh torn away, red marks on her neck from my hand with weeping punctures from my claws. I slowly reach for that place at the base of her throat, feeling for it, waiting.
... Ba dum. There. She had a pulse.
I sighed in relief and slowly dragged myself up until I was standing, turning to face the Councillors but making sure not to give my back to Wistra. This duel was over.
“The Till-ach-Renn is concluded. Royal Sierra is victorious.” One of them announced in ringing tones, then spoke normally as she continued. “Guards, secure the defendant and call for Healers. Royal Sierra, are you in need of anything?”
“Thank you Councillor, no. I am well.” I responded slowly.
She nodded her acknowledgement and I nodded back, turning again to return to my seat. Kine looked proud but worried and I smiled at him. I must look terrible if he was being so open about it here. Glancing at the rest of my party, they all held similar looks.
I had just sat down when Wistra woke with a coughing fit, glaring at anyone she caught watching her. Her guards were back with her but held back, watching impassively as she gasped before finally catching her breath. No one met her gaze as she looked around. I imagine she was trying to come to terms with the fact that she had lost. When it eventually sunk in that no one would aid her, she hauled herself up, her wounds having partially healed, and glared at me, all her rage and hatred blazing in her eyes.
It happened so fast. With an inarticulate scream, she burst into her Feline forms and roared, the heavy form of a Lioness coming straight at me. Her guards tried to intercept her, shifting themselves, but she evaded them, death in her eyes as she kept coming. I had no choice.
Standing, I leapt forward to meet her, just as she opened her fangs to bite me, and shifted. Huh, I guess she finally got what she wanted. My Feline form was a beautiful Snow Leopard, so I was lighter than her, but I still packed a punch. All form and technique gone, we simply tore into each other, biting, clawing, racking with our back legs, but I was merciless. She had tried to kill me, she had traumatised my brother, plotted to murder my cousin and succeeded in killing my mum so I tore chunks out of her until she stopped fighting back.
I stood over her battered form as she weakly bared her fangs at me and snarled. Placing my paw on her neck, mimicking my victory in our duel, I continued to snarl until, finally, she looked away. Her prison guards and my personal guard all surrounded her and forced her to resume her Resting Form, corralling her back to her seat, where a Healer waited to keep her alive.
My tail whipped around as the adrenaline and instinct to survive rode me and I paced as I stared at her before noticing Mathias standing next to me. He was in Feline form too and the giant Tiger just stood there, staring down my enemy with me, a show of solidarity and support. Kine walked up on the other side, Lazot and Simeon close behind and my kin, as one, growled their displeasure. We would not be cowed. Feeling better, I snorted my disgust at the individual across from me and turned my back. She was no longer a threat.
I decided to clean up a little before I shifted back into my Resting Form, so sat in front of my seat and licked my claws. Kine gathered my clothes that were designed to break away cleanly and waited for me to be done. The hall held a stunned atmosphere but I ignored it a let Mathias help me get clean, licking the areas around my neck and head that I couldn’t reach. Eventually, the Council pulled themselves together and addressed the hall.
“Royal Sierra, my King. We apologise for this unwarranted attack on you. Charges will be added to Lady Wistra's trial to account for this.” He paused, obviously struggling to find the words.
One of the other Councillors spoke up instead. “Your Feline Form is rare Royal Sierra. May I ask how long since you came into your maturity?”
Considering I was still in Feline form and didn’t feel like forming a mental link, I vocalised acquiescence when Kine stepped forward to answer for me.
“Councillors. My ward went through maturity only a few rotations ago. She was aided my her close kin and my personal Healer. As you can imagine, this is a very personal, private matter and so I believe that should satisfy your... needs in this.”
They got the hint and kept quiet. It was rude to pry into the maturity process. It didn’t stop Wistra from having her say. In a subdued yet still disdainful voice, she spoke up.
“Not just a mongrel but a liar too. The Till-ach-Renn is invalid.”
I shifted as Kine held up my clothes for me, slipping into the robe that covered me well. “Oh?” I asked in a dangerous voice. “I chose my Resting Form, just as you did. It is of no mind that you assumed I had no other to choose from.”
She tried to snark back at me but the Councillors had had enough.
“Enough, we find no fault with the Till-ach-Renn. Now this is a trial and it will be treated with the respect it deserves. Guards, secure this hall, we will have no more disruptions. Healer, is the accused fit for trial?”
“Yes Councillor.”
“Very well, we begin. The accused has pled not guilty. Let the evidence be presented.”
We all resumed our seats, unwilling to draw the Councillors ire, and so, the trial began. I was already tired but i wouks see this through. It was going to be a long rotation.
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