《Secrets of the Myath》Chapter 19 (edited)
Surrounded by his guard, Kine strode swiftly along the echoing halls of the Heart. He was in a hurry. Sierra had decided it was time, the Healer and her chosen kin were assembling and Kine was excited for her... and nervous. That jittery feeling would probably stay with him until she Matured. Kine was so proud of Sierra, and had been even before he knew she was his kin. When he decided to take her and her brother in as his wards, he knew the responsibility he was taking on, but he didn’t realise how deeply entrenched they’d become in his heart.
When he’d first encountered her, Kine been impressed with her courage and honesty, but there was so much more hidden under the surface. He’d deduced that Sierra and her father were important figures among the Myath, perhaps the equivalent to the Ruling Triangle though no one really understood how the Myath operated. She carried so much on her shoulders and in her head, yet she had risked herself to support her kin and, he suspected, continued to aid her people. Now she took another difficult step, a dangerous endeavour considering her circumstances, yet it would help her grow as an individual and give her the advantages that no one should be denied.
When he thought about others like her, with so much potential, so much to give who were ignored or abused... he felt his heart wilt. The races should be ashamed of the neglect they perpetuated. And worse in some cases. Again, Kine considered what he could do for the Myath in his country. Something tried to manifest in his mind and, as usual when he was trying to remember something, he accessed a memory instinctually. This one was of the report he’d just received. He trusted his guards to guide him as he continued to walk home, the memory playing out as the ideas drifting through his mind coalesced.
“My Liege, we’ve had word from the western borders that the Bronzewood Forest has captured fourteen individuals, though we don’t know how many more escaped their ire. They have kept three for themselves and handed over the rest. What would you have us do with them?”
Kine hadn’t heard from the Bronzewood patrol for some time but they normally had better intel than this. “What species are the prisoners?”
Consulting her file again, the Warrior responded. “The report says it’s one of the Fae but don’t specify which it is My Liege. Not even which of the three sub races they belong to.”
Ahh, that would explain it. The Flora never liked any of the Fae even though it was only one small minority that had ignored the plant laws. Flora, though sentient, weren’t sapient so didn’t have the higher thinking to reason out the difference between the many Fae. This group were probably harvesting from the forest, not realising that it was home to the Flora. Which begs the question...
“How did you obtain the prisoners? The Flora does not easily give up their prey.”
“A small band of Illofra were travelling through the area and detoured to inform our patrol of the incident and lead us to the site.”
Kine didn’t respond, but it was odd. The Illofra didn’t travel at this time of orbit...
The memory ended and Kine found he was halfway from the Heart to his mansion. He realised that his pace had slowed as he thought, but now he hurried on again, eager to join his kin on her special occasion. Both to hide the nature of the event and for her comfort, Sierra had decided to have brunch with the Healer and her kin before beginning her maturity in her suite. So when Kine entered his home, he dismissed his guards and went straight to the Eating Hall. Thoughts of the Myath and the Illofra set aside to be considered another day.
There she was. Sierra grinned, her happiness evident when she spotted him, and they met for the tightest hug she could handle. Kine was alway careful with her, constantly aware that he could harm her. This was how he imagined parents felt with newborns. She may be his cousin but she was so much younger than him.
“Sierra! Happy Maturity Little One.”
“Thanks Kine! Everyone’s here, we’re just waiting on Darius to arrive. Are you hungry?”
Though in the surface she was composed, Kine watched her ears twitch back and forth, listening to every sound and her tail whipped about wildly before freezing until her emotions took over again and it would lash her calves. He wasn’t sure if it was excitement or fear but she was far less controlled than he’d ever seen her before.
“Are you alright Sierra? You know we can wait if you need a little longer.” He asked. He’d support her whatever she decided. Though, privately in his heart, he’d rather she stay just as she was than risk losing her. But he fought that overprotective part of himself and surrendered to her wishes. She had all the information she needed to make an informed decision.
“I’m alright. It’s just the waiting. I hate waiting...” she blew out a long, calming breath and leaned her head on Kine’s shoulder. “I miss mum and dad...” she whispered.
She didn’t have to say anymore, I felt the ache in her voice. Feenya and Galen should have been here to guide her. No one could replace them but Kine would do his best to support and protect Sierra.
“I know it’s not the same but they’re always with you Sierra.” Kine did his best to comfort her, nuzzling her ears and purring softly. Suddenly Sierra gasped and Kine looked down to find her eyes wide and her mouth gaping. What was wrong?
“Kine, will the memories- the- the- the maturity? Ahh why didn’t I think?”
Kine gentle placed his hands on her shoulders and held her still, encouraging her to look at him. “Sierra calmLittle One. I can’t understand what your trying to say. What are you worried about?”
“The memories Kine. Mum's transfer, will it interfere with my maturity.”
Oh. That was a good question. Think Kine. Mmmmmmmmmm.
“Well, as far as I know they shouldn’t. You’ve been working with Amaya to control and contain them and your progress has been great, right? We can check with Darius but I don’t believe it will be a problem.”
Kine watched Sierra a she nibbled on her lip, worry still heavy about her. Nothing would reassure her until Darius arrived so Kine decided to distract her instead.
“Sierra, have you ever encountered the Illofra?” Kine asked. It worked, Sierras brows rose, surprised at the sudden tangent.
“The Illofra? Wow, they’re rare aren’t they? I’ve only seen the plant people twice. Why do you ask.”
Kine laughed in shock. “You can’t call them the plant people. That’s like calling us the cat people or the Drakes the lizard people.”
Sierra blushed in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry Kine. I struggled to get the name right as a child and resorted to calling them... well. It was a childhood habit not an insult. I’m sorry.”
“That okay, I know you’d never intentionally insult someone. That’s not like you.”
“No but it still doesn’t make it right. Anyway, why did you ask?”
“I’ve just received a report about them. They were travelling through the Bronzewood Forest and helped with an incident with the Flora. They aren’t rare but they are shy and tend to keep to themselves. Rather than a country of their own like the other races, they are given the right to roam and inhabit any of Planet's Forests. They usually move in predictable patterns which is what makes the report so odd. I wasn’t expecting to find Illofra in the Bronzewood Forest in this season...”
Kine fell into thought again, concerned.
“Are you worried this has something to do with the moon debris?”
“... I don’t know. I was hoping your time outside of any cities would provide an insight.”
They fell into silence together until the doors opened and Darius entered. Kine went to greet him but noticed his old friend was unsettled. After everyone had greeted him and they collected their food, Kine pulled Darius aside and spoke quietly to him.
“Darius, thank you for helping Sierra through this. It means a lot to us all...” Kine hesitated but had to continue for the safety of his kin. “Are you well old friend? You seem... ruffled.”
Darius avoided eye contact and Kine caught a hint of shame in the cant of his ears. It startled him. What could he be ashamed of? But before he could ask, Darius straightened and sighed, finally looking him in the eye.
“I must tell you Kine, I did not react well when I first discovered Lady Sierras heritage. I have apologised to her but I fear I have reacted poorly and hurt her. I just never thought... I understand if you wish for another to help her through her maturity.”
Kine frowned, somewhat disappointed. Though he could understand the shock of the discovery, he could not accept that anyone would harm his kin simply because of their birth. But this was his old friend and Sierra hadn’t said a thing about it. Even Kine had struggled to face his own biases and overcome ingrained ideas and he still worked on it. It was a lesson for them all and her maturity would only increase her controversial existence.
“Does Sierra still wish for you to perform her maturity?” Darius nodded. “Then if that is her wish, we will abide by it. Who else could I trust with this Darius? I know it’s hard to accept but Sierra is teaching me much, especially about myself. Come. I’m sure she will accept your apology as long as it’s heartfelt. All we can do it try to learn from our mistakes and grow. We are better than this.”
Kine patted his friend on the back and they wondered off to socialise and eat.
It was a lovely brunch and, once everyone was relaxed and full, they moved casually up to Sierra's suite. It was a small gathering of kin for a Maturity celebration with Mathias, Lazot, Simeon, Seth and himself. Normally, there would be far more to help guide her and Kine was worried about the lack of female kin. Sierra just hadn’t found any yet who she trusted enough to be present. He’d have to do better with helping her connect to her family. House Den was not very large and his sisters and cousins were scattered far away, working to support him abroad. House Kuthar was a prickly nest of Fudgey Dingle Bats that he wouldn’t touch with a Redwood right now. Still... he needed to do better.
Sierra chose to settle on her bed, Mathias and Kine close by, settled on the floor. The rest of her Chosen held back, ready to step in if and when she needed them. Darius approached, his equipment unfolding and surrounding Sierra where she lay.
“Lady Sierra, I am honoured to assist you in you maturity. All your health checks are positive and Healer Amaya has approved our session today, happy with your mental health. If you are ready, we will begin the DNA manipulation. It will be painless and once the bone marrow is completely converted, we will initiate the change at which point, I will leave you. The change may be uncomfortable but shouldn’t hurt. Your chosen kin will guide you as much as you allow. Trust them. It’s just as much a spiritual experience as it is a mental or biological one. Listen to your instincts and if anything becomes a problem, call me. I will wait here in a guest suite. Do you have any questions?” Sierra shook her head. “Are you happy for me to proceed?”
Sierra had watched Darius the entire time. At his final question, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, smiling. She opened her eyes and nodded. “Yes. Please proceed.”
Darius nodded and smiled back, then turned his attention to his screen. The equipment whirred but, other than that, not much could been seen of the delicate work Darius performed. It was over quickly and Darius nodded, satisfied.
“There, not so bad was it? You need to rest until the next stage but we’ll all stay with you. I’m just going to look at the data okay?”
Kine rose from the floor and sat next to his cousin on the bed, smiling down at her.
“How are you feeling?”
“Fine. I didn’t feel a thing and can’t really tell anything’s changed.” She smiled back at me.
They chatted quietly together for a time when Darius made a noise that had everyone looking to him. When he didn’t notice, continuing to stare frantically at his screen, swiping faster and faster, Kine decided to intervene.
“Darius? Is everything alright? You’re worrying us.”
Looking up, Darius realised he had everyone's attention and cleared his throat.
“Ahem. Sorry about that. Everything is fine, I’m just a little surprised.” It looked like Darius wouldn’t continue but after a pause where he kept looking between his screen and Sierra, he finally made a decision. “I’m just looking at Sierra's DNA profile and comparing it to various Icanthie profiles to better map her transition. It occurred to me to search the archives for any recent DNA profiles for her other half and I found something... important.”
Realising that he was speaking about the human DNA Sierra carried, Kine waved the rest of the small group back to their chatter and hurried Darius over to the bed Sierra lay on. Apart from Mathias and himself, Kine wasn’t sure who Sierra had confided in. Now was not the time to cause upset, Sierra needed to rest. Keeping his voice down, Kine addressed the Healer.
“What have you found Darius. Does it affect the maturity?”
“Perhaps but in a good way I think. Here, look.” He presented the screen so all four of them could see it. “With an Icanthie mother and a half Icanthie, half human father, a quarter of a Sierras genetics are human and three quarters Icanthie. But what no one seems to have taken into consideration until now it that Humans and Icanthie share a lot of genetic material so the number of alleles that are uniquely Human is far smaller than we thought. This should help the transition go smoothly but, if I’m interpreting this correctly, it’s possible that the uniquely Human DNA may unlock some abilities that haven’t be seen in the Icanthie for a long, long time. It may also increase her strength and senses. We just don’t know until maturity is complete but the potential is... phenomenal.”
Stunned silence descended on the little group by the bed. This was explosive.
“Are you saying... that introducing human DNA has the potential to improve our ability to shift and the strength of our gifts?”
The Healer just nodded, stunned.
“This could explain so much. It would mean-“
“Nothing.” Sierra interrupted. “Kine, we can’t let this get out. Not now. I’m already a target because I’m a Myath but if we can prove that not just the Myath but the humans are not what everyone thinks, it could start a war. We need to begin integrating before we drop such an explosive piece of information.”
She was right. As much as Kine wanted to celebrate this discovery, they had to think clearly. Change was difficult at the best of times but, too much too fast would end badly. He hung his head at the ridiculousness of it all and rubbed at his eyes.
“You’re right Sierra. Darius, pleases ensure this doesn’t get out and cover your tracks when you do any further research. Have MACC mark everything as Royal confidential and speak to no one else. I mean it Darius, not even Amaya. However well Sierra is received, we don’t know what prejudices lie beneath. The Myath and the humans need rights written into law before we can risk exposing this. Otherwise, it would become either a slaughter or a trophy hunt.”
Darius nodded and quickly worked to erase any evidence of his work from the archives. Sierra, now happy that she’d averted disaster, smiled at them and bounced her feet.
“Well, at least this is good news for my transition. What’s the average timeline for maturity anyway? Hey Darius, if we had DNA for the other races, we could figure out if the same phenomenon occurs if they mix with humans. I know lots of different mixes and hey why am I so hyper all of a sudden? Can I go out for a run?”
Sierra made to get up but Mathias jumped straight onto the bed and sat on her legs. She didn’t struggle but still, her body seemed to vibrate with the energy she exuded. Darius hurried over to check her.
“The transition is going much quicker I than I expected. She'll be ready to undergo the next step soon. Though the extra energy is expected, this much is unsustainable but it won’t hurt her. Don’t worry.” Turning back to Sierra, Darius admonished her kindly. “Try to relax Little One.”
Sierra started to hum to herself. It wasn’t long before Darius deemed her ready for phase two, by which time, Sierra didn’t bounce so much. The equipment droned quietly encouraging every cell in her body to take on the next coding. As her nanites, both sets, worked furiously to help repair mistakes in the translation and transcription, Sierra squeezed her eyes tight and tensed her muscles, probably trying to relieve the ache she felt right to her core.
Kine remembered the feeling well, desperate to comfort her but unable to touch her in this delicate phase. So instead, he talked constantly, encouraging her as Mathias purred a deep, reverberating, healing purr until finally, she settled and slipped into a restful sleep.
Darius performed his final checks before nodding to Kine and quietly leaving the room. Now it was up to the Chosen. Kine ushered Seth, Lazot and Simeon over to the bed and together, they surrounded her and waited.
“Three rotations!!” Eecee exclaimed as she jumped up from her comfy cushion, agitated.
She and the rest of Lady Sierra's guards, waited. It had been three rotations of waiting and Eecee was at the end of her tether. She’d really come to like her Myath charge, and being stuck here, unable to do anything, not knowing if Sierra was okay or not...
“Eecee, please sit down. We have very little time off and you’ve been tense for all of it. The King and her kin are looking after her, so relax. Sierra will be back soon, racking head first into trouble and assassins. Enjoy the peace while it lasts.”
“I know! I know but it’s our job to keep her safe and we can’t. It's frustrating. I like her and I want her to be okay.”
“I know, we all feel the same but, we’re no good to her if we aren’t well rested and level headed sis.” Kaylor replied.
Eecee opened her mouth to respond when the alarms sounded through the mansion. The guards took a split second to look at one another, then rushed to grab their gear and head straight to Sierra's locator signal. They may be on leave, but they would defend their charge, no matter what.
I’d never been so aware of my ears and tail before. I’d definitely noticed them more since living in the Capital, probably picking up on and responding t0 the hidden language all around me. But still, this was like nothing else! And my senses, the smells, the sights... food would be my new best friend, or worst enemy depending on what it was.
Three rotations of half shifts and the discomfort of sound that felt far louder than it should. The bed sheets and cushions were raw and coarse on my sensitive skin and my room had been kept dark for the sake of my poor eyes. It was far more than that but so much was inexplicab1e. Nothing was the same now and I’d have to relearn everything. But I’d done it, I'd gone through maturity and managed to master each of my new forms. The shifts were now smooth and I could choose whatever features I liked. Now I just had to figure out how to live in them.
There was something else too, something subtle. My mind felt different but nothing I thought of really explained how. Yes, there was a more instinctual part of my mind that had grown but this was different. Something that can only be described as growth. I guess I’d have to wait and see what changes it made, in t1me.
After three rotations of all that, I was hungry, tired and a bit wobbly but I felt good. My Chosen had been wonderful and I felt closer to all of them than ever before, especial1y Simeon. He hid so much but he was so gentle and kind. We’d all been vulnerable during this and I felt the strength of the resulting bond as if they were diamond. I’d probably be able to feel them deep in the oceans on the other side of the Planet.
“Sierra. Are you ready to go down?” Lazot asked.
I smiled and we walked out of my suite together. I’d miss them all when we had t0 go our separate ways, back to life and the responsibilities that demanded our time. Though Kine seemed to be drawing me closer t0 his political life, involving me in projects and meetings.
We gathered, the six of us, in the Food Hal1 and quietly partook of the delicious fare, slowly adjusting to being back. Not that we’d gone anywhere but it all felt very different. Slowly, the household began to drift in and out, helping me get used to being around others again. It was good that I didn’t even feel the need to be aggressive or defend myself. There were some worries that with my instincts closer to the surface, I may struggle around so many Icanthie in the Capital. But I was fine, for now at least. Can’t say what will happen when I encounter my Aunt.
The peaceful atmosphere that my kin had worked so hard to create to aid in my recovery was shattered by the sound of the Mansion security alarms blaring. What had always been just an annoyance to me before was suddenly a loud, in my face screech just short of being painful. We al1 jumped to our feet, Lazot immediately going to Seth to protect him, Simeon close by as backup. Seeing Seth was protected, I moved closer to Kine, Mathias and Darius. It wasn’t ideal but it looked like I was going to test out my new self in combat circumstances.
We were ready when the doors banged open, lunging forward only to pull ourselves up short. We hadn’t expected my guards to come rushing in. Eecee, Kaylor, Merrick and the others saw that we were safe and immediately swung around, hastily pulling one of the tables in front of it as a barrier. Then, they backed up and faced the door in a defensive formation. We had a respite and made use of the time, Kine reaching for his comms to find out what was going on. We needed to know if we should stay put or try to make a escape to a better location.
“Hey Eecee, good to see you.” I called to her. Merrick, for some reason, cracked up laughing and my guards followed. I must have missed something but I couldn’t pursue it because Kine spoke up with a situation report.
“Sit Rep, a team of Banished have managed to penetrate our defences. We don’t know where they came from but they headed straight for this mansion. We think there are ten of them but they dispersed into the many hallways and rooms before we got an accurate count. Three are confirmed down. We have to assume the target is Sierra until further information is available. Defensive formation around the vulnerable.”
We’d barely heard the report and gotten into positions when the doors, once again, burst open and five Banished entered, not even hindered by the basic barrier we’d placed in front of it. As one, they charged in our direction, completely ignoring my guards and Seth’s little group. Kaylor tried to intercept one of them and missed but managed to delay him so when they reached us, we only met four to contend with at once. I could see my guards hurrying towards us but remembered there were supposed to be seven. Where were the other two?
No time. The fight was fierce, despite the fact we met one-on-one. I couldn’t see much of the other fights around me, preoccupied with the bulky figure raining down blows on my head. I blocked them with my fore arms and elbows but each one shuddered through me so powerful they made my teeth rattle. He pushed me back, trying to isolate me from the others and pulled a blade. Why wasn’t he using his claws? I snarled, the adrenaline feeding my instincts and shifted to reveal my claws and fangs, legs thickening with muscle. I grew a little taller and used the extra height to lunge straight at his neck. He managed to block me but I tore into his arm, breathing heavy. The shift was still a little too tiring and I was low on fuel, not having eaten much in the last three rotations. It was all so new but I didn’t give up.
My opponent was bleeding heavily and tiring just as fast as me. Taking a chance, I swept out his legs from under him and pinned him to the ground. He still struggled and nearly knocked me off and I knew I’d never keep him down so I slammed his head into the ground. He looked dazed but was still struggling against me so I did it again and again until he was unconscious. I was so tired, breathing heavily and desperately wanted to relax but there may still be danger. Forcing myself up and alert, I look around the room. My guards were restraining two of the Banished and Simeon stood over another, having left Lazot and Seth to help Darius. But the other two had backed Mathias and Kine against the far wall. As I watched, Mathias swiped at his aggressors head and he went down unconscious and bleeding, but Kine was in trouble.
His opponent was fast and refused to get close enough for Kine to do any real damage. They were both bleeding and their movements were slowing. Suddenly, it happened. It was so fast nobody could do anything. The Banished struck, sinking her claws into Kine’s stomach, gripping hard and yanking them back out with a twist. Blood spilled freely and the banished grinned triumphantly but Kine took the opportunity she gave and swiped at her neck. She fell to her knees, gripping her throat and slumped over. The room was quiet, filled with the sounds of heavy breathing and the drip, drip, drip of sticky blood. Then it hit me. Kine was hurt.
“KINE! No, no no no no.” I ran to him and helped ease him down the wall as his legs gave out on him. Darius appeared out of nowhere and hurried over with his equipment, immediately beginning to seal the wound, injecting extra nanites to help his natural healing.
“Sierra please, I need you to move or I can’t tend to him.”
I didn’t want to move away so I shifted a little, still holding onto him. Mathias approached and snarled his anger at what the Banished had done. I stared into Kine's eyes as he smiled at us, happy to see us safe. But he couldn’t talk. This couldn’t be happening. Not again. I wouldn’t lose another kin. I stared into his eyes, willing him to fight, to be okay. Something tickled my mind and, remembering I called out to my guards.
“Kaylor, Eecee. Find the last two. Kine said there were ten, three were already down and we have five that leaves two. Find the last two.” I didn’t ever look away from Kine but I heard them acknowledge me and split off.
Suddenly, Kine groaned and his face scrunched up in pain. He was trying to be brave for us and this was bad.
“You’re going to be alright Kine.” I told him. Looking up at Darius, “Right? He’s going to be alright isn’t he?”
Darius and Mathias exchanged worried looks but no one answered me.
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