《House of Honour: The Heir》XIX.


Kaewyn woke with a terribly uncomfortable feeling in his lower half. He knew exactly what was causing it, but still he decided to roll over and attempt to fall back asleep as it was cold out of his sleeping furs. When his bladder refused to cooperate, he opened his eyes and grumbled. He sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes and then rose to his feet, leaving the relative warmth of his sleeping furs and exposing himself to the cold. His lower half was covered by his breeches, but he was bare from the waist up. He briefly considered putting on some clothes, but decided against it as he felt the need to hurry.

He looked to the other side of the tent and saw Camilla asleep on the newly constructed bed that was supposed to be his. Before they had turned in for the night, Kaewyn figured it was best if Camilla remain in the tent for a while longer to avoid her presence being discovered by her brother Rhys. Opting to be the gentleman, Kaewyn had also surrendered his bed for her comfort while he took Yohren’s usual place on the other side of the tent. Yohren, now displaced, had been kindly offered a sleeping place by Arlan within his tent. While Kaewyn’s new sleeping spot was rather rough and consisted of a sleeping roll and some furs, he had grown completely used to it and found that it didn’t bother him much. He had been travelling and marching so much in the past couple weeks that he had grown comfortable with a simple sleeping roll. The time it took to set up such luxuries like a proper bed to sleep in, simply wasn’t believed to be worth the effort during a march as the need to pack everything up and keep moving each day was constant. Now that they were camped outside of Taneby and expected to remain so for the foreseeable future, Kaewyn’s bed had been quickly assembled.

Kaewyn slipped out of the tent as quietly as he could so as to not risk waking up Camilla and found himself standing out in the cold night air. A gentle gust of wind picked up and caused him to shiver. He hugged himself for warmth and then breathed hot air into his hands in an attempt to heat himself up. There was one guard on duty outside the tent who awkwardly bowed to him. He had given orders to the guards responsible for standing watch in the area of his tent to not admit anyone to enter under any circumstances unless he gave his permission. Yohren was a noted exception however, and had been given leave to come and go as he pleased. He hoped this measure would reduce the risk of Camilla’s presence becoming common knowledge throughout the camp.

Kaewyn then made his way to a secluded area by some trees where no one was likely to see him. With each step, he took care not to step on any rocks or sticks as he was completely barefoot, inevitably though, he still managed to step on something sharp. After cursing, he found a suitable spot and then relieved himself in the darkness of the night. When he was done, he hurried back toward the guard who again, bowed rather oddly. He had never seen this guard before, and Kaewyn suspected he must have been new to the job. With a shrug, he left the guard to his duties and entered. Happy to be back inside the tent where he was sheltered from the cold breeze, he let out a breath of relief and rubbed his arms. He realised then that he was shivering quite badly and regretted not putting on his clothes before heading outside. Wanting to be back underneath warm furs, Kaewyn walked straight toward his sleeping roll, only to pause when he heard a sleepy yawn. He looked to the bed to see a tired Camilla sitting up and eyeing him sleepily in the relative darkness of the tent.


“You look absolutely freezing Kaewyn.” Camilla mumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

“It’s quite cold out there.” He whispered back. “Windy too. I’m sorry for waking you.”

“It’s okay, I haven’t been able get much sleep since you told me about Alina.” She said after yawning a second time.

“Still having trouble deciding what you want to do?”

“Mhmm. I know I should be there for Alina during her pregnancy. Ohnix knows I would want someone to be there for me when the time comes.” Camilla said patting her belly comically. “I just worry that once I return home, Rhys will be reluctant to ever let me leave again.”

“He did seem rather adamant about you being returned to Varde Castle.”

“See what I mean?” She said angrily as she worked herself up into the beginnings of a rant. “Why can’t I just do what I want once in a while? Why does Rhys have to involve himself in everything I do? It’s infuriating!”

“Camilla…” He said shivering. “Perhaps we could discuss this in the morning?”

“Oh Kaewyn! I’m so sorry.” Camilla chuckled. “You must be so cold standing there with… hardly any clothes on. Huh, I barely noticed until now.”

“I’ll be fine once I’m back underneath my furs.” He said, noticing that she was staring at him rather oddly.

“Maybe you don’t have to. That sleeping roll doesn’t look very warm to me.”

Kaewyn cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean?”

“Well, I ah… What about… this bed then? It’s plenty warm I assure you.”

“it’s okay Camilla. I wouldn’t want to kick you out after offering it to you.”

Camilla rolled her eyes and smiled. “Do I really have to spell it out to you? You getting in does not mean that I must get out.”

“Oh, y- you mean…”

Camilla quietly chuckled, then shuffled over and made enough space for the two of them. Patting the side of the bed that was now vacant, she beckoned him in with an alluring nod of the head and smiling all the while.

“This is meant to be your bed, after all.”

“Alright.” He said nervously. “But why do I get the feeling that you wouldn’t let me refuse even if I tried?”

“Are you calling me stubborn again?” Camilla said with a giggle. “Now hurry up and get under the covers before the heat gets out. It’s damn cold.”

All feelings of tiredness disappeared as Kaewyn felt a wave of nervousness and excitement wash over him. The mere thought of being close to Camilla, let alone sharing a bed with her, was an exhilarating prospect. His mind briefly flashed back to his chambers where they had shared their first kiss. Yohren had interrupted them then, and judging by the coy look on her face, she wanted to continue where they had left off.

He walked over to the bed and joined her under the covers. Almost immediately, she cozied up to his side and wrapped her arms around him. Her skin was warm and inviting and the feel of her pressed up against him made him feel wanted and needed. Without hesitation, she used a finger to trail up and then down his bare chest, then looked up at him with those dark blue eyes that were so quintessentially Camilla. She then ran her fingers across his cheek and through the facial hair he had grown since leaving Xu Castle.

“I like this on you.” She whispered.


“I haven’t had the chance to shave it.”

“Don’t. I think it suits you. Makes you look older somehow, wiser even.”

“Well, I certainly do not feel wiser.” He said softly. “Older perhaps, but not wiser.”

As his thoughts drifted back to what had happened in Taneby Forest and the decisions he had made, the feeling of immense guilt returned to him. Camilla must have sensed his anxiety, as she soon pulled away from him and looked at him with worry in her eyes.

“Are you okay Kaewyn? You seem rather tense…”

“Sorry Camilla… I just have a lot on my mind lately.”

“Oh, am I being too forward?” She said sadly. “Well, if you would rather return to your sleeping roll… I’d understand.”

“No no no, it’s not that.” He said, squeezing her hand gently. “With everything that is going on I find it difficult to relax as I used to. Before the Battle of the Rau and before… before my father was killed, I fell asleep nearly as soon as my head hit the pillow. But lately… lately I’ve struggled to fall asleep. I just sit there and stare for hours.”

“You have gone through a lot in the past few weeks Kaewyn, and my actions certainly haven’t helped in that regard, have they?” Camilla sighed and lowered her head. “When I disappeared, Yohren told me how badly you worried for me. I’ve even managed to put you at odds with Rhys by only thinking of myself. Gods… I’ve been so selfish. Why can I not be happy and satisfied with my life as Alina is with hers?”

“Don’t blame yourself Camilla. No one could have predicted all that has happened. As for your being selfish, I want you to know that I have always thought of you as one of the kindest people I have ever known. I don’t think you have it in you to be selfish.”

Camilla looked up at him and despite her saddened demeanour, she couldn’t help but let loose a small smile.

“What you told me back in my chambers at Xu Castle… when you confided in me that your father told you that you were never meant to be heard, but only to be seen… well, it made me realise something.” Kaewyn continued.

“What?” She said with keen interest. Kaewyn could see it in her eyes that she was curious about what he was going to say next.

“I have always avoided the responsibility I was born to, but you Camilla, you sought it out. More than that, you wanted to be included, to help, to offer advice. Yet your father pushed you away from it.” He explained. “I, on the other hand, was forced into it by my father when I would have preferred to have been left to myself. Don’t you see the difference? You yearned for the opportunity, for the responsibility, but instead you were told to focus on… what did you call it? Embroidery?”

“And knitting…” She said with a frown.

“Exactly. Look, what I’m trying to say is that I do not blame you Camilla… how could I? You knew Alyssa… my dear sister. She would never have accepted being told to stay quiet and focus on knitting and embroidery. It just wasn’t her… and I’m thinking it’s not you either.”

Camilla smiled. “I don’t know what to say Kaewyn, thank you. I… still feel terrible about what happened to Alyssa. I always looked up to her, you know? I admired how brave she was. I will always cherish those times when we were all together as children. Actually, now that I think of it, I believe your sister might have been the one who taught me to be so stubborn.”

“I prefer to call it determination.” He said with a smirk, calling back to what she had said earlier in the day.

Camilla laughed and cozied up to him again, wrapping herself around his side and nestling in under his arm. He was pleased that she was feeling better, the very thought of her happy made him feel the same way. She was warm and Kaewyn could feel every part of her that was pressed up against him. He shuffled to get comfortable and then brought his free arm around and hugged her tightly.

“Camilla… Alyssa never had the chance to live her life because of what happened. That fact pains me… more than I can even begin to explain.” He said, his voice thick with emotion. “So, for her, and for me, please… do not be afraid to live yours.”

Camilla looked up at him with those blue eyes he had always loved, with a grin from one ear to the other. For the briefest of moments, Kaewyn thought he had upset her when he spotted a single tear forming under her eye, but the warmth and joy in her eyes told him everything about how she was feeling. His words had struck a chord with her, but he didn’t realise how much his words had truly meant to her until she spoke, with passion in her voice.

“Alright Kaewyn, I won’t.”

Camilla placed her free hand on his cheek and then gently turned his head toward her as she leaned closer. The first few kisses were soft and gentle. They took turns with who initiated the next meeting of lips, smiling at each other between each kiss. Kaewyn felt his desire for her grow as each kiss led to the next. Without even thinking about it, his hands instinctively found her hips and pulled her in. He saw her pause for a moment, looking at him excitedly. She leant in and kissed him again, but this time with more force and passion. Within moments, Camilla climbed on top of him, straddling him. He felt both of her hands cup the sides of his face as she continued to kiss him eagerly. Lost in the moment, his curious hands began to explore her form. He could tell immediately that she was receptive to his idea, as she used to her own hands to guide his down her back, to her hips and then to her legs. Kaewyn leaned up to meet her and held her in his arms, this time kissing her cheek, neck, and chest. After a few more moments, he held her by sides and then rolled Camilla onto her back, reversing their positions in one motion. With him now on top as she had been, he imitated her by slowing down and kissing her softly and gently, repeating in the same way they had begun. When they paused between each new kiss, neither of them could help but let out a short giggle before falling back into their passionate embrace. Kaewyn was utterly euphoric, never had he experienced such a feeling before. He wanted nothing more than for this moment to go on forever.

“I already told you!” An aggravated voice argued from outside the tent, causing them to freeze. “Lord Edderfield gave strict orders not to be disturbed!”

“And I told you, soldier, that we have urgent business with the Lord.” Marcus said snidely. “Do you not recognise me? I am Lord Edderfield’s primary advisor! Let me pass you buffoon!”

Why now of all times? Kaewyn thought angrily to himself.

“Is that… Marcus?” Camilla whispered.

“Stay here.” He replied. “I’ll… I’ll try to make him go away.”

“Kaewyn, I don’t want to hide anymore.”

“I know Camilla… we will think of something.” He assured her. “But for now, let’s just continue as planned, alright?”

Camilla narrowed her eyes and looked at him disappointedly. He knew that she was not happy about the idea of hiding herself again, especially after their earlier conversation about her not being afraid to live her life, but he saw no other alternative. He had no time to think or come up with something better, he only hoped that she would understand. He got out of bed and hurriedly made his way over the tent’s exit. He slowly lifted the loose flap of fabric that served as the entrance and peered through. In the relative darkness outside, he saw Marcus angrily arguing with the guard on duty. Behind them, a small group of people stood, one of them was carrying a lantern which lit up their faces in the darkness of the night. Among the group, he could make out General Alaric, Yohren and Arlan, as well as someone whom he did not recognise at all.

They’re all here? Must be important. Kaewyn thought to himself.

He glanced back to see Camilla sitting upright in bed, arms crossed and rolling her eyes. She wasn’t even attempting to conceal herself and she looked quite frustrated. He hated seeing her this way, but if the camp learned of her presence, he believed it would only be a matter of time until her brother learned she was not back in the safety of Xu Castle. He knew the repercussions of such a revelation could be disastrous for their campaign in Oscua.

He remembered how cold it was outside and looked around the tent, spotting the wooden frame that served as his armour and weapon rack. Hanging from the rack were his clothes, both the inner and outer layers as well as his personal armour. He briefly considered taking the time to at least put on something to cover his exposed chest, but decided against it. If he delayed any further, there was every chance Marcus would just storm in regardless. Still without anything on to cover his upper half, Kaewyn lifted the loose tent flap and exited the tent into the cold air.

“My lord? There you are. We must speak at once.” Marcus said upon seeing him.

“Marcus… it is late. And I am tired!” Kaewyn said quickly, thinking of any excuse to make his advisor go away as soon as possible. “Can it not wait until the morning?”

“Odd. You appear to be very much awake already.” Marcus said as he looked him up and down. “But no, this cannot wait. The matter is of the utmost importance.”

Kaewyn sighed, realising once again that his responsibilities must come before personal wants or needs. “…Very well Marcus. Give me a moment to dress and meet me in your tent in ten minutes.”

“I am afraid time will not permit such luxuries. Your tent will have to do my lord, despite your relative state of undress.” Marcus insisted as he began to move towards the tent. “This matter requires our immediate attention.”

“Marcus, you should show more respect to Lord Kaewyn.” Arlan added while looking at the stranger Marcus had brought with him. “At least allow him the opportunity to dress, especially in the presence of one he has not yet been introduced.”

For the briefest of moments, it looked as though Marcus was going to concede, but then a loud crash emanated from within Kaewyn’s tent, followed quickly by a feminine voice cursing loudly. Kaewyn realised that everyone present had heard the crash and the curse plainly. He suspected that the sound must have been Camilla knocking his armour rack over.

“My lord, is someone within your tent?” General Alaric asked with concern as he raised the lantern in his hand, momentarily blinding him.

“Probably just the wind, right?” Yohren said nervously.

Kaewyn rubbed his temples. It was obvious that he was trying to prevent Marcus from finding out about Camilla’s presence, but his words only served to cause further suspicion.

“Then the wind has a right foul mouth.” General Alaric said with a chuckle. “And a temper to match.”

“Someone is inside.” Marcus said. “And judging by the voice I heard, this someone is no man.”

“No one is inside my tent, Marcus. And even If there were, It’s none of your damn business!” Kaewyn nearly shouted, no longer caring if they believed him or not. “Now let’s just hear what is so important and get it over with.”

“My lord, I thought you better than to consort with a woman of such low moral character.” Marcus said with a shake of the head. “I never would have guessed you would employ the services of a courtesan.”

“A what?” Yohren asked with visible confusion.

“…A whore, Yohren.” General Alaric explained with a chuckle. “Or a camp follower, if you prefer. Perhaps a lady of the night?”

“Oh…” The young man replied. “You mean someone who…”


“Oh…. Oh!”

Kaewyn’s patience had nearly run out when he heard a shuffle behind him. Before he could turn to see what had caused it, the wide eyed and jaw dropped faces of General Alaric and Marcus told him all he needed to know.

“Did you just insinuate that I was a whore, Marcus?” Camilla said boldly as she walked up and took a position beside him, intertwining her arm with his in front of everyone.

Kaewyn quickly felt quite vulnerable and didn’t know where to look, but he did know that everyone was staring at him and Camilla. He couldn’t believe the audacity she had shown by revealing herself as she had. He noticed that she was completely dressed in her outrider attire. She must have acted the moment he her alone in the tent to be dressed so quickly, he realised. As awkward as he was feeling, Kaewyn had never seen Marcus so flustered before. His usual calm and self-assured demeanour had been replaced by a man who was red faced and scrambling to find the right words to respond. The General however, seemed less surprised, and when he noticed that Arlan and Yohren seemingly already knew about Camilla, he simply smiled and shook his head slowly.

“Lady Callidus…? I never meant…” Marcus paused and then sighed; his frustration obvious. “My lord, what is she doing here? I thought you said she was missing? If Lord Rhys learns you brought his own sister to a battlefield…”

“Kaewyn had nothing to do with it.” Camilla said adamantly. “I want to make it clear that I am here of my own choosing.”

“Oh good. I am sure your brother will understand then.” Marcus said sarcastically. “I doubt Lord Rhys would hold Lord Kaewyn responsible for the actions of his sister, even if she was left explicitly in his care…”

“Camilla has my full support, Marcus. You would do well to remember that.” He said before he had a chance to mull it over in his mind and think it through. He felt Camilla’s hand wrap around his own and squeeze it out of sight of the others. When he squeezed back, he had to supress his desire to smile.

“Kaewyn. By allowing Lady Callidus to be here, you risk angering our most important ally.” Marcus explained. “If we lose the support of Vinum Province, where the majority of our supplies are coming from, I might add, then this siege could go on forever. Or worse, we may have to withdraw entirely.”

“The lord has made his decision Marcus. We can always discuss it later when matters are less pressing.” Arlan added. “For now, it is vital that her presence does not become common knowledge within the camp, lest word reach Lord Rhys.”

“…Very well.” Marcus conceded, clearing his throat. “Then we had best head inside before both her presence and our discussion are compromised.”

Happy for the discussion to be over for now, Kaewyn nodded and stepped aside, gesturing for everyone to enter his tent so that the meeting could begin. Arlan and Yohren passed through first, nodding to him and Camilla as they did. Next was Marcus, who despite his objections to Camilla’s presence, bowed respectfully to her before entering the tent. The one whom Kaewyn did not recognise followed next, and now that he was closer and near the General’s lantern, he noticed that the armour this man was wearing was slightly different from what his own troops were equipped with, which told him immediately that he was not one of theirs. His curiosity had been piqued. General Alaric was the last of the unexpected visitors yet to enter. He paused by Kaewyn and patted him on the shoulder with a wry smile before disappearing inside.

Kaewyn’s tent was one of the larger set up within the newly established siege camp, therefore even a group of seven people could easily be accommodated within. When he entered, he found that his late-night guests had formed a circle around the open space in the centre. It was dark within, and although the General’s lantern provided some light, it was obvious that more was needed. Kaewyn asked for patience and then searched for his own lantern. After fumbling for a few moments through the dark corners of the tent, he found the lantern by his now overturned armour rack and lit it, illuminating the space within. Yohren saw the upturned rack and dutifully tasked himself to getting it back to order, tossing a shirt to Kaewyn to wear as he did so. Kaewyn handed his lantern to Camilla and then gratefully pulled the shirt over his head. Happy to now be properly clothed in front of his nightly guests, he felt his confidence returning. With the two lanterns burning brightly, the faces of those present cast ominous shadows on the walls and the flames flickered lively. After a pause, all eyes turned to Marcus and his mystery guest.

Marcus cleared his throat and nodded to the unknown man. “Lord Kaewyn will hear you now. Go on, tell him what you told me.”

The man hesitantly identified himself as Jaird, a senior military officer with the responsibility of organising the defence of the southern gate of Taneby. He described the goings on within Taneby since the death of Lord Severus at the Battle of the Rau and how Marcus Severus had ruled since exiling his younger brother Tavian and taking power. The new Lord Severus was every bit as strict and disciplined as his father had been, but he was also extraordinarily cruel. A trait which had turned a great many of the commonfolk and junior officers against him. Jaird went into detail and explained several instances where friends and other officers had been subjected to torture and even execution for the smallest mistakes. He proudly stated that had remained loyal in spite of such hardships, as he believed himself to be a proud citizen of Oscua Province. However, when his brother-in-law was sentenced to execution for arriving a mere ten minutes late for his scheduled guard shift, his faith in his new lord had been severely shaken. He had tried to plea for his brother in law’s life, but Lord Severus simply laughed and added torture and lashings to the punishments for his efforts. Even still, Jaird said he had held a small hope that perhaps his new lord was just making an example of his lazy brother in an attempt to increase discipline amongst the guards, as this was common amongst those who recently come to power. He hoped that after the point had been made and that everyone knew the price for laziness was high, that his lord would show mercy in the end. With tears in his eyes, Jaird told them that the execution had taken place yesterday. He explained that because of this, his loyalty and faith had finally been broken and that was why he now risked his own life and that of his family to come here in the cover of night to make them an offer.

“Oh, you poor man.” Camilla said before anyone else could ask about this offer. “Is the rest of your family somewhere safe?”

“For now, milady.” Jaird replied. “My elder folk and my sister’s children have all moved into my house for shelter. It’s a big family for one house, but better safe and together than scattered all over Taneby if you ask me.”

“Yes yes, enough about all that.” Marcus said rudely. “Let us not be distracted by trivial matters. Get to the reason you have come to us, Jaird.”

Kaewyn rolled his eyes, but in truth, while he felt pity for the man and all he had endured, he was far more concerned with why he had sought an audience in the middle of the night. He gestured expectantly for the Oscuan officer to continue.

Jaird looked at him nervously before speaking. “Milord, I can… I can arrange for the southern gates to be opened to you and your troops. I only ask that you spare the people of Taneby from a slaughter.”

“Just as I thought! A damned traitor. Who else would sneak around at night like a rat?” General Alaric snarled. “My lord, you cannot trust a man who turns his coat so easily.”

“Easy General, if you will recall, we too have done our fair share of sneaking around during the night.” Kaewyn said, thinking back to their first battle. “Besides, if you were in his position you might act in the same way. You didn’t attend the meeting With Lord Severus, you didn’t see how… unhinged he was.”

“Loyalty is everything to the Alarics.” The General said proudly. “We have served your family for as long as the Edderfield’s have held land. Such traitorous thoughts would never cross my mind.”

Kaewyn smiled. “And I am grateful for your support, but if you were sworn to a man who thought nothing of executing his own people, perhaps you would think differently.”

The general scoffed and crossed his arms, he was clearly opposed to working with one he deemed a traitor, but otherwise remained silent. Kaewyn then turned his attention back to Jaird, who had patiently waited for them to finish their argument without interrupting and asked him to forgive the general.

“I can understand why General Alaric views me as a traitor. To be honest, the thought of opening the gates for your army still leaves a sour taste in my mouth.” Jaird said through grit teeth. “I’ve served Taneby for well over twenty years and the very idea of helping an enemy enter is… difficult to ponder. But whatever action I take, I know I will be breaking the oath I took to protect my people, or the one I took to serve my lord. If I’m forced to choose between them, then I must choose the people and my own family first.”

“Those are not the words of a traitor.” Arlan spoke up. “Traitors are selfish, opportunistic and without honour. This man was compelled to act to protect his family. I see no reason why we should not hear him out.”

“Well said Arlan.” Camilla added. “I think Jaird here is a brave man. He has decided to stand up against his corrupt and evil lord for the betterment of others.”

“There is no such thing as evil.” Marcus interjected. “We are all the same in that we all act to benefit ourselves or those we care about. Some of the worst atrocities ever committed in the history of the Revaryn Empire have been done in the name of what powerful people believed to be in the interest of what they considered to be good. What is good for one can be catastrophically horrible for another.”

“This really isn’t the time for philosophy, Marcus.” Kaewyn said as he shook his head.

“Is there ever a time for it?” General Alaric chuckled. “I think we’d all be better off without—”

“Jaird.” Kaewyn said sternly, ignoring the General. “I did not march our troops here to conquer Oscua Province, I assure you. Though I cannot fault you for not trusting in the word of the one leading armed troops into your homeland. Perhaps then, it is time for you to meet the one who brought us here?”

Jaird looked around nervously. “I must be back in Taneby before first light. The men sympathetic to my mission here will cover for me while I am gone, but once the guards change over, there is a good chance my absence will be discovered.”

“I understand, we will make this quick.” Kaewyn said as he leaned over and whispered to Yohren. “Fetch Tavian and have him come here with haste.”

Yohren nodded and rushed out of the tent. While he was gone, Marcus and General Alaric questioned Jaird thoroughly on how the plan could come to fruition. They spoke about how he would open the gates and more importantly, when. After a detailed discussion, everyone agreed that that the best time for Jaird to act would be at midnight, two days from now. This would allow the troops to be prepared for the assault. Marcus further suggested that during these two days, men should be tasked to begin construction of massive siege engines, such as a battering ram and siege towers, in plain view of the walls. Arlan questioned the purpose of dedicating so many resources to something they planned to not even use, but Marcus countered quickly, stating that the enemy would grow complacent at the sight of them and not expect an attack until the construction was complete. Furthermore, attacking through one gate, while advantageous, did not guarantee their success. If the enemy reacted quickly, the gate could quickly turn into a chokepoint that would stifle the amount of their troops that could enter Taneby at once. Therefore, the siege engines could be used in the event that their attack was met with failure.

Kaewyn had watched Jaird during their discussion with interest. It was not that he did not trust his word, but the man was proposing to actively work against his own, and despite having a perfectly good enough reason to do so, he figured it was better to stay cautious. The same could be said for Tavian too, Kaewyn mused. This was why he had purposefully withheld from Jaird that it had been Tavian that he had just sent for. His reasoning was that he wanted to judge how well the exiled son of the late lord Severus was received by one of his own. He figured that Jaird’s reaction would serve as an excellent indicator of Tavian’s reputation amongst his people. If all went well with the Siege of Taneby, then Tavian would become his vassal and neighbour, ruling Oscua Province in his stead. It was vital that he ascertain what kind of man Tavian truly was, and this was, Kaewyn believed, one way to do just that.

Kaewyn and the others heard Tavian arrive before they saw him. The young Oscuan noble asked Yohren sleepily why he had been summoned in the middle of the night. A second, unfamiliar voice echoed the sentiment. After a brief exchange with the guard, their new guests were allowed entry. Tavian entered first, followed by a stranger that must have been his retainer. Tavian looked groggy and tired, his curly black hair was dishevelled and dark patches had formed under both of his eyes. Kaewyn recalled that Tavian had mentioned he only had the one retainer, so this man must have been the same one who had organised the friendly Oscuan troops just prior to the march through Taneby Forest.

“Tavian. I am glad you are here.” Kaewyn said merrily.

“You look like shit.” General Alaric chuckled.

“Lord Edderfield…” Tavian responded sleepily with a nod of his head. “I have never been one to rise early, forgive me for my appearance.”

“What is so important that Lord Tavian needed to come right away?” His retainer said defensively. “Could it not have waited until the morning?”

As Tavian raised a hand to calm his heated companion, his tired eyes locked with Jaird’s. Kaewyn thought he spotted a glimmer of recognition between the two.

“…Lord Tavian!?” Jaird said in surprise.

“I remember you…” Tavian said, suddenly much more awake. “You were there when I was exiled.”

“Aye, milord, aye I was.” Jaird said with a smile. “it is good to see you again, milord.”

“Then you are one of my brother’s men. What are you doing here in Lord Edderfield’s camp?” Tavian asked.

“Jaird here has come to us with an offer.” Kaewyn explained as he wandered the tent aimlessly. “He will open the southern gate for our troops at midnight, two days from now. With any luck, Taneby will be under our control soon.”

“That is great news!” Tavian beamed. “I’m guessing that’s why you were so eager to summon me here. What’s our plan?”

“That is all we have for now Tavian. As much as I believe you would like to talk with him more, Jaird must be back in Taneby soon.” Kaewyn explained.

“Aye milords, but I may be able to return again tomorrow night if luck permits it.” Jaird said. “In the meantime, I will spread word within the city that you both work together to liberate Oscua Province and that Lord Edderfield does not come as an invader as Lord Marcus claims.”

“If the people within the city believe we are there to help them, won’t that make it easier to take Taneby?” Camilla questioned.

“It might…” Marcus Linforde said. “It certainly won’t hurt our chances if the people aren’t assisting those defending the walls, thinking we are there to conquer them.”

“Very well. Let us speak more of this tomorrow night then, when Jaird hopefully returns to us.” Kaewyn announced as looked at Jaird and gestured toward the tent’s exit. “You’d better get moving.”

“Until my return, milords.” The Oscuan officer said as he bowed. “Luck be with you.”

“And you as well.” He replied.

After Jaird left the tent, Kaewyn took a breath and rubbed his eyes. “I suppose we should all get some rest. There will be a lot to prepare in the morning.”

Marcus faked a cough and refrained from moving.

“Something more to say?” Kaewyn asked.

“We must… discuss something further.” Marcus said quietly.

“Haven’t we bothered him enough for one night Marcus? Let him get back to his… sleeping.” General Alaric chuckled loudly as he eyed both Kaewyn and Camilla cheekily.

“What is it Marcus?” Kaewyn said, ignoring the General’s lewd insinuation.

Marcus sighed. “Must I be the one to say it? I suppose I must be. My lord, we cannot trust that this Jaird speaks the truth. His timing is too convenient, his story too… easy.”

“I trust him.” Tavian interjected.

“Begging your pardon, Lord Tavian, but why?” Marcus said. “He was there when you were exiled, was he not? Did he speak up against your brother? Did he do anything at all?”

“Well, no… but—”

“Then we cannot take him for his word.” Marcus explained. “To do so would be foolish. Remember what I said before Taneby Forest my lord? There is no need to rush into risk when we have other options.”

“Then what do you suggest Marcus? We ignore this opportunity?” General Alaric questioned. “Lay siege and starve them out for the next six months?”

“I didn’t say that General…” Marcus countered. “But this Jaird could be luring our troops into the city to simply kill us more quickly. If he shut the gates after a number of our troops had entered Taneby… A deadly trap, as it were.”

“If you are so worried about this being some sort of trap…” Tavian said boldly. “Then let my troops and I enter first.”

“Tavian…” Kaewyn said. “You could be killed.”

“My lord, listen to me. If this is a trap, let it be my Oscuan troops who take the risk.” Tavian pleaded. “I trust Jaird, I know he will not betray us, but if you cannot take his word for it, then let it be me who takes the risk instead of you or your own men. I beg of you.”

“My Lord Tavian is brave.” His retainer said proudly. “And our Oscuan troops are brave as well. We will go forth where others fear to tread if it means freeing our city!”

Kaewyn sighed. The very idea of Tavian risking himself did not sit well with him, but he did make an excellent point. Marcus was nodding his head in agreement, as were most of the others. He did not like the idea, but if Tavian was adamant, then perhaps it was the right decision.

“Very well, Tavian, very well.” He conceded. “I only hope for your sake that you are right about Jaird.”

“Thank you.” Tavian said as he turned to leave. “Forgive me, but I think it would be best if I begin organising my men as soon as possible. We have a momentous task ahead of us.”

Kaewyn nodded and acknowledged his request. After Tavian and his retainer had left the vicinity of the tent, Marcus, once again, decided that he had something further to say.

“My lord, it seems our plan is shaping up, but even with an open gate, our success is not guaranteed. It would be best if we had another way into Taneby so that our troops can overwhelm the defenders all at once, rather than streaming in through one, defendable point.”

“What he says makes some sense Kaewyn.” General Alaric added. “If the Oscuan’s react quickly, and if Tavian’s men cannot break through, then we will be funnelled into a slaughter.”

“Then what you say is right Marcus, in that we need to find another way to bring our troops into the city all at once.” Kaewyn said.

Camilla made a sound and looked as though she were about to speak, but then stopped herself and turned her head to the side.

“Fear not.” Marcus said confidently. “I will think on a way we can improve our odds and find you sometime tomorrow to go over it together. Perhaps ladders… no, the walls are too tall…”

As everyone nodded and said their farewells, Kaewyn let out a sigh of relief. Although he was gladdened that the meeting had taken place, he realised he was feeling incredibly tired. With everything dealt with for now, he was eager to be back in bed and under the furs. He noticed that Camilla seemed anxious as she watched everyone leave one by one, and once they had all left, she looked at him uncertainly.

“You okay?” he asked out of concern.

“I did not want to speak in front of the others, but I think I might have an idea.” She said hesitantly. “For the plan to take Taneby.”

“What? Really? Why didn’t you say something before?” He said as he dimmed the light of the lantern, returning the inside of the tent to relative darkness.

“I suppose I was afraid that Marcus would just ignore me, or tell me that my idea was nonsense.”

He pondered her words as he made his way over to the bed and sat down. Camilla had been made most unwelcome by Marcus back in Xu Castle during their meeting, therefore he could understand why she was feeling so hesitant to speak in front of him now. He did not like that part of Marcus at all, even if he did make valid points, the bushy eyed man had a way of making people feel small and insignificant, not to mention stupid.

“Come, sit beside me.” He said as he patted the bed. “Tell me your idea. You know I wouldn’t ignore you.”

Camilla smiled and joined him on the bed, leaning into his shoulder almost immediately. Kaewyn felt the desire to turn to her and kiss her, to rekindle what had been cut short yet again, but he knew that her speaking up about her idea and being truly heard was more important than his selfish desires. When she didn’t speak, he gently pushed her with his shoulder in an effort to encourage her.

“Go on, I want to hear about your idea, Camilla.”

She let out a deep breath and then stopped leaning into him. Instead, she looked at him in the eyes with that familiar determined expression and began to speak.

“My brother’s forces are camped on the western side of Taneby, are they not?” She asked.

“I believe so.”

“Well, that Jaird fellow commands the southern gate, which also means that he would be in control of the gatehouse, right?”

“I’d imagine that to be the case.” Kaewyn said. “General Alaric commanded the gate and gatehouse of Xu Castle, back when he was a Captain.”

“I’ve spent a lot of my life wandering the walls of Varde Castle and I’ve visited plenty of others, like Xu Castle as well. I know it is possible to reach the walls from a gatehouse.” Camilla explained. “I looked at the maps before Kaewyn, and Taneby looks like a giant rectangle to me.”

He chuckled. “I suppose it does. The walls of Taneby would be the edges of the giant rectangle, as you said. I’m not really seeing how this works into any sort of plan, though.”

“Be patient. I’m getting to it.” She said. “You’ve got that map on the table over there somewhere. Bring it over so I can show you what I mean.”

“Alright, alright.” Kaewyn said as he stood up and wandered over to the table. “Let me turn the lantern back on first.”

When he returned to the bed with the map and the lit lantern, Camilla snatched it from him eagerly and pointed as he spoke. He liked how passionate she was about her idea. She seemed to have come alive with every word as she continued to explain her idea.

“Here.” She said, pointing at the southern gatehouse. “If we send some troops to use the gatehouse to get onto the walls. Then those soldiers can travel west along the wall until they come to here.”

“The south western corner of Taneby’s walls...” Kaewyn said, watching Camilla’s finger moving across the map.

“Yes, exactly. Then, if they head north from that point, they come to the western gatehouse.” Camilla explained. “If they can take it from the Oscuan troops guarding it…”

“Then they can open the western gates as well…” Kaewyn said, realising where she was headed.

“…Then my brother’s troops can pour into Taneby from the west and help take the city.” She said excitedly. “What do you think Kaewyn?”

“Camilla… how did you ever come up with this? And so quickly? I’m very much impressed.” He said with genuine surprise.

“You aren’t just saying that to make me happy, are you?”

“Well, I do want to make you happy, but you would see right through me if I were to lie to you.” He chuckled. “In all seriousness Camilla, I think your idea could actually work. We should tell Marcus and the others, see what they think.”

“Oh… right.” She said softly as she lowered her head.

“I know you aren’t sure about telling the others, but your idea is a good one Camilla.” He said. “You should be proud that you came up with it so quickly.”

“I’m not worried about the others, just Marcus.” She sighed. “I’m sure he’ll disregard my idea before he even hears it, especially if he knows that I was the one who came up with it.”

“Look, I know he can be a bit of an arse, but Marcus does know what he is talking about.” He said. “I’m sure once he hears your idea, he will see it for what it is, rather than dismiss it because it came from you.”

“I don’t know. Maybe you could pretend it was your idea instead?”


“Please Kaewyn, pretend you came up with it and see what he thinks.”

“Are you sure that’s what you want?” He asked. “What if he likes your idea?”

“I do not care about the credit for coming up with it if that is what you mean. That’s really not important to me.” She said as she shook her head. “I just want to know that I have helped in some way. That something I came up with is being used.”

“Alright, alright. I suppose I can pretend I was the one who thought of it. Even if I do not like the idea of taking credit for your idea.”

“Thank you Kaewyn, it means a lot to me. Now I can rest and not worry.”

“Speaking of resting, we should get back to bed.” He said with a smile. “It will be dawn soon.”


Camilla laughed and poked at his side playfully. “That is rather presumptuous of you.”

“Wait, I thought—”

“Oh Kaewyn. For someone so intelligent, you are awfully easy to trick.”

He rolled his eyes and chuckled. “Only when it comes to you, Camilla.”

Kaewyn leaned in close to her, and seeing that she was receptive, he kissed her. When he lingered in their closeness in the hopes of another, he felt a single finger of hers lay across his lips.

“We really should get some sleep.” She said.

He couldn’t pretend he was not disappointed, but he knew that she had spoken truly. The next two days were likely to be filled by meetings of strategy and organisation. Preparing for the attack alone was probably going to take up the majority of his time. Getting some rest now while he had the opportunity was the smart decision, even if his heart yearned for something more.

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