《HxH: Walking The Path Of Evolution》Chapter 16: Return


I woke up with a clear mind. Looking out of the window, I could see a bright and clear sky. The previous storm was nowhere to be found.

I inspected my room once more and saw some things that weren’t there before. Namely, a ceramic cup filled with lukewarm tea and a note. Picking up the tea, I took a sip and read the note. It was about my absence and how the head caretaker wanted a chat.

I groaned, but this was expected. Somebody probably found me sleeping and informed her. It was a far better outcome than finding me awake. This way, both sides could get some time to prepare and the incoming chat would be more productive.

I sat down on my chair and drank the rest of the tea in silence. Trying to distract myself, I started thinking about my previous actions. When returning home, I forgot to check the island for nen users. If there were any, that could spell trouble. As unlikely as it would be, it could still result in a lot of hassle. After years of training, I was sure that most rooky nen-users couldn’t detect me, but against experienced hunters, I could only buy some time. Adult Zeno’s [EN] range was said to be around 300 meters, which, coupled with his speed, could cover the entire island in minutes.

Experienced nen-users usually wouldn’t care about another one existing near them, but if the other party was a child who’s membrane wasn’t supposed to be developed and had seemingly years of experience, it would raise a lot of questions. Questions I was unwilling to answer.

The only solution I found so far was to create a new technique. A technique that would allow me to remove the influence of my intent over natural aura. So to aura perception, I should look no different than empty air or at least close enough. But it would be extremely dangerous to use it. If a hunter with an explosive aura hatsu got some into my body, I would be literally defenceless. A non nen-user would be better off. Even zetsu would shield me far more than this. So it would only be useful for hiding and nen conditions.

I would think more, but a sound of footsteps alerted me to another’s presence. I spread my [EN] and realised it was the head caretaker Anita. But I also noticed that the kids were outside. It was only then that I noticed the time. It was already half past one.


And as expected, the doors opened. Standing in front of me was a tall woman, reaching her 50s. I sighed at the sight and moved over, making space for her to sit.

She obliged and gave me a smile. She said:

“I am glad you are back.”

“You had me worried, even though I knew there was nothing to worry about.”

“You are mature enough to be responsible for yourself, so I won’t pester you about the possible dangers. I am sure you are already aware of them.”

I nodded.

“So tell me, what do you think this chat is about?”

Being her usual self, she disliked pointless chatter. She directly went to the point.

I sighed before answering: “I suppose this is about my disappearance.”

She shook her head and said:

“What is done is done. I cannot change the past. You had your reasons for leaving and I don’t have any intention to get them out of you. What matters is that you are safe and healthy. I won’t stop you from going, but be aware that the others missed you.”

I looked at my feet, dangling off the bed and chuckled. It seems that this woman actually has some common sense about raising children. If she scolded me, that would have achieved nothing but alienate me. Instead, she welcomed me with open arms giving me a sense of acceptance, of belonging, strengthening my bond and making me open up to her.

“Now,” she continued. “You should know what is coming in two months, am I correct?” she asked, changing her tone completely, indicating a shift in topic.

I nodded. “School.”

She smiled at me and began talking.


“You are a bright young man and you can come far in life. You picked up aspects given to you and even improved them.”

“The speed at which you learned to read was incredible and mathematics seems to be a joke to you at this level. This opens a door for you in the world of academics.”

“You can pursue anything your heart desires and achieve it. I can clearly see the desire for knowledge in your eyes, but this island is nothing more than a burden to you.”

I tried to deny it, but quickly realised it was the truth. I got too attached to this island and the people here. It is still within the acceptable bounds, but it would still be hard to leave. And that could hold me back.


After waiting a while, letting me sort out my thoughts, she continued:

“I have a suggestion. An old friend of mine runs the school you will be going to. I can convince her to test your knowledge. If you meet the standards, you could be pushed up a grade or more. While the other children will go through the typical 3+2 program, you could finish your studies sooner and continue on your path towards higher education.”

“It is up to you to decide. Would you like to spend time with your friends and have fun, or would you like to pursue the world of academics and seek a brighter future?”

“I don’t expect an answer yet. It is a difficult choice to make. Whatever you decide, know that you can always change your decision. And deciding now, when you haven’t even experienced school, would be like planning a house, while not even knowing its location. In short, everything is up to you. My doors will always be open and you can always turn to me for advice.”

“Now, go out and play with your friends. They missed you.”

Saying that, she left the room, leaving me behind. I stared at the ceiling and pondered. But it was not to be, when a rushed sound of footsteps entered my ears. Standing at the door was Aron. He had changed from when I last saw him. He grew taller, but the smile was ever present on his face.

Without saying the word, he dragged me outside, shouting at the others that I came back. Everyone looked at me, smiles appearing on their faces, happy to greet their friend.


It was evening. The other children were tired and went to sleep, while I stayed awake and pondered.

What should I do? How much knowledge should I reveal? How many innovations should I bring to this world? How much attention should I attract? And how can I back all of it up?

Should I play the card of an absolute genius that revolutionises every field I am in, or should I play dumb and learn with the rest.

If I stay with my age group, I would have more free time to do whatever I want, but it would also take longer to complete my educational requirements. I want to learn as much as I can, but that would attract too much attention. I am sure that there are incredibly smart people in this world and if they start asking me questions, my fake genius would be seen through. I am not someone like Pariston or Ging. They play complicated mind games for enjoyment, while I couldn’t even hope to keep up with all of my strength. As soon as they saw through me, they would start asking how I got all of this knowledge and if they had any hunter connections, I could be sent to be mindread. And my mind holds far too many secrets.

A regular 3+2 program expects entry knowledge roughly equivalent to 3rd grade from Earth. After 3 years, I expect to reach 6th grade level. After that there is a half year break, when the students are encouraged to start healthy habits like hiking. Those who aren’t at the expected level are given extra courses. After the 6 months pass, two more years of studying begin.

I wouldn’t have to do much studying, since I already know most of the things taught in this program. This would leave me a lot of free time to experiment and slowly grow in strength while keeping a low profile.

On the other hand, I could blast through all of it, spend the first year pretending to study like crazy and finish all the things on the curriculum in the next few years. I would stand out, but not as much as if I directly skipped it entirely. I would only be seen as a genius with dedication.

I would probably be just another genius. But this could spell trouble. If someone came to me and started talking about nen, it would be bothersome. On one hand, I would have to continue playing the role of a curious genius, but I already know most of what they can teach me.

I sighed and moved over to my bed. Making decisions is so troublesome.

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