《Pokemon Oasis》Chapter 25: Lofi


‘What is so different about Hoenn’

“Stone” Heath mumbled loud enough in the silence for Norman to smirk melancholically.

“Stone is indeed the reason I chose Hoenn. He is one of the strongest of the leaders behind Cynthia who was declared by Red to be as slightly behind him and Blue. I didn’t go to Kanto due to the Genesis’s impact and Sinnoh didn’t offer me a position. Plus, they hated the fact that every other region was pretty far from Johto.” Norman’s smirk slid of as quickly as it came, and the mood turned more depressing by the minute.

“I think, Brendan will enjoy Hoenn. Well Little Root at least, Professor Birch and his family are great. May is cool, well it depends on whether or not your taking care of the Professor’s pokémon.” Heath made a small smile and laid back down on the poncho which was dry from the how long ago it rained.

‘Ughh things are getting more troublesome in this world. Good thing we have Stone here, Lance seems like a terrible leader… it seems like I need to get even stronger and collect more gyms if I don’t want to be pushed around, it might be time for my journey after this job’ Heath checked his bank account.



Amount: 285K

‘Everything is lining up, just a little more time and then soon.’

The rest of the night was uneventful and so was the nights following. They continued to be as quiet in the wilderness as the first night, and neither of them seemed to mind. It seemed like Norman was processing the effects of moving, Heath was making and finalizing his plans to start his journey but he would still have to wait since it would take at least a couple of days for Guts to get to 100%. Heath didn’t mind as he felt they would have all the time in the world unless something fucked happen.

“How much longer” Norman whined, he looked annoyed with the distance as they would have to continuously stop for him to take a break.

“We’re actually pretty close.” Heath noticed they were at the spot that Guts had joined their team, but everything felt different. Heath felt like there was dread, and hint of rage that was trying to consume them.

“You feel that?” Norman whispered. Heath saw that he looked slightly concerned but all of a sudden the ominous feeling vanished.

[Mission acquired: Into danger

Details: Find out what’s wrong with the forest’s inhabitants

Reward: ???]

Heath felt a chill down his spine, but that too vanished as soon as they felt.

‘Someone’s their’

Heath whipped his head around and his senses became sharper as it felt like when he fought the Ursaring again, but instead of being enraged this being. It felt more like a spirit.

“You, okay?” Norman asked concerned. The whole situation was suscipisious.

“Yeah” Heath nodded

“This place just gives me the chills. Let’s get outa here” Heath was adamant on leaving since due to him being handicapped. Norman agreed and they went down the path, finding their way out of the forest and into Little Root. Not much changed since Heath was gone but he was only gone for less than a month.


The feeling of dread lifted, and the pressure dissipated from the air instantly making Heath relax. Heath noticed Norman was also more relaxed.

“There’s not much better than Little Root’s small-town feel” Heath faked a smile trying to forget what just happened moments earlier.

“Well, we did live in New Bark Town. So I know all about that” Norman grinned back

‘Does he know of Ethan, and Lyla then…They don’t exist as trainers, but Brendan doesn’t either but might once he comes here’ Heath thought as they walked through the town. It was around midday so most of the shops were open and were occupied by customers.

“Heath!! You’re back”

Heath and Norman both turned around to see Vanessa looking dumbfounded by the sudden revelation that Norman, the soon to be gym leader was with him.

“N-n-n-nn-norman?? The new Gym Leader of Petalburgh?” Vanessa squealed loud enough to get other people’s attention and soon people from all over were gazing upon Heath and his mission in progress.

“You should’ve worn you’re disguise” Heath whispered. He didn’t really like the attention even though most were also confused to why Heath was there.

‘I haven’t stayed here long enough for people to think of me as one of them…. And now I brought a gym leader with me. I must be some type of weirdo in their mind.’ Heath shook his head and looked towards Vanessa who had obtained a slight blush. She walked near Heath and whispered.

“I’m sorry,”

“Take him to birches, while I quell this crowd. But we need to talk… Understood?” Vanessa ordered, and Heath nodded. He started to walk away motioning the slightly annoyed Norman with him.

“She didn’t mean any harm. Plus, these people are pretty kind and loyal so they we kept hush-hush once they see you enter Birch’s” Heath tried to analyze the situation as logically and it turned out he had a lot more faith in Little Root’s people than he anticipated.

“Don’t worry, I get that all of the time. I just wish I had some type of disguise, and I hope you’re right about Little Root. My family will be arriving in a couple of days once I leave.”

“Didn’t you say that you would be there in a couple of days after I arrived to Oldale City?” Heath asked suspiciously.

“Yeah like, you, the trainer who is supposedly ‘new’ but manage to decapitate an Alpha Ursaring with a Piplup.” Norman shot back with an even bigger shit eating smirk that annoyed Heath.

“Look, You have potential according to Red and I certainly believe him. He is my boss so it’s not exactly my choice but I see your spirit” Norman smiled that was unlike the smirk he gave.

“Also yes, my wife is exceptionally more abled in expertise of time, So they will be here in that time.” Norman defended.

“Cool, but you won’t be staying long im guessing?” Heath asked.

“Nope. I’m here to check my house, though I might have to do that later due to the crowd seeing me.” Norman replied, and with that they continued their short walk to Birch’s lab which took less time then Heath initially thought it would.


He quickly opened the door, and saw May playing with Torchic, and Birch doing research on the computer that Heath used when he originally arrived here. They both looked towards him with similar smiles, but before anyone had the chance to talk. He heard a noise from the opposite site of the opened refrigiator.

“Have they finally arrived! Took them long enough.” a head peek out, and Heath recognized the man as Professor Oak.

“Well come in won’t you, don’t let the air out, it’s too hot to leave the door wipe open for anyone to come in. Or worse find out we’re here” Professor Oak closed the refrigator mimicking the act he wanted them to do. Heath and Norman quickly enter the lab with Heath closing the door behind them. Norman went to talk to Birch while Heath went to talk to Oak who seemed interested in Heath’s presence. Samuel Oak was wearing his tradition greyish white hair matching his lab coat which was neatly drapped over a pale green dress shirt and tan slacks, but Heath noticed there was something off with him.

‘His aura is non-existent? That can’t be, but it is. May’s aura is bright, bustling, and so is Birch’s but Oak is different’ Heath analyzed. Oak seemed to be doing the same, but it took him less time to figure things out.

“You’re not from here, are you?” Oak smiled, and continued to wonder over to Heath’s position

“What?!?” Heath blurted out a little shocked.

“. It’s just you look like someone from Unova, though that region has a lot of unique faces” Oak chuckled.


“Sorry, sometimes’s I get a little a head of myself. Name’s Samuel Oak or as people call me Professor Oak the former Pokémon Master, and a ton of accolades that mean little to me.” Oak outstretched his hands.

“I know who you are Professor, it’s just you’re a legend. And you are right in front of me. It’s uncanny.” Heath stuttered.

“My name is Heath, a new trainer and a currently Professor Birch’s Assistant” Heath introduced himself.

“New?” Oak question visibly confused. May was the one to answer.

“Yeah, he started about a month ago.”

“Well, you have grown extremely strong in this month” Professor Oak explained.


“Can I see one of your pokémon?” Oak asked without missing a beat.

“Oak, is this-”

“I’m not requesting a ton... A simple observation is all I seek” Professor rebutted Birch’s question before it finished. Heath looked to Birch who looked to be sorry but didn’t say anything other than that. Heath activated Piplup’s pokéball and the young penguin came out. It seemed to be confused by Professor Oak who got extremely close to him.

“He feels like the man in the forest, and you” Piplup warned. Heath took note, but he was also glad that over the days traveling in the forest that Piplup felt better than when they were at the Hotel. He would spend more time outside like he used to, but he sometimes spent time in the pokéball at random. Piplup went over to Heath to be pick up who didn’t mind, and Oak eye’s sparkled similar to Birch when he was talking about pokémon.

“That is a strong Piplup you have there.” Oak analyzed.

“Yeah, We had a lot of battles during the mission”

“And It’s very healthy. Peak condition, and it seems your bond is pretty strong.” Professor Oak continued.

“Uh- Thanks I guess.” Heath nodded.

“May I see your other pokémon?” Professor Oak continued smiling and Heath thought it would be creepy but somehow the professor seemed to be genuinely curious. Heath still held onto his hesitance through the interaction but the old man’s suave was slowly making Heath lower his guard.

“C’mon chap, You need to trust more.”

The professor’s voice intermingled with his Memory with Red that had seemingly impacted him. Heath pressed Guts pokéballs gingerly and a red beam imposed on the floor and eventually revealed the duck who had a wrapped wing. May gasped due to the distinct restriction while Birch seemed to suspect this from the hesitance.

“He looked to battling something above his pay grade, but it looks like this Galarian Farfetch’d has been well taken off besides that.” Oak analyzed once more which spooked Heath.

‘How did he know? Well, we are talking about the OG professor that started it all’ Heath sighed. Heath put Guts back in the pokéball while leaving Piplup who was contempt to be in Heath’s possession and then sat on the couch to get comfortable.

“Birch, this young man seems to be capable. Have you offer-”

“YO MAY” Vanessa barged in, and saw all of them seemingly staring at him, which took a lot of stress off of Heath who at this point just wanted to get paid and go to bed.

“Vaness-” May went to scold, but she turned to her father.

“Dad, I’m sorry. I know you said you didn’t want anyone knowing.” May looked towards Vanessa with the promise of justice, and Vanessa just seemed to be oblivious to all of this as she eyes probed Professor Oak. May not wanting to make things anymore awkwards grabbed Vanessa’s hands and dragged her towards the couch.

‘The cat’s out of the bag already, so I guess this would be minimizing the damage. Vanessa really like celebrities.’ Heath observed quietly while the adults talked.

“It’s alright May, Oak isn’t staying too long. He just wanted to say hello to you, his god daughter” Birch noted

‘Why does he want to meet me.’

“And to meet Heath... who Birch has been bragging about.”

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