《Pokemon Oasis》20| Monster Inc.



Heath turned around to see Arthur waving for him to come back and so he did.

“Sorry to bother you but I just remembered and I just thought you would like to know. The Oldale City gym is opening soon and you said that you were building a team. You should participate, I think you would give the gym a decent fight” Arthur smiled, and then left to go back inside.

“Thanks for the info” Heath made a strange expression as he was cut off before he could finish.

‘I should just... leave this area’ going off into the bustling city again. He thought about all of the pokémon the shop had.

‘I could’ve definitely bought one but that would leave me in scrambling for money to provide food for my pokémon all of the time. Especially in the beginning. I should hold off. Cause apparently 50K pokédollars is not a lot of money.’ Heath said as he entered another shop.

This shop was a Technical Machine and Vitamin shop. They provided a lot of quality and quantity of items but with the rarity of TM’s and the arduous process of Vitamins, the prices of the moves Heath wanted were astronomically expensive. So with no choice, Heath left the building and strolled around the city. Birch called to make sure he was alright and he said that he had already made it in the city. Birch was surprised but knowing Heath is a decent trainer he made no issue of it. Birch told Heath Norman would be getting to town late that night and that Norman would meet him in the town square tomorrow which wasn’t far from the Pokémon Center that he went to last night. Heath agreed and wished Birch a good day.

‘Well, what should I do for the rest of the day’ Heath thought as he looked towards the sun’s position. Not knowing how to tell time by the sun, Heath looked at his C-Gear and saw that it was only midday.

‘Should I go and see if there are any missions? Probably.’ Heath thought. He saw the mission board in the Pokémon Center, so he immediately went there.

Arriving. Heath saw that the wall had a lot more catching missions which were apparently popular due to the unlimited amount of pokémon the union needed to give their trainers for their first pokémon. Heath chose a couple of easy ones which included Poochyhena, Weedle, Nidoran, and a assortment of others that paid rather handsomely compared to what Heath saw in Little Root.

‘Well, I guess people have to give back to the hunters somehow.’ Heath thought as he saved a couple of non-catching missions. They were still limited to 1 but knowing that it was city he didn’t worry about the lack of supply. Heath ordered them from least accomplishable within the day to most accomplishable and continued on walking to the south end of the City when he heard a ding

[Quest Issued: Beat the Night

Quest Details: Complete 10 missions before daylight

Reward: Skill Trainer’s Instinct]

‘Trainer’s Instinct? Is that a battle related skill, or something else?’ Heath wondered as continued strolling southbound. On the way towards the edge of the city Heath focus on the missions he had to accomplish.


[C- rank: Catch a Nidoran]

[C – rank: Catch a Mankey ]

[D-rank: Catch a pidgey]

[C- rank: Catch a Slakoth]

[F rank: Get Oran Berries]



Surprisingly there weren’t a lot of people who wanted berries from the nearby forest so Heath grabbed the easy ones that he could find but there were a few that overlapped with some of the quests back at Little Root that paid a little better, so he handed what he had and it ended up completing 5 of them which got 50,000K from.

He immediately handed it in since he had left over berries from hunting in forest previously and immediately saw the Quest Counter go up. Another thing Heath noticed is that the Quest didn’t have a bonus item. None of the quest did and there were a surplus of questions running through Heath’s mind, but he ignored them for now instead focusing on finding a map of route 102.

‘Where is it. They have to have it’

After a little bit of digging Heath finally found the map and it showed the area were pokémon were most common at but there were multiple edits of the map.

‘Is this it? It’s the most common and seemingly the most available one.’ Heath said as they walked through route 102 and saw trainers walking with their pokémon, arguing with other people, and a variety of other things Heath didn’t bother doing. Heath even saw trainers chasing after their partners.

‘What rookies’ Heath thought. He evaded all of the troublesome people by going through deep into the forest and walking through an unbeaten path.

[Time skip: sometime later]

“Use Joust” Heath ordered.

Guts was currently fighting a pair of Mankey that seemed pissed that Heath wouldn’t feed them but he had no choice as he was running out of food. Guts thrusted the large leek at Mankey’s leg and the Mankey responded in a grunt.

‘Troublesome’ Guts and Heath thought simultaneously.

“Man Man, MA KeYY!!” Mankey shouted and its partner was the one to advance. It traversed the landscape like it was born for the environment and quickly approached Guts who was cautious of the pair of opponents before it. The tan monkey swiped using its move scratch, but Guts effortlessly parried without the order of Heath.

“use brick break” Heath announced. The duck made no attempt to announce agreement and its leek glowed once more and guts lifted it before swiping down on Mankey who was sit in mid motion of the scratch. Guts landed the hit on Mankey who was sent down to the floor and bounced hard against the earth. With both of the wild pokémon unconscious the Galarian Farfetch’d calmly put the leek on its shoulder and walked back triumphantly to Heath who smiled.

“Jeez, you and that leek are powerful.”

Guts only nodded before being put in its pokéball.

[Guts has leveled up]

[Guts has leveled up]

“The fight would’ve ended sooner if I fought” Piplup sneered on top of Heath’s head. During the battle Piplup felt no need to move from its most comfortable spot and so he had decided to stay.


“Says you, who didn’t even react or try to help in this whole ideal.” Heath defended.

“Hmph” Piplup pouted, and Heath decided to catch the two Mankey’s seeing what he would get from either the professor or any buying pokémon shops for the second one

‘So what now? Mission status’

[Quest Issued: Beat the Night

Quest Details: Complete 10 missions before daylight

Current status: 8/10

Would you like to hand in the [C-rank: Catch a Mankey quest?]

Yes or No

‘Yes’ Heath thought as he quickly grabbed the red and white pokéballs from the ground and put them in his SSD. They were absorbed and Heath felt his wrist vibrate from his PokéGear. He checked and it read.

[Count Updated: 9/10]

‘Pokemon 2’

Guts (Farfetch’d)

Age: 10 (M)

Lv. 15 (Silver)

Exp: 165/500

Moves: Peck, Focus Energy [Minor Mastery], Leer, Fury Cutter, Brick Break, Counter, Joust [Minor Mastery], Rock Smash

Ability: Scrappy, Steadfast

‘So the Ratata, Pidgey, Mankeys, and Sentret pushed Guts to level 15. Not bad at all.’ Heath thought before looking at what quest he wanted to do.

“Should we just catch a Nidoran, Piplup?”

“Sure.. just leave me out of it” Piplup complained.


Heath and Piplup made there way around the forest searching high and low for anything that might resemble the pokémon they were looking for.

“It’s been literal hours” Heath murmured to himself, while going through the brush and foilage. Heath entered the clearing and saw a stump in the middle of it with the sun shining through the holes of the canopy. Heath decided to sit down and immediately sighed when he sat.

“Should we continue searching for Nidoran, Piplup?”

“We haven’t even found a pokémon randomly. Which is weird, usually there would b ”


Heath snapped his head and big brown monster with red eyes and a round circle around it’s belly.

“What the-”


Immediate chills were sent down Heath’s spine and he was stricken with a sickening fear that hit the pits of his stomach.

‘What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck’ Heath repeated in his head.

“Ursa- UrsaRinnnggggg” The Ursaring was mad with rage and power and looked at Heath as he would be a meal to consume.

“Should I fight it?”


Age: 22

Gender: F

Rank: Gold

Potential: Gold

Moves: Roar, Scary Face, Hammer Arm [Minor Mastery], Leer, Payback, Slash, Rest, Thrash, Crunch [Minor Mastery]

Ability: Unnerve, Pressure, Guts

‘I don’t know if I can do this’ Heath looked at the Ursaring with horror. A gold and it was the first one that has appeared in his life.

‘Can Piplup even scratch Ursaring. -’


The Ursaring roared once again, disrupting Heath’s thoughts.

‘If I don’t try. I’ll die and this is not where it ends.’

[Mission issued: A real challenge

Details: beat the enraged and intolerable Ursaring.

Reward: +1 to previous mission counter and random item]

Making no quick movements he slides his hand in his side pocket.

“Piplup you ready for a challenge” Heath asked while shaking, his whole body was stricken with a visible shaking.

“No” Piplup replied with a pip. Heath finally grasped Guts Pokéball and pulled it out slowly while asking internally.

‘Where are the rare candies?’

[Rare Candies are in your SSD]

Heath released Guts which caused the Ursaring to become beserk and start to approach them.

“Piplup use aqua ring and keep it on while you whittle down it’s health. Slow it down for a couple of minutes.” Heath said pointing at the charging Ursaring who’s red eyes where laid upon them.

[Defying Bravery has activated.]

Piplup scrounged up all of his confidence in his trainer and used aqua ring and water gun in order to get Ursaring’s attention on himself while Heath dug into spatial backpack to grab all of the rare candies.

‘I wanted to save these a little while but I need to save my life more’ Heath quickly decided. He released Guts who’s head turn immediately to Ursaring.

“I need to help” Guts calmly said and then turning to Heath to wait for direction.

“Yes you do but I need you to eat these” Heath showed the candies wrapped in a purple crinkly plastic.

“What are-”

“Candies. They’ll help you out”

Heath quickly unwrapped the six of them and handed them over. Guts quickly consumed all of the sweet candy and he made a disgusted face.

“I hate sweets” Guts sighed but gulped all of them down.

[Guts has leveled up]

[Guts has leveled up]




“I feel-”

“Guts go and use Joust. Serve as Vanguard” Heath ordered quickly. Guts ran, almost flying towards the battle scene where Piplup used the aqua ring as a flotation device while using Water gun. All of them knew Piplup was strong but the best at close combat so Guts would be serving as the aggro in the situation. Guts threw the leek at the bear’s gut which only caused Ursaring to roar.

“Pokemon 1, Pokemon 2”


Age: 7(M)

Lv. 24 [Silver]/ {19(Silver)}

Exp: 22/885

Moves: Pound, Growl, Water Gun, Aqua Ring[Minor Mastery], Bubble Beam, Peck

Ability: Torrent, Speed Boost

Items: Defying Bravery

Guts (G. Farfetch’d)

Age: 10 (M)

Lv. 21 (Silver)

Exp: 0/500

Moves: Peck, Focus Energy [Minor Mastery], Leer, Fury Cutter, Brick Break, Counter, Joust [Minor Mastery],Rock Smash

Ability: Scrappy, Steadfast

“Piplup distract Ursaring again with bubble beam while Guts stand down and use Focus Energy. Keep using it until I say so” Heath orders.

Ursaring goes for a slash and then a slam. Guts counters with his own Joust and the collision makes a shockwave that make the trees rustle. Guts using the momentum to fall back and immediately goes into a meditative position to use focus energy.

Ursaring uses work up using it to build up strength and then starts running towards the defensive pokémon.

[Speed boost activates]

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