《Pokemon Oasis》04| Moving Goal Post


'That's wild.' Heath thought. It was nothing like he thought it would be, but it seemed like his wish for it to not be like the games were granted.


"Uhm. There's the Research Guild which I am a part of. Our main focus is collecting data on pokémon so that we can inform the public and learn more about these beautiful creatures that have been in our lives for hundreds of years. People who register in our guild would mostly be fellow professors and people such as yourself who we sign up every 6 months or so. The Research Guild is mostly decentralized but we are strong for a reason. We all nominate who we think have a lot of potential and they are treated as our future, meaning they get special awards that general members don't. We will give you some money and pokéballs on the simple promise that you help us in our goal. Of course, you can become a pokémon trainer as some of our professors were renowned prodigies like Samuel Oak of Kanto, and Professor Sycamore of Kalos." Birch explained.

'That's intriguing' Heath noted. Heath was glad that there were at least a couple of different options he could choose from as he did want to become a Pokémon Trainer and a great Pokémon Trainer at that. It was the main reason why he chose this world, but it seemed like things were going to be a lot more complicated.

"There's also the option of Joining the Union. Its main goal is to grow the strength of our people. A noble but dangerous goal. The leaders are comprised of the Champions of each region, and so they are ranked trainers. They themselves have a leader who is considered the strongest which is why he is granted the title of pokémon master. Then, you have the elite four who are in charge of what the gym leaders can't handle… Are you with me so far?" Birch questioned. Midway he forgot he was speaking with someone who currently had amnesia.

"Yeah, so far so good. I just can't remember anything relatively personal I am sorry being a trouble" Heath apologized.

"It's fine, this is part of my Job as the main professor ambassador anyways. So yeah, joining them you don't have as much trouble as far as requirements to get a stipend, but you have a lot of competition if you want to grow to be anything, as unlike the Research Guild, 98% of Union members are Pokémon Trainers." Birch confessed.

"Is that all?" Heath asked.

"Well, no, but It's all that I'm willing to explain at the moment. I have to get started on feeding the Pokémon. Though for the time being, you can use the computer here. It has most of the information if you know how to search for it. Take your time, and then come to me with your choice. Even if you don't decide who you want to join, I'll just register you as an unsponsored trainer later" Birch smiled. Heath was glad that he came here as Birch seemed to be extremely generous given the circumstances. Birch got up, and gave Heath the chair, and walked off. Heath sat down, and immediately began his search. First, he searched up some of the professors.

'Oak check, Elm check….Magnolia check?' Heath thought. He then searched up the trainer database to hopefully see some recognizable names. When he did, he saw Lance, Steven and even Alder though it says he was unranked which Heath found odd. Going to the trainer search function he put 'Ash Ketchum' but no matches, which then he searched up Red who popped up. Gary, and Leaf also popped up. He checked the rest of the protagonist from the games, but it seemed like they weren't in here yet. He also searched up their actual names and still no hits but what he did find out was Brendan appeared to exist, though not in the trainer database registry. He seemed to still be under his father's shadow. He then searched up Norman and it seemed like there was announcements of a gym leader change with him coming to Hoenn soon to take over the eighth gym. A couple of news article predicted that they will soon see if Brendan would be just like his father, as he was turning 15 soon which meant he would be soon eligible to become a pokémon trainer.


'So, they might just be too young, maybe I will have some competition in this world of pokémon' Heath thought. He then pulled up a lot of information on the world he was currently in. The first thing he found out was that time was 1:3 ratio approximately compared to earth.

'Every year here consisted of 36 months instead of 12 years. And it also seemed that we grow according to that basis as well. So, I will have a lot of time on his hands' Heath smiled.

He was again glad that he wasn't born as a child as things might have gone to shit. He looked at the geography, and it seemed like the maps in the game were accurate and it also appeared that there were continents and islands that he wasn't aware of. He figured he would eventually learn more about that as time pass, so he decided that he would look for more information regarding the Research Guild and the Union.

After a little digging Piplup got bored and quickly stumbled off by waddling away without Heath's knowledge. What Heath found was that there was three main organization that held any weight: The Union was the combination of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova. The other regions had their own things going on and were in the state of partial isolationism. Champions of the communicating regions are a part of a council that regulated all of the laws and Tariffs. it ran as a type of democracy as far as he could tell. They also had a 'Elder' who was the Rank #0 and was possibly the strongest Pokémon Trainer in existence. The current Pokémon Master for all databases is unknown, but below them is the champion and after that it was the region's elite four who serve as a senate for the people. The Champion also gives them a type of enforcement role.

Below the four are the gym leaders who served to protect their own territories. Champions, and Elite four were interchangeable once a year if someone is high enough to rank for their position but gym leaders are actually stagnant unless removed by a group decision from the Elite four, and the Champion. Not a single entity could do it alone. Otherwise, once the gym leader wanted to retire, they would have to train up a replacement or one would be randomly assigned based on rank and most gym leaders didn't want to leave a city that they helped grew or defended to a stranger.

Originally is the rule of gym leader's training or electing a successor but due to the Union's mission to strengthen trainer they had made the rule under the preconception of them wanting competition but also the fact that they could achieve better stability in their regions. There were also clans and things like but for some reason Heath couldn't gain access to that information. To find out more he would need to register to the Union which there were two ways, the regular way of going to the pokémon center or by recommendation but it seemed like not much information would be given once you get to a proficient rank registering under a pokemon trainer but there were others route to choose.

You could become a couple of things as far as occupations concerned. There was the Pokémon Trainer, which all they asked was for you to grow stronger and protect the public. The Daycare worker, though they needed a paper showing you will work for a company or make said company. A mover which required the same, A ranger which had no requirement, and an official hunter which required a license. Heath then tried to search up more about the other two, but it seemed like only basic info was available. One thing was for certain, the Research Guild was seemingly the least corrupt.


"Heath, I'm sorry to bother you with the researching but can you help. My daughter would usually help but she's helping her mother with something. It seems like they're preparing for the new arrivals that will be coming in a couple of weeks" Birch asked.

"Sure, what do you need help with?" Heath asked, he didn't mind helping as Birch has been so kind so far.

"Just feeding the Pokémon. I have to go a meeting and for that I need to go to my personal office. Everyone is pretty busy so it should only take a couple of minutes. Feel free to feed your Piplup though he might already be eating." Birch joked. Heath Immediately got up and went the door that seemed to lead outside where he saw a where the earlier fence gated off. It wasn't too large, but not knowing where anything was. Heath felt confused with the whole situation. Good thing Birch was still there.

"Don't worry, it's easy" Birch walked in front of Heath, and went to the six containers that were different colors.

"The containers are color coded with area that are in. All I need you to do is finish these last four. The blue, yellow, green, and purple containers. I did the first two, and so you take a bag which should be enough for each area. You take the bag, then you take it to the designated area. Rip it open, pour it in the container that should be labeled food. Call them over and if they don't respond ring the bell a couple of times then move on to the next. After that we both should be done and maybe if you are interested, I can teach you a couple of things. After all of that lunch, we can decide what where you will sleep for the night. Okay?" Birch explained. Heath nodded trying to sort all of the information in his head before he forgot anything. Birch left, leaving Heath alone by his lonesome.

'I wonder what the meeting is about' Heath wondered.


'I hope he will be okay; I know I dumped my responsibilities on him, but if he accepts to stay here. I want him to get used to the pokémon just in case I'm not here.' Birch thought. He walked back to the lab and went to his office. He saw an office desk filled to the brim with mismanaged papers. He remembers his night of researching the different theories of the primordial legendaries in the world but without an actual legendary he could only go so far. He quickly cleaned up his mess, fixed his hair and turned on his computer while he put the finishing touches to his hair. He checked the time and he was about to be late, so he quickly joined the meeting. Once he joined, he saw all of the professor leaders of the Research Guild.

"Morning" Birch yawned.

"You do know that most of us, except for Birch and Oak are in different timezones right?" A man with a purple shirt and slick hair. Since everyone had labels on their screen it wasn't hard to know that the person complaining was Professor Sycamore of the Kalos region. He was one of the new professors that joined the guild a couple of years ago, but his newbie spot was replaced by the two new professors that currently weren't here as the the time zone difference was too much for them.

"So, Sycamore.. any luck with the new trainers?" Oak smiled. He was the founder of the pokémon guild after years of doing things solo. He wanted to give more to the trainers who figured out that the Union might not be the best place for them.

"Soon, but I still have to convince one of them since he was/is already a trainer with a lot of promise. He was one of the prodigies that died out before he hit any reasonable achievements but including him…I do have a batch of 5 coming up, and I want all of them to be prioritized" Sycamore replied. Everyone had a look of confusion as most of the professors has only VIP membered one or two. Even Professor Oak himself has only helped 3 at one time and one went on to become a Pokémon Master while the other became a Pokémon Champion. The third became an expert Pokémon Breeder, and A fellow pokémon professor.

"Fascinating. I guess it is that generation" A professor with earrings and light brown hair sighed.

"Juniper don't be so fickle" Birch commented. The Professor were all good friends even if they argued with each other. Of course, they all had the same goal and that's the only reason why they were invited within as leaders in the guild.

"So shall we commence this meeting?" Professor Oak said.

"Yes" All replied.

"This meeting is simply to decide how many VIP spots we will have as well as discussing potential stars". After a couple of bantering from some of the headstrong professors, it was decided that in the except of Sycamore, and the two new professors they each would have three vip recommendations that wasn't voted on.

Back to Heath.

'Okay I did all of them but I still haven't found Piplup' Heath was concerned of Piplup getting eaten. He walked around and then he heard.

"Piplup Pip" Heath found Piplup playing a Mudkip. The two seemed like the best of buds so Heath sat down, and decided to check the system.






[User has figured out a function of the system. System awards User with 1x Rare Candy]


[Quest Completed: Find where you are located.

Quest details: You have been reincarnated and you are aware in your current state, that you might face immediate danger. Find where your located, and if there is any human civilization nearby.

Reward: System tutorial]

[The system will be initiating the Tutorial]

[User has been implemented with a System that changes based upon how user's strength grows from the typical trainer. Instead of this world Rankings, User will grow pokémon with levels similar to the games.]

'Anything else?' Heath thought.

[From the word of creator this world will test your will, bravery, and courage. Past and Future will not be hidden, and I am not here for you to simply survive, so thrive and unlock the features of the system. Choose your pokémon and be careful of people. Become the best]

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